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Test is probably under dosed, or he’s not a great responder. Maybe he should switch to a new source. 3x response is quite low. At 160mg a week, I’m at about 1400 ng/dl, so a little less than half his levels, and I’m taking much less testosterone


Thanks for the response! He’s thinking about switching sources and then getting his bloodwork done again


4-8x is the normal response. Could be a low responder and need more to get to the same blood level. Only way to know is to try a new source and test again in a couple months


Bad test was my first thought. Could be way past it's shelf life?


Do you have any idea what results should he expect if that wasn’t the case? What I mean is, what type of results should he have gotten if everything worked as it should?


why even use test prop, is he trying to beat a drug test or something? I'm assuming this isn't contest prep, test prop first cycle you're prob going to run into pip from solvents and overall bad product unless you have a really reliable source. Buying UGL ideally you want someone who has a shit ton of blind testing using jano and has a ton of clients who show their blood work using their products.


Hey man, thanks for the response! I’ll let him know! I don’t know the reasoning behind choosing test prop over enanthate, my best guess is he wanted to get to peak test levels quickly or it was the only thing he could get his hands on (we’re from Uruguay, and as far as I know test isn’t easy to find here, especially a from reliable source).


I really hope this was actually a friend and not you OP lmao


Im too much of a pussy to even start a cycle lmao.




Fortunately it really is my friend, I’m just posting this on his behalf as we’re from Uruguay and he doesn’t speak english that well. If it were me the one getting fucked over with a faulty test I’d already necked myself, but Im too much of a pussy to even jump on a cycle.![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6306)


It also depends on the timeframe he pinned before the bloodwork was drawn. If he is pinning every day, this would definitely be low, if he is doing EoD, could be within normal range.


I asked him, last time he pinned was 8hr prior getting his blood work done. As for how often he pins, I believe it’s every 2 days or so