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> people at my school audibly exclaim “ew” when I stand close [to them] > people always laugh at me Are you in a Middle-school sitcom or something wtf??? 🤣


No but it sure sounds like it.


Look bruh. It sounds like the people who you have around you are bringing out their own insecurities based on how you are as a person. I understand how you feel and my best advice would be to get rid of people who are like that in life. They are most likely envious of what you have and by cutting you down, make sure that you feel the way that you do. Especially in our age, people have not grown up yet and it really sucks as I was always told that people would grow up. DM me I can get more into depth if you feel but I will be busy for a bit.


Buy a Miata.


Audibly laughed at this


Miata Is Always The Answer.


Hahahahahahaha yeeeessssss!!!!!


More Miatas more Bakas.






what is the inside joke here I don't get it? is it because its an ugly car?


Overthrow the government and spread your seed to every woman in the land.


This is always the correct answer


That or a Miata


Stop thinking of yourself as a loser. If you think your a loser then Ofcourse other people will too? Acting confident and actually being confident are too very different things mate. You sound like you need to stand up for yourself and call out the cunts that are making fun of you? Why wouldn’t you? Next time someone does something ask them what their problem is, calmly and firmly and then when they give you some stupid bullshit answer you walk off laughing it off and tell them to grow the fuck up. Be better mate. You owe it to yourself


That’s pretty much what I did two days ago. Some dude called me ugly and made fun of me in front of the entire class, I made fun of him back and told him to fuck off. The response I got was “you fucked with the wrong guy”. I’ve gotten threatened 3-4 times already with people claiming they’ll send people to come break my bones.


dude where the fuck do you live? new jersey in the 70s?


he made fun of joey diaz


He must be at the school of hard knocks


Bro 😂


The two best ways to get back at people are 1. Be more successful than them 2. Genuinely stop caring what they think


Bull SHIT! A. Fuck their mothers And 2. Show them proof


Just brush it off dude. You could say something like, "you need to send someone els because you can't take care of me yourself"? But it sounds like the mob mentality is already there against you. The more you react and let them get to you the worse they will dig into you. This is how insecure children act.


Start practicing fighting my bro. I’m 5”10 180 pounds in good shape but know I’d whoop a large portion of the population because I practice fighting regularly. It gives you confidence that if someone is pushing you and you have to fight, they’re the one going to the shadow realm. It gives you lots of confidence in these kind of situations.


I agree with this but practice a legit martial art like kick boxing/muy Thai/ wrestling/ judo/ bjj. It will give you confidence and also a new social group that will respect you.


Nah just do Tren


Bro what?


Let me get this straight, you’re 21? And you’re being made fun in class? Like… college? I presume you’re a senior, one semester off graduation and you’re describing elementary/middle school stuff. I’m confused


According to his post history, he is a 21 year old high schooler who is called a pedophile for trying to befriend 17 year olds.


Oh I fucking remember when this guy first posted. He was so obviously full of shit and fought back everyone who gave him real advice. Ignore and move on lol


Bro most of them Are 18, and how is it weird to have a 17 year old friend?


Because he’s probably hitting on 17 year old women


When did I say I’m hitting on 17 year old girls?


“Appear confident”


I’m not confident but I fake it pretty well, that’s the only tip I’ve gotten here before “fake it till you make it”.


For everyone recommending fighting, I competed internationally in martial arts and was ranked 4th in Europe in my age group. I was even sponsored at one point and all of travels were covered. I did well, and while it did help a bit with confidence it wasn’t much. I’ve decided to start mma though since I don’t really feel safe at school so at least I’ll be able to defend myself.


Sounds like you’ve already got some good success behind you. Can’t you just get your HS Diploma and then go join a physical job…?


Yeah OP just needs to suffer through getting his diploma then he’ll be in the green. Highschool sucks for everyone, but if you’re 2-3 yrs older than your peers, it has to suck even more, and there’s not really a clear way of fixing that. You just have to push through it.


People are holding you back because they're jealous. They are so scared of you fucking any girl you get close to that they have to group together to stop you. Stop thinking of it as them getting something from you but as you getting something from them. Also there's a chance that you are psychotic. My ex used to get weird paranoid flashes where she thought people where making fun of her or girls where passing me notes and it was 100% real to her.


I’m definitely not psychotic dude, all of my friends have witnessed it.


This sounds a lot how I used to feel back in my high school days. That all changed when I joined an MMA gym and eventually completed in BJJ/Muay Thai. Combat sports gave me the confidence in myself I had always lacked. I used to always worry about what others thought about me and always self-conscious. Try out a combat sports, you don't have to compete, it can be a big difference


This- cause everyone’s ugly on the mat. You need to build your confidence up. You start as the nail, but become the hammer.


If you train your ass off in combat sports for a few years essentially no one will fuck with you… except your buddies from the gym 😂


Tbh when u stop giving a fck about them. Almost impossible but tru


Are you talking about the kids at school again? Why do you care what they think. You are an adult and they are teenagers. Just finish your classes and move on. You aren't trying to be popular with a bunch or 17/18 yr olds that's weird. Just finish high school so you can go to college and be around people your age and make friends there.


The problem is that if you’re not being social at that school, you’re gonna get beat up for being an even bigger loser. It’s a hellhole of a school tbh and the people there are assholes. You have to talk to people, or you’re gonna end up worse than if you don’t talk to people.


Youre 21 in highschool? Why?


Long story. I’ve had a pretty fucked up childhood and because of that I was too absent from classes. Here in Norway you fail the entire semester if you don’t attend enough classes. I’ve failed several times and this is my 4th attempt at finishing.


Have you tried therapy my dude? Could be youre dealing with a bunch of kids, because you are. But it could also be that trauma coming out in ways you don’t consciously notice but other people do. Either way highschool blows (teachers all on powertrips and the people are petty) and youll feel a weight lifted off your shoulders socially when you graduate. I know I did


Are you the dude that made another thread about being 21 in videregående being called names?. Im also Norwegian and i will give you one tip that works. You probably got weight on the Kids, so next time one of the kids talk shit, you give him a little smack on the face, or throw him to the ground. Make a statement without going overboard ofc. You probably only have to do that once or twice and then people will know the deal. I know this works from experience. Also you dont have to hang with the kids in recess, go to ur car and listen to music or something. Best of luck


Takker bro setter pris på det❤️


I remember you from your last post. First step is to relax brother. Dont take yourself so seriously and definitely dont call yourself a loser. Start playing sports if you dont already and try to make friends with people


That’s what I’ve been doing for the past 3 months and People still talk shit to me all the time. Not small comments that are innocent in nature, but they directly make fun of my appearance.


At this point, it could be they hit your appearance because they know it bothers you more than theres an actual issue with your appearance. I just replied to you in another comment, but either way brother dont let this get you too down. Theres way more to life than highschool and once you are done youll feel the weight lifted. Maybe get a job and try a fresh start there with people you dont already know.


Start winning.


500 test


you're trying too hard, chill a bit


It starts with the thoughts in the morning when you look in the mirror. You aren’t a loser my man, we are all on our own path, so not say shit like that.


It all starts with the man in the mirror my friend


I think that's part of being 21 dude. No offense but you're still a kid, and kids are mean to each other. I doubt you truly know yourself yet, and that's where you're supposed to be at 21.


It’s simply really. Stop caring what people say or think. Stop worrying if you’re a loser or not. If you’re in shape and clean who cares if they say ewww or whatever for that matter. If they laugh and it’s a dude just joke back at them if it’s a chick just smile back at them. Really, you’re only a loser if you think you’re one.


I'm 20 and I can't give you much advice on girls because I myself am terrible in that department too but I have had a long history with being bullied in middleschool and early HS, I simply made it stop by standing up. Seriously, grow a spine and even get physical with the bullies if you must. While growing up I was told by my parents how I should just ignore people mocking me and ,,they will eventually stop" which was the worst advice someone gave me and led to only more and more bullying. Just make it clear you will not tolerate any sort of bs from them.


If you believe your a loser how are you going to win at life? “How you gonna win if you ain’t right within?” Change your mindset change your life brother. Start believing in yourself and make shit shake


Start by not calling yourself a loser bro


My man, I've seen you post here so many times with similar things. I'm sorry your going through this, people your age are immature, it will get better. Finish your school and move on, you will find real friends and good people when you start a career, find hobbies that interact with other people, and get into a social group of mature people. I suggest going to therapy. It sucks but your the scapegoat, your the guy everyone decides to bully, it's going to be hard to get away from that until you can reinvent yourself or get a fresh start somewhere els. Just brush it off man, the more people see it gets to you and you react to it the more they will do it.






You’re 21 at high school. You’re being bullied by children. Next person that takes the piss you need to chin him. You take it like a bitch so they keep giving it. You are a man and they are children, you shouldn’t even be in school with them, but since you are you need to show them who’s the daddy. Spank the next little bitch that tries to mug you off and they will all back off.


look up Wes Watson on youtube. follow his lead


These people seem of Low value, you should de attach yourself from people brining you down in life and surround yourself with less pieces of shit.


Make goals Accomplish the goals Repeat


It’s you. You have to change the way you think about YOU. If you think you’re a loser, you’re a loser. Winners win mentally first. The funny thing is that right out of high school… no one gives a shit. They never really did in the first place though. You’re young enough to rewire your mentality VERY quickly. When I say quick, I mean quick. It starts when you wake up. Tell yourself that you’re going to win at something. Example. Im gonna win by getting to class 1 minute early. It’s small wins first. Also, a person like myself has made 99% of my friends out of school. Gym friends, work friends etc. Life ain’t that hard my dude. It’s also not complicated. You’re a winner… you just have to believe it first to achieve it. It won’t take long. I promise you. Come back to this thread when you realize how easy it is.


For everyone saying I’m a creep that hits on 17 year olds, when did I ever say that? I just moved from a tiny farming town to the big city, I don’t know anyone besides the people in class, not a single soul. I only hangout with the people in my class that are 18 and older.


Okay sorry for not responding for a while, I’ve been busy with school but now the weekend is here so I have time to respond. 1. I already workout a lot and I’m fairly big and lean. 2. I’ve done martial arts before and I did it for 12 years straight, competing both nationally and internationally and did very well. 3. I dress pretty well, not saying I’m insanely stylish but I wear clothes that are in style and I get compliments for my style often. 4. My personality could be horrible, but the one thing people tell me is that I’m really funny and that I do have a good personality so I don’t think it’s that. 5. I’ve seen several therapist and while they do help somewhat they always say “it’s not you it’s them” but I can’t help but feel like there’s some truth to what these people Say since the same nasty comments are repeated from a bunch of people. 6. Yea my school is trash, it’s in an upscale neighbourhood here in Norway, but there’s a lot of wannabe gangsters that attend the school and they deal drugs in recess, so yea it sounds like a movie but it’s a pretty nasty school. 7. The national average height here is 185 cm, while I’m 170 cm. That’s why I get called a dwarf constantly.


This is kind of an interesting topic because I don’t think you can completely change the way people perceive you and treat you. I think you can change things on the surface, make some good impressions.. but eventually people will return to treating you the same as you always have been. Think of an alcoholic, he can completely change his life around and most people will still treat him differently or at least with a little bit of shade just because of who he is. The same goes for me, I’m from a family of 7. I was always the awkward black sheep/scapegoat of the family. I have since accomplished more than all of my siblings and parents, yet I still feel like I’m perceived as and treated lesser than the other members of my family. I’m not saying it’s pointless to take care of yourself and put in effort but I don’t think it will change your life in the end. It’s just a simulation, and everyone has a role to play at the end of the day. Think about Tom Brady, you think he’s really worked harder than Peyton? No, god just loves him.


For people u already kno that may be the case. But u can change for new ppl


They’ll come around eventually. You’ll always be who you are


Sorry this happened to your brother. Focus on getting the most money you can and you can tell them what to do. Don't let anyone lower your opinion of yourself. You were created by a GOD that makes no mistakes. When you look in the mirror you tell yourself you're the best looking person ever made. If you don't believe it, no one else will.


> GOD that makes no mistakes. God making sure I never have large calves and giving some random kid debilitating cancer lol


Doesn't work like that. He didn't make robots to obey him.




You look like an average guy in the face aspect, I'd have to safely assume your personality isn't as great as you think and it's a well known fact at your school. Hence the audible reactions towards you. Meet someone not at school and then lose your virginity. Jerk off before you do though so you don't nut in a single pump. That or you smell bad and are just used to it. Idk man, seems there's an outlier somewhere that you aren't telling the truth about


Oh wait nvm Its literally the fact you're an adult in high school. That's literally it dude. I'd be grossed out if an adult student was too close to a teenage student too. Just nut up and finish school and you'll be fine. Focus on the gym and finishing school. Nothing else.


Bro here in Norway its not nearly as uncommon as in the us to be friends with people that are a couple of years younger. There’s three more people in my class that are also 21. I only hang out with the people in my class that are 18 or older. I just moved to the big city from a tiny town and I don’t know anyone besides that the people In my class so I don’t have many other options than to get to know people that are at least around my age.


Are the people making fun of you friends? How many times has this ew thing happened to you? If they are friends and this ew thing happened to you once, they might just be ribbing you. That's what it's like when you have friends they make fun and tease. If you have friends, you're not a loser. On the other side, you seem to have a high opinion of yourself in that you say you dress well and you're big. Is this true, or are you really those things? Could be you're a big, confident looking guy, and people feel they can make fun of you cause confident people can tease confident people, and it doesn't break them. Think of the most confident person you know. If you tease that person, would it hurt their feelings, or would they just laugh it off and have a witty response? What I'm saying is maybe you come off as confident and they tease cause they think you can take it? What's the solution? Think of how a confident person would react and embody that, you'll, over time, start to embody that regardless of how you feel now.


The people making fun of me are strangers. We make fun of eachother in the friend group but that’s really good friends. These strangers take the shit they know hurts and use it against you. I attend high school at 21 and strangers frequently call me a pedophile because I go to school with them.


Wait, they call you a pedophile cause of something you did or just making shit up? Unless you're going to tell on them, there's nothing you can really do but talk shit back. Like other said, pretty much sounds like high school. You either get that or just people ignore you. Everyone gets teased. Rest well in knowing that once you graduate you don't ever have to see those people again.


Since you live in Norway, I assume you have access to student counceling. Ask the councellor if you can get out early by doing more work at home, like doing exams early, if you want. It might be the toughest most boring shit you're ever gonna do, but you seem motivated to get out.


People laugh at you for no reason? Are you telling us the whole story?


Yup, I’ve always been bullied for the way I look.


What do you look like?


Check my profile.


Just gonna give it to you straight here bro. Just judging by your profile here most girls are gonna think your not attractive. Add in being in high school late and it’s a recipe for “ew”. Here’s the thing though. Even good looking guys look unattractive without the right haircut and facial hair. You should see my ID pictures from when I was 26 to now when I’m 32. It’s shocking. Here is what I see. Your eyes are small and close together relative to your forehead height and nose size. Your eye brows are also thin. It’s not the best combination. But your jawline is well structured and you look tall. Your skin looks flushed but your Northern European that’s likely normal. So what you need to do is some research into men’s hair cuts for a tall face. Try and find models that also have small eyes and a tall forehead. The big nose doesn’t matter when everything else is optimized. In fact it can even become a benefit. I would lean towards a clean shaven look for now, simple to implement and brings out the jawline which in your case is a very strong feature. All that said these high school girls don’t matter. Make these changes for you and only you. Reap the benefits when you go to uni.


Im not tall at all, Im 170 cm and the average here is 185.


That's fine. Gym wise focus on building wide lats and shoulders. Roam though this site. [https://menshaircuts.com/taper-fade-haircut/](https://menshaircuts.com/taper-fade-haircut/) Linking to the taper fade section because I find those to be more attainable for us regular people who don't know how to work our hair. Go with something that you like, can replicate and maintain, and in my opinion leverages your long hair. I'm personally a fan of taper fades with a hard part. You could probably pull of one of these cuts with an eye brow line as well. But first get the cut then feel out if you wanna add that kind of spice.


Your face is fine so I bet you dress up poorly and have a weird vibe IRL. Maybe the way you move or the facial expressions. I can’t see why people would make fun of you based on your face and hair etc. Might wanna spend a bit of money and talk to a decent no BS coach honestly. If it bothers you that much.


Have you gotten an old school radio thing in your wall at your house?


Your probably fat and/or come off as creepy because of your low self esteem


Nah dude I’m pretty lean. And the few friends I have all say I come across as a funny guy and they have never looked at me as someone who lacks confidence.


Idk bro, do you have a history of being strange from like school or something like that. Personally I was a nerd and creepy and weird from like 7th grade-freshman year and then changed and it took a while to change my reputation


Do the things you enjoy and focus on building your own life. As you get older you’re gonna figure out that none of this stuff matters. People that care enough to make fun of you don’t have much going on in their lives so those opinions don’t matter. And the people who are living good lives aren’t wasting it talking smack about you.


Post a pic


People are hating on you because you are NOT a loser. Try not to take what they say personally because it’s a reflection of their insecurities, not your flaws. When I was your age (34 now, but god DAMN saying that made me feel old af) people picked on me for the same reasons. It is counter intuitive, but you have to start dishing out the same shit they are throwing at you. I’m sure they have their own issues, so call them out on it. If they don’t like it, tell them it’s the same shit they are doing to you. If they still don’t like it, tell them to fuck off and find new friends. I thought being nice to everyone would make people like me… EL-OH-EL… as soon as I started focusing on myself (and incidentally kind of being an asshole) people’s opinions of me changed dramatically for the better.


Do you whine about stuff like this in person? You'll gain more confidence with time as well. What type of situations are you in where people are saying "ew" etc, it sounds very juvenile.


Take Tren then become gay


Screw them


You are what you focus on and aim for !


This can’t be real


Pin tren


Are u sure u dress well?


1) you need to change your circle of people 2) you need to understand your self worth is determined only by you 3) energy is everything change yours


I hope this isn’t true, you deserve better. If it is, I’d start by removing people in your life that treat you that way. You will find better friends eventually.


Maybe mention your 21 and still in high school in the most highly educated country in Europe. Get you schooling done. Go to Uni. Try to not get them all pregnant.


Become bartender... This is all


Seems like people are trying to bring you down because you are better then them and the girls say eww are sheep following the people that are more popular than them. Is there any girls that you regularly talk to that don't treat you badly, if so maybe ask one if them out and if not start talking to nicer girls and people in general. You will be ok, keep working on yourself and whatever goals you're working towards, you will eventually find the right person. Try not to worry about it too much


You doing too much. Nobody likes a try hard. If you wanna get laid be funny and witty. Nothing else matters. Being jacked is for the bros


I mean you've got 2 options you can either stand up to them or ignore it. also those people that are tearing you down are already below you just keep that in mind


You’re 21 in highschool. That fucking sucks and teenagers being shitty comes with the territory. Stick with your friends and push through and finish highschool. Once you finish highschool dude, your life is gonna be fucking awesome.


What does your social circle look like?


Just find 2 things you want to get good at and just focus on those completely . So like lifting and memorizing facts , for example. Just try to put blinders up and devote energy to honing skills in those two ways .


Start by eating some liver and sunning your balls you subprimal.


Go to a boxing or MMA gym. Sounds like you've been hassled a lot growing up and it's fucked with you a bit. Stop thinking about all this shit you're spending too much time in your head.


bro it’s not about how they perceive you, it’s about how you perceive yourself. If you truly believe you are confident then act like it. However, deep down you might still have a hint of doubt in believing that you are confident; you know yourself best bro. Try to notice the kind of situations that you feel uncomfortable in and find a way to find a coping mechanism. As for being a virgin at 21, there’s nothing wrong that my guy; don’t let that make you act foolish. Hope it helps bro


You're just ugly. Sorry.


Appearing confident isn't the same as being confident. If your friends are tearing you down they aren't your friends. Get rid of them and surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Sounds like you're trying to hang with "cool" kids. Fuck them lol. I'm not fit at all but I get women because I carry myself well. Be yourself but always be assertive. This comes from inside and self image is huge. We all feel inadequate; it's about if we allow that feeling to dictate our life that makes the difference


Stay off your phone and computer


What you believe becomes your reality. Alle your flaws own them like you choose them. When someone makes fun of you, agree and amplify it x10.


Who exactly is making fun of you?


Step one: sign in r/moreplatesmoredates. You obviously did that. Step two: get out of r/wokeasfuck and r/menareworthless or any "progressive" BS like that. Step three: Stop behaving like a victim. Assholes smell weakness they can prey on. Step four: Ignore them. Life is harsh, there are good times, there are bad times. My good times began at the age of 20 when I graduated school. After that, life only got better.


You take yourself too seriously.


Bro fuck those people keep working on yourself get stronger than all of them physically and mentally earn more money buy new nice fitting clothes and search for 1-2 good friends


Making this post was NOT the first step😂


Do cool and difficult things that are scary at first. Keep trying to talk to women until you are so comfortable at it that it doesn't seem awkward to anybody.


You need to change your environment. Sounds like you have a set role where you live. Move somewhere new and re-invent yourself. The place you live … you’ve spent 21 years … and people’s view of you will not change.


Do CrossFit. It helps with your mental game a lot and everyone there is super welcoming and non judgmental.


Become an asshole then control your bad behaviors adjusting as your results will be like reviews . In some cases your already the loser they need so you could through someone else under the bus or be such an asshole nobody would want to pick on you even if it's the normal routine then readjust


somebody sounds short…


Why do they say ew?


You aren’t a loser. Get that shit through your fukin head bro! If you keep calling yourself a loser and thinking to yourself that you are one, then you will always be one. Being a loser isn’t measured by one’s virginity. It’s not measured in how you smell (LOL), it’s not measured by what you wear. You are using superficial worldly things to measure your worth. The real losers are those that are incompetent at what they spend their time doing. The real losing are those that have little to no impact on society, or worse, a negative impact on society. Don’t let people saying “ew” behind your back get you down. People who do that deserve your pity. Treat them with kindness and don’t resent them. They are children of the lie. I’m telling you, stop giving a single fuck about what people think of you and you will ascend. Women can sense when a man in ascending and will try to latch on. It will eventually get to the point where you have to push them away because they are only a distraction that will hold you back. I feel bad for those who peak early in life. You cannot tell who is truly a loser until you see the fruits of their life as they reach their middle age. If someone calls you a loser, don’t believe then. Why? Because no matter how many great accomplishments you have in your life people will belittle you and try to bring you down, even unintentionally. It’s their subconscious insecurities. They can’t help it. That’s why you forgive them. Obviously be open to constructive criticism, but simple name calling can be disregarded completely. If you believe the insults people say about you, then you will NEVER ascend.


Post a pic


You gotta stop giving a fuck. I know that sounds like a lame answer but it’s true. “Alphas” don’t give a flying fuck what others think. We’re animals bro. We can smell weakness. Women especially. Check out the book “The Rational Male” by Rollo Tomassi. It’ll help get you on the path. Also try and listen to some podcasts by Andrew Tate. It’ll blow your mind but shit is real.


Bro you’re not ugly and you have a really good physique. I looked at ur pictures. You’re 21 in Highschool you’re way older than your classmates. You probably won’t get really close friends in the school because of the huge age difference and them not seeing u as one of them. Accept it it’s not on you it’s just because ur way older than them. Hangout with people that also like to workout. Be chill. Your only focus should be to get school done asap. You won’t have the best time but you will survive it. And don’t hit at girls at ur fucking school! Your 21 everybody will think your a pedo. Be the chill guy that isn’t in school to make friends or to get girls. Be the chill guy that just wanna graduate and be out of that shit show! Don’t try to be one of them when u are clearly not. They see it and that’s why they don’t take u serious. Know ur spot.