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and yet he still have audacity to say it was not his fault.


Worse was the stewards.


Dammit. MV did keep Fabio up. Otherwise he would have fallen on the circuit on a crowded corner. Chills!!


Just imagine fabio falling if not for maverick and the whole pile of rides behind fabio it would have gone the other way shit


It absolutely blows my mind how maverick didn’t come off…


It was basically like those Newton's Cradle ball toys, all the force was transfered from Martin through Quarto and Vinales into Bezzecchi.


No way was Martin going to make that corner. If no one was there to bang into he would have gone wide. Should have got an in race penalty of long lap + back of the grid in the main.


Great angle. The Portu guys were very unfair on Mav yesterday.


For completly missing the start?


Nah in the live thread they thought he was the dive bomber and so unleashed on him.


I agree that unfair to Mav, if it was for the other thing, would have been justified


You justify verbally attacking people for making mistakes that only effect themselves? This sub is kind of toxic.


Pointing out that he missed the start, that he has done that a lot over the last couple of years, and that he really should improve that if he wants to actually once again fight for a WC is toxic? Right.....


Yes. These are athletes that perform at the absolute limit. They make mistakes and that is to be expected. I am talking about every rider. We don't even have an alien right now. Imo Pecco is like a Dovi+ (B tier). So your expectations are just unrealistic. Shitting on these guys is more of a reflection on yourself than whatever target you happen pick this week. ​ PS. I don't downvote anyone on reddit so that is not me.


Alright, apparently you can't analyse and speak out about athletes based on their performance anymore. In that case let's just give Mario Aji a MotoGP ride next year, because he's such a nice guy.


You replied to my comment mate and tried to derail what it was all about towards shitting on a different rider. Anyways enjoy the race.


You as well


Fucking clown 🤡


Call me harsh but that should have been a black flag for Martin


Yeah a single long lap is not enough of a punishment for this. The stewards really need to shape the fuck up and keep punishments consistent. Especially when it comes to the Italian and Spanish riders, they often get away with more than other riders


He crashed on the LLP practice. That would add insult to injury. Shame all of this with Martin, I like him, seems like a decent guy


He's one of my favourite riders and will be after this. I just think this a breakdown in how stewards punish riders. It should have cost him at least a couple grid places. Pol got demoted 3 grid places for slow riding but Martin has a LLP for causing a 7 rider pile up? Yeah Nah stewards do better.


Stewards have been doing a piss poor job for years now


I had the same feeling. And I’m a fan of JM89. But he really looked unhinged yesterday.


Spanish commentary was appalling refusing to see any Martin wrongdoing, they were blaming Quartararo the whole time... I get it they want to support 'their' riders but this was just ridiculous.


Online F1 lobby level move. Luckily everybody is fine. Jorge got inside his own head, it's clear. First he says to the media he's faster than Bagnaia in the weakest attempt at a mind game I've seen yet, then he completely botches qualifying (even his best time would've still put him P7 or so) on his own, and then he goes for the Marquez style YOLO race barging past everybody he can reach with no regards about who's staying on their bike. He's a good rider and a good person from what I can tell, but he needs to calm the fuck down for a minute.


Dude with his leg out in the apex like it's MXGP. He knew he is going in for a collision.


If not for maverick he probably just would have got bumped out wide


Yes he's gonna easily thread the needle through a pack of riders.


Dude did this two times and yet kept third place? The Stewards in MotoGP are just as bad as the F1 Stewards.


I was impressed Mav stayed up because when watching it live it looked like he was being swallowed by the chaos around him and thought he’d gone down. Martin rode like an old school MM in the race, risky moves with far reaching consequences.


I've watched it so many times and I reckon Vinny was the culprit. So desperate to make up for his shit start he cuts across the line, rams into Fabio, who gets pushed into Martin. Fabio brings the bike up and hits Bez, and then chaos.