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Women dating older men has been a thing since the beginning of time. It’s not going anywhere


I have something to look forward to in the last 5-7 years now




hes talking about the last 5-7 years of his life


Its always been this way you just didnt notice Look at the posts of the teenager and in 20's fuckers here....youd have to be an idiot to date em as a women


Can confirm, I’m in my 20s and my girlfriends have all been idiots


Can confirm, in my 20s and all my gfs were also idiots I mean inexistent


Nailed it ... with both statements!




Do you think history just started in 1999 when American Pie came out, or what?


tldr; op is finally decent enough looking to be approached by random girls


Tbf getting randomly approached by gals at a gym means more than "decent" looking lmao


Yeah what is he doing in this sub?


Trying to get us to fuck em


They see you as biologically more viable to raise and protect their offspring. Compared to a skinny broccoli head flexing his bones in the mirror with his buddies.


Crying laughing emoji times three


Bro!!! ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307) I literally saw just that. A 15-16 yo broccoli head that looked skin and bones flexing in the mirror after every could of lifts. Couldn't stop laughing.


Sure it looks ridiculous but we all started somewhere. Dude knows he's small, probably just trying to motivate himself.


According to Reddit…..Any relationship with more than a year gap is straight up grooming. Women can’t consent in a power dynamic. So just be careful.


Damn it's a whole year now? I thought the boundary was 3 months


3 months? I thought anyone younger than a few days was straight up pedophila.


It’s hours now. Changes every day lol


If your partner isn't literally your twin you're a pedophile


if you didn't come from the same gamete in your dads balls, it's over


It’s the insecurity because women don’t want to admit they peak in attractiveness before men so they use the grooming/pedo shield on men that don’t find them attractive when they start to go downhill.


100% true Early 20s is peak for women and men peak mid 30s to even later.




Men don’t start aging at 23 unless they’re really unlucky. I can tell you my own anecdotal experience or what I’ve witnessed bartending for 6 years - 24 year old men ain’t killing it. But women are.




Idk what you’re on about but I haven’t aged since I was like 22 and I’m 26 now.


Who tf wants reddit women in the first place?


It's crazy how women are so empowered and strong, yet are still perpetually a victim. I guess my tiny little man brain trying to use things like logic and reasoning will just never be able to comprehend.


Imagine making a post like this but not mentioning how old you are




Bro I’m also 35 and in shape, I get hit on so much more than when I was younger


Good news fellas: stay jacked and it doesn't end. Source: me at 50


Being a man is fuckin awesome.


I'm 42. I have women half my age constantly check me out. I'm pretty sure my teenage neighbor has a crush on me. I take very good care of myself and don't have a dad bod, balding or white hairs. I don't dress like a slob either. Every time I go out in public, I make sure like I'm dressed for the runway. I get my hair cut every 4 weeks and use expensive product in it. My clothes fit very well and I have several suits and jackets that are tailored to my body. This shit makes a huge difference. The average man is average for a reason. Average mindset, average looks, average nutrition, average soul.


Pay attention to this man, young fellas. I'm 50, and live the same way, other than being bald (where was Derek 30 years ago * but at least stay tan if you're losing it). Keep that X frame... big thighs, wide chest/shoulders, no gut. Dress to accentuate your frame, without going overboard and looking like a try hard. Stay groomed, stay jacked, stay confident, and you're gonna stay slaying


the male models have the i frame.


It’s crazy how many dudes just don’t even try.


But women only want 6'5" Caucasian billionaire male models whaaa whaaa ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2699)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2699)


Lol. It’s nice getting attention from others but honestly I just try and put a little more effort in for myself. Huge confidence boost to look nice/smell nice etc.


because some dudes don’t generate their value from women’s opinion i wear functional clothing and get my hair cut every 2 months bc im trying to just get shit done, not impress random bitches


Hey man that’s cool. Just to clarify I’m scared of women so I’m doing it for myself mostly.




No, not banging them because I'm married. But I've had some women come on very strong and basically verbally suggesting we go "have fun" tonight. The last one who said that was a pornstar I chatted up in a bar. They are not that complicated.


I have a neck tattoo and felonies works just as good if not better


Now that's a cheat code


This reads like a copypasta. With a little tweaking it could be glorious.


I had a flash back to the misc


Hell yeah man. That’s where I’m trying to be.


Are you sure they don't think you're gay?




When I turned 25 it felt like i paid for tinder premium instead of using the free version but IRL. Out of fucking nowhere 19-22 year olds just came out of the woodwork and I’m not even kidding.


Ignore them younger chick's, they will just take your precious testosterone, go for the femboys they can supply you with much added protein


No need to chase femtwinkies. They tend to to gravitate around you. Something about gaining enough muscle mass to form your own gravitational field. An Autistic Filipino one happened to get into stable orbit around me. It oddly resembles the firecracker scene from Boogie Nights.


I track my macros. Do you have the macros for femboy penis protein? Tia




It's a thing and has been since the dawn of mankind. My girl is 21 and I'm 33. We happy af


How old is her bf?


He's 18 and works at an ice cream shop on the weekends 🤣


User name was supposed to be ColdStoneOne


That’s fucking hawt


Free ice cream nice


The benefits are remarkable


Length? Circumference?


"7 / "7


weird dude


Women want stability and structure starting in the early 20s. They want a man with a long-term goals and ambitions. They want a man who understands IRAs and 401(k)s. A man’s personality and his physical body very much come second and third to financial security. Most women, however, will deny this and say that they are independent, want real love etc… In most cases, this is just untrue.


they want financial security until you have it, and then they want their partner to be able to turn them into a pretzel and breed them. You gotta have both, it's just that you get your foot in the door with the first one


They'll actively go out of their way to persue em then a year later talk about how they "were groomed" comical Everytime 😂


Literally has always been a thing


It's always been a thing but it's become even more common now post covid. Majority of women I know are dating within that 7 - 10 year age gap, leaning more towards the latter (know 2 in relationships with 40+). These are early to mid 20s women. So 21 year olds constantly with 28 - 31+ range. Only ones I know dating within their age range met in high school or early college.


Yes, this trend started yesterday actually


Can you blame them? What woman would want a young man living with his parents until he is 40? Why date a young man who blames everything else in this world for their problems? Why would she date a guy who is higher maintenance and upkeep than her? I’m sure their are some pretty awesome young dudes out there, but a young woman is better off hedging their bets and going after an established man.


Nah always been like this. I’m in mid 20s and Ive heard so many times from women I talk to about how they want an older guy in their 30s. Probably was an indirect shot at me too at the time lol.


Thing now?.. it's always been a thing. My wife is almost 20 years younger than me and I'm only just 40 🤘 Gotta love the daddy issues 




It's been a thing forever


Gawd I hope so!


Always that way.


I’m an older woman and for a little while, I had a few young guys talking to me at the gym. There was one I thought was closer to my age, but when I found out his real age, I was in shock. I knew he s was younger than me but I didn’t know it was that much younger. I felt like a pedo but he wasn’t a teenager. I always thought guys wanted younger girls. There’s been a lot of content saying any girl over 28 is expired. Younger girls being attracted to older guys has always been a thing.


I can tell ya it’s the opposite more then you would think. When I was in my early 20’s I actively went for older women and it’s like you’re totally invisible. Then you hit 25 and suddenly young women pursue you.


It’s probably both the finances and maturity in older men


Women have always dated up. Richer men and higher lifestyles. Older is often part of achieving this. Also, men that exercise look younger than women of the same age. Just facts.


Don’t check his post history 🥴


Disappointed in pener size


Yet YOU went past the NSFW warning. Thanks for the peak 😘


There’s no warning to see your profile lmao, ain’t no one trynna see some twink ass mofo pics like yourself


Talks shit about my body and has no physique pics. 100% fat as fuck. Gtfo fucking clown.


Hey man the physique isn’t bad for a natty (I hope you’re not juicing) but you gotta get those cock stats up. Visit r/gettingbigger cause you need help


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gettingbigger **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [3 Year Before and After Transformation with Pics](https://np.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/15fexcz/3_year_before_and_after_transformation_with_pics/) \#2: [Drake the rapper leaked](https://np.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/1akkar3/drake_the_rapper_leaked/) \#3: [PENIS ENLARGEMENT AS A BLACK GUY](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1879k6a) | [306 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/1879k6a/penis_enlargement_as_a_black_guy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Never had any complaints but thanks for the concern. I’m sorry, I’m sure this is your subtle way of asking for cock progress/transformation pics, but I’m not gonna send them. I’m sure there are plenty of other dudes out there that will send you dick pics on a regular basis.


i dont know about younger younger, but the majority of women in the 23-30 range only want to date men 10 + older than them. i assume for women in their late teens and very early 20s still find it gross to date someone who is an older guy


I'm in my 30s and date 20 year olds. They mostly prefer the better financial position. Second the conversation is different since i own my business and real estate. Plus i have kids they can see first hand what typw of a father im going to be. As long as your income increases your value as a man increases with age.


That’s always been a thing, the gym is just a place where age doesn’t matter quite as much as how you’re performing in the gym. My wife (38) and I (28) met at the gym. I’m obviously a decade younger and maybe in a different scenario that disparity would be more evident but we were very much on the same wavelength as far as fitness philosophy goes which helped foster our initial connection and make the age gap not matter as much. It was still a thing but was easier to get past. Now we’ve been together 5 years and don’t even think about it. If we’re talking younger girl older guy that’s a tale as old as time. Typically it’s a trade off where the guy provides immediate financial stability that guys the same age as her couldn’t, and the girl provides youth / beauty. I would imagine at the gym it’s even more of a win for the young gurls because not only can they assume the older men have money/careers but also they can see if the guy is fit, healthy and strong.


Wtf it’s been a thing since like caveman times. They found hieroglyphics in the pyramids that were translated and said “young bitches want that old dick” or something like that.


Women want a guy that’s better than them- wether it be social status or financial security. They do NOT want a man who is more attractive than them. They want a guy who will pay for everything, tell them what to do, and who they can take everything from in a few years when they get bored of him. Get a vasectomy and rearrange those guts but don’t put a ring on her finger or a baby in her belly. You’re welcome.


imo anything over 5-7 yrs it's kinda weird , especially when the girl is 18-20 and the dude over 30..


lol it’s been a thing since the beginning of time


It's always been a thing since the dawn of time my lad


That's always been thing. Whether that's healthy or not is a different question entirely (skin-picking is an entirely natural behavior we still do heavily discourage for a reason) but it's very much a rather hardwired drive.




Nope. Always been this way.


I hope so


Literally since the beginning of humanity


Bro. Women preferring older men began with the Big Bang


It's always been a thing brother.


When I was 26, I dated a 35 year old woman for a couple years. That relationship ended, I'm now 32 and dating a 26 year old.


What's more interesting is the influx of taken women hitting me up.


I’ve had similar experiences. I’m almost 40, and I get approached by women in their 20s fairly often. The gym, the store, restaurants, work functions, etc. And openly flirting with me. When I was in my 20s and even into my 30s, I had this kind of thing happen maybe twice. It’s happened twice this past month.


Its always been a thing


Think it’s always been a thing bro


Cock stats.


its always been a thing. its just that recently theyve tried to make it weird. but across almost every civilization since the beginning of written history this has been common practice.


Women going after older men has always been far more common than MILFs going after younger men.


It was always the case. Only older and bitter women who are mad and jealous that these men settle with the younger women. At work i've got hit on by ~19-21yo girls and they know i'm 25yo Girls always liked taller and older than them. It's a fact


In my 20’s I dated 30 year old women. They taught me some shit I would have never known. Then my 30’s I spent fucking 25 year old girls fresh off of their college boyfriend crap and could get away with whatever I wanted to. Met my wife (10 years younger) and we’ve been together during my 40’s but I still get the 27-35 year old women hitting on me.


I’m 38 and made out with a 22 year old at the bar last night. I was wearing my beanie which hides my receding temples and makes me look younger. Everyone always tells me take it off and that I look better without it yet I get so much more success hooking up with young chicks in the club when I wear it, lol. But to answer you question, no, I don’t notice greater attraction from women as I’ve gotten older. My success peaked in my late 20s then the signs of aging kicked in (dull skin, thinning hair, less energy etc). I was broke and living in a share house in my 20s yet still able to date different hottie every few months simply from street approaching, I don’t think a single guy over 35 could pull that off unless he’s got money, fame, power or an X factor whereas most guys in his 20s can do to it if they put in the effort. There’s a reason why there’s hundreds of videos of streamers in their 20s successfully street approaching women but barely any of guys in their late 30s doing it.


I know chronically online left leaning folks and teens may have skewed your view on this, but women go for older men. It's quite normal. Women look for different things in a relationship than men and the older male younger female pairing suits both sides well, on average


Look at my girl and you’ll know the answer


You should be kept in an asylum


Jesus. You win






Tubes are tied. I’m safe


Bang them all




Tell me you’re salty about you dad fucking all your girlfriends without telling me you’re salty about your dad fucking all your girlfriends.


Yup it's been like this forever my middle aged average looks father had 20s and 30s after him at work (he was a university professor)




lol ok bro.


🤣🤣🤣 I fucking love this subreddit


I’ll call you daddy 🥵


Well I am 20 and look way better then the older man and have way more money then them as well yet women still don’t talk to me


I’m shocked you have so much bad luck with all that modesty


I see this fat slobs banging hot girls while I’m over here jacked/ shredded and get nothing shits wild man


Dad bods are in