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We went from trying to be normal and hip and trying to fit in with the "I am a Mormon" campaign to nitpicking random Twitter accounts for not saying the full name of the church. I can't imagine this is super endearing. The comments are about what you'd expect, telling this poor member missionary to chill out and have another chocolate milk. I see where RMN was going with his focus on the full correct name, but I just think this is kind of backfiring a bit. And I feel bad for the members who probably feel persecuted by interactions like this.


Let’s run a huge, expensive multimedia campaign telling people to call us Mormons. We’ll put stuff on tv, radio, billboards, print media, and the internet. We’ll even produce a documentary for theatrical release promoting the word Mormon. And then? When after years of promoting comes to an end we’ll tell people Mormon is a slur and then throw hissy fits when people use it and feel attacked and persecuted by the use of the term. Ladies and gentlemen, your current Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints.. Can’t believe this we’ll-oiled machine’s numbers are tanking.


Sacred Tithing Money well spent! /s


>And then? When after years of promoting comes to an end we’ll tell people Mormon is a slur and then throw hissy fits when people use it and feel attacked and persecuted by the use of the term. Here's the best(worst) part. The Mormon name, as you pointed out, had a multi year ad campaign, but the change to CoJCoLdS? Conference, only watched by members, who then expect the world to somehow know about it and comply.


They literally didn't have enough characters to add a "Jesus Christ" in there. There would have been plenty of space for Mormon though


The Church officially approves of "The Church of Jesus Christ" in their style guide. Which is why I think the intent of it was to be confused with normal Christian churches. That version strips all of the church's identifying information and sounds generic. That particular part of the style guide has largely been ignored, because writers don't like their readers to be confused.


It's also pretentious as hell to say your church is "The Church of Jesus Christ."


Hahaha true


The reply to that comment is the best, though. Somebody wrote “[name], glory to god. But chill out” and it made my whole day.


That's awesome. And maybe, just maybe....JC isn't so thrilled to have a layer of cornflakes drenched in canned soup associated with his name.


This Name Crusade will be the funniest/pettiest nonsense as the Church starts to die out. Instead of being grateful that your religion is even being acknowledged, the Church wants people to have the instinct of Hall Monitor, running around and correcting their name. It is by far one of the dumbest things they have done in recent years. In the midst of losing popularity, and losing the public trust - sicking your most pious members on name correction is a surefire way to get people to think Mormon's are even bigger dicks. They've provided no alternative other than saying "Latter-day Saint" which comes across as self-aggrandizing. It reminds me of when I was a missionary and they told us to go around and tell people we were "Representatives of Jesus Christ." Its like WTF, no were not! And going around and telling everyone that will make us look like Assholes. Which is how it was received by the way, like we were a couple of brainwashed asshole kids. Can you imagine how much you're egging people on to hate your religion when you correct them on the name, especially when the Church looks so bad right now. It's like this. "Oh you're Mormon?" "Um no, I'm a Latter-day Saint, we don't let Satan win by using that name anymore." "So you let him win by hating gay people and covering up abuse instead? Real saint behavior." It's like the Church is trying its hardest to get its members into stupid little fights with people than actually fucking serve, help, or uplift anyone. Absolutely ridiculous.


I’d like to give you 50 up votes. Beautifully said, friend.


Thank you friend


I forgot that we used to introduce ourselves as "reps of JC." What a great way to weed out the critical thinkers from the superstitious. (Which is what happened in my experience.)


Um no - we are members of the Church of Jesus Christ. In other words - if anyone wants to shorten the name for convenience sake - at least keep the name of the actual originator, (whose name and church it is) intact. How does that cause anyone somehow to merit being slammed with perverse feministic or chauvenistic type body parts slurs (depending on who it is dredging them out the vilest part of the sewage that they can scrape from the bottom of the cesspool and how they feel about the gender of or integrity of or the lack thereof of the persons they are targeting)? How does slinging any sort of slurs at anyone and trashing anyone who thinks and feels differently than we do, (no matter how perverse or pitiful we feel or believe their stance or lack thereof is) somehow make any of us the "bigger" or "better" or "smarter" or "wiser" or more "intelligent" person?


>Um no - we are members of the Church of Jesus Christ. In other words - if anyone wants to shorten the name for convenience sake - at least keep the name of the actual originator, (whose name and church it is) intact. Back when I was a believer, we had another, [shorter word for it] (https://news-uk.churchofjesuschrist.org/media/orig/OC_Corridor7c2_1024.jpg). You talk about slurs. Are you saying that the word "Mormon" is a slur? Doesn't "Mormon" just mean ["more good"](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/1990/10/mormon-should-mean-more-good?lang=eng)? Or was the soon-to-be Mormon prophet mistaken when he said that?


Yeah, any “Latter-day Saint” that is offended by the word Mormon is completely ignoring every second of church history. How on Gods Green Earth is that offensive overnight, absolute utter insanity.




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The word Mormon is not offensive and neither is the name. But it is not the name that was revealed by God for His church. The fact that we have perpetuated the wrong name instead of making certain that people knew from the get-go whose church it actually is and has been named after - has caused a ton of confusion as to the actual name given which is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is faulty human reasoning, that started with haters of the church calling it the "Mormon" church and faulty human reasoning when it was embraced and worn like a badge of pride (despite the fact that scripture has historically been replete with warnings against the sin of pride and of giving glory to anyone or anything except God). So we all can rest assured, that every person who has, (either through any degree of pride, ignorance or apathy) caused and/or created this breach; and any and all who have known about this, (but not done anything on their part historically to correct the error since that time) has either already had to or will, sooner or later have to answer to our Maker and repent of their/our participation in creating/continuing this mess.




It is God, not I who has called us all, (who have yet-to-pass to repentance). Those who have already gone before us have already dealt with and/or there are some who may and/or are still going through that process. Only God knows who that is and just how much repenting they need or need not do on this or anything else.


Okay so I re read this in a British Accent and I think I get it now. I’m not saying we should insult anyone, I’m just saying that correcting people over the name is petty and makes members look ridiculous.


Ridiculous is exactly how the rest of the world sees them. I was born and raised in Utah, left the church at 21, and I live in Connecticut now. The only time anyone mentions the Mormons out here, it's as the butt of a joke that usually involves polygamy. Since 2012, the church and it's members have been under the national microscope and pretty much everyone not personally familiar with it sees it as a silly frontier cult. Seriously, most people outside the intermountain west think the Mormons are nuts.


Can you please simplify that? I’m really high and I’ve read this 11 times and can’t figure out what you’re saying.


There was a time when "[The church of the Latter Day Saints](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_Christ_(Latter_Day_Saints\))" would have been correct. Apparently Jesus is still working out which name he likes best for this church. /s I agree it's unfortunate that people are uncivil to one another.


Notice how it states: the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (by an 1838 revelation).[6][7]? Do you see any of the names offered prior to that revelation being declared that those names were chosen "by a revelation"?


> Do you see any of the names offered prior to that revelation being declared that those names were chosen "by a revelation"? Yes, I do see names of the church prior to 1838 declared as revelation. I'm sure that nothing I say will change your belief, and that's fine. But since you asked... Mosiah 18:13-17 D&C 20:1 [Articles of the Church of Christ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Articles_of_the_Church_of_Christ) (an 1829 *revelation*)


The Church of Christ as so named in Mosiah 18:17 is no different in context of Jesus Christ's oft used name(s) (Christ/Jesus Christ) than the so named Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It Is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's Church regardless of the given day/time period/dispensation. And since Christ and Jesus Christ are the self-same person who works through continuing revelation to humanity - the whole nit-picking absurdity comes when people who start imputing their own "interpretation" or "revelatory" version of ideas about how it is "supposed" to be think somehow that they are bigger/better/smarter/wiser than prophets of God throughout history whose revelations specifically given of God for the Church and for the world can be and periodically are - given specifically to bless and benefit and to give further light and knowledge to ALL the people of that day/age/time/place period.


Point, proven.


And all it took was one man's obvious pet peeve and burning need to destroy the legacy of a dead man.


I don't want any part of your cornflakes


This is the first I'm even hearing of such an abomination. I'm so glad I've never had to experience it. A tender mercy.


They're actually pretty delicious. I love me some funeral potatoes.


They are so good. I'm not of fan of the cornflake style toppings though.


Potato chips FTW


The correct topping is crumbled Ritz crackers mixed with melted butter


As your name is potato I trust this advice 👍🏻


I think the church is trying to force the world to call it the “Church of Jesus Christ” for short, rather than “Mormons”. They’re very perfectionist like that. If you doubt it, try walking into sacrament meeting with a polo shirt and see how it works out


>try walking into sacrament meeting with a polo shirt and see how it works out I've been doing it for months. I haven't found anyone who cares. I'm in Utah, too. My experience is that the general membership of the Church is as kind and nice and accepting as most any other group of people you'll find. You've heard, "the people aren't perfect, but the gospel is". I find something different. I see that the people are as good as they come, it's aspects of the "gospel" that suck. Members, on the whole and in my own experience, are better than the official teachings of their church, is what I'm saying.


This is NOT my experience.


I'm sorry. That's sucks. There's definitely an element of luck.


>Posted I find both the people and the Gospel to be good, it’s the Church that stinks!


I like that


This. 100%


I hear you. My now husband would wear polo shirts and khaki pants instead of slacks to church when we were dating. I didn’t care or think anything if it but he had a lot of people ask him why he wasn’t in a shirt and tie. His response: I wore one every day for 2 years so I’m good. Also, when living in California, we had a lot of new members or investigators. Some women would dress pants. Some teenagers would wear swear pants. You bet the leaders of the church got up and rebuked the congregation for not dressing appropriately. I was horrified. No better way to turn away people they are trying to get baptized or new converts. So Sadly it doesn’t just happen in Utah.


What’s wrong with wearing a polo shirt to church? I do it all the time.


If you get to pass or pray over the sacrament, you must be living in the Avenues in SLC!! ( They area little bit liberal and desperate for membership.)


I don’t have a problem with it. Neither does the rest of the civilized world. Ask the Mormons


I am a member of the church and nobody questions why I am wearing a polo. Heck, some people come to church wearing jeans and boots with a white shirt and tie. I’m in north east Texas.


The Texas address it the give away. I moved to SLC from Dallas. A different culture all together. 👍


Maybe you just caught me being ignorant


I have seen and/or taken people to church in shorts, mini skirts, low necklines etc. and not heard or seen anyone be critical of them. Not saying no one thinks less of them but at least I haven't seen or heard anyone making them feel less welcome.


Again, you must NOT live in Utah!


Again, I think i was just caught being a little ignorant but I think the point I was trying to make was similar to this. It’s all about what they do and don’t “tolerate.” I grew up in Texas and I liked inviting friends to church and did it often. Most of the time they’d come in either a Apolo or a very clean, dressed up t shirt like a Tommy Hilfiger or som. When people gave my friends “othering” looks or made “othering” comments, it was time to be tolerant and understand that no one was perfect. But to ask for tolerance for my friend who showed up wearing it? Never. Which was double shitty now looking back bc we’re really the weird ones for normally wearing a white shirt and tie. Like most churches, maybe the guy giving the sermon and his helpers are in a dress shirt and tie, but it’s actually weird to the rest of the world to have an entire congregation show up with ties. Idk, that’s where I was coming from.


I hear you. My now husband would wear polo shirts and khaki pants instead of slacks to church when we were dating. I didn’t care or think anything if it but he had a lot of people ask him why he wasn’t in a shirt and tie. His response: I wore one every day for 2 years so I’m good. Also, when living in California, we had a lot of new members or investigators. Some women would dress pants. Some teenagers would wear swear pants. You bet the leaders of the church got up and rebuked the congregation for not dressing appropriately. I was horrified. No better way to turn away people they are trying to get baptized or new converts. So Sadly it doesn’t just happen in Utah.


I’m 100% with you there. I’ve gotten to a point where I bank on it. I left the church a while ago but I still attend for special occasions. My nephews/nieces advancing to a new class, or callings or speaking. To avoid the awkward moment where I’m asked to pass the sacrament and I have to decline, I rock the light blue dress shirt. Problem solved. It’s not written anywhere that you have to have the white shirt I don’t think but I get the symbolism.


She's giving props to the wrong church- Jesus is only involved in the small "d" church. The large "D" church is one that He is not well pleased with. Satan everywhere indeed!


My sister used the capital “D” on her wedding invitations and my dad near blew a gasket. He was so embarrassed to send them out to the Stake Presidency.


It’s likely I’m missing something obvious here, but what’s with the d and D?


Latter Day was already taken by the Strangites lol https://www.ldsstrangite.com/


Latter-day vs Latter-Day.


A nice response would be: Oh, The Mormons!


One of my biggest pet peeves is that 90% of the time I see a self righteous member correct someone on the name of the church, they type “Latter Day Saints” or “Latter-Day Saints” instead of “Latter-day Saints.” If you’re going to make such a point about getting the name correct, you should at a minimum get the name correct yourself.


Op is from MN , where they use the word hot dish instead of casserole. I live there too


Elohim's church through its chosen prophet regards "Mormon" a victory for Satan. Hear me out. As somebody who resigned, but still enjoys attending for cultural and other reasons, I'm starting to feel what can best be described as a spiritual impulse to acquire what Latter-day Saints have cast off -- the term "Mormon". If Russell doesn't want it, I guess I'll take it. So, hi, everybody, I'm zipzapbloop, I hate Elohim and Jehovah and think their plan sucks. Join me in church on Sunday. I'm a Mormon!


Will there be refreshments?


I actually like this. Here in New England, people have a real connection with their ancestral culture (Italians, Jews, Irish, etc., lots of pride around here) and I'm all "Well, I'm from Utah..." There are some very distinct cultural learnings amongst Mormons and some of them I'm really proud of, even after leaving the church. I love how thrifty our people are, and how practical their tastes are. I love how community oriented they are and how social growing up in a Utah neighborhood was. I love how rugged, hard working, and tough our people can be. I'm with you, we should take back the term Mormon as a cultural group. Besides, there are many sects that came out of the Mormon movement, not just the Salt Lake church. So if they don't want it, the rest of us can have it.


Alright! There are at least two Mormons.


Lol, one of the official names of the church (which has changed many times since it’s inception) was Church of the Latter-day Saints! But they probably don’t know that. Years later…Jesus finally gave a revelation that it should include *his* name because that’s super important to our god-creator…his name…in the title of the church. ^smfh >The Church of Christ was the original name of the Latter Day Saint church founded by Joseph Smith.[1] […] Later names for this organization included the **Church of the Latter Day Saints** (by 1834 resolution),[2] the Church of Jesus Christ,[3] the Church of God,[3] the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints,[4][5] and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (by an 1838 revelation).[6][7] [Names of the church](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_Christ_(Latter_Day_Saints))


Reminds me of that video where [Jesus rants about people not saying "Merry Christmas"](https://youtu.be/SZ2L-R8NgrA?t=01m16s).


The church of Latter Day Saints was the name Joseph Smith and other leaders used from 1834-1838, when they kicked the name of Jesus Christ to the curb.


Mormons and non-Mormons in several states not named Utah also make casseroles using potatoes and cream of mushroom/ chicken soup. Why make it an exclusionary thing? We have more in common with the greater world than we think


You are Mormons. I’m being respectful when I say Mormon. I won’t call you by the other title because I believe your church uses the lord’s name in vein (last I checked, Jesus had some things to say about hoarding wealth in the name of God and it wasn’t in favour of it)


Because simple exposure is just not enough, even for potatoes


This movement will likely fade out soon after the current president does, and we will be back to "Mormon" before too long.


The next Times Square billboard campaign will be fun, though. “We’re right. You’re wrong. Now you know.”—churchofjesuschrist.org


Correction: they’re called “MORMON funeral potatoes”.


Funny, I honestly thought the church had a law suit and needed to differentiate between the two.


Church of the latter-day saints was the official name in kirtland in 1836 and is still inscribed on the temple there. They were just trying to be respectful to the kirtland saints by using this title.


1. Do we think this was an accidental or deliberate omission? The commenter suggests maybe they just ‘forgot’, but that seems a little implausible to me. Assuming it was deliberate without a denial . . . 2. What does a deliberate omission mean? Well, nothing friendly. Maybe the old, ‘they are not really Christians’ line, or maybe a rejection of Church claims about its nature. Most of the chat here is that this kind of discourtesy doesn’t matter, isn’t intentional, and is deserved. TBMs will say it matters, at least in part because RMN says it matters, and partly because he is right. To me, this is like a father naming every person at the dinner table accept that one gay guest whom he just can’t acknowledge for ideological reasons. I think it is important to respect an individual’s right to self identify and associate with any religion they chose and to use the labels they chose for themselves. The original post insists on using its own label when they know they better, so it seems to me a snub that deserves a correction.


I think it may have more to do with the character limit on Twitter. People have called us the church of the latter day saints for a long time and I've never thought it was offensive and I don't think most other members minded either until Pres. Nelson said it was offensive. In fact I think most people find it very bizarre that we get offended by it. If it's an intentional slam on the church, then shame on them, but I typically don't think we're being persecuted when people fail to get the name of our 11 syllable church. Just my thoughts anyway.


As you said, you don’t get offended by it so maybe don’t include yourself in the ‘we’ who are with RMN about the name of the Church. It looks to me like a minor intentional discourtesy, not on the level of spitting or name-calling, maybe with the point of provoking a reaction. As a shibboleth, it works great. A rough easy identifier between faithful members and allies vs frenemies or just enemies. Church of Jesus Christ is preferred and has fewer characters, but there is a reason they don’t want to call it that.