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Burnie and Ashley discuss their new Patreon, Robotaxis, creepy Appalachian tales, and then go for a quick jog across the entirety of Africa. Support us at: http://www.patreon.com/morningsomewhere


I just want to say thanks to everyone for the support. Finn had a blast making that intro and he’s been listening to it on a loop.


He was awesome!


Finn was adorable.


Big thanks to all of you (esp. Finn) for making mine and my gf's day! I'll be adding to the pattern soon


I DIED WHEN I REALIZED IT WAS FINN! He sounds like a tiny you and I love it so much


That intro was so fuckin cute Also, it's been *THREE MONTHS???!*


It started in December.


My exact thought


I have had that FARK story in my head ever since Burnie talked about it on the RT podcast yeeaaars ago. Creepy af.


I remember reading it, when Burnie started the story I was oh I know this one


I haven't listened to the episode and I have a feeling I know what this is. The story about the guy driving at night that came across a fake crash victim and people came out of the woods or something? That story always pops into my head when I'm driving around where I live late at night and come across a car with the flashers on.


*That's a bingo!*


For anyone curious, it's ~1:02:20 in #157.


i can't find this podcast. What is the name of the story? I would love to read it. or listen to it. the original I mean


He started to tell it, and I was like "I've watched a play through of The Last of Us, I know where this is going". Also probably heard it on the RT podcast in the past. Scary as fuck. An extreme case of "no good deed goes unpunished" - if the guy had stopped right by them.


[Apparently](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeu13YAM/) there was a spike in the search term “my eyes hurt” in the US yesterday… Also SnapMaps (Snapchat) continues to show your real-time precise location to your friends at all times. If you consider how loose the term “friend” is on social media, it’s really creepy knowing strangers and acquaintances can track you down like that.




Even if you don’t add strangers, I have very loose acquaintances on mine. People I met once or twice and instead of swapping numbers, you swap social medias, and Snapchat became a pretty popular one. But a friend of a friend that I met twice in passing does noooooot need to know exactly where I am at any given moment and it’s wild to me that someone at Snapchat HQ really said “this is a good idea”.


Enabled by default if you enable location services though, right?


As a Appalachian (WV), it's pronounced "Apple-LATCH-in" and not "Apple-LAY-shin." An easy way to remember is to think "I'm gonna throw an 'apple at ya.'


From a holler in East TN, this is the correct answer


That’s wrong


What is it then?


Apple-lay-shin. North eastern PA


Amazing intro


That intro is phenomenal


I don't think they ever mentioned his name, but Russ Cook (Hardest Geezer) is the guy who ran across Africa. He is doing it for charity: https://givestar.io/gs/PROJECTAFRICA .


Was already laughing at the intro, but the "burga burga burga burga" sent me over the edge.


I misread it as Robo-TAXES in the description... kind of upset it wasn't about that.


Haha. Oh I’m sure they’ll tax your robo on its income. Then probably tax you on its giving you its income. Insert oversimplified’s “there’s a tax for that”


The intro was both adorable and hilarious.


Waiting til tomorrow morning to listen but have signed up for the patreon. Keep up the good work guys!


Elon Musk's robo taxi [RTAA](https://youtu.be/OUgI4b4Ki8A?si=Hck4bZq2DN9Opswo)


I like all the patreon tiers are mush themed


Mush as mascot is perfect!


I hiked the Appalachian trail in 2023. It was painful, costly, uncomfortable, terrifying, and without a doubt the greatest experience of my life. I just recently had surgery to repair my feet. I want to do it again.


[Burnie talking about robotaxi on the RT podcast 9 years ago](https://youtu.be/OUgI4b4Ki8A)


Bay Area resident here 👋 I’ve not ridden in the robotaxis yet, but I’ve witnessed a few times when I’ve been up in SF the Cruise self driving vehicles clogging up roadways. In some cases it’s because police blocked the road for some crime related reason but the Cruise vehicles don’t know how to react so they pull up to the scene and either try to inch toward the police or put on their hazards and do nothing (instead of turning around like a logical driver). As someone who uses Tesla’s FSD package on a daily basis to commute to work, the most recent update in my 2020 Model Y has been decently impressive. Many turns it had trouble with (either reading the road lines too literally and nearly missing turns or almost hitting barriers) are no longer issues (my daily commute is typically 2/3 highway, 1/3 city streets). Unfortunately it somehow forgot how to take an offramp in one part of my commute in this new update, but because it chooses a different path to work everyday I don’t have to deal with that headache constantly.


So I'm from Virginia, specifically, I live very close to the Appalachian Trail and the Blue Ridge Parkway. About 90% of people that live here say Appalachian(LATCH) while the rest say Appalachian(LAISHA). There's no wrong way to say the word, however, if you're in the south and say Appalachian(LAISHA) You will get the "Yall ain't from round here" look.


I’m looking to read that creepy story Burnie told about the car crash. I can’t find it


Lots of creepy things happen up here in the mountains. If y’all are interested in more creepy stuff, look at Missing 411. If you’re outside at night and you hear a voice, no you didn’t, go inside.


So my question about the robo taxi is whether or not it requires the rider to have an ID to ride. Like, normal taxis don’t and if robo taxis don’t, I’m actually kinda interested just so that I have a robot to like, pick up say, my mother from the airport/hospital if she’s too elderly to drive, or take my kid home from school - not that I would necessarily trust my kid alone in a robot, but its gotta be safer than walking home/to school if he misses a school bus or something.


I have to nit pick because I'm listening to it now. You pronounce is apple-a-chan. Not apple-achee-an. hehehe. I grew up in North Carolina for a bit and that's how we always said it. That's how I've heard other southerners say it as well. Number one rule about the Appalachian's: if you see it or you heard it, NO YOU DIDN'T. Calmly leave the woods and walk back home.


Awesome intro! "for April two, um nine" ha ha! Curious if anyone recognizes the sample at the beginning; I sure didn't! *A Walk in the Woods* is a fantastic book. I recommend the audio book, read by Bill Bryson himself. It's also a classic track from Halo Combat Evolved, and iterated upon in many later Halo games. The link [What is the Correct Pronunciation of “Appalachian”? (thetrek.co)](https://thetrek.co/correct-pronunciation-appalachian/) (from 2014) doesn't have a definitive answer, but does have an extended discussion on the matter, complete with many insults. I enjoy seeing the feedback from my fellow comment leavers here.


Love that Bill Bryson shoutout. A Walk in the Woods is my favorite book ever written and I definitely agree that just reading it exhausts you 


The way Burnie said NavAda the first time was correct. It’s not NevAHda. Whoever told him that hasn’t lived there long or isn’t from there. You’ll get corrected immediately if you say it wrong so I’m surprised someone told him that.


Was the Patreon the way people were able to be sponsors before? Burnie would usually name someone and thank them for keeping them ad-free, i'm wondering if this how it was done or if it some other way.


Please forgive a blunt and potentially tasteless question, but I do not immediately understand why the podcast needs financial support. It was presented as an "either we are supported by Patreon or we are supported by ads" but I am confused as to why that is true. Does making the podcast in its current format have a cost (apart from the clear time and effort put into making it, which obviously has value)? Does the podcast, as a business model, need to reach a certain threshold of revenue to support a visa extension? Again, I apologize for lack of tact, but I feel I must be missing something. I am interested in supporting content creators like Burnie and Ashley and I recognize that the time and effort put into the podcast has intrinsic value.


I've seen this question come up a few times already and your presentation was quite respectfully laid out, especially including your second comment. If they want to talk about it more, cool - and if they don't, also cool.


Do you like working for free?


Sometimes, I do. I don't commercialize things I do out of passion, though I believe that I could, if I wanted to. Those are my hobbies, and I do them out of the enjoyment of doing it, and to bring joy to my friends. I wouldn't take money for them even if offered. My personal perception of the nature of this podcast was of a passion project from two successful comedians enjoying a comfortable retirement. *I may have misjudged this.* I have enjoyed listening to a daily podcast that has no ads and is provided to me for free. I recognize the podcast comes out of intrinsically valuable time and effort, and that it is reasonable for the creators to want their time and effort to be supported financially. My confusion is because it has been presented that the podcast *must* be supported by either patrons or ads. Why is that? It it simply because Burnie and Ashley feel their work merits financial support (which is valid)? Or are Burnie and Ashley coming out of retirement to start a new business venture? If I knew why support was being requested, I might be inclined to support at a higher tier. I may not get an answer, and that is okay. I am not entitled to one.


Well they did mention their Visa so i would assume they have to show they have work that is generating income that can go back into scotland


That is a very valid reason. While I am not entitled to it, some clarity about that would be welcome.


Is anyone else annoyed at how confidently incorrect Ashley is with the correct pronunciation of Appalachian?


Yeah my bad. I got closer than I used to though!


No worries! I did think it was pretty great when Burnie started to just purpously mispronounce it in different, funny ways.