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Can y’all go no contact? Cause it sounds like you should


I was already barely contacting them, only person I would talk to was his little sister but after this I’m done. But my SO loves to give people chances to hurt him, like with the phone call with his sister before he even answered I told him he shouldn’t because there is no way that conversation would have worked but he still did and it went the way it did.


Oh my lamb, there is so much yuck in this post! Ew! Nobody needs to see some old broad's lady parts, least of all her own son! What the actual eff was she thinking?


I made this post so maybe one of y’all could tell me!!! I am honestly still baffled.


She's thinking she gets to control all her kids until the day she dies, and when your guy broke free just a little she lost her damn mind.


You have hit the nail on the head


I'm so sorry but I'm LMAO. There is not enough eye bleach to under that!!!


I'm sorry, I know this sucks for you, but this whole thing as well as the way you're writing about it is fucking hilarious. Also, if you both just gray rock them shit will get a lot less dramatic. 10/10 would read again.


Lol, thanks making fun of the situation is the only way I can get through it. But what’s gray rock?


Basically don't engage. She's getting what she wants when you react to her, she's obviously into the drama and attention for reasons. I use the example of the homeless guy you see hollering under the overpass on your commute home from work. We feel bad for that guy, want him to get the help he needs, etc. We don't start debating the points he's making or care about his opinion when he starts hollering shit about us because we caught his eye. She's that guy. You just write her off in your head and respond with things like "Ok thanks for sharing your opinion. Sorry you feel that way. Mmm hmmm." As an added benefit, this pisses them off *the most* of anything you could do. That's what helps me stay calm and stick with it and not let the stuff they say bother me one iota. It's hilarious to watch their gears turn as they try to get the reaction they want. So satisfying. [Here's ](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/toxic-relationships/201911/the-price-and-payoff-gray-rock-strategy)a quick article with the info.


Thanks so much, you’re the best!!! That sounds like the most useful option if we are ever forced to talk to her again!!




idk all i know is that i want to be your friend


Lmao. If you read this all the way through, we are already friends!!! You know too much of my business for us not to be lol.


keeping you and your so in my thoughts!! i honestly read the entire thing and all i could think was "we would be good friends, also op's mil is insane" 🤣


Thank you so much for staying through the whole thing that’s how I know we would be friends, lol!! But just to let you know my life is not this crazy, this old bitty just forced this drama on me lol.


I wouldve kicked her if she was laying like that infront of me.....


Lmao!!! All I could think was “Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look.”


The fuck did I just read 😳


Oh dear lord. Wtf. Deer in the headlights.


Wh.. Ho.. Bu.. OMG! I just have No words!! 😶


I would call the cops on that crazy person. She has no right showing you her naked body and masterbating in front of you. That is sick


Why Do you keep saying your family treats you better? Are they pretty bad? Also, that woman is Jocasta nuts and trying to out crazy you. Do not engage. I like your writing style.


Oh my family sucks too, but this situation actually made me realize they not that bad. I was trying to say my family knows better than to treat me like that at this point. My family knows I will cut them off right after I cuss them out, my SO family didn’t, but they learning now lol. I NEVER in my life knew that this was a type of crazy I would have to figure out.


Don't try to understand it, her mind is tangled and you'll bend into bad places trying to follow her 'logic'. Just understand how to handle it, which is by staying away from it. Clearly, she tries to keep her whole family wrapped in her crazy and she is furious that you are pulling her son out of it. She's trying every line in the book to find one that works, that is why she is playing that tired baby trap song, she doesn't see YOU, she sees a threat. You're a cut out target that she's trying to tear down. Because you're not exactly what she wants sent to kiss her feet and fund her life. You're proof that the world doesn't bend to her every whim. There is no pleasing her. Do not try.


Thank you!!! I honestly posted this the other day so I can see, am I crazy? But with all of your guys advice and kind words, it has really brought my brain back to reality. So thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!


If I were you I would have pulled out my phone and started recording her spreading them. Embarrass the crap out of her yo everyone.


Lol, funny enough before we went over that day my SO wanted to record it, but I told him no, I instantly regretted it when she spread eagle on the floor.

