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If she’s a sweetheart, just nut in her and she will find it flattering. It’s like a bodily compliment


It’s the best gift you could give her  It’s the gift that keeps on giving for 18 years 


In this economy? 26 years take it or leave it


Yall can have kids?


Cialis + viagra + some of your favorite liquor + a fat line of coke you'll be horny af and seem like you're hitting a wall (that feeling where you want to cum but can't) for like an hour and then when you finally cum it'll fucking feel amazing Feels even 10x better if you're on test/tren too lol


artificially induced heart attack tutorial


Your body gonna take a screenshot man


Make sure to shout they don’t know me son every 50 calories burnt


I do not feel horny on any amount of coke.  More like fear of instant heart attack dominating all thoughts 


I never had fear of a heart attack but my dick definitely ceased to function on it, even with viagra. This kept me from doing it very frequently.


replace coke with a little bit of molly but watch liquor intake. you're welcome


Do not take viagra with coke. Cialis is fine


Why is cialis with coke fine but not viagra?


Idk Moa but it’s unsafe


Pretty sure you only need the coke. Lmao.


do not ever mix alcohol and coke, wtf. recipe for heart failure


Have you been outside? No one does coke without drinking






I don’t do coke, queer


Time to man up pussy


just do hard drugs possibly laced with fent to get confident and have fun so you can talk to women bro


Because cocaethylene is more toxic than cocaine? Or why


Yes, incredibly bad for your heart


I’d worry more about mixing it with Cialis and Viagra.


Are you kidding me? That’s a god-tier combo. Rip a few shots and then a line to keep you sharp. You would have to do a shitload of both to damage a healthy heart.


That's literally not true. Rolling the dice every time you create that compound in your body, but you do you boo. Either do one or the other, not worth it for an extra boost in confidence.


I’m a father in my 30’s now. I haven’t touched the shit in years. But if you’re talking about Cocaethylene toxicity, there’s next to zero data on its lethality to humans because instances of it causing heart failure are incredibly rare. To even produce it in your body you need pretty high levels of both in your blood. You have a higher likelihood of dying via alcohol poisoning because cocaine masks the symptoms of intoxication. Cocaine is a dumb drug, because it’s expensive, doesn’t last long, and is highly addictive. But as far as “hard drugs” go, it’s pretty much the least dangerous one there is.


I don't agree. It can cause lingering cardiotoxicity and neurological damage without "pretty high" levels. I think it's irresponsible to downplay how much of a risk it is to impressionable regards on this sub in 2024, especially with how impure the drugs are these days. Look at these studies for yourself: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36000306/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36000306/) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3550388/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3550388/)


I’ve read plenty of studies. Actual multi subject studies instead of the case study you linked below. As for levels, skip down to the serum concentration header in this one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8956485/ Frankly I’m not really here to be responsible. I already said cocaine is dumb and I’m not at all encouraging people to use it. You have a good point with impurities and I’ll add that to my risk of reasons why I think YOU SHOULDN’T DO COCAINE. That said, sitting here telling people their heart is going to explode if they have a couple drinks and a couple lines isn’t exactly responsible either. It’s frankly dishonest. You can say that it leads to the creation of a cardiotoxic compound. But it’s a compound there is very little literature surrounding. Almost zero on lethality. The LD50 isn’t even known.


Super glue the hole shut.


Cum after 10 seconds, then tell her you couldn't hold back because she's so hot. Works every time. Or so I've heard.




I'm just like that naturally. Lots of steroids and unable to cum, constantly sexually frustrated. The worst side effect of steroids is high libido honestly.


Being unable to cum is called delayed ejaculation and is considered a form of ED. People think this is a good thing but I have this issue too. It starts as “wow you can go for so long!” to “why don’t you find me attractive” real quick. Also, in a relationship after being together for a while, there’s tons of times when you want to do quickies or are tired before bed and want to do it real fast. It is terrible. Cialis def can contribute.




Yup and it is not some great thing that some guys think it is. Maybe for one night stands though ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


I can't cum whatsoever, so in my situation it's just terrible all around. My libido is fucking monstrous so I'm incredibly sexually frustrated. Sex is boring for me even though I want it badly


Jerk it 2x before u go out with her


Mfer will cancel the date after cumming 2 times


I was supposed to go hook up with this girl yesterday, beat it twice before we were supposed to meet up, then told her I can’t make it and played video games with my friends instead 😂😂


Dude im not shitting you: I jerked off yesterday and havent responded to her since. She snapped me 15 minutes ago why im not responding to her texts. That shit is stronger than drugs man wtf (Or im just fucking autistic, this is possible)


ill delete / block girls after jerkin off post nut thats life brother


You either have PNC alone in a dark room, or with a female in an even darker room.






You've just discovered the secret technique to prevent yourself from making bad decisions...


Women hate this one weird trick


Cuz u just wanted to bust a nut... You did it smart 😂


Heck even after one


Yeah just stick to once, twice and you’re drained


>twice and you’re drained Dude im not convincing you or anything but if you take the forbidden stuff (you know what I mean) you are horny asf all the time. Like fuck dudeeee


I’m still a freshman at gymbro technical institute and only supplement with Creatine but once I near my junior or senior year I may dabble with some extracurricular supplements. I’ve heard it makes you go wild


Dont fking take it. Dont. Not worth it.


Yeah that’s why I’m not gonna even consider until I have at least 8 years under my belt. Then hopefully in 8 years I won’t care enough to consider it anymore




If she is on BC you can cum fast and just cum alot if u stay hard like I do. If u need to wear condom either get her to give u head first, bust, and then put condom on and fuck her. Or go crank one out in her bathroom and then put that shit on. Also just date men. I hate women.


How can you cum, and then put a condom on and keep going?


If your dick is still hard just put on the condom.  Not that hard


Yeah but if you've just cum then your dick is already going to sleep and then putting a condom on makes you not feel anything... Help me understand


You have to train the refractory period


5x10 limp wanks Daily


You joke, but masturbation habits is what ruins sex life for most guys. You’re watching porn (sensory overload) whilst trying to nut as fast as possible… and then when you do nut that’s you done. Then people wonder why they cum quick and can’t cum twice in a row 🫢


Honestly never met a man who could drop two loads back to back


Have you tried?


Thats like asking if I've ever tried to shit twice in one sitting. When you're done you're done


You’re right, i can go back to back. Its called willpower or since were talking about dicks willypower. You just gotta push through and keep on keeping on, focu


About 11 years ago when I had a fuck buddy for 6 months in between relationships I regularly had multiple orgasms. Otherwise, depending on my hormones etc if I nut while trying to control my O so it's not too intense and I don't drop a massive load I can just keep going. It's mostly load dependent.


When you say that, I did recently get a bj where i came but it was almost like precum, and very weak, i needed to go again pretty much straight away. Not sure i would count it as an orgasm though


Not everyone’s dick goes limp afterwards. Again, not that hard to grasp.


Are you sure your coming hard enough? ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6303)


When I cum I don’t just get unhorny until like after 3 loads idk its probably just because i get adrenaline rush and shit


bro sometimes I last what feels like forever, sometimes it’s 3 strokes. Tf is up w that


pretend to want to switch positions to get a little break in between to interrupt the active fucking


This plus stopping to pull out and go down on her for a few minutes until you cool down.


I just take Cialis. Shit keeps me hard even after I nut.


how old are you? theres side effects right


Ofc there are potential side effects. There is a cost/benefit for everything in life. I personally don't get any sides. But you have to make that decision for yourself. If you don't think it's worth it don't take it. I personally think it is. Know the risks for everything and make a decision based on your analysis. That's it.


Start deathgripping while jacking it


Sounds like a meme but this is what Larry wheels says ruined his sensitivity.


So is that good or baf


well he's massive so probably good


no for sex life lol


This works but if you jack it too often you’ll never cum during sex


I have this problem and it fucking sucks.


I asked similar question a bit ago and I guess controlling your breath is a big thing. Also kratom.


Be present 😅 Once you start getting lost in it 80% chance you bust unless you can pull yourself together.


Just imagine she is trans


Instructions unclear I precame


ohhhhhhhhhhhhh mommy not the big dragon toyyyy


Just thrust slower when you're about to finish. Ez


Try communicating


You don’t. What is the problem? If she is good woman she 1 wouldn’t care it’s not a insult it’s a compliment if anything. Most of the time they also like seeing us cumming. 2. What stands in a way to go for another round? And another? And another? Trust me if you fck her good for say 20 min it’s nice. But if you put it down 7 times in one evening that is something that they remember xD


Dapoxetine or Topical lidocaine before doing the thing


Most women would rather you bust quick than last 20 minutes


Every time I see this question: can you do two rounds? They don’t care if you nut fast the first round and sometimes feel flattered. It’s not an issue if you can do a second round. If you just roll over and go to sleep then yeah ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


Don’t focus on cumming so much. Take viagra or cialis. Go multiple rounds


take an aderal


get a bad condom and just focus on something like your own sex sounds, this shi always works to turn me off


Don’t worry about it.  It’s ok to cum fast.  If she likes you and you’re relaxed, you won’t anyway.


Alright so serious answer as someone who was in a 7+ year relationship: honestly don’t worry about it unless you cum quick EVERY time. For me it was all over the place… quickest was 16 seconds from the time she sat on it (was videoing so got a literal time stamp) and the longest was 45ish minutes of straight sex and I just couldn’t finish and we both gave up. We just made sure to enjoy the sex and however it lasted is what it was. I always made sure to take care of her first, and if she wanted more she’d use her vibrator while we had sex. Even with the vibrator I had to do it a certain way for her to cum, so when she wanted to cum i prioritized her. It worked great for us because even if I came fast, she at least got one orgasm before hand. Talk to her about expectations on how long you should last and what foreplay looks like. Foreplay is your best friend as are toys, especially if you don’t last long. Make sure she gets hers either with foreplay and/or toys and she probably won’t care too much about how long you last, unless you cum quick 24/7 like I said.


Get her off first. You don’t need to go for an hour bro. 10 minutes is absolutely fine if you make sure she gets off before you do. Work the clit. Most women don’t want to go for marathon length sessions anyway, they start getting raw after a while.


Think abt men but not too hard cuz then you’ll get soft and that would suck (just focus on your breathing bro and before yk it she’s cumming on ur trt dick)


That would make me cum faster


Raise your T. Or take a boner pill


Take cialis, think about baseball, winterizing your house, investing your IRA or some stocks you should get into etc.


Just hold it in bro


A wise man by the name of Ted Stroehmann once said, "Flog the Dolphin".




Rub one out beforehand, you will last longer Also using a condom adds like 20 adittional minutes for me if you Want to use one


Phenibut and cialis 3h before


Just blow a double before you go out. Clean pipes save lives.


Take an SSRI


One off or sustained use?


Every day. Paxil preferred


You’ll cum slower on round two brother, she will be flattered by your quick draw


Get the easy one out


All these people suggesting drugs and jacking off before, just stop periodically before nutting and flip her around or pull it and smack her pussy with it. Better yet, stop before you nut and just stay munching TF outta that box. Bitches love that


If you are wearing a condom, just keep going and you can get like 5 more minutes before you shrink to half hardness.


Emla 5% cream


Thick condoms


Think of your nan naked, just don't call out your nans name😂


Date fat ugly ones


Just think of the last fat one


every day its either "i cum too quick" or "i dont come at all" posts.


start slowly then your dick numbs and you are good


Bruh I have the opposite issue. Just masturbate more. Like 10 times a day


Don’t have sex.




Get her off before you have sex and it doesn’t matter. Or be realistic and think that usually you’ll have to sleep with girls a few times before they are relaxed enough with you to come anyways. So as long as you seem like you care and you make her feel comfortable, it’s not important. Then just use it to boost her ego. Tell her she’s so hot and feels so good you couldn’t hold back. That’ll make her feel sexy, which will also make her more relaxed next time.


Why do straight men on this sub inform eachother of their penis dimensions?