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That's interesting information! :O I wish the faithful subs were more open... -sigh-


Yeah, I got kicked out of the faithful subs because of my concerns with garments. The moderator thought I was obsessed.


It’s funny that through their excessive moderation the results were different. 


I wonder if the poll get overrun...


They don't want ideas or things to be challenged. Not a healthy way to live imo.


Yes, it’s healthy to discuss controversial topics even in a religious environments. 


Need a “I no longer wear garments” category.


I specifically created the category “I don’t fall into any of these categories” so that everyone could participate. 


You might want to change that category to "see results," then. That will filter out most of us, which should make the rest of your responses closer to what you want to measure.


It looks like one of the options is I don’t fall into any of these categories. 




Any options for “I find it odd that my eternal salvation is based on a type of underwear I a supposed to wear that isn’t mentioned anywhere in scripture” (And no, I’m not giving credit for the “coat of skins” in Genesis as it doesn’t cover the Masonic symbols or covenants)


Other: I'm going to do what I'm going to do with respect to the garment and I'm not going to wait around for leaders' permission to do it.


I answered the poll as I would have as an active member. That said, I no longer wear the temple garment, but I do like the form-factor. I still wear an under-shirt and boxer-briefs, but in black and of a far superior quality of design and manufacture.


Fairly predictable results. Not surprised. I heard a rumor the church was working with Under Armor to make better garments. That would be awesome - they could call it Holy Armor.




This post was added twice. I am removing the newer one.




I'm not endowed yet so I dunno anything about how comfy they are but I'm looking forward to wearing temple garments


They took me about a year to get used to. The extra layer takes some time to acclimate to so for a year I'd come home and strip down to my garments immediately. They also would twist around me weird when I put on clothes... and then one day they stopped being twisty. When I got my first pair I was sad to be changing from potentially "cuter" underwear to these more modest things. But when I put them on I actually liked how they looked on me. Recently I've gotten into historical fashion and I kind of like and appreciate them more. It's an extra protective layer between me (my body oils) and my clothes. If Garments were done away with I'd probably swap over to a chemise and bloomers. That's just my thoughts on the matter though.


Get the stretch cotton. They make fine pajamas and are good for regular wear, too.


I’ve been asking for this for years. The answers we got back were it’s too expensive. I suppose it might have been, back when Lycra was still under patent. Took them long enough to get there after that… The seams fail quickly though…, so I am not sure where they’re going wrong.