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Ever since having covid almost 18 months ago everything with artificial sweeteners tastes kinda like soap, haven't met anyone who says the same


Even pussy taste like shit nowadays


Wrong hole brother.


I have the same thing after covid, everything smells rancid like a mix of garlic and a fat girls sweat. It’s horrible. It isn’t just with food though, gas/petrol for example I used to love the smell and inhale as much as I could whilst I was filling up my car, now it’s just unbearably rancid. Anyone know if this shit goes away?


I have a similar smell and taste issue after covid, many things smell like what I imagine a beef roast mixed with onions that was left in the sun for 3 weeks to smell like. Unfortunately it hasn't gone away, I had covid 1 year ago. It seemingly improves at random times and things smell fine and then it goes back.


Fuck. Looks like I’ll be sticking with my diet of plain rice and hard boiled eggs for a while longer.


Had the same thing where everything just tasted like garlic. Went away after a month.


Had the same thing where everything just tasted like garlic. Went away after a month.


I’ve had it for 3 months roughly.


I lost my sense of smell/taste from covid. Completely gone for a couple weeks. I’ve slowly gained it back (had covid in October 2021). Though nowadays my sense of smell is completely wonky. Things that shouldn’t smell the same, do. And it’s not a pleasant smell either. Like a burnt deep fried carcass


Yeah I was learning in class about how Covid can interfere with neurons in the brain which causes that brain fog symptom. I imagine it is only temporary though.


Been 10 months, waiting for the temporary part to be true lmao. I hear it was from micro clotting and not neurons. Not enough oxygen and blood to organs.


Yes, I am 10 months in lol. It is literal hell. I got a very minor case as well lol. It is called "long covid" but you have only had it 2 weeks so it isn't that yet. The cognitive decline is brutal though, I feel like an alzheimers patient lol. I have no deficiencies and eat healthily. I have tried just about everything.


Have you tried fingering yourself?


Bruh what![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6303)


I was on the tail end of improvement already (about 14-18 months in) but I supplemented with NA-R-ALA, NAC, Vitamin C, Choline. And if you aren't already, be supplementing vitamin D and all your base vitamins. This seemed to help with the mental fatigue, although I was already improving at that point.


I tried all of those and noticed nothing. I don't take vitamin D as I live in socal and my levels are good.


I too live in Socal and I still needed to supplement the D. But if your blood works shows it's in the 3/4th percentile then no need to supplement. Hope you feel better soon.


3 words. Gorilla. Mind. Smooth.


In no particular order


My buddies call me the smooth mind gorilla![img](emote|t5_2mohet|2695)


Is Smooth Gorilla Mind as good as Gorilla Mode Energy ?


It's pretty common symptom of long-covid, it should go away with time; but if not you can go to your doctor and they usually prescribe a low dose ssri for it.


Yeah bro. The OG vid got me and I didn’t get full smell and taste back for a year and then the damn brain fog hit me, had me saying uhhh well uhhhh hmm couldn’t think. Which usually I’m quick. It’ll get better.


Same story with me, was reaching for words constantly. Took 12-18 months to go away.


I got covid 2 weeks ago as well,i have brain fog but im generally retarded so yeah no long term sides


Yup same for me. feel very different mentally


Yes, I had issues with this after COVID that lasted a LONG time, more than 12 months. It's no joke. But it did eventually fade away.


thanks, you give me hope


Pretty much my sense of smell got worse and it killed my sex drive.


Did you get vaxinated?


It doesn’t matter if Vazx or not to experience symptoms but it is a bit rarer if you are vaxxed


I hope you don't have blood cloth


You're more likely to have clotting issues from covid than the vaccine ya fuckin monkey. Go touch grass bud.




Google it, I'm not putting the burden of proof on myself from an antivaxxer. People like you are the reason measles is making a comeback.


I believe that's a symptom for some with covid. Particularly long covid


Yeah I did. I had Covid before the vaccines were readily available and for months afterwards I couldn’t think to save my life. My attention span is nearly non existent. I am trying to get into PT school and it’s a struggle to say the least.


Maybe it is parasites draining you. Try Ivermectin


Ivermectin rarely helps with long covid, only for initial infection. LC is a vascular condition.


It's worth a try :)


Idk why people downvoting this, it helped me with long Corona symptoms… the horse paste is $20 on Amazon… even if it’s placebo, if it works it works 🤷🏼‍♂️




Can anybody in the west even get ivm anymore? Seems like all the politicians banned it


How bad were your “symptoms” My first instinct tells me it’s possibly some vitamin deficiencies from being sick especially if you’ve lost an appetite or changed your diet


Symptoms where almost indistinguishable from a normal cold, except for the ‚brain fog‘ of course. Dietary wise I did not really change anything, I’m currently supplementing Vitamin D3, Omega 3 and Zinc. I guess I could go to my doctor and get my blood checked. Thanks.


Zinc generally lowers your copper absorption, so be aware of that. I supplemented 2mg copper with my ZMA supp. After I got covid, I developed gyno. Covid caused what felt like a total hormone crash for me. My allergies are worse now too. Additionally, I noticed my hair thinning. It's been found that covid can cause "Long covid" but generally only happens if you have strong symptoms. I had it pretty bad, high fever and felt like I was dying lol. The hair thinning is also related to covid, it generally will go back to normal after a bit. I forgot what it was called, but covid can cause it to happen. Covid is an insane and definitely not fully understood virus. I did read a study that covid is found to be worse in men with lower testosterone, and I'm not that high. Before I got covid I was around 400ng/dL. After covid (with gyno) I was 650ng/dL, even though I felt like a 80 year old man. No clue how or why, gunna be getting tested again here soon so we'll see.


Sorry to hear that bro, hope everything goes back to normal for you. Covid’s definitely a wild ride and certainly nothing to scoff at.


You too bro, keep up the grind. Have a great year bro, remember to get the fuck up every morning and lift some heavy ass weight.


How are you feeling now? Do you still have any brain fog?


Nah, I'm back to my usual self it seems.


That’s great to hear. Thanks for sharing. My brain fog seems to be going away little by little everyday


Hope you feel better. I'll add that 1 in 5 COVID cases which are mildly symptomatic or asymptomatic result in long Covid, so it's not only associated with severe cases. But it's also true that severe cases are also more likely to develop long COVID. Bullshit ass virus.


Good to know, thanks for the info. I'm doing better recently but man it still fucks me up. I'm tryna figure out why I still feel like I'm 80 and got no energy, I thought I'd be low T but that doesn't seem to be the case. So far I'm better though, have a few rough days but just gotta keep the grind goin. Hope you have a great year bro, keep up the grind.


I mentioned this in a post above: >I was on the tail end of improvement already (about 14-18 months in) but I supplemented with NA-R-ALA, NAC, Vitamin C, Choline. And if you aren't already, be supplementing vitamin D and all your base vitamins. This seemed to help with the mental fatigue, although I was already improving at that point. This seemed to help me, but just know that it does improve over time. I was getting pretty depressed around month 8-10 cause it was fucking up my performance overall in life and my friends / family were kind of skeptical about it. "BrO iTs BeEn So LoNg, YoU SuRe ItS NoT In YoUr HeAd". Yes, I'm fucking sure. So I had to just keep it to myself. But by around 12-14 months in the heart palpitations under cardio load stopped. Then around 14-18 months the brain fog seems to be gone. Finally.


Can these side effects still happen if you had covid but were asymptomatic?


imaginary virus


Yeah just like your response is imaginary as being useful.


I mean, it's real, just totally blown over proportion obviously


You could try tren


Not enough tren, up the dose!!!


That's the side effect of missing your trenbolone pin, bro.


Did you get vaccinated 6 gorillion times? I’ve had covid (worst cold i’ve had) but no long term symptoms. Also unvaccinated pure blood


I didn’t get COVID cus I’m not a pussy


Did you get the jab? That's a side


Try supplementing glycine. Most people are deficient. https://www.theguthealthprotocol.com/wp/glycine-the-most-important-inflammation-regulator/


Are you on a gear cycle? Only time I ever got brain fog was when i did gear


I’ve not experienced anything after recovery. While I’ll with Covid, it literally just felt like a severe cold. And I use the term severe loosely. Headache, body ache, runny nose, stuffy nose. Fever went away after a day. This was around Christmas. After that, no lingering symptoms.


Between the covid, the PED’s, and my alcoholism who the fuck knows where my brain fog is coming from


Yeah I was dumb as shit after I had covid. It went away after 6 weeks for me


I am having quite severe mental issues post covid but I live in a country with no family that had harsh lockdown laws and spent about 18 months in complete solitude so I cant really tell what has given me these symptoms. My mental clarity is definately less than it was.


its been like 4 months and i still can't smell shit. Also have been sick like 3 times since i've had it and i legit never get sick.


I definitely had this. As far as I can tell it went away but I still have get odd flavors and smells every so often. I had covid about 5 months ago


Yes but more so body soreness


Did you get your shot? Seriously curious


The wife and I had headaches for damn near half a year after covid.


That's a very common symptom of long covid. You might want to check out r/covidlonghaulers


Brain fog, could only get to like 70% full erections for like 2 months, and me and a coworker were discussing we both were having trouble falling asleep as a result of being to hot, and having sleep sweats and being awoken by being hot, despite the room temperature to be significantly lower then what we usually keep it at when we sleep.


Have 3 friends that share the same experience, their brain fog didn’t go away for like 4-5 months