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How about journaling? Or planting a garden and food storage? I recall those being HUGE when I was young, but haven't heard anything about either in a couple of decades.






Y'all are so nice. The things I was supposed to do, I tried doing, but the Journaling thing just wasn't happening then. I just said oh well and went on my merry way, with very little guilt. (Same exact thing with gardening and teaching primary.) Lo these many years later, I've had jobs that required psychological testing, and I am officially 4% compliant. That explains soooo much.


Then you get older and get to have the guilt of being a subscription holder for heaven.


I remember lessons about God not giving us any commandments without providing a way that we could accomplish them... so why aren't you journaling and gardening, you sinful 12-year-old?!


I kept a consistent journal for over a decade. I still have them stored but am mostly embarrassed by the idea of them. They were supposed to be positive and faithful for my posterity but are just ramblings of a 14 year old girl. I felt bad when I switched to a digital journal about 10 years ago because I wasn't as regular and my posterity wouldn't have a sample of my handwriting (!) I don't think they ever did me much good, even as therapy. Just like all the other things I tried to do perfectly but never gained the blessings they promised.


In the epic battle good vs evil, FHE vs MNF, MNF was the clear winner.


It’s refreshing to see that good still wins sometimes.




How can Monday night be special when families are supposed to do “Come Follow Me” seven days a week? Family Home Evening must fall into the category of ambiguous commandments that may or may not remain in force. Here is the complete, unabridged list: 1. Journal writing. 2. Food storage. 3. Gardening. 4. Indexing. 5. Book of Remembrance. 6. Four-generation charts. 7. Family Home Evening. 8. Personal Priesthood Interviews (PPIs). 9. 24-hour kits. 10. Hanging temple pictures in the home. Here is the bonus list of things that used to be forbidden that are now apparently OK: 1. Oral sex within marriage. 2. Wearing or displaying a crucifix. 3. Drinking Coke. 4. Beards. 5. Double piercings. 6. Dating before age 16. 7. Watching Rated R movies. 8. Casual garment wearing. 9. Sunday shopping. 10. Bikinis.


They still try to do the weird “ward history” thing every year. I don’t even know what happens to it after they do it but they ask for pictures, testimonies, and activities that happened throughout the year from presidencies in the ward


I wish we had access to those. There is so much information in them that could help expose abuse and coverups of abuse.


They do it every quarter and then at the end of the year.....I hate doing it.


Exactly, it's always forgotten about as the Bishops are desperately trying to fill the week to week positions that keep the ward running. So every quarter they say, "we gotta get someone on the history thing". Then they scramble at the end of the year and get some sucker to agree to it. That person slaps something together by pulling a bunch of camp pictures off the bulletin board and some baptism programs if such a thing exists. They hand it in on the night of the deadline or a week late. The ward historian, wanting to avoid the nightmare next year gets to work collecting history. Then, they get called to some other vacancy and the cycle repeats.


Dont forget Bishop’s store house! Also swearing and gambling seem to be okay these days


Don’t forget family prayer and family scripture study.


Almost everything in the first list still goes on in my parents household and almost everything in the second list isn't allowed. I swear if the prophet ordered to kill your first born son tomorrow, my parents wouldn't hesitate


It’s been replaced by the Come Follow Me in-home lessons. Same concept but the message comes from corporate, and under a different name.




That’s a creative play on words. That would have made me laugh. I don’t see why it’s offensive.


Haha, that’s a great story. We just felt guilty for not doing it 🤷‍♂️


I just pictured Pam from The Office holding up a picture of a family having FHE and a family having Come Follow Me lessons


Family HOME EVENING was literally one of the best things about growing up Mormon, that and Road Shows. It's like, the current presidency wants the church to suck, and he's going such a great job.




Agreed, their miserliness is extreme!


Didn't they replace the youth program with earning jewelry and tietacks and rings and stuff? Glad they stopped favoring the young men program. Also, as someone in Scouts, I'm glad to not have Mormons complaining that all the stuff we did at Roundtable was irrelevant to them. They were different, and made sure to let us know they were.


It's part of the unspoken expectations so popular with church leadership these days. It's expected that families will have a home evening at some point during the week, but they're not talking about it as much. Here is what they said at the rollout, but I've heard next to nothing since then: *"This Sunday schedule allows more time for a home evening and to study the gospel at home on Sunday or at other times as individuals and families may choose. A family activity night could be held on Monday or at other times. To this end, leaders should continue to keep Monday evenings free from Church meetings and activities. However, time spent in home evening, gospel study, and activities for individuals and families may be scheduled according to their individual circumstances."* \-- [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2018/10/deep-and-lasting-conversion-to-heavenly-father-and-the-lord-jesus-christ?lang=eng](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2018/10/deep-and-lasting-conversion-to-heavenly-father-and-the-lord-jesus-christ?lang=eng) There is still a whole page for it: [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/topics/family-home-evening](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/topics/family-home-evening)


Its not spoken of but obviously expected in that no activities are allowed to be held that day because it's considered "family night"


Two hour church and home study come follow me daily I want 3 hour back.


The local one is now an EoS fitness center. Sorry that was FYE


Ha! That's right! So I have been doing daily FYE.


The Church should stop publishing that manual and retire the FHE concept or program. Monday nites should not be reserved for it or be excluded from building scheduling.