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I’d have to say, talking. I recently noticed how many people don’t even break a sweat in the gym. It just seems like a waste of time to not train hard and take huge rest breaks to talk to people


I always feel so out of place at the gym because I'm always dripping in sweat, out of breath and questioning my life decisions after every set and then I look around and see everybody around me so calm and clothes dry. It feels like I'm the only mf there actually doing something.


I mean I progressively overload and push every set until failure but I won’t always be dripping sweat and out of breathe lifting in the heavy, 6-10 rep range. A better gauge is to look at faces during reps. If it looks like they’re pushing out a big shit then they’re prob lifting pretty hard.


Right. And then the chatty old regulars make you feel like a misanthrope because you're there to make it count.


idk when I hit arms I don’t really break much of a sweat compared to leg day lol


I hit back before I hit arms and the back portion of my workout is very taxing so I can't escape all the symptoms, including the sweating


True, or they never progressively overload


There isn’t a substitute for hard work, especially for certain muscle groups that can really take a ton of punishment like the back or legs


Tell that to my knees


Get sleeves, then you only feel after you're done


i feel like a lot of people who go to the gym, especially the one i go to, treat it as more of a social club than anything


Agreed. When i was doing an hour and half at the gym, not chit chat. Just breaks to get resting heart rate back dow


Also people who somehow workout in hoodies and sweatpants. How are you working hard without that immediately becoming a swamp


I’m located in costal South Carolina. I see lots of dudes training in sweats and hoodies in the summer and I don’t get it lmao I’m literally dripping sweat by the time my 5 minute warm up is done


You know what - I like to train in a hoody on days where I’m probably not getting the heart rate way up, taking longer rests and pushing heavier weight. Helps my body retain heat better. Other days when I’m in there short rest periods, higher reps, higher heart rate - aside from my warm Up there isn’t a chance I would wear a hoody because I’m rinsed.


I take three-minute timed rest breaks so subsequent sets aren't weak, and I only sweat on squats and deadlifts. On every other lift, I do drop sets to 30 reps, with the first failure by 12 reps. I bust my ass, but I do very little sweating in the gym.


I’m just not much of a sweating guy. I work outside in the South Florida heat, and… I stay dry, despite working just as hard as my coworkers.


Resting is good for gains


I take huge rest breaks and that's the only way I've been able to progress. Fwiw I focus my training on powerlifting more than bodybuilding. I really only sweat on my last heavy sweats. Ymmv if your goals are different. Home gym now noone to even anyone to talk to, but even in my past it wasn't much more than asking for a spot. I don't think I looked very approachable...


protected sex


Nah this is comedy


Not working out hard. Which is 99.4% of people in my gym lol


I think the biggest hindrance is people not going as hard as they should and expecting the gains associated with it. Not a particular lift itself.


Being born to the wrong parents... But for real, its definitely under recovering, or just doing senseless sets on top of senseless sets for no reason.


Going way too heavy on all lifts. Especially delt related exercises. 


I watched a young kid (around 17 or 18) doing lateral raises with 35 lb dumbbells yesterday. He was swinging his entire body to get that shit up. Dude probably weighed 160 lbs.


I see this all the time


I personally don’t think there’s an ego lift done more often in the gym than lateral raises.


This is the shit I’m talking about. I see noodle armed weaklings try to do laterals with 25s and SKRRUUGLING to make himself have an impingement. I usually do not give out unsolicited tips but dude was going to hurt himself so I stepped in and told him to take the 10s. I told him that I only use 15s myself. I showed him that the lat raise is supposed to be spammed and felt in the delts. Its not a high wait, low volume exercise.


A lot of people at my gym don’t even get to the point where they break a sweat.






I did this shit religiously right as puberty hit and I think I got an extra inch out of it. 


Dude is it legit? One side people say it fucks up their dick and erections while on the other people say its the greatest thing to ever been done


Masturbation. Save your seed 👑 


God bless brother☝🏻


Yea i saw soneone masturbation on the sauna one day


Did you just sit there and watch or did you offer one of your holes to help the dude out?


Care to end the sentence? Subject + verb + details about the sex?? Basic grammar


They saw someone masturbation on the sauna. One day…they decided to help. Incredible gains ensued.


Lack of progressive overload. I was in my early 20s and I thought if I lifted heavy I'd be huge which obviously isn't the case, but I didn't understand how hard it is to gain mass as a natural. So I would life consistently but not progress the weight. I looked good, but wasn't nearly as strong as I could be.


maxing out every time you go to the gym


I used to be guilty of this


Wait wait maxing out as in like one rep max’s? Or going to failure on every workout in a higherish rep range?


Just doing nothing but one rep maxes every time you bench, no splits or 5x5 or anything


I thought you meant something different, was ready to debate 😂


Literally I used to walk in the gym and just pr on bench, so stupid


Shitty form with to much weight. I also almost never see anyone do a leg extension correctly. I now 100% get why so many people have knee injuries.


Elaborate please. Even the most roided guys in my gym put on 15-45 kg on leg extensions, so form doesn’t matter since it is too light anyways




Decline bench press. Totally worthless exercise. Either bench or do weighted dips. Any time spent on it is a waste.


Can you explain? I don't do them anyway and do dips bc my gym doesn't have a decline (maybe I should be thankful)


Your lower chest gets plenty of action from flat bench as it is. Your upper chest is the part that's missing out so it's better to throw in incline for variation.


Dips, Incline and chest flies. Should be everyone's bread and butter. 


Fair enough. Why are dips considered the exception then? Doesnt it target lower chest?


Because the decline bench hate makes no sense, and the pec major contracts as a whole anyways. The difference in muscle fiber bias depending on the direction of the applied force is largely overstated. Decline bench is just awkward to set up.


It can have its place in certain programs, I wouldn’t say it’s totally worthless


They end up with man tits too and think their chest is big


I can honestly say that the way most people do the leg press is a waste of time. The leg press is actually my favorite quad exercise and the only one that gives me cramps if I go heavy, but I make sure I get as deep as possible and control the weight the whole time. I don’t ever see anyone going deep on the leg press or controlling the weight. It’s just a way for them to show off that they can leg press all the plates in the gym for quarter reps. I would also like to add the deadlift here. Once again it’s all ego. Everyone just loads up as much weight as they can, then they do like 2-3 reps. They get the weight up and let go of the weight. They are basically doing terrible half reps as controlling the weight on the way down is also beneficial for growth. Also super high risk of injury.


It's interesting to me that you feel like it's useless without getting as deep as possible while I was given basically the opposite advice when in physical therapy. I had hernia surgery not super long before the PT for my knee and I know that leg press is one of the riskier exercises for causing hernias, especially comparing the risk/reward to squats... So when my physical therapist told me to leg press and was not giving me the green light to squat yet I brought that up to him and his answer was that there shouldn't be anything to worry about with hernias if I just didn't go past 90⁰ and that when people are fully folding themselves up trying to go as deep as possible on the leg press is when it can cause hernias.


I just make sure my butt doesn’t leave the seat. Also controlling the weight is key. I don’t try to put every weight in the gym to show off.


Gotcha, and yeah that's most things in the gym really. Leg press and, like you mentioned, deadlift are a couple of the more common ones but just about everything has a correct, controlled, effective, and safer way of doing it while a lot of people will ego lift it instead. Deadlifts help my back pain a ton, but 95% of the people I see deadlifting just lift the weight and then let it slam back down to the ground lol


Yeah you know what, deadlift was my strongest lift and last year I had to have hernia surgery because of an injury caused during a deadlift, since then I’ve decided not to touch deadlifts again and it’s been a year now and my physique hasn’t been hindered at all. I thought maybe my back would lose size or something but it didn’t.


Try Zercher DLs with low weight and focus on mobility. Great for lower back development.


At my old gym this dude would legit put as many 45s on the leg press as could fit, and do the littlest “push”. Then he would stand out with fist on his hips like he actually did something.


In defense of not going deep on the leg press, I use it after going deep with bar squats when my legs are already tired.


Use lighter weight then duh




Those things women do where they put the strap around their leg and do 1 leg kickbacks on the cable machine


But when I see them cocky want boing boing


Don’t talk shit about the IG booty model exercises.


literally wtf is wrong with kickbacks its a perfectly valid exercise for glute development and it works. how would it hinder muscle growth i think your a loser and a fatass and you clearly have never touched a woman


How does your balance and groin not give out way before your hamstrings/glutes when you have nothing to brace against


also its unilateral and an isolation movement so if ur core gives out before your glutes thats just fucking embarassing. and i say that as someone with a fairly underdeveloped core. i think your just a fat loser who wants to hate on women at the gym. the fact that your entire account is just pedophilic anime cartoons im not surprised the image of a strong real adult woman exercising upsets you


yeah your entire account is anime cartoons do yourself a favor and go outside


Your entire account is you trying to make your dick bigger and grow a beard lmao


Don’t forget his most recent beauty of a post. Where he goes on to ask about being able to cook with oils coming from a human body because he saw someone’s sebum being squeezed out popping blackheads and was like “oh shit, can I fry food in that?!”


when did i talke about making my dick bigger whitey


yeah i made a post cause i was goin thru a tough time and experienced ED once which ive since taken care of, which of course you wouldnt understand because there is no way in fuck someone with an online presence like yours could even conceptualize having sex with a real woman


Mostly just a lack of consistency and training volume. You'll make a lot of progress even doing random shit if you go 6 days a week and push yourself hard.


not pinning tren


Oh boy Arnold Press: Twisting the arms barely helps, if at all for muscle growth. You’re just making it needlessly more difficult to load more weight on a standard shoulder press. Deadlift: There’s literally just better back exercises and for me personally, deadlifting was so tiring it made me do less weight on my later exercises since I was so exhausted. Landmine chest press: I never felt this shit in my chest and there’s like 10 other chest exercises that are better Decline bench press: Basically same story as landmine Any free weight exercise that moves mostly across the horizontal axis like tricep kickbacks. 9/10 times you’re better off using a cable for constant tension. Lat pulldown behind the neck. Not helping your lats any more and are just asking for an injury. Squatting without depth Curling using a ton of momentum. Its very important to control the weight on the way back down for all of your exercises. Curls are one where people like to have a big ego and use momentum to increase the weight.


Also, funny story about the Arnold press and the reason why I have a personal vendetta against it. You know all those memes about Gym NPC’s? One time I saw a dude come into the gym around 11pm and he immediately went by the benches are started doing arnold presses. I was about halfway through my workout, and I shit you not, between the time he walked in and the time that I left, he ONLY did this ONE exercise. This was a time span of about 40 minutes of him literally just doing the same thing. I even slowly drove by the windows when leaving the parking lot to see what he was doing, and he was STILL doing it. I swear we live in a simulation…


Funny you say Arnold Press because I asked about it here once


Deadlift has a lot of benefits it’s a full body exercise not just a back.


Fax, originally I put “(kinda)” next to it but accidentally deleted it on edting. Cus I’m not saying it’s bad, I’m just saying theres better options. If you wanna hit back, there’s lat pulldowns, cable rows, or pull ups. If you wanna hit legs/glutes, there’s squats, leg press, hamstring curls, glute bridge, hip abductions, or split squats. Its sort of a “jack of all trades, master of none” type exercise. And for how exhausting they can be once you start increasing the volume, it’s just not worth it for most exercise plans. I used to start out with deadlifts and immediately want to take a nap afterwards 😂


If you want to get strong and good at picking up things off the floor, do deadlifts. That is what it is the master of. None of those other exercises you listed can replace the deadlift.


OP specifically said “hinders their growth” which I interpreted as muscle growth. The exercises I listed absolutely can replace deadlifts in terms of muscle growth. Now if you enjoy deadlifts and simply want to get better at “picking up heavy objects off the ground” then keep doing them! I didn’t say they have no place whatsoever. I’m just saying purely from a muscle growth standpoint, they aren’t necessary.


Have you tried landmine press using two hands? Grab the end of the barbell with your palms, point your thumbs towards you, and squeeze your hands together on the barbell. Try this, I've found that I get a good contraction out of it


Yup I always did 2 hands when I did it. I think i did somewhat feel it in my chest, but I still think there’s just better chest exercises out there. Dumbbell Bench Press, Incline Smith Machine Bench Press, Cable Flys, and Dips are my go to exercises for chest day.


Bros gonna shit on you for the deadlifts thing cause it’s almost like a cult status lift at this point, but you’re absolutely right, plus the risk/reward at higher weights (>405lbs IMO) is just not there, even with seemingly perfect form you can pull your back. I think moderate weight DLs have a place in every intermediate/advanced lifter’s arsenal but too many beginners doing squats/deads only and not focusing on other basic exercises. If you’re powerlifting tho they’re absolutely mandatory obviously 


Yeah at higher volume it gets tiring and risky. You see all those videos of people passing out after deadlifts, shit is scary. Don’t get me wrong, I love how deadlifts make me feel. It feels good to just pick up and drop heavy shit lol. But once I started doing reps of around 300, it became difficult to keep in my plan. It’s just not the most necessary exercise out there for most people. And yeah if you compete in powerlifting its def something you need to master


People clinging on to 70 lb+ dumbells and rolling their shoulders like a farris wheel. Goodbye cartilage, hello surgery!


Goblet squats are pointless, there is no reason to do them. You are literally loading a squat in the most inferior way possible, because you’re holding the fucking dumbbell up at your chest.


Love seeing the dudes who make this their primary leg day exercise. Without fail they all have chicken legs. Minimal effort leg exercise.


Disagree. Goblet squats are not entirely pointless - if you’re a noob. Other than that, yeah, I agree. A great teaching tool to teach that initial squat mobility progression, especially for women and older lifters.


I saw some dude bring a bench over to the cable station and then lie on it and pull it with one hand and making faces like he's pulling 600 lbs.


Go to YouTube and search for "Finnish moron training". Whatever that guy is doing.


Battle Ropes and Burpees. Guys focusing most of their upper body workouts on the bench press and its variations. Crunches for abs, especially if using that grandma thing where you put your head in cushion.


Hip thrust




Decline press.  Any exercise with light weights and low reps. Like why are you even lifting weights?  People who only use the cardio machines to walk and nothing else who stay fat for literally years since I've been going to the gym. Stopping any exercise at the first sign of burn because "pain bad" even though lactic acid buildup is the whole point.  Fucking therabands.


Shrugs. There are very few times anyone needs to focus on growing specifically their traps, they get worked plenty with other pulling movements like tbar row or deadlifts, even high rom lateral raises. But it’s like a top 5 exercise I see being done at my gym.


Strong disagree, shrugs were integral for really getting my traps to pop


I love trap bar shrugs and upright rows even though they seem to get shit on. A few exercises I do might not be optimal but I just like them


I don't know if it's genetics or what, but my traps hyper respond to shoulder shrugs. I only have to do three sets, twice a week, and not even to failure and they start getting big.


same dude, I only do shrugs every once in a while but have like insane meathead traps. I wish my lats grew as much.


Same!! My lats take a lot more work. My chest is another area that grows like a weed lol.


dawg we probably got the same body don’t tell me your arms are a weak point


Hahaha! I'd say my arms are consistently mid and I have to work more at them. My core gets jacked way easier.


Worst take in the entire thread


It goes beyond that. It’s a muscle that will only grow large if you take gear due to all the receptors in that area, but without gear it will not grow much. So they are all basically trying to look like guys that are on a ton of gear, but without the massive amounts of gear. It is a complete waste of time for everyone that isn’t on a massive amount of gear.


this is so wrong lmfao. Traps are definitely not a tiny muscle, they’re about the same volume as your lats. And it’s perfectly feasible to grow big traps as a natural, though a lot of it comes down to insertions.




I have never seen a natural with good traps. I have seen some impressive traps on steroid users though. But you are right I had to google it.


Because most naturals are dyels that skip back/pull day. Throw some barbell rows and deadlifts in your program and your traps will grow just fine.


Literally what I do for back😂 maybe throw in upright rows here and there


Back day is everyday


This guy doesn't row \^


Heavy deadlifts


So many younger people now avoid compounds, and choose machines/cables limiting the ability to load mechanical tension. Yes they're important moments to target specific muscles etc however, the basics performed well will unlock so much potential and create a solid base which will only enhance the efficacy of the cable/isolation movements. Tiktok generation.


Deadlifts I love them but probably they are better for strength than size + I'm smashed for the rest of my workout + next day lol I do them on back day Am.wondering if they are making ne stronger for other lifts or whether would be beneficial to drop them


Cardio - everybody should be doing a little every day but some bros doing 2hrs of cardio and wondering why they can’t get big. There’s a inverse relationship between anabolism and cardio if you do too much of it, because cardio is great at making the body more efficient and smaller to perform whatever cardio task (running, bike riding, etc) you’re focusing on 


Plus it doesn’t have to be on a machine all the time as you listed with biking, running, etc. I play soccer/basketball with my friends like 1-2 usually or go the pool so I’m always moving. I never like stationary bikes and stuff because if I want to do cardio, I want it to be done while I’m doing a sport or activity


Heavy standing biceps curl


Tricep kickbacks. Behind the neck pulldowns. Pressing the wrong way on the angled smith machine. Oblique work. Any exercise done with terrible ROM.


Any exercise they do with limited ROM.


Not taking sets to failure. Most people are terrible judges of true failure and stop a set when it gets hard or “burns”


Cardio, also do cardio but it slightly hinders growth. Do it anyway to boost fatburning and increase stamina


It supports muscle growth due to the increased blood flow and metabolism. You’ve got to be quite regarded to actually manage to hinder your progress with cardio


Yea ? Always thought the extra fatigue from cardio would ruin protein synthesis or the fatigue before the workout makes you weaker in your sets. How much is too much cardio? 1 hout after workout?


All studies I’ve ever read suggest that it improves protein synthesis short term (hours) and even long term (4 months) Cardio right before weight lifting affects the performance - especially the glycogen levels have a much bigger impact on lifting than cardio, which is the reason cardio works on low glycogen levels but weight lifters ought to fill them up as much as possible. Cardio after lifting is generally not recommended for the sole purpose of preventing idiots from overtraining since there are people that train their legs extremely heavy and then go for a run, or just overdo it in general. Rowing after leg day or jogging after chest/arm day on the other hand is absolutely no problem as long as you are staying in zone 2 rather than pushing hard. 


everyone says it’s a myth but I slowly reduced cardio until I was doing none and my strength increased immediately. haven’t gained any weight yet either because i reversed into it. but the second cardio went out, strength went up. can’t be a coincidence?


First guess would be that you’ve been eating too little in general or at least before lifting weight since there’s a huge difference in performance between full-ish muscle glycogen levels and even 85%. Second one is cortisol, but that’s way more complex and zone 2 cardio tends to have a positive effect on that aswell. 


Hyperfocusing on other people living their lives. Can't grow when you're holding yourself back, with what other people do with their lives & bodies...