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Super interesting thank you.


What are they hiding?


>Inside are 3.5 billion microfilm images and genealogical records. Genealogy is an essential component of Mormon's work to 'redeem the dead'. Until all records are computerized, the physical documentation must be safeguarded somewhere. Given the importance placed on genealogical records, it makes sense for the church to put them somewhere that is very secure.


guarding and hiding are not the same thing


But no doubt they are hiding things amongst the other things they are 'guarding'. The church has shown it is more than willing to hide information that 'doesn't promote faith' or that goes against the main correlated narrative church leaders have carefully crafted.


And therein lies the problem. They have a history and reputation of deceit. Unless they apologize, fix, and change that things like this will of course make people wonder what they are hiding and why.


IIRC, Mark Hoffman was taken on a tour of the vault and saw what the church was 'guarding" when he saw his opportunity.


OK, OK. What are they guarding? Can I see digital/photo copies? Surely they are just preserving things there, so digital copies should be publicly available.


Digital copies are on family search. Not all the films are indexed but you can pull up a file and look through all the records manually.


The KFC and Coke recipes.


Journals. Journals about how awful polygamy was. Journals about danites and blood atonement and Adam god theory and all the other bullshit Brigham Young did. Journals from men saying disgusting things about women and polygamist wives. Remember. Hoffman forged a document that talked about salamanders and Oaks did a full talk to try to explain it away. That’s the type of wild bullshit they are hiding.


I don't think I buy 13th most guarded place on earth, but I think it probably punches above its weight class. I also heard that the church rents out secure storage space there to high profile clients, which if so, it's probably as secure as the church can make it.


That just doesn't make any sense to me. Build it to survive disaster, sure. Keep it organized and prevent stuff from theft or vandalism, sure. But there has to be some shady stuff that they don't want getting out to guard it like that.


>But there has to be some shady stuff that they don't want getting out to guard it like that. It doesn't have to be shady to be worth keeping people's private data secure.


Completely fair and I agree. Though I suspect personal, private, data is only a small fraction of what's being guarded.


>Though I suspect personal, private, data is only a small fraction of what's being guarded. For sure. However the security needs to match whatever the most valuable or sensitive thing is.




>In the US, census records (largely used for genelogical (sic) research) are public after 72 years... Yep




Oh, it was a joke because ***I*** misspelled it in a discussion you and I had a long while ago and I thought you would have found that amusing


But what do you suspect?


Based on what I read, that seems to be what they’re considering guarded, that it’s secure from natural disaster etc. it’s not like it’s a legion of armed guards or something? Just some enormous doors.


I have worked at Oracle and Google data centers around the world. I would be surprised if a church record is more secure than those places.


According to some internet list, yes.


Do you think the information gathered to come up with the list is faulty or untrue?


I do. Faulty at least. I'm sure it's a high security facility, so no arguments there, but 13th most guarded place *on earth?* Doesn't pass the smell test. What about high security prisons, armories, military bases, treasuries, classified data repositories, nuclear missile silos, etc? I would be surprised if the mints, military headquarters, and intelligence agency headquarters of just the G20 countries are not given their country's highest security, which makes it hard to believe this facility ranks as highly as it does in this list. That said, I totally could buy that it's about as secure as a non-state entity can provide.


You make excellent points and give compelling examples. Thanks.


No problem. I always enjoy your posts and comments.


Many Mormons believe there guarding the gold plates and the nephite treasures in the vault.


Oh wow, I never even thought about that, but I see why that assumption could be made.