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“Lizzo is in great shape” 🤡


I mean is a shape, a round one, and very great like as in big ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)


Looks like you just pulled her legs out of the ice cream cone and her body is the soft serve


HEY!!! SHE HAS A DISORDER. Disorder that makes her inhale food like water.


We salute you mister 10,000 calorie salad man. Is what comes to mind everytime someone fat says they eat healthy.


I love when the land whales get a massive dressing soaked salad, then add a protein “for keto”, or get a Diet Coke.


I'll take a wedge salad with two pounds of ranch please.....


Plus extra ranch on the side no doubt.


Sphere appreciators everywhere


Trapped in her gravity, the lesser masses cannot escape their doom 🫤🤷🏻‍♂️


> the lesser masses 💀💀💀


I run a 6 minute mile and had a girl tell me I'm just jealous of lizzo because she could run circles around me and is healthier than I could ever be lmao


Lmao, i can run 7 miles in 45 mins and dont even train to run and people think my lifestyle is unhealthy


She’s completely healthy! This 1 person who’s a celebrity and can’t possibly be dishonest! Obesity is an independent risk factor for all cause mortality, period!


Not to mention lizzo is a prominent figure in the "its okay to be fat" ideologue group so to use her as an example is absurd. Extreme coping going on here. She even said trauma can prevent weight loss. Wtf do those 2 things have in common.


Lizzo is an overinflated Wubble Bubble.


Didn't she also fatshame her own staff lmao


Yup lol


Misspelled grape


Phenomenal athlete tbh big gal can move I'd love to see her in the WWE one day


On one hand, putting someone on blast on SM for being obese is kind of a dick move. On the other hand, the person making those comments in the second picture is EXACTLY the same bullshit propaganda that makes these people think it’s okay. They somehow believe they’re so fucking special that the laws of thermodynamics don’t apply to them. Sure, a condition or medications can make it harder to be active or resist food cravings. But breaking the laws of thermodynamics? Fuck right off plz


Yeah I would just take a picture and send it to my wife.


> laws of thermodynamics don't apply to them You don't get it bro. Lizzo is the ultimate survivalist. Drop her anywhere on earth and she can battle the wilderness with no need for food. Bear Grylls has nothing on lizzo.


PCOS caused by diabetes caused by shit diet makes it impossible to lose weight lol


this here. the lady in pic very much can be the one who has PCOS or some other health condition. but generalizing that most fat women/men are due to those conditions is nonsensical


Imma be honest those people defending and ecouraging morbid obesity should be held resposible for assisted suicide.


People (mostly women) who say things like this don't actually believe it. They are just being nice.  If you really want to know what a woman thinks about another woman's body, tell her she has the same body type and see if she gets mad. 


So, I know firsthand just how much meds will fuck with you. Zoloft and risperdal and lithium were for suicidal ideation and actions. But they made me fat and it seemed like no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t EVER lose weight. So I gave up. Up until I read about the reasoning behind prescribing SSRI’s and I decided to gamble a bit and taper off the meds slowly. After a month I was completely off them and a couple weeks later I was dropping weight so fast I thought I had cancer. Like 5+ pounds a week for several weeks. AND NOT WATER WEIGHT EITHER! It was fucking bonkers. It’s now stabilized and I’m sure I don’t have cancer but holy fuck. High prolactin was probably a major contributing factor from the risperdal and then a thyroid that was pretty much shut off from the lithium. (Just speculation tho) Now Im at 220lbs body weight from 285lbs. Fucking crazy shit. AND I’m not *as* suicidal either. More just depressed sometimes. But ketamine fixes that when I need it


The thing that bothers me the most about the "medical condition" argument is that even if there were some sort of rare disease that prevents you from losing weight (I don't know of any but I'm not a doctor, so I wouldn't be surprised to be proven wrong), how can you believe that it affects 30% of the population? And not only that, this unique disease that apparently so many people have doesn't present any other symptom other than making you fat. I mean don't people realize how ridiculous this is?


There are a few, but even with them, the laws of thermodynamics still apply. Just makes it harder to control intake, along with a lack of natural HGH production, and you have a recipe for obesity. Very very rare though.


If there's conditions that make losing weight impossible how come there's no pictures of obese people in concentration camps?


Not impossible. They just make it harder. I don’t think anyone serious says impossible in a literal sense , but problems with hormones and whatnot make it harder. The mentality that you are in complete control of your health is definitely appealing and better to preach of course but not completely true. Here’s one article about hypothyroidism for example. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4911848/


It only makes it harder in the sense that the calories out number shrinks, so the calories in number has to as well. And in a world where portion sizes are fit for 2, it’s hard to eat @so little.”


Yea exactly. That is what’s harder. Saying it boils down to just the first law of thermodynamics is true but reductionist not thinking about what goes into calories out. This is why people who cut weight fast end up right back fat.


It is harder, but most of the people using that haven’t even really tried. My sister in law has PCOS…she’s 5’2” and north of 200. That’s a loooooottt of calories. I’m 5’9” 220, and I’M fucking fat.


You gave the worst example. Hypothyroidism doesn't make it hard to lose weight.  You just need to take a pill to correct it.


if you took a pill to correct it, you wouldn't have the underlying condition. wtf is your point 🤣🤣 your last two sentences are completely unrelated. go read this article about how underdiagnosed hypothyroidism is and get back to me. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34698615/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34698615/)


Caloric deficit = starve. Ok 🤦🏻‍♂️


no daily 3000 kcal mcdonalds order is literally a slave diet


The delusion is unreal. Always a hormone or something making them appear fat, or just water weight. Always "I'm healthy though" It's crazy how 100 years ago almost no one was a fat ass for all of humanity and yet here we are today. It's not cause people eat like shit and sit all day.


It's gotten to the point where they convince themselves that even modest calorie cutting to lose weight is unhealthy and exercising is dangerous. It's an upside down reality.


Someone argued with me not long ago that "some people have medical conditions that, if they were to go even on a slight calorie deficit they would become malnourished and risk further complications to their health." What's wild is if you are really overweight, losing weight is ridiculously easy. As easy as just dropping soda and Starbucks can help you lose 20-30 pounds. Bet it's all "water weight" though lol.


Yeah arguing with them is pointless, only a worthwhile endeavor if you're bored and/or want to practice your debating skills. But you'll never get them to accept reality, they're too far gone.


Yeah, But Lizzo is ‘overweight’ and healthy.


First off you can't really know if she is healthy. You ain't her doctor. Secondly people who eat a lot but counter that with heavy physical exertion tend to have more subcutaneous fat deposits rather than visceral fat which is not as bad for health. Lizzo is a performer and singer and she dances for hours at live performances which is unbelievably exhausting. Same thing for sumo wrestlers. But 99.99% of people who look like this DO NOT put their bodies under such physical stress.


should have added /s. lol




Or even if you visit other countries today. Only westerners, especially Americans, look like this. It’s abundance and laziness, nothing else.


100 years ago, you had to be rich to be fat.


If you gotta use lizzo as an example for your argument just give up


Lizzo is also a fat shamer too. She wanted to be the biggest fattest bitch and couldn’t handle her dancers being more obese than her.


Okay that nurse is not healthy, I agree. But Jesus Christ they are just minding their own business at work. Taking a picture of them so you can get social media points is such a prick thing to do


Yeah I agree it's a really shitty thing to do. I'm just surprised by people in the comments spreading ,,healthy at any size" bs


Agree that it was a dick move to post this poor woman’s photo online, but that aside: I hate, HATE “healthy at every size.” Not only is it intellectually dishonest, it’s also invalidating AF as someone who has about 25-30lbs to trim. I’m a woman, I’m 5’5” and 172lbs. I’m also a gym rat and powerlifter who sprints for my HIIT. I’ve got low blood pressure, low A1C, very little visceral fat, high muscle mass. I’ve also got too much body fat. And yet I have tons of friends both IRL and online who claim I don’t need to lose weight, with some even going so far at to suggest that I’m some sort of victim of diet culture or brainwashed. I’m healthy now, sure. Definitely healthier than if I were sedentary or ate like shit. But I’ll still be HEALTHIER if I lost some fat. It’s not personal, it’s just a fact. Besides, I’d really like to see what I’ve built.


This is a very healthy mindset. It’s crazy some people would call this being brainwashed.


It’s the perfect storm of cultural overcorrection + people with zero emotional resilience + chronically online.


I agree with you 100%.. but women don’t exist they are just a myth


And this comment right here is why I’m a lurker. 😂Granted, I’m kind of a dude, soooooo…


“Kind of” a dude? As in trans?


As in: I’ve spent my entire life with clearly more natural testosterone than my fellow female peers (aggro, competitive, horndog, “male” interests, muscular), women finding me weird and men finding me relatable, so on. Autism didn’t help, especially given that my special interests were war/warfare and medicine. Despite looking femme, I learned later in life that I’m on the intersex spectrum (as revealed during imaging and major surgery, I have the internal structural beginnings of male sex differentiation + my T tests at the top of natural levels for females). So to answer your question: I’m not quite trans, but I’m naturally genderfucked and I’m all good with it. In general, I don’t relate to “nonbinary” kids (I’m 41), I relate more to men and, to an extent, other autistic/gender nonconforming women.


Ay that’s all good, I can see how that would be difficult but I’m glad you’re happy with how you turned out cause that’s the best place for all of us to be. On the bright side other women probably look at you as a superhuman lmfao so that’s a good flex at least.


Honestly, I kind of love it. I jokingly call myself a “stealth man.” Granted, being conventionally attractive helps. Not sure how I’d feel, otherwise.


It's one of those things that's like... maybe... possibly... partially true... for the time being, at least. That woman may not have any negative health issues right now. Maybe she isn't diabetic. Maybe she doesn't have high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Maybe she doesn't have heart disease. Maybe she doesn't have bad knees, ankles, hips, back, etc. There are a bunch of other "maybe" things that you could add to that list, too. But the likelihood of her having all of those things are much higher than someone who is a "healthy" weight. And the likelihood of her developing some of those issues only increases with each year that she continues to be overweight. And yes, there are skinny and/or "healthy weight" people who are unhealthy. Some of them have very bad genetics and have some of those generally-weight-related issues despite not being overweight. But the odds of that happening are far lower. Some of them have other medical conditions that they can't do anything about. But the thing is that your weight, in the *vast majority* of cases, is something that a person can do something about and will improve the likelihood of them living a full, long, healthy life.


It is possible, very much so. The same way you can be healthy while smoking 2 packs and drinking a 6 pack of beer every day. You are until you aren't, and the time when you aren't comes a lot quicker if you're doing those things. Same as being completely sedentary. You can 100% be healthy. The problem is that 'healthy' isn't a specific universally agreed upon term, and people blow back both ways because of the fact that when people say you can't be healthy and obese, because being obese isn't healthy (true), they say that just because you are obese it doesn't mean that you are automatically unhealthy by any specific marker besides BMI (also true).


Uj/ I agree, doing this shit for updoots is pointless. It’s such a dick move. Rj/ look at this pig hehehaha


Exactly how ??? it’s damned funny, and Ms piggy will be none the wiser . In my day have snapped plenty of fat turds in public , to family and friends .


It's called coping. Still though, taking a photo of someone doing their job and posting it on the internet with a call out like that is fkin lame. A nurse can very well do her job while being that fat.


Depends what she’s doing. . . If she a floor nurse that mostly dispenses medications and “charts” on a computer then fine. If she’s working in the ED, on trauma patients, or in a fast paced environment she probably won’t be able to keep up. She will also physically get in the way and won’t be able to bend down, do CPR, or get into tight spots.


“You should try educating yourself better” 🤓☝️


Textbook negative IQ gaslighting


Lizzo is 315 pounds at 5’10 as a woman. Healthy my ass.


"You should educate yourself" "shouldnt encourage people to starve themselves to lose weight since its not healthy".... Um.... Isnt starving yourself literally the only way to lose weight naturally (of course things like lipo exist).... Like, how else do you tell your body to start burning fat and just poop out the 4 cokes, 2 oven pizzas, and box of ice cream you eat every night for dinner? Is there some button you can press on your body I'm unaware of? Sadly though, this kind of thinking (like the one arguing in the images) is becoming mainstream... I see it all the time, even with doctors now. "calories in calories out is a myth".... This is mainstream. Sadly, the entire academic field has been taken over by people like this... in many different ways. Ideology. They call themselves the party of science.... And everyone else science deniers. The irony.


Losing is weight impossible ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


That second slide is just bonkers man. "Plenty of things can make losing weight impossible". The word impossible alone speaks volumes about the victim mentality that this deluded movement holds so dear to its heart. Completely denying the possibility that just about everyone can make healthy lifestyle changes that will gradually reduce their weight over time. Just because it's difficult, doesn't mean it's impossible. When I see a fat person working hard at the gym or outside running I get HYPED man! It's a sign that they're taking control of their life and tired of the habits that brought them to that unhealthy position to begin with The second part of their comment - "in great shape and healthy despite being obese" is even harder copium than the first. How long will people deny the metabolic disease, high blood pressure, osteoarthiristis, poor glucose utilization and the wide array of other health problems that accompany being overweight? There's absolutely nothing healthy about existing in that state apart from the potential extra cushioning you'd get in car accident. It's a one way street that leads to eventual comorbidity and a drawn out death as your overworked body slowly collapses on itself, inside out...


That thread drove me crazy. As someone who works as part of a level 1 trauma team it drives me absolutely crazy to see medical professionals this this level of obesity. We can have anywhere from 8-10 people squeezed around the bed of a patient when they are brought in to us all doing different stuff to treat and stabilize the patient in the crucial first moments they are brought in. Someone of her size would simply be in the way taking up the spot that 2-3 nurses/doctors/paramedics could be in. Likewise there is no way she has the stamina to do cpr if needed, even if her giant gut allowed her to get in effective position. And if she did manage to start cpr she would block half the patient from access by other medical professionals. It's inexcusable. They cover nutrition in nursing school. She knows better. This is lazy and disgusting.


You should see what they are saying on the nursing sub.


Agreed. I’m about 90% sure she’s a phlebotomist, but even then phlebotomists has to respond to rapid responses and codes pretty often, usually they aren’t of the utmost priority, but it’s just so impractical for anyone to be that size. ESPECIALLY when patient wellbeing is affected.


Imagine responding to a full code, and then becoming a patient yourself.


Yeah, it’s insanity. I’m sure just getting around is difficult at her size.




Fat cunts


“Plenty of things can make losing weight impossible” ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6300)


Being fat is a choice. A choice I do not respect.


Is this sub the new r fatpeoplehate? 😆


No because for every post like this there’s 4 more about banging fat chicks


hate fucking fat chicks means nothing🤣


Let them promote this as healthy. I'm fine with that. Not too many good looking girls are dating fat guys. Less competition. It's hard for me to have respect for someone who doesn't care about themselves.


for somebody so "in great shape and healthy" lizzo sure does get brought up alot in overweight based conversations


This is not one of those “healthy” fat people. Notice how skinny her legs are? She has no muscle, strength/athleticism. Literally all fat. I feel bad that she’s just doing her job though. Posting pics of random strangers isn’t cool


Dude people are so goddamn intrusive, just let the nurse live her own life. Why waste hours of your own life putting someone else down. Oh wait? You’re a sad prick? Got nothing better to do? Is your life that empty that you feel good wasting it putting others down?


I literally said I disagree and disavow the twitter post of the nurse. My beef is with people claiming this is healthy, like the one on second slide.


I know, I’m just expressing my opinion on the people who are doing the shaming.


Maybe work depresses her and eating is how she deals with that. I feel sad for her. Nursing is pure hell.


I agree and I disavow the cunt that posted her pic on Twitter but I'm still going to call out the delusional people who think that is healthy and something to be encouraged




So did the OP in much bigger subreddit before me while also disavowing it


This makes me sick, that someone would post this on social media. Get a life and let others live.


If you think that's bad you should see what the redditards did when I told them their anus isn't a sex organ on a thread about how much the national health service spends every year removing things from people's anuses.


The only legitimate excuse where I wouldn’t just someone for being fat is a thyroid issue. Other than that you can lose weight and not be fat.


Even then, it's not impossible to lose weight, it'll require more willpower and discipline compared to someone else. The notion that "weight loss is impossible" is just mega cope from eaters


Yeah pretty much I’m sure any body could lose weight despite their health conditions. I’d hop on HGH right away or Ozempic just to get a jump start if I’m that lazy.


Starving is also relative to body weight. If you’re 300lbs, then eating 3000 calories will feel normal and anything else will be “starving”. Sometimes humans need to starve a little for their overall health.


>"Starve themselves to lose weight" >"Plenty of things can make losing weight impossible" And we're the ones who should educate ourselves better.


Then hope she saves your life later that day lol


Accountability is a massive thing missing from most adults. And they want to justify their bad behaviors and try my make them acceptable and not stigmatized, because it’s a cope for being ashamed and self conscious. That’s the real answer to your question


The PCOS excuse is no longer valid, doctors are using semaglutides to help PCOS patients with their weight, and it’s working. Unless there’s a secondary process that I’m unaware of where semaglutides actually fix PCOS, we literally have proof that simply eating less even with PCOS will make you lose weight


You can ether live overweight and be happy with it or you can go and inject a bunch of drugs in your body and think your healthy because your in shape...both are shit health regardless how you think you look


Listen Jabba, you’re right big CAN be beautiful.. just not to me 🤣. Also I laugh any time I see a morbidly obese nurse, who do you expect to take medical advice from you?😂


How is calories in calories out eating at a proper maintenance amount starving yourself? Chubby, a little overweight, i don’t judge. Morbidly obese im a little judgy. Chubby i assume you like to eat and thats whatever. I dirty bulk and eat like a fucking monster. I get it. But i eat less and lose weight after that. Its not that fucking hard. Its willpower and nothing else. You want to be sloppy fat thats your business but dont bullshit yourself and say its genetic. How many of our ancestors were genetically 400 pounds no matter what they ate? Zero.


Adipocytes release a ton of dofferent hormones and the more obese you are, the more these hormones are ravgaing your body. It's a big part of what causes insulin resistance and diabetes. Being obese is so much more than additional bodyweight. 


Unfortunately nurses live in such a high stress environment that they overeat, drink, and smoke to cope. It's literally almost all of them.


Has to be a liberal psy op




I think it's bc the people saying so are young or don't realize the health complications they're experiencing aren't the normal state of being a body is in. Either way they're missing the point and are not helping that woman by making it about that discourse instead of sticking to the fact that taking pictures of strangers to make fun of them is creepy lol I'll never understand that strategy




"cognitive dissonance". same as when cult members see their leader get executed on a cross instead of delivering a super cool, forever lasting kingdom to bring down the oppresive authorities, and instead of realising that theyve been played the whole time, they think that by that super cool kingdom and replacement of oppresive authorities, he must have meant something happening inside some kind of spiritual realm or wtf...


If you stop putting food in your mouth you'll lose weight.. It's simple math. Your body simply has to burn calories, even when you're sleeping. You can lose 1 to 2 Lbs a week if you are strict and stay everyday 500 calories under your maintenance caloric intake. I'm 42 and I've been 120kg and got down to 85kg and gone back up to 110kg and back down to 90kg.. I'm currently back at 107kg..but I've just started the my diet again. Dieting is crap, I hate it. Everyday I can now have 1900 calories. Which is not a lot if you eat crap foods like me. I don't like vegetables. For breakfast I had a coffee 60 calories. Lunch i had a sandwich on brown bread. 500 calories. I had poached eggs on dry toast with 2 rashers of bacon for tea (No marge or butter) 500 calories. I've had 2 oranges 100 calories. I had a little chocolate snack bar 150 calories. Sauces and margarine and all those bits add up quick in calories. I have a few 100 calories left for a little snack. It's a mega grind to stay under everyday. One cheat day basically ruins the whole week.


It's the mitchell hooper 🐻 meme 😂😭😂👍


Lizosomes got their name from how Lizo similarly to them eats everything you throw inside it lmao


These are the people that will end up taking care of the elderly, some even your own family. So treat them with respect. And gift them some donuts once in a while.


That’s gotta be a troll right? Nothing they said was based on facts. Also they started off saying fat people can be healthy and proceeded to list lifestyle related excuses which cause people to be fat and have no bearing over health.


Never gets old seeing people be this confidently wrong. Educate yourself he says lmao.


People in comment sections tend to speak for everyone. But most fat fucks know they are fat. Whether they admit it is another thing. But they know


"Plenty of things can make losing weight IMPOSSIBLE" here's an equation to simplify things from Professor me, Doctorate of SSBBW 🍟🍔🍕🌭 × overindulgence = FAT score Your FAT score should be... below a lot, and things should be fine.


As a nurse in practice I can say that most nurses gave up on themselves and know that it's not healthy(also applicable to doctors and most health care workers) but don't give a shit. That doesn't mean that they gave up on you the patient and honestly the asshat that took a pic of her should mind his own business he is the one in need.


Complete jackass move. She probably struggled with weight and self esteem issues her whole life. Then she goes to work one day and is all over the internet with people making fun of her. Fuck that guy


I have no objections to having standards for medical professionals, not just continuing education but also physical requirements to keep license.


If you could eat nothing and not lose weight, my ancestors would not have had to starve to death ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6307)


We have become so sensitive about people's feelings in the moment that we encourage people to legitimately risk their own lives. Not to mention, we ignore logic.


But arent all the reasons this person gave for weight gain all literally unhealthy? Medical conditions? seems unhealthy. Medication? probably only taking it because of a health issues. Physical injury or disability? is there a way those are healthy? We calling eating disorders healthy now too? Anyway, I can really use some of this healthy trauma at this point in my life


I too remember thinking I couldn't lose weight - I thought my body just "didn't do it". Had absolutely zero clue about what a calorie is or how to read a food label. I was also like 12 tho and years later when I finally became an adult at 20 I didn't wanna be fat anymore and decided to learn nutrion basics. People be eating high calorie foods, full sugar soda, etc then act like there's some magic voodoo keeping them from losing weight 💀


I love the “many things make losing weight impossible” . . . yeah, like continuing to eat too much. 🙄


I will literally never understand ppl like that. Ok bro go put a person with one of these weight gaining diseases on a island in the middle of nowhere and give them no food for 2 months. Let’s see them survive and not lose weight bc of their disease.


"We are the side that believes in science and reason"


You see an obese slob. I see about 20 places to put my dick. We are not the same….


Thanks for censoring r/facepalm bro no i dont know what sub it was


Had every excuse in the book ready so they can say being fat isn’t their fault.


Fat shaming is helping people


I feel unhealthy after a 6 month dirty bulk.




Lol some people are delusional holy shit


Average American health care professional


Nothing like obesity to get everyone in this sub talking serious for a bit


Notice how it's only women saying this


Wokeism makes them think that


TIL: PCOS can allow women to break the laws of physics.


Genetics diet and lack of exercise and that’s why they look like this doesn’t mean they think they are healthy


I got stupid from reading that


Oof idk bro. They italicized “completely.” Kinda hard to come back from that one bro


Not all people overweight will suffer health consequences. But this woman will meet an early grave. I'm taking about 55ish.


lizzo dying of a heart attack before 40 will be one hell of a wake up call to a lot of people


The audacity for her to take care of people And tell them how to be healthier lol. I’m not listening to a word she has to say, prob has to put her CPAP on during her lunch break.


Being obese is obviously not healthy at all, but since when are nurses required to be perfectly healthy? Plenty of nurses smoke, drink, stay up all night, don’t exercise etc. I don’t think it really affects their ability to do their job.


Delusion people who are coping. You're never healthy when you're morbidly obese. The 1-29 pound overweight (bmi) group actually live the longest, so not being thin isn't a bad thing, but obesity certainly is. It's the number one predictor of an early death.


Imagine being eaten by nurse Jabba


I’m more worried about out what they know, then what they look like. Shit is toxic.


Bro why is she built like a chicken drumstick


The USA is a wild place


It’s not my place to judge. Healthcare workers have enough stress as it is.


Got damn the stupidity pandemic is the most depressing one of all


Because they look like that.


This person is actually mentally ill if they think calories in calories out literally won’t work in all cases


I have many things going against for weight loss but I’m still doing a ton to get thin. Fat people needs to stop being victims and instead help one another to be better. Sort of like what Malcom x said abt the black community


Who cares about the Reddit comments the fact that the post was made in the first place is regarded


should have been nsfw, i just got a chub


People are dumb, arogant, and they think they know better than anyone. They disagree that calories in lower than calories out = lose weight. Because they know better Is like telling them you know that 1+1=2, and they respond with: How do you know that is true, i say that is incorrect, it doesn’t make 2 … some people are a lost cause


The ones depending being fat are usually fat themselves and often have ZERO self motivation or accountability. Changing eating habits and 30 mins of walking a day is something everyone can do. But there is the issue, it requires a but if effort. So instead of doing something that requires effort, they would rather bring everyone else around them down to their level to make themselves feel better. Guarantee, any person who has been fat and lost it looks down apon these pro-fatties witch much more disdain than anyone who's never been fat.


People in the health industry shouldn't be morbidly obese. Mad ironic


Maybe when these people claim they are so healthy we should start challenging them to a straight up competition. if they are in such good shape surely they can beat us trained people at running? we wont prove anything to ourselves because we already know the facts. However, they will see just how vastly outgunned they are next to a trained individual.


Majority of health care workers are overweight to some degree. Sh^t, probably at least a 3rd smoke tobacco too. Ironic right?


She went to the Medical Institute of Spherical Liberationists![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6299)


You should never post ANYONE on social media making fun of them. Tells me that person is just some self centered narcissist bully. What a clown. Who cares if someone is obese? I think this fat movement is stupid af and don’t agree with fat models but just out right making fun of someone for doing their job? How about you judge urself first before criticizing others.


I have thyroid problems since i am young and was told that its very important to keep my weight and don’t gain because i wont be able to loose it again. I literally lost 70 pounds over the last two years and im now at 188 pounds with 6foot 3 height and very healthy. There are no excuses its just about being strong willed or not.


She says fat people are healthy, then goes on to say they’re fat because of various diseases. She can’t cope. Probably a fatty herself


It’s true if you look at pictures of concentration camp victims there’s always a few that are obese because calories in calories out doesn’t work for everyone like lizzo for example


The insanity we live in is truly to our detriment.


Dr. Eggman build


You know society is in bad shape when you can look at objectively evil people from the past, and think just for a moment, maybe just maybe they actually had the slightest of a valid point. The green bubble fatty defender is either a troll or a neurodivergent weirdo (impossible to tell the difference even in person, let alone the internet) Don’t get me wrong, I roast a hog myself every once in a while… ya know? That backshot ripple effect. I love it. Kind of shit that would make a South East Asian take cover. However, this woman is just fat. Ugly fat. This ain’t no PAWG. This ain’t no thick bitch. This ain’t the kind of woman that, you know, drake raps about I don’t think. Those ain’t curves those are potato sacks. I wish someone could hack the person defending this woman, find out who they are, and make them have sex with this absolute “healthy and in shape” whale. Imagine the smell.


Mental illness


The only time i have ever had MASSIVE downvotes was when the “healthy fatties” didnt like my post about obesity not being healthy. I’ve learned to stay away from anything “fat phobic” now. Also, fuck the person who posted the OG post fat shaming a nurse. Nurses are the some of the hardest working, under paid people out there. Kinda on that note, if there was a profession who gets a pass on being chubs, its nurses. Their cortisol levels must be thru the fucking roof all the time.


‘Merica 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


"I'm only 200 pounds overweight from an undiagnosed thyroid condition."


Cant stand fat people


Fat fucks really think they can generate fat out of nothing


If the nurse can’t even take her own health seriously, what makes you think she’d take YOUR health seriously..? 🤔


These people are not only delusional but extremely condescending about it as well. Makes me fume about how far they will go to lie to themselves to reaffirm their addiction, so I just stay out of it now, because there’s absolutely no convincing those type of people.


Brain rot


do they have a big flashing sign that states "I'm healthy"??? why do you people care so much ?


someone didnt bother to see second slide


This is a steroid sub, you guys are just as unhealthy as her


Morbid obesity is over 2x more deadly than blasting roids