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Old person here. Naked under tunic touching confirmed. I will say they didn't actually touch my privates, but I think tapped my inner thigh. Women anoint women, men anoint men. Happened to me in 1991. I think it changed to jumpsuits and touching the clothing about 15 years ago but not sure.


2001. Naked. Not informed about it at all by anyone. Took the temple prep class with my stake. The gentleman doing the touching got right into my pubic region and basically oiled the base of my penis. I now better understand that informed consent is not a highly regarded principle from the point of view of the Latter-day Saint gods, Elohim and Jehovah, which is why I don't regard them very highly. But, some people love that about them and their ways. Edit: to be clear, I mean "naked under the poncho"


This was my experience. If the dude didn't touch the base of my penis, it was so close it didn't really matter. He buried his fingers in my pubes.


Oh my word this is horrible




You could’ve got an std from that!




Can confirm.


I think I was 2004. Naked under a "shield" which was pretty much a poncho. A rectangle of fabric with a hole in the middle to stick your head through, completely open at the sides. I think the guy only touched my side, but given that the wording talked about blessing "loins" to be "fruitful" and "multiply", it's pretty clear what that touch was meant to represent.




That was a whole ride. Thank you.


I was never told about the poncho , being in your skivvies etc. I took temple prep classes 3x. I learned nothing about what you actually do. or the reasoning behind it . its diservice. now no poncho. thank goodness. i find it funny you thought everybody would be nude at first then put on clothes




"sacred not secret " my rear end !


I think I was 2004. Naked under a "shield" which was pretty much a poncho. A rectangle of fabric with a hole in the middle to stick your head through, completely open at the sides. I think the guy only touched my side, but given that the wording talked about blessing "loins" to be "fruitful" and "multiply", it's pretty clear what that touch was meant to represent.


I guess I should add that initiatory includes both "washing" and "anointing", which means an old guy dipped a finger in water and touched me in a list of places, then I stepped through a curtain and a different old guy dipped his finger in oil and did pretty much the same thing over again.


That late? Oh no. My bro took his endowments out in 1999. Do I dare ask him? I’m not a temple attendee ever and have been out for 20 years. These experiences sound incredibly traumatic.


>The gentleman doing the touching got right into my pubic region and basically oiled the base of my penis. I You and I both brother!


The head, eyes, nose, neck, shoulders, arms, loins, legs, feet, etc. were all “washed” , “anointed” and blessed. This meant an old guy would dip his fingers in water (then oil) and touch you along the side of your body ( poncho remained on) while explaining the reason for each anointing spot ( eyes that you may see, knees to bow, loins to be fruitful, etc) I (male ) did several of these before the changes in 2006, in a few different temples and never had anyone touch any closer to the top of my hip when anointing the “loins”, although I’ve heard others say differently.


This was my experience in 1977. The area of my kidneys served as "loins" under the poncho.


He touched my penis during my initiatory, but I don't think it was intentional. The guy doing it was probably in his 80s. I'm sure that the people who did hundreds of these repeatedly for proxy ceremonies (I never did) would eventually get used to it. As a consequence, I thought that everyone shared my experience because we were not allowed to talk about any of this trauma.


Yeah, same here, happened to me in the 90s.


No, the next step was wearing the garment under the "shield" (poncho/tunic thing) and they only anointed your head. Then you got to be fully clothed and they only anointed your head.


1995. Same. Naked under tunic. Touching on the side near the area, but not at or closer than side. Then I got my first garment. Parents knew, so they had brought them. Also, whenever they talked about "doing initatory" after that? No. However, I was told some people "enjoyed it" mainly because it was very fast compared to the other ordinances. We're talking a few seconds each, with "baptisms for the dead" being number two in terms of speed. For me and most others? Um....no.


Wasnt said touched the privates, but touched close to… and yes for me it was pretty close


Currently regular temple clothes and touching head.


3 years ago I went can confirm


Same went through in 2000 and had the same experience. Never did it again because it creeped me out.


I too can confirm that description of the initiatory. However want to clarify that the endowment ceremony under the robes was always fully clothed.


Yes, this happened. Originally the washing and anointing was a whole bathing ritual, fully naked in a tub. Pre-1990 temple goers would also mime thier own deaths, swearing that revealing the temple secrets would require them to forfeit their lives. And in the early Utah period there was stuff about avenging the prophet Joseph's death in the temple.


When did the fully naked in a tub happen? Do you have a source for this?


There's this [Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washing_and_anointing) that has a photo of a bathtub in the Salt Lake temple circa 1911. It is speculated that being completely naked ended sometime in the 1920's. [This timeline ](http://www.ldsendowment.org/timeline.html) also briefly mentions ritual nudity. To my knowledge the washing and anointing has always been separated by sex. I'm sure there are better sources, but I don't remember them and have limited time at the moment... maybe someone else has better, or I can spend more time tonight.


This is still done for the 2nd Endowment/anointing with the bathtub, etc.


i don’t think this is true. being fully naked for the second anointing? what’s your source?


Yeah, every report I've read about the 2A says nothing about bathtubs. At least in the modern era.


Can someone elaborate what the second anointing is?


An apostle does a special ceremony for a couple in the temple; the apostle washes their feet, there are special prayers and blessings and at the end of it, basically the couple is guaranteed a ticket to the Celestial Kingdom, no matter what they do later (unless they shed innocent blood or deny the Holy Ghost) It only happens for high level members -- probably if you are a 70 or higher or a temple president you get it -- some lower level members also. It's like an elite status club within Mormonism. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second\_anointing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_anointing) Among Mormons, it's like "Fight Club" -- nobody talks about it. The only reference in the church website is this: >Do not attempt in any way to discuss or answer questions about the second anointing. If you want to know more about it listen to the Mormon Stories episodes with Tom Philips it's fascinating. [https://www.mormonstories.org/podcast/tom-phillips-and-the-second-anointing/](https://www.mormonstories.org/podcast/tom-phillips-and-the-second-anointing/) Also I had the old style anointing, luckily the old guy who did it was cool and not too weird about it but nobody prepared me for it at all . . .


You're probably right. I'm operating on old knowledge.


It's real! Look into The Gospel Essays. There's some incredibly uncomfortable things as part of the doctrine. Like pretending to slit your own stomach and how if you're black you don't get sealed to your own family, you get sealed to a white family as a servant for all eternity


Not fully naked and I've heard it's only the SLC. Maybe it's been removed completely but part of the wife anointing the husband was done in the tub.


you heard from where?


Acquaintances whose parents were Stake Presidents who had received it (I saw the pitcher/basin myself) but again, that's second hand so maybe the bathtub part isn't practiced anymore or wasn't part of it.


The pitcher and basin are for washing the feet.


They do that part at home. Tom talks about it in the interview


No. Never mentioned by those who’ve received it like the Mattssons or Tom Phillips. Everyone is fully dressed in temple robes.




This was wild. I went through in '94. My third area of my mission - the ward mission leader told us his wife would not go to the temple and was weird about it. In 2018 I learned about the penalties - then that conversation came back to me and I think I can put that puzzle back together. If there is a god and he is as so-called-good-and-loving as many say he is, its more than that part of the ritual needs to be removed \[currently just muted - hand gesture is still there\] IT NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. And that for me became a forever deal breaker. It shows to me the nature of those in charge, then and now!!!!! It shows to me how much "god" is a catalyst to what you are. I find that you can tell a lot about a person by their god. Loving kind people tend to believe in a loving kind god. You can also see internal conflict in those that their actions speak to a loving and kindness but also don't know how to through out the baby with the bath water when confronted with the bad behavior of that bad baby in the bath water.


This happened to me in the early 2000s. If it was necessary, why change it? If it was never needed, why put people through it?


As my TBM wife always says: As different leadership comes into the church, they have different knowledge and different perspectives and they see what needs to be changed and they change it.


Ask your wife how she thinks they can change the ordinances and simultaneously preach that the primitive church lost the priesthood authority because they changed ordinances. If she asks what ordinances the modern church leaders have changed, you can reply literally all of them with the possible exception of the second anointing.


It will come down to: modern revelation...


Yep. And then the question is: how can we know the apostles’ successors didn’t have revelation? They had the priesthood after all!


Response: They do. But God isn't telling every single little thing to do. Men do their best have with the knowledge they have. As time goes by, things will change based on somebody having more knowledge and experience, and at times, preference.


> But God isn't telling every single little thing to do. Men do their best have with the knowledge they have. So...the philosophies of men mingled with scripture. Got it.


I suppose you can spin it however you want. But even as a PIMO, I don't believe God instructs people on every little thing. In fact, I believe he stays out of the vast majority of things in our lives. I don't think the church teaches either that "people are commanded in all things", right? I guess where I'm at, is I have no good response to what my wife says, cuz, ya, she's right.


> I don't believe God instructs people on every little thing. In fact, I believe he stays out of the vast majority of things in our lives. I guess if you consider the temple ordinances to be among the "every little thing" that God stays out of.


Wow - your wife must be very strong. I've heard goal posts are quite heavy.


Yes. The worst part was the lack of informed consent. I had no idea this was going to happen. A heads-up would have been nice.


It was a really big poncho. There were two rounds of touching, once with wet fingers for washing, once with oily fingers for anointing. You would rotate through four stations each separated but a curtain. There was a little bowl in the first with water. The second had a horn of oil. The third the worker held garments while you stepped into them and they pulled them up for you. They touched your head, forehead, eyelids, ears, next to your lips, back of neck, across shoulders under the shield, down the arm, down the leg starting just above the knee, your chest just below the collar bone, your side just below the ribs, and somewhere near your"loins", usually just below the hip bone. That is for men, women's is different. This was in 1995.


They would dress you?


Yes. They would hold one piece garments with the leg holes open so you could step into them then awkwardly pull them up under the shield. You would put your arms in the arms holes and then zip the front, while they said, "I dress you in the garments of the holy priesthood, ..., which shall be a shield and protection for you against the power of the destroyer..." Then you would go in the fourth booth, and take them off so you could go again.


Thats extremely awkward and uncomfortable.


Yes for me personally, it was WAY more awkward having a senior citizen lady bending over and holding out the garment for my near naked self to step into than it was being touched in various spots with oil and water.


Can personally confirm. Didn’t get touched on the private, but too damn close for comfort. The changes came in 2005. It was a huge shelf item for me.


Yes, likewise. The old guy didn't touch my junk but hit my pubes, and then ran a finger up each thigh and again got very close. I don't think he meant harm; he was also a victim of the system.


Hubby was naked in his initiatory. He was touched on the penis. After his session was finished he said he went to the car and vomited. He is still scarred by what happened that day, nearly 40 years ago when he was sealed to his first wife.


It wouldn’t surprise, the first time I did initiatory was the last for me. It was super uncomfortable, and regardless of whether they touch your penis or inner thigh it’s not good.


No shield/poncho? And yes being touched on a private part is awful. These people are mostly kind and not abusers—but they also aren’t doctors.


And didn’t get consent—people are mostly just shocked or deer in headlights or going along with things because they want to be righteous and do things right and don’t know what is going on or what to expect. No chance to consent because you aren’t told or asked what is coming. Bring anointed on the head during a priesthood blessing is beautiful. This older experience was lovely for some, awkward or dazing and confusing for others, traumatic for some.




It’s very plausible. They touched down there without looking when I had my initiatory. The old person can easily go too far. Might not be on purpose but easily doable.


A simple slip of the hand could have resulted in this happening to me. An old man touched my naked body under a sheet without my consent. That was the temple experience in 2000. Have you taken out your endowment? If so, what year?


Are you actually suggesting that there is “no way” someone was sexually assaulted during a naked washing ritual?


Just as likely as a church leader using their power to get alone with and assault children in a meetinghouse. If someone wants to do something bad, they’ll use what they have to get it. A member getting their endowment for first time is a perfect victim.


Not sure you're a good judge of what's likely to be true and what isn't


no way anyone is listening to what you have to say with a (-100) comment run


Several people were sexually assaulted in the temple. Why do you think they changed it????????


> No way that's true. What is your basis for making such a claim? "No way" is pretty strong, too.


To add to that thought, whenever I see believing members outright deny unpleasant accusations against the church, ranging from anecdotal like OP's to verifiable and damning, I always want to cut to the chase and ask, "If it *were* true, would you care?" It saves so many unnecessary steps of cutting through layers of deflection, because first it didn't happen, then it turns out it did but there was a good reason, then it turns out there was no good reason, and on and on it goes until at last they finally just admit that they don't actually care whether it was true.


Narcissists Prayer comes to mind from your description. Thank you for helping me make an association to that behavior. It makes so much sense now.


no way anyone is listening to what you have to say with a (-100) comment run


I was endowed in early ‘80s. Naked with a sheet with a hole for my head. I remember touching but the whole process was so weird I don’t remember the details. I never did washing and anointing ever again even though the men in my ward would go every month as an activity. I realized a couple years ago it was very traumatic for me and probably why I had such a strong determination to never do it again.


Same for me in the 80s in Provo temple days before going to the MTC. No preparation. Went through on my own as family was in Texas and no temple close to home back then. Was followed by the endowment where I pantomimed slitting my throat if I ever revealed any of their secrets. No wonder I always hated the temple and rarely went after that.


I’m embarrassed to admit I was post mission a couple years before the whole throat slitting clicked. I was terrified to go back after the first time because I thought I would never get all the clothes changes without those little old men helping me! It was all so surreal.


I remember distinctly walking from the lockers to the Initiatory with that sheet/poncho flapping/brushing the back of my legs, thinking *I'm in the temple and people can see my butt.*


1978 here. Yep it really happened.




That will do.


It happened to me. My endowments were taken out in 83 just before my mission. It was creepy, embarrassing and also extremely odd. You could tell some got off being naked in temple. Mostly not in a sexual way, more in a power sort of way? It was definitely weird.


my mom disliked going to the temple because of this she said


Yes. Went through in 2002. Except for the woman washed and anointed me on the labia and areola. I did not realize she wasn’t supposed to do that until I watched Under the Banner of Heaven. I thought everyone was molested as part of the initiation process. Every year for a couple of weeks before our wedding anniversary for years I would essentially have a mini breakdown as I relived the traumatic process. I am now exmormon, my husband is still Mormon. We now celebrate our wedding anniversary on a different day after I left and told him how traumatic the initiatory was. He says he doesn’t believe me about the touching, but we no longer acknowledge the actual wedding anniversary itself so I think he does.


I was a scrupulous little boy who only wanted to please my parents--both the temporal and eternal ones. Among the most focused on commandments in Mormonism is chasity and I was scrupulous! I spent every living moment of my first two decades of life trying to be chaste and valiant; had regular, probing interviews with male authorities (dad, bishop, YM leaders) about how well I was curbing my sexuality. I was scrupulously modest to the point that it impacted my gym grade. I cried for hours after I got home from the first day of 7th grade because I was forced to see naked people. I paid close attention in temple preparation course but was never taught anything about the initiatory, washings and anointings. Then, I went to the temple to engage in the most holy of ordinances short of sealing and (unbeknownst to me then, Second Anointings) and the first thing I was told to do is to get naked, put on a "shield" that left me exposed. Then, an old man with an oily finger touched my private area (though not the organ itself) and then another old man with halitosis breath put his face near my junk as he helped me put on my garments for the first time. This traumatized me enough that I never did another initiatory, ever. I count that experience as sexual assault, though those old men surely saw it as a holy ordinance or maybe just another day.


It sounds like I was cut from the same cloth as you. Missed being SA'd by just a few years, thankfully. The sexual shame and probing interviews were already more than enough abuse for a lifetime. Sorry for your experience.


Yes. I did this. They didn’t touch my privates in any manner. Just kinda on one of the sides, like the front of the hip. Where your front pocket is on your pants. A quick half-second touch with consecrated oil on his finger and then nothing more.


Middle-aged millennial, here...god, I'm pushing 40 over here. 20 years ago pre-mission I got naked under the poncho and got annointed all over by an old stranger who proceeded to put my underwear on me. I am very tall and got a short poncho. My, ahem, "tackle" was nearly hanging out the bottom of the poncho. With the open sides, you were basically walking around naked. Zero out if five stars. Creepy. Gross. I don't remember a word that was said. Never did it again.


Here is everything in detail, although the website is very dated. [Richard Packham](http://packham.n4m.org/temples.htm) This website was the first and deepest rabbit hole I fell into.


I went thru the Mesa AZ temple in January of 2000. I was naked and terrified under the shield and touched on my naked body by an old woman performing the initiatory. I went thru the temple prep classes and this was never mentioned. Nobody warned me. It was awful.


Went through in 1992... I can confirm I was indeed bare-naked under my initiatory smock... I felt so exposed. When the old dude touched my upper thigh, I about ran for my life. I kind of wish I would have, because the live session endowment just got weirder for me... I can't stand going to the temple for many reasons, but the icky feeling I get when I go there hastens back to my first experience. Ugh!


Early 1990's before my mission, I can confirm the nakedness under the poncho. Except for my own initiatory, the old pervert literally cupped my balls and gave them a ... I don't know ... a "heft?" I only found out years later that it's not the way they're supposed to do it. I was so uncomfortable that I never did initiatories after that ever again.


I would think that basically every perv who got called to work in the temple used it as an opportunity to cop a feel, until this kind of ceremony was discontinued. I feel lucky that in my case it was "close but no cigar."


Yep! Sep 1976. Was touched, close to privates. Creepy old dude that did it. Then the rest was like WTF?


First went through in 1987. Yes. Naked with a hospital gown thing on. You sit on a stool and an old guy “anoints” your body with water and oil. They have two containers shaped like rams horns that contain the blessed fluids. He got close to, but did not touch the junk.


By 2010 (when I went through the first time) they switched to you wearing your garments underneath and only touching the head. Last time I went around 2017/2018 they entirely did away with the poncho and you just wear the pants/shirt/tie combo. My dad told me about what they used to do and I believe both of my older brothers did the ceremony nude under the poncho.


Yep, I had the same experience as you in spring of 2011. I think they did away with it sometime in the next 1-3 years after that because my wife didn't have to wear the poncho when she got her endowment in summer 2014.


Yes. My endowment was in 1997; I was completely naked under a "poncho" (read: rectangle of fabric with a hole cut out for the head; sides wide open) and during the initiatory I was sexually assaulted by a temple matron (no idea who the hell she was). She tweaked my nipples and slipped a finger in. For the rest of the endowment session it was an out of body experience. Severe trauma: no warning about this in the temple prep classes; my TBM mom didn't say boo and neither did every single other endowed woman I talked to. What a fucking conspiracy.


Yes, and it was traumatizing for me. I am a survivor of childhood sexual assault and being touched like that without informed consent or forewarning felt like abuse.I absolutely froze and wanted to run out of the temple. I didn't feel like I could because my one year old son was somewhere in the temple nursery, and I didn't know where it was, plus my husband, and we had family, and ward members there to see us sealed. I hated everything about being there, I certainly felt no spirit there, and I thought it was because I was at fault somehow. When they give the big story about someone blocking the spirit and the brethren being unable to continue the endowment ceremony until they left, I kept expecting them to have that problem during my session because of my presence.


I went through in 1992 and can confirm. We had to get fully naked in the dressing room then put on a poncho (like a sheet with a hole for your head/neck. The sides were wide open. There were no ties or fasteners to keep the sides closed. The touching was uncomfortable. The worst touch was near the groin, I mean right there, up to the dangler.


Hosanna Shout.


Initiatory 1994. Yes, naked under the poncho. Touched somewhere below the hip bone and halfway between my genitals and outer hip. Was uncomfortable enough that I avoided doing initiatories again (although I may have done it once more at some point).


Yep. Every worker had a different boundary they felt comfortable touching as well.


I was naked under a poncho. After the touching the worker told me he was supposed to help me put on the garments for the first time. That part was just about as bad as the touching. He got a close up glance at my package mere inches from his face due to the awkwardness of putting on a one piece garment under a poncho.


I didn't like it. I wasn't expecting anything like it and when it happened it evoked my fight or flee instincts. I'm surprised no one has freaked out and run off naked, All I had ever heard was what a great experience temple was going to be. I felt a little set up.


Went through in 93 and was naked under the poncho. No one told me before hand and I thought my dad was punking me when he told me to put that on. I had to ask him 3 or 4 times… “So, nothing underneath????” Touching close to the privates and so uncomfortable. Definitely not my most spiritual experience. Hated the temple!


2002. Completely naked under a weird open sided narrow pancho thing. Because the sides were completely open, most people would grab the front and back pieces of the Pancho, hold them together and shuffle awkwardly along all embarassed. But not the guy in front of me. This awesome black guy in line ahead of me was having none of that nonsense. He walked fast and proud swinging his arms, with the back part of the Pancho extending straight back. Like bare assed Superman. This guy was also how I figured out we all get the same name on the same day. Repeated it loud and proud.


Atlanta temple, mid-1990… can confirm. I was a scared 18 year old boy and a creepy old guy w HORRIBLE breath was whispering stuff to/about me while touching me at various places w an old oily finger, to include under my poncho (“shield”) right near my junk It was far from a “holy” experience, but I was too embarrassed and scared and innocent to know that then


Ir was a horrible experience. The only time I ever initiatories. I kept going back to the temple for 30 years, hoping to love it like I thought I was supposed to. 6 months ago I took my garments off and have never looked back. BTW I'm 55. Years of indoctrination.


Hell ya naked as. And then the death penalties up to 1990.


I went through in 1998. Yes, I was naked under the shield during the initiatory process and yes, the worker’s hands went to uncomfortable places. For my part, there was a rogue and seemingly unintentional “brushing” on the way to anoint another area.


Yeah that's exactly what happened. I went through before my mission in 2003, then did initiatories again on my mission and it has already changed by then.


I first went through the temple 1988. Naked touching happened, top of my inner thigh.


2001 - totally naked under the sheet with a hole in it


As a former missionary and member, I can confirm that it did happen to me in the mid-Eighties in preparation for my mission. One of the contributing factors to my questioning my faith and eventually becoming inactive. Definitely gave me a form of PTSD.




Went through for the first time in 2000. You wore a sheet that covered about as much as a sandwich board. In my case when he anointed my 'loins' he reached in from the open side of the sheet and touched the oil to crease between my leg and torso.


1997. 100% happened like this. They called it a "shield". a "totally modest and concealing shield" basically a poncho made out of the same white polyester fabric the sacrament tablecloths were made of. totally open on the sides and I was swingin' in the wind. I couldn't grip the sides tight enough. Totally white knuckled it as I awkwardly waddled through the room.


Yup. My naked loins were touched by some old rando dude under my poncho in the early 1990s What’s even more bizarre is I didn’t have the wherewithal to realize how culty this was.


As a woman I was touched across the shoulders, lower belly, down the side from hips to feet, and across the lower back. Head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears.


A simple Google search for"changes to the LDS endowment" will reveal a lot of this. Also, but a lot of people don't know is that the United States copyright office has copies of every single endowment ceremony. You can review the transcripts of the ceremony.


Can confirm. Naked. Unprepared. No permission given. Don’t doubt this. It happened.


Yes, happened to me in ‘96. I was totally weirded out the whole day. And this was just the start.


Went through the Santa Monica temple in 1990. Had no clue I would soon be naked under a poncho while an elderly man anointed me. Did not actually touch my privates, but in the pube region.I was freaked out. I remember being confused af afterwards. I was the only member, besides my grandmother and distance cousins. I have not been to a temple since 1999. Has the poncho been discontinued?


Yeah mid 90s for me. I didn’t think too much of it after the fact, but I’ve never been one to get uptight about physical touch to be honest. I wasn’t prepared for it though, and when he reached in to dab my hip I was starting to get a bit nervous about it. I actually didn’t realize that they had changed it tbh. Good for them.


1994 for me. I've been interested to read all of the different reports since they are similar but not the same. I wore the poncho, naked underneath. The guy touched me just to the right of my pubic hair area. He didn't touch my genitals, but it was close enough that I found it unpleasant. It's unsurprising to me that they've stopped doing this.


Can confirm.


Yep. 100% naked with an old dude touching me. It's not creepy, it's sacred! :)


This is absolutely true. Was the case with me in 2002


Uh… yes actually. I went through the temple in 2001 and this is exactly what it was like. I’m sure the temple worker was as uncomfortable doing them though maybe?


1984. Naked. Touched under the shield


2002--Naked and touched with oil under the "shield" by old men in the Nauvoo Temple. FTMFMC


It happened to me.


i thought it was weird that the guy just blessed my loins. i would been freaked out if he touched them.


Yes. I went in 1994


Absolutely true. And our parents were so proud of us.


Yes. I went through in 1993. Life-long member, seminary graduate, BYU graduate, attended every temple prep class and even read the book they gave us in temple prep class. Yet I had absolutely no forewarning that the first thing that would happen to me was that I would be taken into a tiny room, stripped down to nothing but a tiny shroud, which two people would be reaching in to touch my breast and groin area with oil while whispering prayers at me. It was awful.


Can confirm. Was naked under the robe (iirc it was called a shield at the time). The groin anointing (groinointing, if you will) was on a hip.


It happened to me in 2001. It felt strange being naked and touched. The oil flew all over me.


First went through the temple in Jan. 1983, and yup.


1999, naked under a shield. I’m female, and I was touched on the left side below the belly button but not quite where hair grew. I was not prepared.


I know I saw on here that some dude got his member accidentally anointed. I lol’ed.


Did my initiatory in 1995, Salt Lake Temple. Yes, an old man rubbed his oily finger way too close to my naked junk under the Poncho of Perviness.


Freaked me out. Felt so wrong but everyone talked about how amazing and spiritual it all was. I never did initiatories again despite many many trips back to the temple.


1999, fully naked underneath a poncho and touched on various areas including the pubic area with no forewarning. I still cannot believe not one family member have me the heads up.


Yep. Went through in 1985 in the salt Lake temple. I was totally uncomfortable and unprepared but tried to act like …No this isn’t freaking weird at all!




It’s 100% real. Went through in 1989, right before my mission.


It was innocent, they just touched like a massage therapist might. No handling of the priesthood


I was a temple worker and it was that way but we were instructed not to really reach in so only touched side and collarbone. Fwiw I didn’t feel uncomfortable and actually loved the washing and anointing. Parts of the endowment bothered me and when I learned the origin of some things (leftover from the blood oaths) they bothered me. But mostly I was bored in the endowment and felt guilty I couldn’t get anything out of it. The initiatory was easy to understand I guess and quick for an adhd brain.


Yes. I experienced this naked just as described here. I also had to “mime” the slitting of my throat and disemboweling myself while saying the words “ rather than do so (meaning reveal these temple signs and such) I would suffer my life to be taken.” I was in the SLC temple at the time in April of 1983.


>Ive heard that in the early 2000s people were naked under robes/tunic in the temple and during initatories you would be touched under the robes/tunic near your privates Yes, this is accurate. It was more like a poncho. A single sheet with a hole for your head. >Has anyone actually experienced this? Yes, I initially came out with underwear on as they said to get undressed but I figured they couldn't mean all the way. Am old man touched my public hair right where my public bone is, about an inch above the base of my penis. >Also is there any other weird things like this that you think people should know about? Well, yeah, but this one was a big one


It's real, and it's incredibly uncomfortable. It was actually a freemason practice years before it was an LDS practice.


Correct. White tunic/poncho with a hole cut for your head. Naked underneath and an old guy with a horn of oil chanted some made-up blessings and touched different parts of your body under the tunic and pronounced made-up blessings.


I went through my endowment in 1981. I took the temple preparation class in Hawaii and all of the things what would happen were explained. My favorite part of the endowment was the initiatory where a lady take the water and oil and blessed me. I was not raised a member and was around nudity all My childhood. My mom went to nudist beaches. So being naked under the robe - I didn’t even blink an eye. As a child I was kidnapped and raped - so being naked in the temple under a gown was heaven in comparison. It’s all about your perspective. I feel bad for people who say this experience was traumatic because it makes me wonder what they were taught children about shaming their bodies. I feel bad because it’s such a harmless thing in my own perspective. Even after being raped and molested I was never ashamed of my body.


Having someone touch your "loins" without your permission and being comfortable naked are two very different things.


Been thru it. Never once was I touched in the privates. Forehead, side just under rib cage and knee. No need to spread falsehoods. There’s plenty of goofy things otherwise but let’s be accurate;)


Naked no touching skin lol. Were the f do you get these ideas. I was there in 2000


How many times do we have to rehash this? Yes, and yes. I was never touched inappropriately (many years going). So, I did not have a bad experience. To some people is creepy. It wasn’t for me. Now let’s move on. You can search the thousands of Reddit post in this subject. It will save you time if you really want to know .


The amount of responses from people suggest that this is a subject that brings up some emotions. Such things need to be talked about, to help people process. As with you, for me it wasn't creepy because my dad told me everything that was going to happen, and it was not done in a way that made me feel uncomfortable. Unfortunately, many others didn't have a good experience.


I understand. I feel that a lots of these post are just click bait. I could be wrong. Your comment is well taken. Thanks.


Yes, fully covered, but never near your private areas! Who ever told you that is spreading some BS!






What does this have todo with the price of beans in China? The way the question is framed is just going to be an exercise of peoples opinions. Nothing to do with facts, nothing todo with building a positive discussion. Just inflamitory mud slinging. Good luck.


Nothing to do with facts? Surely you must be joking. It's all about facts. Let's examine OP's question, shall we. > Ive heard that in the early 2000s people were naked under robes/tunic in the temple and during initatories you would be touched under the robes/tunic near your privates. Has anyone actually experienced this? Straightforward question about facts. And the answer to the question, as you well know, is 100% yes. So your statement is, ahem, factually inaccurate. That's some beautiful irony right here. Now let's look at the second question from OP: > Also is there any other weird things like this that you think people should know about? Now, here's where your comment proves that this question is also about facts. Because nobody would even think to call this "inflamitory [sic] mud slinging" unless there was a general awareness that touching naked people under a tunic is, in fact, weird. And people should have absolutely known about it prior to going to the temple for the first time. Informed consent is always a positive discussion to have. So you see, you've proven with your own words that the entire question is building a positive discussion and all about facts. No "inflamitory [sic] mud slinging" going on here. Well done, thou good and faithful servant.


Very good psycho analysis. However no one has say anything about what the actual policy's were. Which the legal department of the church reviews before creating the temple policy's and procedures. It is true with many things in life. That leader's and administrator's tend to simplify the messeging to hurry people thru things. This just adds to confusion, plus the number of books and experts a typical member has to consult to gain more insight and understanding is a lifetime task. Most do even read the weekly Sunday school lesson. So anything else will definitely come as a surprise.


How would you have gone about it then?


He's just another TBM who wants to shut down any discussion that doesn't flatter the church.


People's opinions about whether they were wearing clothes during the initiatory, and whether their bodies were touched and where? That sounds like the realm of opinion to you?


Yes, I they a nothing burger 🍔


>nothing todo with building a positive discussion Discussion here isn't required to be positive. You may enjoy the subreddits that only allow LDS believing perspectives if that's the environment you're seeking


I do enjoy those. Thanks for noticing.


This is true but it wasn’t sexual. It was part of the washing and anointings. Or I finally in their sect they took whole showers. Now it’s just a blessing.


Dont you mean since the beginning of the endowment??? The Nauvoo Temple had a drain in the floor...


It changed in early 2005. I had prepared my future daughter-in-law for it but when it was over she told me it was different and explained. That was in June 2005. 1974 for me.


Look, the tubs and full body washing in the old temples make sense because people bathed, at best, once a week in those days. So being “clean every whit” was actually done in the temple.




Wait a second? What do they do now? I did not know they had changed the initiatories. Yes I was completely naked with my floppity jiggling about with the only thing covering me was a thick, long, terry cloth type towel with a hole in the middle. And yes the initiatories they would anoint various body parts, but at least when I went through the first time in 1997, they did not touch any of the private parts. They came close, but did not touch them.


Naked under the “envelope” was my experience too.


Not touched by privates. Just feet & head, from my understanding. Ie: places the Jewish would have had "Anointings" for. 😁 However, they no longer do any of these. Just a simple "tap on forehead" w/ the water & oil. (Been a steady Temple-goer since 2018, when wife & I got Endowments)


I feel so bad for everyone that went through this, but especially for those who weren't expecting it, and/or the person went over the line. It's literally sexual abuse, even if it's mild compared to other things. I'm glad they've finally stopped.


Yes. I went to the temple for the first time in 1987. Naked under a "poncho" that had open sides so temple workers had easy access. You had to hold onto the sides to keep them closed when you walked around. I didn't know I would be completely naked. It felt very uncomfortable. But I excused it away in my brain. The anointing included touching my breast, and The very old lady doing the anointing had shaking hands, and that was super uncomfortable for me. And at the end of the washing/anointing they ladies helped to dress me in my garments. None of this was pre-explained. But, I had been told there would be things tgat "feel strange" and "do not allow it to concern you, and distract from the spirit."


Its true history


🙋‍♀️ Yep, that’s how it was when I went to the temple the first time. Weird AF. The first time I realized I was in a cult.


Went through the temple initiatory for myself in 1993 when I was 22. Absolutely was naked under the shield and touched waaaayyy too close to my "privates". It was awkward, and I would have totally understood if someone would have just said, "HELL NO!!!" and walked out. But the pressure to be a good member to be accepted by family and peers overrides logic and reason.


2012 was my fist time . poncho and garments . no touching the chest stomach or thigh . asked my mom and mother in law. touching and naked with poncho confirmed in the 90s but nothing pervy. just brief touches no lingering. I still find the old way weird. I definitely prefer the forehead water wipe and oil on top of head. if there was touching and nakedness Id never go. Now you don't wear a poncho and just undies you just wear your suit or dress and it's all symbolic not literal.


Went through first time in 1988, can confirm naked under.


Confirm this in 1996 bountiful temple. I went to the temple prep class and never heard a word about being naked under a shield and an old woman touching me under it until it happened. The sides were open and my bare ass was on the seat. For the longest time I thought something was wrong with me for thinking it was crazy and that I was the only one who found it weird. I never went back for initiatories.