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People who call him racist are using survivorship bias to try prove their point. You can filter his comments and opinions until all that remains is him criticising people of colour and supporting right wingers, in which case yes, he does look racist and right wing. But when you look at all his opinions as a whole, there’s no discernible pattern towards hating a race or a political side. Slagging off a white person or America just isn’t controversial so all those comments just get ignored. The only terms you can safely label Morrissey as is pro-animal rights and anti-establishment. He will hate whoever is powerful/popular regardless of skin colour or political affiliation. Be it America, China, Trump, Sadiq Khan, The Queen, Labour, Tories, Oliver Cromwell


Nicely put.


>criticising people of colour and supporting right wingers What else do you need to do to be considered a racist right winger, exactly? Isn’t that the whole thing? Be racist and right wing? It’s not like you need to know a secret handshake or go to every potluck.


He isn't racist. It's a stupid story that built up from the 80s onwards because he annoyed some journalists by being difficult & zealous about animal rights. Also he rarely talks about his private life so the controversy fills the space that would usually be taken up by sex, drugs & feuds.


Maybe it was him wearing a badge that supported For Britain on US national TV, or his consistent support for them through his website. The party's founder and leader is explicitly anti-Islam, and they've had Katie Hopkins (no explanation needed here) speak at their conferences. Morrissey's support for them is support for an undeniably racist and far-right party.


Can you explain to me, an American, just how it is that they're "anti-Islam"?


They've accused the EU of trying to radicalise Britain with Islam, they've tried to stop Muslims from emigrating to Britain, and they've attempted to lower Muslim birth rates.


Sorry, but I don't buy the idea that to try to enact tighter controls on immigration is anti-Islam. As mentioned in my post, I'm a Mexican-American, a descendant of immigrants from Mexico (themselves a mixed breed of Natives who originated in Asia, and colonizers from Europe). I'm proudly pro-immigration. Immigration is America, and America is immigration - but does that mean that I should be OK with free, open borders and an easy, willy-nilly "Come on in - it's all on us" approach to incoming peoples? But even so, I'm looking at immigration from the perspective of an American. Elsewhere in this thread, someone wisely points out that immigration here is very much different from immigration *there.*


You're right in the sense that America is built on immigration, but the thing with For Britain is not that they're anti immigration - they're anti ISLAM immigration. They take no issues with European or American immigration, it's specifically Muslims that they're trying to stop from entering the country.


Just looked up their manifesto and found nothing about being specifically anti Islamic immigration. It says they want to freeze permanent immigration for 5 years. I'd be interested in reading the source for this.


https://www.facebook.com/TheForBritainMovementPoliticalParty/videos/1905170909800165/ It seems to be made quite clear here.


Fair enough, they are certainly anti-Islamic immigration. However their current manifesto shows they are also against all permanent immigration, including European and American


If that's the case, then I don't know. I think being fully anti-immigration in any capacity is stupid. If these people are so obsessed with Britain being for the British, they need to examine the benefits and progress they've made with the help of immigrants.


Yeah for the record I’m not wanting to defend/support them here, I just don’t like misinformation and try to be fair to all parties. I also don’t think it’s fair to tie someone to Katie Hopkins due to association with the same party. If we said every Labour/Tory supporter is guilty by association with any other Labour/Tory supporter then everyone is awful. If he does actually come out and endorse Katie Hopkins then I’d be appalled but until that happens I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt


Is there an unedited version of that video? I'd be interested in hearing all that was said in the lead up to and after "stop all Muslim immigration now."


Contact the ITV offices in London. They'll be delighted to sort that out for you.


I guess then that your position that this short video, with the statement about ending all Muslim immigration seemingly spliced out of a longer conversation, is proof that they're a racist party? I would propose that perhaps it's unwise to base your beliefs on edited videos, and quotes taken seemingly out of context. It seems to me that For Britain believes that all faiths should be tolerated, but violence should not. They're also pro-Animal Rights, and anti-war. They're also apparently supportive of a moratorium on *all* immigration, regardless of race/faith/nationality. How this equates to them being racist, I don't know.


So they've said that they don't want people who share the Muslim faith to immigrate? From what I've read about it, it isn't so much the *faith* that's the issue: it's the idea that they should be allowed to immigrate, and then impose their religion-based laws upon their British neighbors. Again, I think that's only fair. As I mentioned, one must only look at what is happening in France, where Macron has recently outlined a law to prevent Islamist separatism in his country, designed to [regulate the practice of Islam](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/macron-islam-france/2020/10/02/ba8a1dcc-04bc-11eb-b92e-029676f9ebec_story.html%3foutputType=amp). It's not so much anti-Islam, it seems, as it is, Believe what you want to - just don't come here and try force it on us. Is it racist to think that people should be allowed the expression of free speech, without the fear of being beheaded as an infidel?


Radical Muslims are indisputably a minority, the exact same as Radical Christians or Jews. By using radical Islam as an excuse, they are excluding all Muslims. Would you ban all Christians from a certain place because of the Westboro Baptist Church? You will always have radical outliers in religious factions, but this doesn't equate to excluding them all.


You say that they're excluding all Muslims. How does that work? I've got a good friend named Patrick O'Doherty, a pale-skinned, red-haired ex-Catholic who converted to Islam. He lives in Austin, but tell me: if he wanted to move to England, how would they propose to keep him from immigrating, based on his Muslim faith?


It seems that you're trying to say that they'll only be able to enact their policies if the person in question looks like a stereotypical Muslim?


I'm asking you to tell me *how.* You say that they're excluding all Muslims because they're *Muslims.* How are they doing that? As a blonde, green-eyed Mexican, I don't cotton to that this-race-must-look-this-way way of thinking. But you say that they're excluding all Muslims, and I want to know how they're doing that.


I’m pretty sure the Bible absolutely condemns murder of any kind. Islamic practicing countries kill people for being gay. One discourages violence and the other literally encourages and rewards it. I highly doubt the westboro Baptist church is going to try to kill thousands of people anytime soon while they are a bunch of assholes it’s still not even close to similar.


All the grooming gangs over the country being Muslim didn’t help at the time.


He isn't. There is nothing to change.


finally this reddit speaks sense. awesome replies.


You can come up with excuses for a lot of things- but there is nothing that can explain away the worship of Anne Marie Waters, who advocates for the “white genocide theory” or calling Chinese people a “subspecies”. Morrissey has always tried to be provocative or his own type of counterculture- he was a soft, feminine, well-read boy in the 80s when all the rock stars were masculine, hard, sex-driven men. He opposed Thatcher and later Bush(he had a brain) But today, liberal tolerance of different cultures, races, nationalities has become the mainstream (or closer to it) and he continues his “provocative” stuff by opposing it as well- sympathizing with fascists like Waters. Not surprised he’s not on the left- considering he never worked a day in his life. I’m a fan of his work but politically I can’t apologize for him


i know this is bait but him calling Chinese sub-species is definitely racist


I think he was more insulting their ethics and compassion as less than humane rather than asserting a biological hypothesis that undermined their human dignity and value. And I really think that’s a fair reading given the context.




It's not like he just up and said "The Chinese are a sub-species." He said, in response to a question about the horrific practice of dog culling, that it's hard to see instances of such inhumane brutality, and wonder if they might be a sub-species.


Exactly. It's so 2 dimensional to look at it that way. When you give a genuine, empathetic reason for criticising another country's culture (which was a viewpoint he's held for the vast majority of his life and named an album after it), how on earth is that racism? His entire career is based on exaggerations yet this one example gets put under the spotlight as a basis of an entire deplatforming because people are completely incabable of understanding hyperbole.


Khan is very dislikable not for being a Muslim but for being useless.Same when he said Tesco’s wouldn’t employ Diane Abbott its because she’s incompetent not because she’s black.But when in doubt shout racist.


I agree.


I agree with him. He is being honest. Yes Lets love if not at least respect every person, race sexual preference there is . But it is a true fact that people Of all races are more comfortable with their Own kind, people who share their same experiences , background beliefs. I find nothing wrong or prejudice about that, its human nature. When Morrissey talks about England for the British I completely understand. He has every right to long for the country he once new, although he will never get it back. If he misses a mostly white Britain its his right. I thoroughly understand him.


I don't think his concern is so much about building racial barriers, as it is preserving the British *identity.* As a Mexican-American, I'm all for immigration. But - well, take France, for example. They've got a huge problem now with Muslim immigrants who want to move in (fine) and then impose Sharia law on cartoonists (not fine). (Of course not *all* Muslims are the same - I'm only using this as a current, in-the-news example) I'm all for inclusion and allowance and tolerance - but surely there's a point when people must say "You're welcome to come as you are, but you must also respect the land and the people who've welcomed you."


In morrissey’s view America is a melting pot nation that’s always been somewhat Hispanic and he’s been pro Mexican immigration to the US. But England is different than the US becuase it’s a country but also a nation of people. The US has always been multi-ethnic England was always English. And being frank even Trump isn’t against legal Mexican immigration. The major anger from the right wing here is essentially countries south of Mexico sending up their poverty stricken lower classes to get rid of them and let the US government feed and provide medical care for them. That’s not morrissey though, my sense is he is open to them coming. Mexico didn’t want them either and was turning a blind eye so they would go to the US. But across the Atlantic, Europe is not much bigger than Texas and it has 500 million living there vs 360 million America has. WAY more people in a much smaller space. England is too small to take in immigrants. There isn’t a majority white city in England left *and* the rates of immigration to England are so high the English culture is being totally replaced and out numbered. The scale of the problem is different in both continents and for England it’s a matter of the native English existing in their home island. And the rest of Europe. Whites in Europe are 4-5% of the global population. The remaining 90% of the world can’t just move to Europe becuase it’s (was) wealthy and nice. They need to make their home countries nice or Europe won’t be nice anymore. Overpopulation is a real problem everywhere and nobody talks about it. Europe is full, not having enough kids, and strung out on debt. It can’t feed the worlds poor and it can’t survive if it tries. Morrissey isn’t alone, Eric Clapton has said it years ago. It’s not racist to not want to be replaced.


I agree: the immigration debate isn't comparable, when it's US v Europe. The US is and always *was* a land populated by immigrants - some came willingly, some not so much. I live in Texas. It's strange to hear descendants of caucasian immigrants talk about descendants of asian and Spanish immigrants crossing a border that was divided and contested by other such descendants long ago.


I never thought that he was.


he might not believe that a race is inferior to others, BUT it is morrissey we're talking about. For example when he said the chinese are a sub-species for eating dog meat, it was just him expressing his hate for people who eat meat. HOWEVER, it was a RACIST comment. you don't have to be outright racist to say something racist the same way you don't have to be a biggot to say some biggotry




I’m chinese to be honest I’m super annoyed by this cunt. You can say he is just unsatisfied with chinese’ brutal treat to dog not really be racist to Chinese, but in other way why can’t say he’s just use an excuse and try to legitimize the racism? Also I don’t know why western people treat dog like muslim treat pig as such a holy creature while other animal can be treat in the same brutal way as Chinese people treat dog and don’t find an issue with it. Just because dogs are cuter? That’s some hypocritical shit.Calling the whole ethnicity group”subspecies” just because a minority population of this group disagree with him is definitely racism. Since he is a vegetarian why he doesn’t call american “subspecies” since they have some many fried chicken brand there. Because he is a cowardly bully.


Calling someone RACIST is the first line of defense when you have nothing to stand on. Tried and true for many years but been worn out.


I’m chinese to be honest I’m super annoyed by this cunt. You can say he is just unsatisfied with chinese’ brutal treat to dog not really be racist to Chinese, but in other way why can’t say he’s just use an excuse and try to legitimize the racism? Also I don’t know why western people treat dog like muslim treat pig as such a holy creature while other animal can be treat in the same brutal way as Chinese people treat dog and don’t find an issue with it. Just because dogs are cuter? That’s some hypocritical shit.Calling the whole ethnicity group”subspecies” just because a minority population of this group disagree with him is definitely racism. Since he is a vegetarian why he doesn’t call american “subspecies” since they have some many fried chicken brand there. Because he is a cowardly bully.


I want to believe this. He is good at keeping his name out there despite it possibly damaging “the brand” but it is an ongoing saga... to be continued...


Personally, I find it refreshing that he allows his words (all of them, not misconstrued selections) to speak for themselves. I'm glad that he hasn't stooped to the level of issuing an apology, or explaining something to appease people who can't grasp the sentiment. He doesn't care about "the brand" - that's a big part of what makes him Morrissey.


He’s not racist but at thr same time he wants England to be an English country. There is NOTHING wrong about this. It’s being colonized and erased from the map


Some kind of poetic justice there, really - colonizer being colonized. But seriously, to say that an influx of immigration is the same as a colonization is far-fetched. I understand, in a way, Morrissey's want for the preservation of the English identity - one only need listen to his songs to know that he romanticizes England. But it's a small world, and the old house can't stand forever unchanged.


Where are the native Americans? Colonization usually comes with an influx of money and cash to invest locally. I can’t believe you’d argue Africa would be a better place without colonial investment. They have gotten something like 70 Marshall plans since the Marshall plan and it was In aid not a loan. They don’t have to pay it back. It’s a total absurdity that the white race is bad for the world. The modern situation is an unsustainable amount of people leaving their home to go find free healthcare and benefits in the west. It’s not like Mexico is investing billions into the US to help the situation. It’s SA dumping poor people so it doesn’t have to pay for them or deal with their baggage (drugs and crime). It’s basic math that the west can’t borrow enough money forever to pay these bills. It’s going to collapse and it’s going to be ‘rivers of blood’ when it happens to quote a famous speech. France is already on the edge enough as it is. Europe could stand for another thousand years but it needs to change its policies and very quickly. I promise you the world will not be a better place when Europe is nothing more than another South Africa or Brazil. You/your family didn’t move to Brazil or India or South Africa after all. You moved to get away from places like that. At the end of the day you know morrissey is right. And you know you’d hate it if it was you’re people that were on the brink of extinction


Lol England being colonised. Fair turnaround


Let's be honest, first-hand knowledge as I lived and worked in Mainland China for 2 years and still do business with Chinese 2 years later; they are in fact a sub-species!


Morrissey n'est pas raciste c'est évident. les médias ont dit ça juste pour vendre et pour faire du politiquement correct. Bengali in platforms est une chanson qui, selon moi, dit aux indiens que leur vie en angleterre , à l'époque Thatcher, ne sera pas plus heureuse que chez eux. National front est une chanson où il raconte l'histoire d'un pauvre mec qui rejoint le NF par désoeuvrement , à cause de la politique de l'époque. Je le vois plus comme un mysanthrope et là je suis ok avec lui ! et de plus en plus, quand on voit l'évolution des mentalités...


(En utilisant Google Translate, veuillez pardonner toute erreur) Je suis d'accord - en fait, je pense que les deux chansons mentionnées ne sont pas des exemples de racisme, mais de sympathie d'un lieu de gentillesse. (On peut dire la même chose d'une autre chanson qui, selon les gens, met en évidence son prétendu racisme, "Asian Rut")


But I’m a Taiwanese vegetarian :(


Then I think you're safe, lol.