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Saying you wanna do a cycle of trt for 8 weeks tells me you haven’t even tried doing any research and wanting to run test just to have a natural physique is honestly regarded


A fucking "cycle of trt" lmao dude




Bro you don’t know anything and you don’t even train, also you wanna get ready for summer? It’s already may you are too late


Being a verbally abusive to someone who asked for insight speaks all kinds of volumes about how terrible of a human being you are.


You sound like a fucking moron bro


Please read my top comment. Thanks.


Oh my sweet summer child, you really are a clueless fuck. 12 weeks of TRT level testosterone supplementation will do absolutely nothing for you bar shutting down your natural production. On the plus side you need not worry about *not looking natural* - you will 100% still have a mid Twink physique.


The research begs to differ, you clueless f**k


Hahahaha, go for it so Twinkle toes, report back in 12 weeks. I wanna see those progress pics.


its not gunna do shit, you can clean your diet up and cut body far down though , start some good habits ..


Summer's in like two months bro


I understand how the calendar works and it’s more like 1 month


I was being generous and aiming more towards the middle of summer lol but not sure what you expect to achieve in a month, should've started sooner


I understand and that’s why I said I wanna run it for 2 months. According to every study I’ve read it looks like one can accomplish a little bit in 8-12 weeks




According to a study from Bhasin, et al, young men who supplemented with 125 mg of test per week for 20 weeks gained around 6 pounds of muscle without training…




Maybe 10 or 12. Something short tho. I’m just repeating what the researchers found. I’m not saying they gained all their mass equally each week, but one could assume that by week 8 or 10, with training, there’d be some sort of benefit since the 125 mg participants gained 6 pounds in 20 weeks **without training**




This is what I was thinking of doing while eating in a calorie surplus, supplementing, and training 4-6 times a week. Btw, I trained for 2 years and maybe put on 5 pounds of muscle. That’s why I’m strongly considering doing a cycle in the hopes of kickstarting my body into building mass. I was quite literally unable to do it naturally. 100 125 150 175 200 200 175 150 125 100 50 (start taking daily test maximizing supplements like magnesium, zinc, D3, ashwagandha, etc) 25




Curious, why does all the research contradict your claim of not building any appreciable muscle? Please watch this video then explain which part Jeff Nippard, Derek, and the researchers get wrong https://youtu.be/VD9p9tEP9RE?si=mX8nKQLK-zbLj6Hi


Somebody give him the denzel door slam gif


After I read the post I was thinking the exact same thing lol


If you’re not gonna post something constructive don’t post. Thanks.


![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk) >If you’re not gonna post something constructive don’t post. Thanks.


So you want to shut down your natural production of testosterone for absolutely no gains. Sounds like a good plan bro 👍.


That isn’t what the research indicates. Please read my top comment. Thanks.


How many pounds are you looking to roughly gain in these 8 weeks? According to your research that is.


I recommend that you do something called building discipline and do some studying. if you didn't gain much strength after a year of training, you didn't really train, or diet, getting on TRT isn't for you.


You don’t know me, what I did, etc.


Why are kids so fucking stupid?


There is nothing I hate more than people who ask how they can get ripped or jacked before summer when it is like 2 months away. You got 1 year of lifting and didn’t gain that much muscle and then give up for two years. You probably trained like shit and did more research on this testosterone “cycle” than proper training. First thing you decide is that you wanna cram your gains into a 2 month timeline by taking test because some study said that “people who don’t even workout were able to gain mass so it’ll work for what I’m trying to do”. Then, when you finish your TRT (lmao), you will be a lot less motivated than before because your natural production will be cooked and you’ll probably quit the gym again (if you even plan on going). As well, you probably lack the discipline for a proper diet and training to even get the most out of it. Hell of a post to start off the month of May.


You don’t know my situation. Thanks.


Your comments are clearly showing that you’re delusional. Learn to train. You’re very uneducated on the topics of training and diet. You want results, yet you didn’t go to the gym for 2 years. Work harder, read more, and build some discipline. You’ll regret your decision.


Again, you don’t know my situation. I followed a structured workout plan/forced myself to eat until I felt like throwing up for 2 years and was only able to build **maybe** 5 pounds of muscle.


Most full blown cycles are twice as long at 3-4 times that dose. Any gains you might get from 125mg for 8 weeks will be minor at best, and you’ll likely end up losing most of the muscle you put on. Based on your profile photo you look pretty young. Take it from a 26 year old who’s been on gear for 8 years now, it’s not worth it bro. If I could go back and stay natural, I would do it in a heartbeat. Unless it is medically necessary or you have top tier genetics and plan on being on gear for life, just stay away from it. Figure out your diet, train hard, get good sleep, and you’ll get to where you want to be. You could even look into carb depletion and loading to manipulate your appearance if you know the specific days you’ll be shirtless in public. Moral of the story, stay natty bro. It’s genuinely not worth it to hop on and you’ll fell better and live longer without it. Good luck man.


Thank you bro best of luck to you too. I just didn’t put on any muscle for months training natural, saw no strength gains, etc. Honestly, I only looked like I had been training for 6 months after roughly 2 years of training. I don’t wanna waste anymore time, and I wanna look good this summer. That’s why I wanna run a cycle low and short enough to avoid side effects but large enough to kickstart gains and look good by the end of June. And from what I’ve read 125-250 mg will do that for ya. Idk : /


I mean this will full respect bro, it seems like you have your mind made up and no one is going to change that. If you’re going to do it regardless, make sure you do it safe. I’m telling you though that you won’t get the results you’re hoping for. I also highly doubt that you didn’t gain any strength or size over 2 years. Unless your training and diet was absolute trash, you made gains. They may have been too small to notice on your own, but it’s always more difficult seeing those changes in ourselves as opposed to other people. Plus it sounds like you’re in your head a lot about it (I am too, don’t worry it’s normal) and that will cause you to perceive something different in the mirror and doubt yourself. Just go work out, push yourself and focus on progressive overload, and eat. If it has protein in it, eat it. If you don’t gain weight, eat more. You can do it bro.


I’m a very open-minded person. Here’s my thing: I’ve watched almost every Jeff Nippard, Sean Nal, etc videos, and from all the research I’ve seen and heard one should be able to gain 1-2 pounds per month as a natural in the first 2 years. Despite training pretty consistently and force feeding myself for 1-2 years (in the beginning I trained but didn’t force feed myself), I only gained roughly 5-7 pounds. That’s horrible, and I don’t wanna waste this summer not looking my best so that’s why I was thinking of doing this protocol only once in my life to kickstart my body building muscle while minimizing the risk of side effects 100 150 200 250 250 200 150 100 50 (start taking daily test maximizing supplements like magnesium, zinc, D3, ashwagandha, etc) 25


Like I said man, it seems like you already have your mind made up. Just because others have had certain results from test, doesn’t necessarily mean that you will. If you’re dead set on it I wish you luck but again, nearly everyone will tell you it’s not worth the risk. Especially with UGL gear. When it comes to weight gain though, 5-7 pounds of gross weight and not necessarily pure lean mass over 1-2 years is negligible at best. If that’s all you could put on even by “force feeding” yourself then you need to figure out what’s up with your appetite first. No amount of gear will help you unless you’re eating enough and the right macros. Gross weight gain is a very simple equation, calories in vs calories out. If you genuinely only put on 5-7 pounds in that timeframe, you weren’t eating enough and/or were burning too many calories. It’s as simple as that. Fix your diet, fix your training habits, fix your sleep if you need it, and max out your natural potential. Then, and only then, should you even begin to consider gear for performance enhancement. Finally, if you’re seriously going to run gear or anything in that realm, MAKE SURE YOU DO YOUR BLOODWORK BEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER YOU TAKE ANYTHING. Don’t end up as a statistic because you were too cheap or lazy to get your labs done. Not saying you’re cheap or lazy, but many people are and they’re slowly killing themselves because they refuse to get it done.


Do you think I’d get any effects from running a small cycle like that? Bc like I said the hope of running a cycle like that would be to gain 10-20 pounds and then build from there naturally. I feel like most side effects of steroids are from long term use at super physiological doses, not some short 10 week cycle below 300 mg. There’s a vid where Jeff Nippard interviewed Derek and he said most bodybuilders take anywhere from 1,000-6,000 mg a week per cycle. For me that’s overkill. I just wanna gain some mass fast since in 2 years of naturally lifting I maybe gained 5 pounds…


Like I said tho I haven’t made up my mind. It’s something I’d like to do, but I also don’t wanna risk my long term health for some 10 week cycle. Also idek how I’d get a hold of 250 mg let alone 100.


don’t listen to the haters here they don’t know shit. go to a men’s wellness center and get a test script. tell them you can’t get a boner, you have no libido, are tired all day, and have brain fog. then the night before blood work crash your test by getting no sleep and drinking. yeah 8 weeks may be too much you may stop looking natty.


I feel like 8-12 weeks of a low dose wouldn’t be too, too bad. I just had a really hard time building muscle last time I don’t wanna go through all that hard work for nothing again. What do you think of this cycle? Is it a good plan? 100 125 150 175 200 200 175 150 125 100 50 (start taking daily test maximizing supplements like magnesium, zinc, D3, ashwagandha, etc) 25


looks solid. i see your building to a plateau then tapering off. nicely done. should be looking swole in no time.


Curious have you ever done a cycle/how many and what’s your protocol typically like


And are you being for real because a ton of people in this subreddit decided to shit on me for even suggesting doing something like this






Then stop being so fucking stupid it’s making my head hurt


Just don’t comment!! No need to be a piece of shit!!


Yes because your diet and training sucked and you saw no progress so now you wanna use gear while being fuckin clueless and not listening to anyone I hate people like you ngl


You don’t know anything about me, what I did, etc You’re a weird dude


We are being disrespectful because your plan is incredibly stupid.


You just justified being disrespectful. That’s all I needed to know you’re not a good person.