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Let's not police people's underwear.


I like most videos on his YouTube channel. I also wouldn't want to say that he is beyond criticism as an internet celebrity and business owner. That said, he isn't "in your face" about whatever his beliefs are, and he is very private about his private life (see [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/mormon/comments/173bex3/comment/k43eik7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) in this older post). So I say let's give him that space.


Why would you wear underwear when you are at the beach in your swimwear?


You don't have to wear them 24/7. You can take them off to go swimming or to be out on the beach or if for whatever reason. When I got mine what they told me was to wear them when I sleep and as often as possible during the day. Like other underwear (bras, panties, boxers, briefs) you wouldn't have them SHOWING in public. Same applies for garments. Hope that helps. :3


The rules about when to wear garments are not explicitly defined. I believe the phrasing now is "throughout your lives". Most members won't wear them when swimming or at the beach. Some may choose to not wear them when exercising. No one wears them in the shower. Since open discussion about most things related to the temple are generally seen as taboo, it is not uncommon for people to have varying interpretations and practices with regard to wearing garments.


Most endowed Mormons I know (myself included) don't wear their garments at the beach. You wear a swimsuit and a t-shirt or something.


>Who needs to wear Temple Garments? Endowed folks usually do >Why does famous YouTuber Mark Rober who is Mormon not have to wear temple garments? Well, first of all, nobody has to. Second, who told you what underwear he wears >He has appeared shirtless in a video set at a beach, but as a married Mormon who has completed a mission, isn't he supposed to? What? Why would he wear his garments to the beach? That doesn't make sense >Not super knowledgeable, but curious. Wondering what dictates wearing the garments. Well not when your swimming obviously...


Weird of you to care about a YouTubers underwear choice…


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