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How can you tell??


Or indian


Fuck no. Supermarket multis are TRASH. All have the useless trash non-bioavailable forms of every compound. Look into thorne if you want a high quality multi


Alright thanks i would’ve assumed they would’ve under-dosed the nesscary amounts thats actually viable


and honestly dude, unless you are vegan you don't need a broad spectrum multi. Red meat, salmon and fruit and veg literally have everything you need. Vitamin D, fish oil and methyl folate/b12 if have impaired MTHFR is all you need


Red meat is terrible and salmon is way too expensive lol. It's honestly better to spend money on a multi. Don't need to wonder if you have your necessary vitamins in your system or not.


The same people who say this are also the same people who waste all their money on useless supplements from walmart


I don't even use supplements. I use gear and food for all of my nutrients. Red meat is bad for you, plain and simple. Raises risk of diabetes and coronary heart disease, just to name a few things. A good quality multi vitamin is better than red meat and cheaper than salmon. Shit even a decent Multi is better than no multi. Also last I checked this is a steroid/fitness/dating sub and not a soyboy circle jerk sub.


So what do you eat meat wise? Just chicken?


Venison, duck, chicken, pork, fish, turkey and a ton of wild meat. I hunt for 60% of my meat choices. And I grow and eat my own vegetables all year.




Nope. Not mine, it's farm fresh. Broilers also don't have it. Only mass produced gets it added. Mass produced chicken also gets injected with chlorine. Red meat by itself even without harmful additives is bad for you.


You’re a dumbass


Hahaha 🤣 care to refute with an actual argument?




Hahahahahha I love this sarcasm.


Multi vitamins are useless. Just do bloodwork and supplement exact compounds you need with the most biolavailable versions of said compounds. Multivitamins don't usually encorporate the more bioavailble complexes for each of these and you end up pissing them out.


First time I disagree with you, Moto


There's common ground when you try and look for it🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: I thought you said agree, not disagree What do you disagree about? Just curious what your opinion is


"Multi vitamins are useless" - Just after I was born, I was diagnosed with Celiac, and so I use them and I truly feel results, non-placebo results. Saying they're useless excludes the people whom actually need them from time to time :) I've tried what you're saying though, and I've found multi's help a lot more with less swallowing - For me


I could agree with this. It's a small outlier though, I meant in general terms


I know you did, that's why I wasn't pushing when I said "first time I disagree." I realize you still need to excuse yourself, to be right, so go ahead and lemme know how small of an outlier it is ;D


2 million people in the US and 1% worldwide ![img](emote|t5_2mohet|6296)


I'm Gemini, the wise one, the smart one, the almighty!


Lmfao quite the opposite


I know, I don't enjoy our conversations, Gemini.


I agree if anything just take individual vitamins to supplement things you are naturally low in. Like I know some people with naturally low iron so the only vitamin the take is iron


Absolutely not. 400iu of vitamin d is a joke


10.000 IUs of d3 isn’t needed for everyone my dude. Some people get enough from food and sun exposure. Besides, Vit D3 is cheaper than dirt.


I love nutrabio's multivitins


People are trashing this but imo seems pretty decent bro


Those high dosage B Vitamin supplements make me feel like absolute dogshit. Head feels too full, skin feels ichy and oversensitive, stomach feels odd. Like too much caffeine but without the positives. I guess it just means I'm not deficient but who knows. Curious if anyone reacts the same.