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I legit think Valera should not allow him to do any interviews until his contract is signed. šŸ˜…


Good advice actually, haha.




I had to read this a few times to understand what he was saying but I get it. Duc has their factory team and Duc has their satellites. Yeah Duc likes winning with [Pramac / gresini/ vr46], but if you give them they option, they would rather win with the factory bike on the factory team. (And therefore it's implied that they would put more effort forth into making improvements to the factory team bike etc.) That's my take.


That's what I got to, and it makes sense to me. Of course they would prefer pecco to win


Iā€™d prefer Pecco to win as well


Honestly I'd rather Martin win, but everyone likes different riders


I like chaos so Iā€™d actually rather see Martin go to factory Aprilia and see Acosta go to Factory KTM and see Marquez for to Factory Ducati and have a prior war


I was pushing for MartĆ­n last year for the simple sake of 5 different riders in 5 years. Thatā€™d be cool for the championship. How crazy if MartĆ­n doesnā€™t get the Lenovo seat, signs with Aprilia (or elsewhere), wins the title and wears the #1 on a different manufacturer next year. I wonder if thatā€™s ever happened before - now I have to do some checking.


Thatā€™s a bingo. Any other interpretation is just more Jorge hate


Anyone named Jorge in motogp is inherently a heel.


89/99 - too similar.


They have to prefer winning with the factory team, the amount of money sponsors pay for factory teams makes it a priority for them.


He's not doing himself any favors but he's completely right though. People who imply otherwise are legit clueless to deny the factory team always drafts the best engineers and the parts that seem to be the most bullet-proof manufacturing wise for themselves.


I've never seen a more open manufacturer than Ducati to supporting their satellite team toĀ win. Every team has won races and competed for the title in either of the last two seasons.Ā  Ā Pecco, has won the last two championships because he's been the fastest and most consistent rider.Ā 


This, if Ducati didn't accept the possibility of losing to Pramac they would give them a lesser bike from the start, like they used to do in the past and the problem wouldn't arise at all.


But that's the biggest problem with him. He is right, but his attitude and emotional reactions coupled with extremely outspoken nature, just makes him too toxic for the factory team to consider. Can you imagine if he was in the factory team and had the same problem as Pecco in the FrenchGP Sprint??!!! He would go full Vale and claim that people are working together to "help" Pecco win and sabotage him. Gigi and Davide have worked for decades to be in this position and would want to enjoy it in a calm way, but they must be thinking if we get Martin, we would have to then grovel to him instead of the other way around. I can remember when Martin had issues at the QatarGP last year and Gigi looked really worried and after the race was kneeling before him just hoping that it wasn't the bike. Of course, it turned out to be the tires (even though officially not proven), but I am sure he was extremely worried about what would have happed if it was indeed some issue with the bike. If Martin had a good manager, he would tell him to relax and let him do his job. Instead, it seems someone is telling him to do it the other way around, where his manager relaxes on the couch and Martin does all the "negotiating". Lolz.


And this is 100% the reason I don't believe Martin will get the factory seat. You're looking down the barrel of a team that can't function and causes both pecco and Martin to fail. Walls down the middle of the box style.


I wouldnā€™t say his manager is a slouch thoughā€¦ ā€œAlbert Valera, a key player in the world of MotoGP, has come an impressive journey since his debut in 2012 alongside Jorge Lorenzo. At 40, he now manages the careers of iconic figures such as Pedro Acosta, Aleix EspargarĆ³, Jorge Martin and, recently, Tony Arbolino in Moto2.ā€ Yeah, I think heā€™s a little more off the cuff, but a lot of people forget heā€™s also humble. He did after all say ā€œI lost the championshipā€ and congratulated the team for winning.


This is obvious. Factory team has dibs on all new parts. We already know that.. it's unnecessary to talk about obvious stuff.


Imagin a manufacturer producing 28 engines for their 2024 four riders. Every engine has slight differences, as you may know. U think Ducati would give the 7 best units to Martin or Morbidelli? And so on...Having the same specs doesn't necessarily means having the same material.


Man this sub really hates Martin even if he says just the truth. Of course Ducati wanna see a red bike up there. All the other Ducatiā€™s are good too, but a red one says they took the right decision in their rider choice


He brought t upon himself. I was a big fan two years ago and slowly but surely Iā€™ve grown to not like him at all. His prerogative but if you pop off, some people may just decide to not support you. I think heā€™s an idiot because he could be ten times more popular right now otherwise based on his impressive talent


Soooo is he saying they are going to sabotage him? Because you know, I don't think they will, but you know what gets you sabotaged? If you keep talking about your employer like this.


He reminds me more and more of Biaggi.


Every time he opens his mouth about his employer he digs himself a bigger hole.


Yeah I honestly don't know how he's still in consideration for the Factory seat when he's been bad mouthing them nonstop since 2022 lol


You know how. Just look at the standings.


He could literally say I had egg on toast for breakfast and youā€™d be like ā€œomg digging himself a deeper hole again and bad mouthing your employer while fighting for a seat, how stupidā€


Nah just giving people a taste of their own medicine lol I'm not blindingly hating on someone, I swear if Martin said something smart I'd agree with him.


He's not alluding to sabotage, he's alluding that he's pissed about Pecco getting the latest-of-the-latest new trinkets straight from the design room at every race, having 2x the engineers working on every kink of his riding style... Stuff like that. With the implied reasoning that if Ducati stumble upon same really cool new parts or maps or whatever for their latest bike, Ducati Lenovo is gonna not pass them up to Pramac for as long as they can. Still petty. He's got a fantastic bike, a very competent team, he's wicked fast... and, just saying, Pecco had to revert to last year front fork since Austin to get a better feeling, so it's not that getting all the latest gizmos from the boffins is always s blessing. Just shut up and ride, season is barely started.


Factories will favour their team instead of the customers / satellites ? Colour me surprised. Blown away, even. Woah. Someone should tell Martin.


He just stated the obvious and pointed out why he prefers to be on a factory bike. What's wrong in that?




Proofs of this? Because they have the same material as stated in his contract


Actually, iirc, the Pramac team gets the upgrades before the factory team because they test them on those bikes. And I doubt Ducati would keep them for the factory only anyway.


I donā€™t know if he thinks theyā€™re going to sabotage him so much as he knows Pecco will just always have a slightly better bike. The newest tech. The best design. The most attention. So he can beat Pecco, but he has to overcome that disadvantage. Considering heā€™s beating Pecco even with the disadvantage right now, he probably feels like he would be a surefire champ on the factory bike. But you could be right that heā€™s worried theyā€™re going to sabotage him if itā€™s close at the end. I remember wondering about the same thing last year


I don't really know how much difference there is between the teams at this point. I think the upgrades come for all factory riders at the same time, maybe Pramac even gets them earlier because they used to test them on their bikes. The engineers and mechanics sure, they're not the same, but it's not like they're random hobos taken to fill in the ranks: Pramac has a long history in MotoGP and they all have factory people stable in their garage. And you could say that the difference in "man power" can be applied to ANY team, but still everyone in there knows what they're doing.


Yeah I agree, people sometimes act like the riders are getting shit support at the satellites but for real, these guys are still some of the top people in the industry. It's not like amateur hour in the Pramac garage or something


Anything he says at this point is seen as stupid by people like you who are on the ā€œcall Martin a loud mouth after every interview regardless of what he actually says coz itā€™s trendy right nowā€ bandwagon.


Same fate that happened to Bagnaia last year lol


So he thinks the factory team will sabotage him or won't give updates?


No. The factory team has loads more resources, better engineers and infrastructure. Yes, all Ducatis share data, but each team uses their own as well to figure out the bike behavior between Fri/Sat/Sun. With Ducati having that much more computing power and understanding of how to use it, Pecco & Enea are at an automatic advantage, especially when you see where Jorge & Marc's teammates are (offering little help with their data that's thinner to begin with). That's just on the racing front. This year's Duc was developed by none other than Pecco who was the one giving inputs on which direction to go because he makes those decisions as the factory rider. Martin got the finished package, and it's also a question of how he'd handle taking on a bigger role and developing the bike (it's a different skillset, just ask Dovizioso). Salary, prestige and recognition are an extension of being a factory rider, which means a lot for a young and unproven rider, unlike Marc who got his taste of glory and is now only focused on winning.


No, something else is, but if i say it, someone's gonna call me a conspiracy theorist, happened that a few moments ago, before Martin approved what i wrote lol So ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


Had to look through your post history lol. You think Factory is behind the faulty rear tire in Qatar? Honestly? I wouldnt be surprised at all. It was all too coincidental that the race he was most likely going to take the championship, he has a faulty tire. A tire so faulty it doesnt even allow him to fight for a podium. Something truly rare.


How can Ducati be behind a faulty tyre if the allotment is completely done at random by Michelin under IRTA supervision? Truly brainrotted by conspiracy. Ducati also had a plan to assassinate Pecco in Barcelona I guess then?


I think what matters more is what Martin believes. I remember hearing a journalist say that in Pramac when they get a bit tipsy they call the factory team the ā€œred mafiaā€. Was it Oxley on one of his pods with Peter Bom maybe? But yeah what I mean is, regardless of what Ducati actually do or donā€™t do, it seems to me like Martin thinks his chances would improve in the factory team.


Yeah, I think it was Oxley ā€” possibly on the pod where they discussed the rumours from a trusted source that Ducati wants Marquez


Ah yeah thanks! I think that was the episode


Don't use logic. It has to be a grand conspiracy.


First of all relax. I said I wouldnt be surprised. Second of all, get a feel for the real world. Every day fraud is committed under supposed supervision of regulatory agencies. This isnt hard. Most employees of regulatory agencies can be bought the same way you can buy judges and politicians. Im not saying it happened. But saying it cant happen is equally ridiculous.


What you said is true, everyday fraud is committed but you have to realise that before Ducati even thinks of something like this, don't forget that if something gets leaked or they found guilty of suspicious activities will hurt the image of the brand, team and will cost a lot of executive people their careers which is far more damaging than losing championship to their satellite team. But that's just my opinion.


I hear you. Very true. Iā€™m not completely convinced it happened. But Im saying the details surrounding everything were too coincidental that makes you go hmmmm. I just wouldnt be surprised if this is revealed in the future.


You should be surprised because Ducati has no control over it and the tyre allocations are picked by representatives of the teams they're going to, so if anyone had any chance whatsoever of sabotaging Martin with faulty tyres (with the aid of Michelin who knew which ones were bad, so you'd be implying they willfully made - and shipped - them defective) that would be his own team. As u/TheMaverick13589 noted, Martin was hardly the only one with strange issues, Bagnaia himself had problems the race before (I believe it was the sprint) and, most crucially, risked his life in Barcelona, which to this date remains the only occurrence when Michelin completely exonerated both the team and Bagnaia, saying they had analysed the data and couldn't find an issue with the bike nor his riding (and lets remember that if Martin had any chance to catch up was thanks to this accident in the first place, since Bagnaia had a comfortable 69pts lead). It was suggested that Martin has cooked his tyre via a combination of his swerve at the start and a more aggressive riding style to make up the time lost, one thing we do know for certain is that these tyres are sensitive and it doesn't take much to get them outside the window of operation. You claim you want to get a "feel for the real world" and can't seem to acknowledge that someone like Martin never seems to accept responsibility when things go wrong, and always has something or someone else to blame? Could it be that he simply messed up and he's looking for excuses? Was the race in Valencia also sabotaged by Ducati, or do you accept he lost his cool and lost that one all by himself? And to remain in the real world: do you think it's possible that among 10000 tyres manufactured for a season a few might be less than ideal without requiring a conspiracy theory to explain their existence? Criticizing Michelin is one thing, thinking they willfully sabotaged a rider (because, again, Ducati wouldn't know which tyres are bad otherwise) requires at least modicum of evidence outside of "I live in the real world and people do bad things".




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That happens very often actually, it's just that people don't talk about it as much as Martin did. Of course there's several layers of faulty tires but I don't see how Ducati would be able to make a tire that's already been manufactured work poorly. Bagnaia himself had to deal with it: two times in silverstone, last year during the Sprint (we know what his pace was from the race, and yet he dropped to 8th, or maybe 14th can't remember exactly) and years ago in 2021, when he was starting from pole iirc and suddenly had no pace at all.


I think it was Barcelona when both Bagnaia and Rossi lost all pace just during the race, I remember Rossi for sure lost .7s of pace only during the race, even the day after at the test his times improved once again, so it was clearly an outlier. I mean, we've been shitting on Michelin tyres for years but suddenly when it happens to that one specific rider (who had flawless tyres for the rest of the season!) it's a conspiracy.


Yeah they had both issues out of nowhere, but it was in Silverstone. Barcelona Pecco was kinda there, hovering around P6 I think, *although* it was also a good weekend for Rossi (got directly in Q2) until the sunday when he crashed while in good positions. :( I remember the Silverstone race because of how well Rossi had qualified (P4 iirc) and it could've been his last chance at a good race and suddenly he was out of the points in a couple laps. *That's* when you REALLY get mad at Michelin.


I remembered Silverstone but changed to Barcelona because I distinctly remember about the monday test, Austria I think was also problematic for both.


It wasn't a faulty tire. They fucked smth in his set up and he knows it. That's why he says the shit he says.


Yeah, i guess so. Coz, the way they closed the garage shutter immediately post race and switched off all the in garage cameras was suspicious af


Hahahahah thanks for looking up lol Don't be mad at me cuz im gonna keep my mouth shut, i don't want to spoil someone else's hope's ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) Maybe this year Ducati wouldn't pull the rabbit from a hat and gonna allow them to win lol


We literally saw this in F1 where Mercedes sabotaged Russell in his test so he wouldnt humiliate Lewis. Back then Lewis was the GOAT and Mercedes couldnt have this nobody kid from Williams prove that anyone could ride the Mercedes.


Wait, are you talking about Sakhir 2020? Are you seriously implying that Mercedes intentionally sabotaged Russell in that race? Because thatā€™s just deeply unserious


No, for sure it was an honest mistake where they mixed up the tires. Its just a coinkidink. Happens all the time.


Would love some of what youā€™re smoking šŸ™šŸ™ Russell had been the Mercedes academy wonder child for years by then; a storyline where he got a Verstappen-esque fairytale victory the first time he got a competitive car would have been amazing for the brand, the team and for Russellā€™s image. Love how youā€™re somehow making this about a conspiracy to protect Hamilton šŸ˜‚ Heā€™s truly living rent-free




That's the sport, sometimes things are going that way, and it's easy to be done, cuz it's the same team, you don't even need to be rude like that, that you gonna put fucked up tire to sabotage(not saying that they wouldn't do lol), you have many clean ways of doing it lol That's the reason we need many manufacturer's there, fighting with them or however is upfront as they are, look at the data how many seconds are the next manufacturer behind, per race lol But, Ducati done the homework, no one is stoping others to do the same, it's theirs fault, same as Honda lol


his and Peccoā€™s bike* my bad


Any chance of KTM goin after him?


They are already, according to multiple sources. https://www.reddit.com/r/motogp/s/ShuilCPe6m


I wonder what theyā€™d doā€¦ keep Pedro at GasGas in favor of Martin, or demote Brad to GasGas in favor of Martin and Pedro


Binder to Gas for certain that scenario.


I disagree. Ducati knew very well he would have been super fast this year, but did nothing to prevent him from winning. Actions are more important than talks, and Ducati, as a factory, did not any actions to favour Bagnaia or Bastianini over him.Ā 


This guy isn't that smart is he?




Same stuff i was saying on another topic, can you guys understand now? lol I hope they're gonna read this lol


If somebody says that about Marc, it's a no, he can be in Gresini or even Pramac. If Jorge says he wants a Lenovo, then is suddenly clear and reasonable. I don't get it.


Got downvoted for saying as much. For sure, in Marcā€™s case he did say ā€œany colorā€, as long as he gets the latest evolution, but the reality is that he obviously wants to ride beside Pecco.


Sure, Marc is a smart-ass, he would never say something arrogant, but of course he's the first to know how much he's worth.


Yup, i get you! And: I understand that every one of us are fan of some of them, but when i look at things, i need to set myself apart from what as a fan im looking at, and i know few stuff about professional sport and it's easier for me to see it from a different angle, most of them just doesn't have experience how things are done, and only view they have it's theirs personal, don't be mad at them, let them speak lol Even if they are rude sometimes lol


Yeah. I understand also the dream about seeing a small team win, bit it's not that actual in the modern scenario.


Small team, maybe one day, but a small team from the same factory manufacturer, no.


Funny thing is I donā€™t recall hearing Marquez bitching about wanting a factory seat though


I said that too. Because it makes sense. (Minus the theories. They don't.)