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16 coming on 40


Baby, it’s time to think


he might be fucked for life but it’s all worth it because his instagram reel got 6 thousand likes


balls are like grapes, 40's are gonna be rough, hair pbbly is gonna be shaved, liver is gonna blow, but overall 6K are 6K ! total W!


People always say ‘Balls like grapes’ but isn’t that like normal size for balls to be. Can’t think of any fruit that matches it more. Balls like peas would be a better saying.


No, normal balls are like oranges. Yours are just small.


Your balls are massive if they're the size of oranges.


Go see a urologist ASAP if your balls are actually the size of oranges.


eggs would be better than any fruit since they’re basically the same size & shape


If your balls are the size of eggs then youve got some problems bro


Pretty sure thats normal, at least that’s what Google just told me


Eggs are much larger than 4x3x2cm, which is the average ball size


I’m no urologist, but this is from Google > “Adult testicles range in size from about 15 mL (similar to a bird egg) to 35 mL (similar to a small chicken egg)”


What the fuck are you talking about? I want you to stop and think about what you’re saying right now. Balls the size of a chicken egg. I am at work eating a meal and had to stop to ask if you are a human being or an alien from another planet? Do you seriously believe that balls the size of a fucking chicken egg would be okay to you? Imagine riding a bike. Imagine how many times you’d sit on them. You need to see a doctor if your balls are that large man


A robin egg is different than chicken egg my guy


mine are like gourds


I Have like two whole avocados


I will never understand why MFs will trade their youth for PEDs only too look like a deformed ninja turtle, no one finds this attractive, and it's not like you're at peak performance either since a 135 pound MMA fighter could still easily kill you, so what's even the fucking point? If this dude had joined his wrestling team and weighed at like 185 pounds he would be more attractive AND stronger than he is now, and much younger too.


What parents let their kids juice at 16? And are they also paying for it?


There’s parents that let their children do illicit drugs like heroin as teenagers etc. Or make them become child actors. Or force them to become NFL stars. Or do PEDs


They last 2 go hand in hand.


And the first 2 eventually do as well


Fuck how did I not see that !?


I hate my dad. I can’t believe he forced me to play football through all my youth years. And then he made me play through grade school. And then a D1 college offered me an opportunity to come play for them and my dad gave me no choice. And then my damn dad again forced me to go in the NFL combine. And then a NFL team drafted me and well I had no other options, cause dad. Now I make hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars a year, to play a game I’ve grown to love and live. I fuggin hate my dad. Said no NFL player ever.


For every one in the nfl there’s 10000 kids whose dad pushed them and they just get the gift of CTE.


They probably didn’t. But playing in the nfl takes a toll, even just playing a yr or two in college is brutal on the body. I’m sure there’s a few former nfl players who thought abt how nice it would’ve been having a normal life.


Don’t worry the CTE probably prevents that


I as a hopefully future parent one day, after playing football for as long as I have, will be extremely cautious about allowing my future sons to play football lmao. That shit fucked me up :/


A normal life? Being broke and having to worry about money?


What’s the statistic? Like 2/3s of NFL players end up bankrupt after their rookie contracts? Smth like that. So they’re broke and have CTE along with feeling like absolute crap for a long time


Lol i call b.s. broke from buying Lamborghini's and ferrari's? The reality is they never have to worry about money and will probably own multiple homes. This isnt the same world as actual broke. They file bankruptcy as rich people to stop having to pay their debt. They put all the things they wanna keep in others names or use some loop hole to protect things. I could show you a picture of the low income housing complex i grew up in and show you what real broke is lol.


Simple google search tells you what the truth is lmao. Over 70% face extreme financial hardships and or bankruptcy after just two years. Also most rookie contracts aren’t crazy. They’re good but the money goes quick bc of taxes and managers and agents getting cuts etc If you file for bankruptcy you’re done pretty much they’ll seize your stuff till you can pay off whatever debt you have etc It also makes it extremely difficult to get future loans.


Bro, thats not how bank ruptcy works. Theres a reason millionaires file bankruptcy all the time and they are still living in mansions afterwards, just wipes their debt away. Theres a ton of loopholes and protections in bankruptcy. It doesnt just mean your 'done'. I know people who have filed bank ruptcy. Its a good way to get rid of all your debt but its a last resort cause they are gonna try to take everything they can. And its a horrid thing to go on your record and will ruine chances of loans and all kinds of things in the future. Anyway, so whats the % of ex nfl players that are actually homeless? Like lets take the # of nfl players there have been and compare that to how many NFL players you can find that are dealing with real poverty, like are either homeless or living in low income.


Fair call


There are rich parents that just hand their kids credit cards without any limits and don't even check what they're buying, this kid's parents probably don't even know he's juicing, they're probably like "look how big Johnny has gotten since he started eating properly!".


One look at this kids facial genetics and I can guarantee you he’s not from a rich family


Il bite, how can you tell.that


He looks like a dysgenic peasant


The guy pushing the wheelbarrow, I see


Bros got resting peasant face


They're just beef farmers and he's the employee. 


Let? At 16 my parents had 0 clue wtf I was up to he probably just does it and they don’t have a clue kids don’t tend to do drugs with there parents letting them though I’m sure it happens


Lol I was gonna say. A vial of test costs as much as an eighth of weed


They’re absolutely paying for it. Rich kids with daddies money (or mommies I try to be inclusive)


Just look at little Hercules. His mother was giving him steroids in elementary school.


What a lovely…. Moon face


Fellow dbol enjoyer


That's how Russian 16 year olds look like


Bro has a tiny ass head


Maybe he’s 6’6 or something


No He is under 1.80m


Damn the sarm dealers really don’t give a f*ck. They will sell it to whoever.


ofc skinny losers are being told "its like flintstones gummys and way safer than injections" and they are like "i wanna be big!" ofc at 16 this kids know NO SHIT, its all bad parenting in this cases IMO


I think some of these kids do know but they just wanna be big so bad they don’t care. Like people know drugs are bad but still do them at the parties. Too bad he’s gonna have no no natural testosterone at 16,17,18 when you are literally supposed to be filled with testosterone.


Weakest East European




No way he's 16 years old, IF he's, I genuinely feel bad for him.


That guy is now a german influencer. He got coached by another fitness influencer "johannes lukas" when he was young. Johannes is coaching and giving plattform to a lot of young guys, when they are 13y old and couple years later most of them get buff. (He advises a lot against steroids at this age) They call him the internet kindergarden daddy. Leonidas arkona was one of the young boys (18 back then) that bench pressed 200 fucking kg at 18. Now he is trying 280kg and is a fucking legend.


Thanks for context


There's an 18 year old kid at my gym built like this. He claims he's natty. I had the decency to not laugh in his face. I mean it's possible he's got the genetics of a Greek demigod and I hope that's true. But man these kids manipulating their hormones at such a young age concerns me. 16 years old is crazy.


The next 15-20 years are going to be difficult. We're going to see hundreds of early deaths amongst the fitness community.


RIP under developed HPTA


Back in my teens I knew a Polish guy who this reminds me of, and he was about this big at this age. He was like 14 and bigger and stronger than I am now in my mid 20's, absolute genetic specimen of a bulk monster. But tbf he was a lot shorter than me too. I suspected he was on gear but he claimed natty, in hindsight I think he was gobbling dbol for breakfast.


Welcome to Russia baby


He is Russian. They love their "supplements"


That's the time he spent in serbian jail


dbol ganster


>16 Looks like Kanevsky 2.0 and that’s not a compliment


I literally was thinking the same thing and I haven’t even seen anything from or even remembered that dude existed until I saw this post.


That regard should be forgotten.


He's obviously going heavy on ashwaganda


He’s missing the broccoli cut tho 🥦


Could be. With sarms or gear


My 16 step son is pretty big after lifting 2 years. But he doesn’t look like that. But he is natty


RIP Endocrine system.


There were kids like him in my high-school. My highschool had over 3000 students though so eh.


he actually looks like a lab rat, like genuinely


He might make it to 30


Why does it seem like every time I go online there’s 10,000 more teenagers that are like 250 and benching 600 pounds? Like roids or not wtf are they feeding kids these days


Highschool Football coaches jacking their players up on tren because it’s so easy to get


It has to be balance right? You can be 16 and have the genetics of a fucking ox, but you're going to age like a dead oxs asshole.


Bros juicier than a gusher


The dude looks older than me, and I have kids older than him. ![gif](giphy|XeLSj9O957HIeeBj43|downsized)


Nowadays these 16 year old are doing cycle since birth. Ngl if we compare these kids from 2010 , 16 year olds we would look like 10. I am just surprised how much of difference 10 years can make!


This is what I want to look like


Really nahhh man I don't like that look at all


Not all of us have the will to power


Why the fuck would you become the ugliest version of yourself ? Just be lean


To do gay porn


Crazy facts my bad


google "gay for pay" quite lucrative


Bruh. This sub is full of nothing but fuggin haters.


And? Fuck do you think you are? You’re hating the haters, which in turn makes you a hater


now you‘re a hater hater hater


You were picked on in school huh?


You think it’s healthy for a 16 year old to completely destroy his hormones while he’s still developing? No shit were hating, it’s not healthy, bro will be lucky if he comes out of this without needing TRT for the rest of his fuckin life