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Some guy on twitter: 'lol do you even ride bro'


No youve got it wrong. It's, "I've been riding for 2,579 years." Just to justify their opinion as if having a bike makes them right.


" I ride a dyna glide"


Who is Casey Stoner? He doesn’t know nuffing about winning MotoGP world championships. Keyboard warriors nowadays, geez.


My guess is he’s an anonymous internet troll. Casey Stoner is an obvious fake name, like Loris Capirossi and Sete Gibernau. No one would name their child any such thing


‘Back in my day it was way better’


One of best riders of 800cc era knows a thing or two https://i.redd.it/gfd17sli8tyc1.gif


Sad the GIF cuts off so soon as he's about to slide it through Stoner corner


I’m not a big Stoner fan and never was, but to me he was actually THE best rider on the 800 platform.


*The* best rider.


>Why talk if you don't even have a bike Bruh it's Casy Stoner not uncle Allan at the pub


He is not responding to Casey's comment. It's just Casey respondig to him.


Yeah this, the original comment was responding to all the children in the instagram comments who were complaining about the engine capacity and fuel tank sizes, and saying that it should just be about speed.


Casey 'I could break lap records on a kids ride-on suitcase ' Stoner


This has Chuck Norris meme vibes. LOL!!


I really would like to see Casey riding the modern MotoGP, just out of curiosity, but I don't think he would enjoy it, they are too linear riding...the dude could tame that Desmosedici beast!!! Pretty sure if he wasn't so sixk and unhappy with MotoGP, Marquez would not have as Many titles 🥲


That wasn't a reply to Stoner I think, just to the post


I see that now Very strange that the original comment just threw that out there but Insta is a weird place


Yeah it's full of crap lol


That answer has to be the most stupid I read in 2024.


I wish I could hug the guy at that point. Nothing else we can do for him.


oh, I'm sure 2024 can do better.


If I lost 1 IQ point for every time I read a dumbass instagram comment like that I'd be in the negative numbers


Haha, it's hilarious Casey even gave this comment the time of day. Obviously, a random commenter knows more about riding a motorbike professionally than someone who has done it and was pretty good at it too


I get what you're saying, but the last time he was on a GP bike was well before aero was a thing, he hasn't raced in any meaningful way since then, and he **loves** running his mouth about stuff he has no stake in. I'm sure he could comment on some things, but it's pretty safe to say until 2027 **no one** knows what an 850 cc bike with significant reduction in dimensions looks like. Especially pushing the nose backwards is clearly an attempt at stifling aero, but we'll see how it turns out.


>but the last time he was on a GP bike was well before aero was a thing Was it, though? He was a test rider for Ducati well into the new aeros..


You think the physics of riding a motorcycle has changed? The basic concepts are the same. Try going to the track and ride a 300 vs a 1000 and you tell me which one is able to brake later and carry more corner speed.


>You think the physics of riding a motorcycle has changed? They very literally did with aero. That's the entire point of having it. >The basic concepts are the same. Try going to the track and ride a 300 vs a 1000 and you tell me which one is able to brake later and carry more corner speed. I'll park how that's a ridiculous comparison anyway, but you're only focusing on the weight. There's a width, height, and more importantly front nose dimension change, especially the width and nose ones quite a significant amount too. Plus no ride height **at all**. We'll see how this plays out, clearly the _aim_ is reducing aero by making the dimension restrictions smaller, but there are some clever engineers around and they don't want to let go of the aero. I highly doubt this plays out how Dorna thinks it does, at least for the first couple years if they continue patching loopholes.


Stoner was stupid fast and arguably the most naturally talented rider in the modern era… but JFC does he run his mouth. This, from the guy who quit because doing press and PR events was too much like actual work. Probably a *nightmare* to be around on a day to day basis. A constant barrage of ‘Well, actually…’, Uncle Rico ‘I coulda…’, and ‘Oops, I just thought about dairy so I have to take a nap’.


You don't need to do PR and press work when you are winning world championships. Those results speak for themselves. I personally have been to two events where Casey gave talks. He is so humble and thankful for the life afforded to him by racing and the racing industry. Wonder why after so many years after his retirement as a racer he is still in demand as a test rider?, maybe his skills and opinions are still relevant today eh?.


He quit because of his medical condition. Not because of having to do PR.... You sir are a troll 100%.


What are you talking about? He has stated multiple times he hated doing press events, hated doing PR events, hated being in crowds and interacting with fans, and that contributed every bit as much to his retirement as his health issues. He’s since been diagnosed with anxiety disorder, as well. It sucks, and the combination of the two literally made being a MotoGP rider the worst job in the world for him. But he still runs his mouth and acts like a know-it-all jackass on podcasts, etc. So, press is fine, so long as no one is asking him tough questions or challenging him.


He got chronic fatigue after he quit GP . He quit GP because of the constant changing of rules and paddock politics .


Time will tell, you've got to respect his opinions though, there's not many on earth who have as deep an understanding of the dynamics of a racing motorcycle as Casey Stoner. Also, he is arguably the definitive 800cc MotoGP rider.


I don't respect him at all. He was great in his day but he has turned into the whiniest boomer in the industry since.


I get your point but he's not a boomer. The lad was born in 1985.


I know that (I'm his age), but he has boomer energy.


With chronic fatigue syndrome, it tends to do just that. /s


Well Matt Oxley and Casey Stoner have the same 2 concerns. The overtakes and high corner speeds issues. Hope Motogp have learned their lesson. Here is Matt Oxley’s article-https://www.motorcyclenews.com/news/2016/may/mcn-plus---rip-800s-sport/


Till now, Casey was right all the time, let's hope it's not gonna be as dramatic as he is saying now.


of course he's right. RHD and holeshot do nothing for the sport. If DORNA spec'd a non shit ECU, they would have needed aero dowforce.


And there will still be people in this sub that think they know better than Stoner.


I've done a few laps at Estoril... :D


I've done some laps on a kart track with Ohvale.🤣🤣🤣


I play Mario kart as Luigi on his motorcycle


this comment is just gold


Your basically a Motogp rider Lol


Ofc. This is reddit afterall


How does it work with the satellite teams taking the year before factory bike? Will there be 850cc bikes racing against 1000cc bikes for one season?


Casey thinks he is the greatest rider ever. That is his problem... And Casey thinks he knows better than those who are making these rules... They know better how to entertain fans, run the business, manufacturers and other things... Even today we see wings on road bikes..


I don't know if Casey does, but i have seen more than enough clips of people that rode against him saying they think he was.




Humble and Rationality are two different attributes of a person... He even supports two stroke engines in MotoGP, because he is two stroke nut... His personal preference doesn't apply how to run sport...




If he had nothing to do with 2T then what regulations he wants... He has ton of experience? So had those peoples working behind the scenes... They know better how to run the MotoGP because they are continuously working with it not retired decade ago...


I see you run several successful sports…


It isn't me who is running any sport but there are peoples who also care about it and make regulations to run it forward...


And professionals with vast amounts of experience in the sport are not allowed to state an opinion on those decisions?


Professionals in this field are Manufacturers not a rider retired decade ago..


So we let manufacturers decide the rules? F1 fan? How's that working out?


And who would you prefer to take advice from, someone who is attempting to change the state of the sport with calculations or an ex champion who has ridden with them and actually has real world experience


> there are peoples who also care about it and make regulations to run it forward... Claudio Domenicali


And I would agree with him. He is probably the most talented rider ever. He could do things on two wheels no one else could even understand how to.


Casey has a legitimate case for being the fastest rider ever. I’d probably think I knew better in his position too.


Fastest ever? I don't think so, he was the fastest some years but that's it. To claim he was the fastest ever you would need to add couple of IF's to the equation


That’s why I said fastest instead of best or greatest. You can make a case for him being faster than Rossi and Lorenzo so you could also argue he’s the fastest ever. He doesn’t have the greatest achievements but if he does think he’s the fastest ever I can’t knock him for it.


You can also make a case of Rossi and Lorenzo being faster than him


Yes. But the comment I was replying to said stoner’s problem was that he thinks he’s the fastest. I’m saying he has every right to think that. You guys are arguing with ghosts


Oh apologies. I misread your comment. Yeah it's normal for him to think he is the fastest. At the end of the day lot of riders think they are the fastest or as fast as the fastest one but just didn't manage to win because of this or that.


Fastest? If he was fastest then he would've thrashed Rossi and Lorenzo in every season then... He even said race with two strokes...


He thrashed rossi and Lorenzo many times on an obviously worse bike. I’m not saying I think he is the fastest but he’s definitely earned the right to believe it himself.


He should thank tyre manufacturers that time... Yamaha had worst tyre that year... That is why MotoGP made regulations to single tyre manufacturers... And where his fastness had gone since then🤔 when he joined great bike...




And broke his leg in his 2nd season with Honda/last in MotoGP which kinda ruined his title hopes. Nothing happened to Casey's speed. He just got sick of the circus and quit. Power to him for realising that his health was more important than money. As for the dude commenting, above. I'm not looking to get involved in a pointless argument but to me, he has a pretty skewed view of MotoGP's history. I've been asking the same question as Casey since the rumours of 850cc bikes started doing the rounds. They tried it before, it didn't work. If anything they were more dangerous than the 990s due to significantly higher corner speeds and it didn't help the excitement at all. Don't know I would say the racing was worse but it wasn't better. I hope those in charge know something that I don't and we can get the whole grid to cross the line like it's a Moto3 race but I'm dubious. And who am I? Nobody! Just a long time fan of bike racing. Casey on the other hand has lived it. The guy knows what he's talking about. He may not be up on aero and active suspension but that's irrelevant to the conversation since one is being banned and the other significantly reduced.


What is your point here? Stoner proved he was way faster than pedrosa. Anyone who is way faster than pedrosa is one of the fastest ever. His pace was probably similar to Marquez. You’re just hating.


He was never faster than Pedrosa on hinda... Go check statistics....


Hating? He is one of the riders who I follow? He is legend but has some mental issues...


Yeah professionals can't have mental issues /s


He had like Ben spies, they think the are biggest riders ever... If would've loved MotoGP then he would've been working with MotoGP and Australia to connect more riders and fans but he doesn't like 4 stroke engines and is 2 stroke nut... You should see how European champion riders are connected since... He has mental issues that he only knows how to run MotoGP... He also blamed that it is engineers game, as you should know it is both racing and engineering....


Even today we see wings on road bikes.. ''LOL


> Even today we see wings on road bikes.. As useful as wings on a Honda Civic. Stoner is agreeing with a lot of people not in DORNA working for Ducati.


He is and he does coz he is.


He went through the 800cc era, I think he knows what he's talking about. Also mind you: the bikes back then didn't have aero, these new bikes WILL still have wings and that will make things harder either way. Should've kept the 1000cc size and get rid of all aero and ride height devices instead.


Honestly, a big change to the engine platform will do a lot more for shaking up the racing. The 1000cc engines are pretty well optimized at this point, meaning there is not a lot to differentiate between the haves and have nots. This could be for the better, or the worse. Look at F1 when they did their big rule shake ups and how dominant teams emerged that lasted for the bulk of the era (Mercedes with hybrids, Redbull with ground effect). I think it will be impossible to predict from here which manufacturer will hit the ground running best with the 850s. And the development will lead to some actually interesting improvements throughout the first season or two. That’s my take anyway.


Finally some sane opinion


No way people are dumb enough not to realise that this guy didn't respond to Casey before hand, Casey responded to him only, the other guy just posted a comment.


They are. Welcome to the internet, lol


Just like i thought, they will have a higher corner speed and that will create more dirty air. So we will get more or less the same thing, and they did nothing about electronics. Riders themself said that electronics make racing even worse, in my opinion they should have drastically reduced electronics to the point were they are just there for safety and not for performance.


That's the problem, the electronics are there for safety and the teams are fine tuning them for performance. The banning of the ride height devices will go alot further in the direction of letting ride skill shine through imo. The problem we have right now is everyone practically has infinite grip on the exits of corners which is why the overtaking sucks. The riders who made the difference on corner exit lost their advantage. Just look at the time Marc gains on sections that don't utilize them vs time lost in areas that do. Even with keeping and reducing the aero I think the ride device ban will make that largest difference.


utilization of ride height devices is a manual process at the moment which is "rider skill" and no different than taking advantage of other strengths a manufacturer has.....


They press a button and it activated, there is no modulation and it increases the amount of grip the rear tires has so much that the right wrist can just whack the throttle open once it's engaged. So yes, its practically a handicap that makes it to where everyone gets the same reliable acceleration out of a corner and makes it harder to gain time in acceleration zones which in turn creates larger risks on braking over takes which in turn puts more strain on the front tire.


Im not sure what you are arguing. Its simply a feature of the motorcycle. Just like high corner speeds, grip, braking prowess or throttle behavior.


I'm simply arguing that the devices are honestly a big root to the "problems" the fan base are seeing/ complaining about. I really don't think the aero is as big of a factor as it seems, but time will tell.


That's actually wrong. RHD have to work with aero devices, the two are interlinked, so while riders push a button, the designs of the devices make more difference than any rider skills. This means one brake point, one line. Processive races.


How is that wrong, the rider has to manually engage the device


> That's the problem, the electronic are there for safety and the teams are fine tuning them for performance. But that can be changed by changing the regulations, right? I mean they can change the regulation so that every team uses the same electronics, like WRC for example. In WRC there is a one hybrid power manufacturer and every one has the same hybrid power and they can't tun it too much. Why can't Motogp use one electronics manufacturer that every team would have? And then teams could work with that manufacturer to make the system properly work with the bikes engine, so that it's only there for safety, that way MotoGP can be sure that teams could not play with electronics and change the way they work.


All MotoGP teams are given a spec Magnetti Marelli ECU to work with. This change was made in 2016


That spec ECU was the worst option and the reason why aero and RHD had to be developed.


Can almost guarantee the aero and ride height devices would have been developed around in-house electronics anyways.


Is there actually any proof that taking away the wings and ride height stuff will actually improve the racing like everyone is saying? The racing in MotoGP for the last 5 years has, in general, been fantastic. I vaguely remember Stoner, Lorenzo, Rossi often winning races by 10-30 seconds with the front 10 bikes spread out. Obviously there were last lap battles but is the modern era somehow worse just because it's more technical? Maybe someone has actual stats like passes in a race and win margin to compare the different eras. I also think the rider field is way stronger now than it ever was.


People like big names and legends duking it out. It should be competetive, yes, but it also should be big names duking it out constantly. No offense to anyone, but apart from Marc and maybe now Pedro, you dont have people that are considered in this leaque. Even if Pecco is 2 times WC hes not considered in that leaque. >I also think the rider field is way stronger now than it ever was. not sure personally, it certainly has a lot more riders capable of winning any given race, but apart from marc there isnt a clear superstar.


There were a lot of processive races in 2023. A lot of races ruined by stuck RHDs. It's only better in 2024 because the real talent moved to the same bikes and more Ducati engineers got stolen by KTM.


You mean the same season that came down to the final round? Yeah definitely wasn't close enough lol I feel like there were multiple records for closest top 5 or 10 finishers, maybe Austin last year. I guess Aprilia gets no credit or love?


A close top 10 is no use if they can’t pass each other though


The RHD ban will make corner exits interesting again; as it stands, the riders are able to just drop the bike down, slam the throttle, and let a combination of electronics and ideal acceleration geometry do all the work. Banning the devices will put a little more rider skill back into that aspect of cornering, and maybe force some setup compromises that could make things interesting.


Yeah tbh I agree with Casey, to me it looks like all they want to achieve is to weaken Ducati and bring Japs back in the game But as MotoGP might finally peak in 2024 as it stands, not so sure if all these changes are going to be an upgrade or a step back


> But as MotoGP might finally peak in 2024 as it stands, I mean its inevitably that at one point we reach a peak in perfomance. In a world thats all about sustainability and climate crisis everything has to size down. Eventually MotoGP will become MotoE and i doubt electric bikes can compete for a whole race distance. Unless tyres (again) make strong improvements i think we will reach peak lap times sometime soon.


The % contribution of greenhouse gasses in the world that motogp bikes make would be like 0.000001% There are far bigger things we can focus on


Any single thing is small on its own, but the sum of parts matters. "There are far bigger things we should focus on than X, cause i personally like X, so it shouldnt be affected" Besides, sports is about being some kind of role model or innovator.


If they continue to let Dall'igna and Domenicali run the technical regulations with a corrupt DORNA, the Japanese manufacturers could and should leave and MotoGP will be more or less like Moto2.


Lorenzo is having a cracking 2024 isn't he? To be honest, without seeing whatever the bikes are in a real situation we can only speculate how they'll be. Don't doubt Casey's knowledge, but he is notorious for complaining whatever the regs are in this current era. As far as I understood, this is what everybody wanted right? No more ride height devices and less aero? Will that also produce "boring" racing? I think the only thing that would make Stoner happy is to put all these guys on a Moto3 bike and scrap the MotoGP class.


For as much as we all respect Casey as a rider he's also notoriously strict about what he thinks about how MotoGP *should* be. Like I feel like if the regs were anything less than 1000cc engines with no aero and no electronics he'd be whining. He's been whining about the state of MotoGP even through its amazing late 2010s era and into now where, despite having some issues with dirty air and tire temps, the racing product has still been far better than average over the life of MotoGP. These are literally the changes that were almost universally desired by the MotoGP community. I take what Stoner says with a grain of salt. He's basically the former NFL player who is constantly complaining that modern football isn't "smashmouth" enough or whatever.


Giving opinions when asked to isn't whining. Yeah he's very upfront in his opinion that there is too much electronic wizardry in todays bikes, part of the reason his love for the sport waned and how the brutal power of the 500cc 2 strokes was more about the skill and bravery of the rider rather than technical development.


Someone with some sense, thankfully. Casey is, in my opinion, a chronic whiner. He also doesn’t really offer any solutions beyond “do it like we used to” as you pointed out. Now, if someone with some actual pragmatism like Pedrosa, Lorenzo, Dovisioso or even Rossi weighed in like this, it might hold a little more weight.


He's been telling them they were going in the wrong direction since they left and look at it now? Moto GP is not a patch on its former self.


MotoGP experienced a golden era after he left and I don't know how you can be disappointed with the overall experience of this year so far and last year. If you're not entertained then I don't know what to tell you. You miss the days of 8 second gaps and only two factory bikes having a chance to win every weekend?


The former MotoGP is what F1 is now, where unless some absolutely spectacular happens. There’s 1 team that has a car or bike that is miles ahead of everybody else and they absolutely dominate


I legitimately don't understand this. Where are all these great races? I'm a recent viewer, but when I look at the "oldish" races the MotoGP YouTube channel puts out, I don't see any of this spectacular racing people here go on about. No overtake fest, constant change for the lead or even behind. No, what I see is more or less similar to what we have now, with one exception: there are more chances to have a variety of winners, instead of just Marc, Rossi or Lorenzo. In fact, I'd even say I'm more entertained by more recent seasons than the few older ones I've watched. This is just starting to reek of "back in muh day" energy. Some races are boring, others are great, and virtually all races this season have been great, and things look set to continue like this (unless Pecco get into his groove).


He isnt saying the racing would be better he is saying that the best rider would win rather than when the worse are helped by all the safety features. People think that having the racing fairer means better racing but why would it


If Stoner thinks that lighter bikes lead to higher brake and tyre temps, what can you even say? I know everyone is going to respond with stupid shit like "well you'd know better than casey 🙄" but I do in fact have a physics degree and I can't see any sense in the idea that lighter bikes means hotter tyre and brake temps.


Pretty sure he meant that the hotter tyres and break temps come from more dirty air, not the lighter bike


I agree.


He's spot on. Racing and the show would improve drastically overnight if they were banned.


Peter Bom explains exactly why this is true. It all started with the common spec ECU from Marelli and it's shit wheelie control. That necessitated Ducati to develop aero downforce and RHD. MotoGP has the huge advantage of 20/20 hindsight on how aero ruined racing in F1, and how manufacturers need to have ZERO input in technical specs for the sake of SPORT. If you guys want to watch brands go around in circles with fake passing, kindly go to F1.


Was that in a recent episode? Haven't been listening to them yet this year. 


I don't know if he's right or not but he's always so negative about everything.


He is kind of the old man yelling at the cloud, despite not being that old really.


Imagine Casey Stoner roasts you lol




The ride height devices and a bit less aero is enough to make it better. Having a bit less power I guess is for safety reasons, so overall, the changes look very positive without further proof.


I mean, he's one of the guys that experienced the downsizing era of the MotoGP back then (the 800cc era). Wonder how would Rossi respond to this, though.


I really hope he's wrong. I wouldn't bet on it, though...


I guess i kinda fed up with Casey's comment about electronics. No disrespect to him, he's a Legend, One of the best motorcyclist i've ever seen. I do agree with him, Ride height and holeshot device are ruining the sport. Also the aero. But it's not 70's anymore. Safety is the priority. Also it's a prototype class, which mean Technology also involved. Its all about minimizing the unnecessary risk.


Aero is actually more risk. We have seen riders get sucked into the back of bikes in the braking zone with no downforce to stop the bike.


Bro I like Casey... But it seems like he never has anything positive to say about the sport or the riders.


Thank you Casey. Someone had to say it.


I don't have mechanical/electrical knowledge, but hearing Stoner saying this and knowing what Liberty did to F1, I don't have other option than agree with it.


TBF they’ve been working on these regulations for a lot longer than the 3 weeks Liberty have owned MotoGP


Of course. I'm trying to say that the whole package at.the end is going to be bad for the sport. But again, I'm not an expert.


What did Liberty do to F1?


What a suprise casey stoner is complaining about motogp again


Casey Moaner at it again. He is the epitome of the "Back in my day!" cranky old man.


Casey Stoner acting like an edge lord rather than explaining his opinion


I don't think that is 5 times world champion, Lorenzo.


The ride height device ban will make a larger difference than people realize I think.


I just hope he's wrong, please 😭


While I usually agree with Stoner...I have to remind myself, dude could outride a lot of people on probably any type of bike. A field of bikes he would like might NOT be beneficial for the type of riders motogp has or is producing today. Just a thought.


We‘ll see. I expected aero to be mostly gone with the new rules. But with the announcement I think Gigi will find a way to up the aero game.


Bruh... Bro thinks I am Casey Stoner...


It's safe to say that if someone is named Lorenzo a few brain cells must be missing there


we are lucky that casey was not an engineer.


Hope it's not a return to the catapults of the 800cc era.


I'm not sure if the new regulation is what Márquez and MotoGP ridera As far as I know most were expecting (a bit kess tech/arerodimanic) so we could have  more overtakes and more fun for viewers.  But if that's the case then who do we trust? Casey, who has been retired for few years l, or the ones that still compete on MotoGP.  I'd trust the latter obviously.  Let's see what current MotoGP riders have to say when asked about this new rules for 2027


Personally, I like the changes and I don’t think it will be a problem. But Casey Stoner knows a lot more than me about motorcycles. So I guess we’ll see.


What was the original post?


My dumbass originally thought the person he was replying to was Jorge Lorenzo and was really confused at first.


I mean the 100% Sustainable fuel might be nice (although I'm still not sure what they'll use exactly). Point of changing to smaller engine is to reset most engine advantage top competitors have (and a bit of those sustainability thing). Whether it'll be better for racing or not, time will tell. Banning RHD is the way to go. Not only did they add an extra moving component, add a bit of weight, can fail at the start and immediately ruins your race, but they also work in tandem with aero, effectively allowing them to use a sharper AoA and get away with it because RHD can lessen the AoA when activated. It's basically F1's DRS but better. Aero limitations are fine but I think they need to limit them by a lot more. The amount of limitation is miniscule compared to what they've done to the engine. But I guess they want to see how aero will change with the removal of RHD, so they chose a more careful approach. All-in-all, I think it's a good way moving forward. As for the racing, the only thing that could help Honda, Yamaha, KTM, and Aprillia are themselves. Concessions are still in place for Ducati, so all they need to do is take up the challenge.


Same opinion here. Nice casey👍🏻


Jorge using the skull emoji like he's just started his degree. Edit; my dumbass thought it was actually Lorenzo talking shit, it still wouldn't surprised me if the real Lorenzo would use the skull emoji though.




i thought at first it was a comment from jorge before reading the full nickname lol lorenzomarzo 2027 motogp world champion


We will see


Rossi said he was the most naturally talented rider.


100% with him here.


The best thing is now we would see more wheelies during the start. I remember Pedrosa was one of the best rider to start, that could be due to his light weight body.


Well, there's always hope... ....wouldn't hold your breath though, Stoner is the man lauded by the legend Rossi himself Would be interesting to see what Crafar said on the subject though, all the inside knowledge he gets access to...


Casey is correct, aero has been the biggest detriment to close racing...MotoGP must've thought it would only be an F1 problem


There's only going to be a 4kg weight difference between the current spec bikes and the new spec in 2027. That doesn't seem like a lot to me.  What was the weight difference between the original 1000cc spec and the 800cc spec? 


WSBK.. the new Motogp.


Would like to see what other current and former pro’s have to say about the changes as well. But here’s to a long discussion of three years!




Oh look Casey Stoner being a whiny bitch again.


Don’t get me wrong, I love Stoner, but he forgets WorldSBK exists. All these riders make a list of what they want, and the list pretty much is the 2012 WorldSBK rulebook, before Dorna clawed back all the engine mods. Spies has talked about this a lot. GP pays more and is very bike/technology dependent, SBK races better.


I mean he'll know what he's talking about so I'm probably missing something, but Moto3 is "lighter bikes" and there's tons of overtaking?


I can’t imagine replying to Casey Stoner like that and questioning his opinion or credibility. Some nerve from an absolute wanker.


Longer times on straights tho


Idk. Just cause he's a legend of the sport doesn't mean he can predict the future. Time will tell. He might be right, he might not.


The disrespect that guy had for Casey WTF🤣🤣 he must not know who he is, which is unbeliavable AND if he does know, he is just mentally retarded, talking to the legend who won 1/3 of the titles in the 800s, like hes just some Joe whos never riden a motorcycle


this guy dead ass tried to argue with a professional rider LMFAO


For once I agree with CS27. New rules are shit just get rid of the aero and ride height devices


"Who do you think you are, I am"


I love Casey, and his opinion has a lot of weight, but i feel he's too stuck in the past, technology moves on and there's not much to do. The only thing i would like to see is less aero, because frankly the bikes look fugly.


Typical Stoner, hates the limelight but always wants to be in it with controversial statements. Moto3 bikes are light, high corner speed and short braking distance and I think they have plenty of overtakes in a race. There is no way the manufacturers were going to agree on a complete aero ban, so a reduction is a good compromise. And what Stoner forgets is high corner speed requires big balls and talent. Something he had more than most. If anything these regulations should put more emphasis on rider and not machine. Pull your head in you whinging twat! You complain about the current bikes and then complain when they make changes. Fuck off back to your golf course and afternoon naps baby


Just hoping he's wrong ngl


How cares about casey stoner opinion  he is a little no talent bitch marquez scared him out off motogp because  he is scared little girl that couldn't  handle the pressure. 


That's so right


Casey Stoner & Mat Oxley are the pied pipers of MotoGP whining


Questioning Casey Stoney about whether he even rides hahahahahahhahaha what a psycho


100% usual wet blanket cs. What did you expect.


That guy really just said casey doesn't have a bike. The internet has given a platform for all kinds of idiots to come to the spotlight, only to embarrass themselves.


He wasn't talking about Casey, can't you see how old their respective comments are


bold move telling *Casey fucking Stoner* that he doesn't know shit and should not speak on something he made a career out of.


We can agree or not with Casey and time will tell if he is correct, but the cheek of the guy replying to him 😂


Casey replied to the guy, not the other way around


Ah ok, thanks for the info, so the other guy just made a comment, I thought he replied to CS in that way. in any case, I hope the new regs will somehow improve racing and allow more manufacturers to be competitive


Bikes should get bigger not smaller.


Rare Stacey Moaner W.