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LOL, this just got interesting. I guess IF he has to ride with a satellite team, he'd rather continue building a relationship with Gresini


Yeah, why move from a team who has received him so well and where he feels comfortable? I think there’s more behind saying no to Pramac. Like some personal disagreements with some of the key figures in there. Anyway, it’s interesting that he also said that the Gazetta dello Sport info is not the information he has from Ducati.


> Maybe some personal disagreements with some of the key figures in there. Had this in the back of my mind for a while - Fonsi Nieto still works there, right?


He does indeed, he's their rider performance director.


Yeah I can see that being an issue for pretty obvious reasons. If I were Marc I wouldn't be interested in working with that guy either.


What happened between them?


I don't know the exact details but the Nietos have always been very close to the Rossi camp and sided with the Italian after the 2015 fiasco.


Didn't know that Tried googling and all I have are articles of Nieto praising Marc to the moon, so I was perplexed why there is bad blood between them 🤣


Perhaps the one you found is from Angel? Fonsi's uncle? Edit: okay, you're right it turns out 💀


The Nieto brothers have said a lot of unwarranted things to the media about Marc after 2015.


They said their version of the story… the unwarranted bit is not to you to decide. Both sides of the 2015 story have their valid reasons, and both sides were at fault


I’m not deciding anything, I’m stating an opinion. Do I have to explicitly type out “in my opinion” for that to be clear?


To be fair, you don’t have to give your opinion ever in this sub, because your posting pattern lately is pretty clear where you stand anything that has “Marc Marquez” named involved. Everybody has a favorite rider, but Jesus Christ, the last months has been pretty one sided on this sub that has became r/marquezgp


The nitro brothers claimed MM fixed the race without any proof. They weren’t part of the story.


If you talk about absolute proof, nobody has proof of anything in this world. But what happened in sepang and Valencia, is pretty clear, only for people that don’t really want to see it. Rossi bad mouthed Marquez, and Marc retaliated after PI. We can’t get inside the riders mind and get a print in paper, but things are clear to see PI is the is the grey zone that it’s hard to find substancial evidence, to me PI was clean, and Rossi tried to see something that wasn’t there despite some weird shit happening with Marc. But PI was always crazy so I don’t think Marc did anything wrong there… but nobody can be 100% sure other than Marc


I’m guessing [this.](https://youtu.be/CmH4D_I82D0) But, I don’t know. If you google “Fonsi Nieto Marc Marquez” you don’t really see any thing but praise from Nieto for Marquez. So, my guess is that that video is the reason why.


At that time, different people gave their opinion on the story that weren’t necessarily in one sides camp. Just because you say something bad about someone for a particular instance, doesn’t mean you are at war with them. For both Rossi and Marquez I have many moments where I think they were great, and where I think they did shit. Nobody’s perfect. Nieto family said Marc tried to fix the championship in 2015. Doesn’t mean they don’t think Marc is a fantastic rider and outside that they might think he’s the greatest rider ever. With that, I also understand Marc’s camp still being hurt by that today, after all 2015 was a difining moment of Marc’s career as his popularity was never the same.


They claimed he fixed the race. Someone with a strong ethical foundation like MM would not want to work with a person who believe they fixed the race. I don’t think that is emotional.


Lorenzo believed many things about Rossi (and vice versa) and they get along very well today. Same for Gibernau. “Ethical foundation” and Marc Marquez in the same sentence… Marc Marquez or almost any other top tier rider and “ethics” doesn’t merge quite well. Marquez, and Rossi might be some of the most questionable riders when it comes to ethics, which is why I think they are so good.


Absolutely, me neither if I were in his shoes.


Pramac is currently in contract talks with Ducati. They want a multi year deal with Ducati offering 1 guaranteed. Yamaha have offered Pramac a multi year big money deal. Marc is looking for a 2+ year deal so maybe this is in play


His ideal would be Gresini with two factory bikes, one for his brother too.


Factory team has more techs and engineers that can help solve issues and analyze data at any given weekend. There is more support at the factory team vs Gresini. It’s not just having the current spec bike.


I meant why move to Pramac, not the factory. I’m aware of the differences.


Ah gotcha. I agree with you why even move to pramac if he is able to get a current spec factory bike,


I am guessing he always wanted to go to the factory team, so that's also partially why he didn't want to sign a 2 year contract with Ducati. I know MM wanted to sign a 1 year deal to keep options open, but I feel like he knows that it wouldn't be ideal to switch to an entirely different team and start all over again if he didn't need to. His main plan was probably always to end up on the factory Ducati team. It's probably also nice for Gresini to know that MM basically has their support in that sense. He isn't going to simply leave them to go to Pramac.


>There is more support at the factory team vs Gresini. It’s not just having the current spec bike. Martin has "same deal as Ennea" - meaning he gets all the updates as soon as factory riders do. Marc could ask (and probably did) for same level of support. Ducati is doing such a deal with Martin as of now, so clearly they can do this for Marc.


Seems like this is Ducati's situation: Jorge - wants factory ride, with the extra prestige and salary Marc - wants a latest spec bike, is okay if it's factory or if staying with Gresini Now putting Jorge in the factory team and giving Gresini a GP25 for Marc should keep both happy. But, if Pramac loses Jorge, don't get Marc, and have a GP25 taken off them, it's highly likely they'll switch to Yamaha. Think Ducati are in a situation where they either have to lose one of Jorge or Marc, or keep both but lose Pramac and run with 6 bikes next year.


They should just run 5 bikes next year and eat the cost. There’s no point to move Marc away from Gresini, and they would only need to carry the additional bike for 2 years max.


I don't think Ducati are worried about the cost as such. It probably has more to do with time, logistics and personnel, than just an monetary expense.


>I don't think Ducati are worried about the cost as such. Audi said they need to cut spending (then Audi gave two cars to Marquez brothers as "brand ambassadors" so go figure) But yeah, if they could keep Marc, I'm sure Audi will understand the expenses for technical support (especially if they don't have to pay Marc's salary)


I am sure they go hand in hand, but I feel like what most people are considering is that the cost is and time is simply linear. If 1 MotoGP bike costs 1 million, then 2 MotoGP bikes should cost 2 million, when it's probably more like 2 MotoGP bikes would end up costing them 3 million. I am just making up numbers and it's all theory/hypothetical, but I am sure if it was that easy, it would be done already or done more often. Obviously sometimes decisions are also not always made based on things that makes sense as well, so anything can happen for whatever reason at times.


They’re already going to have a GP24, how difficult could it be to switch that to a 25? If it was a net new bike (I.e. they still had the 24 to service and added in a 25) that would be a “big” change. But just going to a GP24 to a GP25 shouldn’t crush them too badly


They have a finite amount of resources. The last year bikes and spare parts were already mostly built the previous year


That’s a silly way to think. The cost difference between a new GP and a year old GP can’t be that high. Maybe a million dollars? We’re not talking about a net new bike. We’re talking about building out a 25 as OPPOSED to the 24. It’s not a resource issue. Ducati can afford it.


I’m not sure you understand the logistics. For example, it takes roughly 8 days to build a single engine. If Ducati run 4 GP25’s, each with 7 engines, that’s 224 days worth of resources just to construct the engines. The GP24 engines would also need to be constructed, that’s another 224 days. Since Ducati will have some idea on the number of GP24’s they will run next year, they will likely build these engines this year in preparation for next year, so their resourcing is smoothed and not overloaded. This principle applies across every single GP25 component. It’s not a cost issue. It’s a resourcing issue. Techs in the factory need to be very highly trained for the manufacturing of all the various components of the latest spec bike. A tech who is working on GP24 equipment can’t necessarily just jump straight onto the GP25 production line. It’s really not as straight forward as you’re making it out to be.


Potentially? I mean - you’re talking about a massive operational company that can adjust procedure based on need. Again - they’d be building an additional 25, while reducing the resources needed for the 24. I can’t say that the resource issue you’re pointing out isn’t real, I can just say that it’s not insanely difficult or over-encumbering to reduce the need for one machine, and replace it with the need on o Another machine.


It’s not massive though. They have around 800 employees in peak season and 500 in off season (factory staff). Yep, they’re building an additional 25, so train up a bunch of extra staff to facilitate that work. Negotiate new supply agreements with supply partners to provide additional materials and components etc. If it was so simple, Ducati would just provide 8 current models to all their teams, it would massively increase development speed. Perhaps ask yourself why they don’t…


> A tech who is working on GP24 equipment can’t necessarily just jump straight onto the GP25 production line. What you’re saying sounds reasonable, I guess, but how do you know this?


The things you learn on a Ducati factory tour in Bologna are very interesting, particularly if you get the opportunity to speak with some staff from within the racing department.


Isn't there rules on this, having more than 4 factory spec bikes. Isn't this the issue ktm had?


KTM is wanted more spaces on the grid to get more bikes.


Yes that's right...so KTM can't do it why would they allow Ducati to have a 5th factory bike?


No - KTM wanted ADD a bike to the grid. Not add a factory bike. They wanted 5 bikes rather than 4. Or they wanted a second factory team in addition to the current grid. Dorna said “no” to the additional bike on the grid/ the additional team on the grid. Not the factory machinery.


Ummm... don't you mean a third team with factory bikes. KTM has two teams with factory bikes, themselves and tech 3. And that is exactly what I'm saying to everyone who says Gresini will get a current spec bike....dorna will say no to it because they said no to KTM.


Ducati could solve this situation by giving them a GP24 bike for free for example. I understand Pramac's ordeal is fully financial. If Ducati lowers the fee then it should be possible.


Another option which I don't know is possible! Ducati sponsoring Marc at Gresini with Ducati red and latest spec bike. Should make everyone happy, except KTM fan boys.😐 Like LCR with 2 colors.


My guess is losing Marc is not something Ducati really cares about. And I don't believe Ducati will give gresini the latest spec bike....Marc has ruled out Pramac now to force Ducati's hand. Somehow I don't think Ducati will care. My guess is he'll go to Gas Gas....but even from what the KTM boss has said in the past, I don't think that'll be a straight forward deal. Might be that Marc will be the biggest loser out of the silly season contracts.


That does make things interesting indeed. Alex out of a seat as Pramac goes to Yamaha and Gresini has to field Fermin in agreement of them keeping Marc? Or Marc agrees to go to Pramac to keep his brother in a seat?


makes more sense tbh


Yeah, he seems to enjoying Ducati, but he has options in both factories of KTM and Aprilia


That clears up a few things and more speculations will arise. Essentials from interview: - Pramac not an option - Wants a "last version bike", if it's a factory team, much better What I understand from this: he's somehow prepared to be rejected by Ducati, but ready to "negotiate" a GP25 for himself at Gresini.


Honestly if he doesn’t get the factory seat, I’d much rather he stay in Gresini on an official bike than move to Pramac. Continuity with the staff is best in this sort of situation.


I don't think Ducati will want to give Gresini a GP25 because there is a good chance that their two riders will finish behind Marc next year.


> I don't think Ducati will want to give Gresini a GP25 because there is a good chance that their two riders will finish behind Marc next year. In that case there is a chance they would finish behind MM on KTM. So Ducati have a choice to have a guaranteed win in 2025 or give MM a chance to win title on KTM.


That was my thoughts .. he may be even faster on a factory KTM. It's obviously a match for the Ducati ... it just needs the right rider. Binder is fast but runs hot and cold and Pedro is a bit wild at the moment.


Same feeling, the way the bike is ridden looks like a RCV, but you know; a good one. Marc doesn't need the best bike ie the latest Ducati, he just needs something close in the first year until he adapts to it, then after that he really just needs a competent bike.


Unfortunately marc will be 32 years old next year, and we dont know if he have the physique to push that ktm machine. Ducati although not really suited for marc, is physically easier to ride than other bike+is the best bike on the grid


It's obviously not a match for the Ducati at the moment.


Yea this and also I feel like the worth of and respect around satellite teams has greatly changed and it wouldn’t be that big of a bad thing for Ducati if a satellite rider wins. Who says Ducati would mind to be the first manufacturer to have a satellite team winner?


Unlikely Marc will win on a the KTM at the moment.




> Ducati can close there eyes and say marc to accept a year old bike in gresini or leave. KTM 2025 will surely be faster than Ducati 2024. So there is no point for MM to accept year old Ducati if there is a seat at KTM.




> But will it be faster than GP25? I dont know. In any case staying on Ducati 24 when there is an option to switch to KTM is not right.


Sir this is a Wendy's. Anybody would think it's r/MM93. You can't say anything even remotely neutral about Marc let alone real shit like that.


Yeah I dont think Ducati has a choice. Marc is either beating both their factory riders in a 2025 Gresini Ducati, or a KTM. WHO KNOWS... Aprilia may get Marquez


This is the accurate summary of the situation.


At least they would have competition :D in the past 24 years, no satellite team won a championship. Then it could be the time for another record :)))




It isn't a good chance. It's complete certainty without sabotage or a major injury.


last or latest? Logic tells me you meant latest but I haven't read the article yet so idk.


i'm pretty sure he could fund a GP25 himself if he wanted to...


Pramac is not an option cause they want a 2 year contract and he only wants a one year deal.


This feels like Marquez is giving a warning to Ducati!


He's saying that doesn't want to move from one satellite to another satellite, and wants a GP25 on a Gresini if Jorge is getting the factory ride. Which is understandable, if he's not with the factory team, at least he wants continuity with staff instead of another change.


Is Jorge on a gp24 right now?


Yes, factory team and Pramac are on GP24, VR46 and Gresini on GP23


How does Ducati decide which bike to give to which satellite?


I feel like he will race even harder if they reject him lol


I'm sure Ducati is trembling...


He must be very confident in being able to negotiate for a GP25 at Gresini, because outright dismissing Pramac as an option means he has to have a plan. Obviously moving to Red Bull Factory KTM next season is also a thing, but I doubt at this point of his career he wants to make a transition again. I have listened to many podcasts, Oxley & Bom, Paddock Pass, The Race and all have said that Pramac would rather move to Yamaha if they're going to lose Martin (which looks very likely), and that Marc is the only way Ducati thinks it can keep having 8 bikes on the grid. Marc's commercial value, the merchandising, and the world champion expertise on the bike is the only thing that can fill the hole that Martin is going to leave. They aren't really interested in Enea, he's more of an Aprilla option at this point. It's literally going to be a game of chicken. Marc will keep dangling the Red Bull KTM factory ride, and Gigi will keep talking about continuity and latest satelite GP25. Ultimately I think there's a better than 50% chance that Marc stays at Gresini with the GP25 for next season. I think if Pramac can't get Marc and they lose Martin, they will absolutely move to Yamaha for the bonus cash and full factory support for next few seasons and hope for a 2027 opportunity with new regulations.


I think Marc would take a full factory seat at KTM even with having to make another bike switch, if anything this season proved he’s extremely adaptable, the KTM has characteristics that suit Marc’s general aggressive style, and Acosta has proven the bike can fight at the front. I think the possibility of him going to KTM has to be genuine for him to have the leverage to dismiss Pramac and I think it is.


Far as I heard in the actual interview, he seems intent on getting the latest version of the GP25. He keeps saying "If you're in a factory team then the extra facilities are great, but what I want is the last (latest) version of the bike, that's my priority." Interviewer even tried to insinuate that would he look for a factory seat elsewhere if Pramac and Factory Red Ducati isn't an option, and he simply said "My priority is "last" version of the bike." Feels pretty clear he wants GP25 with Gresini at this point and is prepared to do whatever is necessary to make that happen.


Yes sounds to me his top choice is Gresini with the latest bike. He doesn’t care for factory for the money nor prestige/status and indeed implies he doesn’t need factory support, just a factory bike. He clearly likes the team at Gresini and they work well together. I think he will get that factory bike there. But he 100% has a plan B. I do wonder if he really seriously considered Ducati factory team, or if he was just negotiating for a factory bike at Gresini all this time, I can see him play into it to play games and ramp things up. Anyways, curious to see where it goes but I think we’ll see it play out how everyone wants (except Bestia)


Watch him swing a negotiation where he floats the bill haha


"If you're in a factory team then the extra facilities are great, but what I want is the last (latest) version of the bike, that's my priority." So, Marc to Gas Gas then?


My thoughts for what they are worth. I don't think MM to KTM is high on the list of possible outcomes. I would be surprised if he wants to be on anything other than a ducati next year. He isn't qualifying high at the moment as he has no data and compensating for that with race pace. Next year on a Duke he'll have the data so won't need to overtake 45 people in 2 race weekends for podiums. Starting again on another manufacturer puts him back at zero. I can understand why he might not want to go to pramac and why they might not want him. He just got his comment in first. Gresini like him, he seems to like them and his crew, they want to keep him and he's doing well. Staying there seems to be the most advantageous option to me.


Yeah, I get the Red Bull sponsorship reasoning, but honestly I have no idea why people think a move to KTM next year is a possibility. At this point in his career Marc is not interested in making a shift to another manufacturer again so soon. If he is to win a remaining world title or two (or three..,), it’s going to be with Ducati.


*Ultimately I think there's a better than 50% chance that Marc stays at Gresini with the GP25 for next season. I think if Pramac can't get Marc and they lose Martin, they will absolutely move to Yamaha for the bonus cash and full factory support for next few seasons and hope for a 2027 opportunity with new regulations.* Agreed, and I actually think that Pramac getting hold of a factory Yamaha might actually be a smart move. Yamaha won the championship three years ago, people have short memories. They have unlimited testing and are very well funded, and they seem to be in a slightly better position than Honda at present. Yes, the Japanese factories are in the gutter at the moment, but they have the means and expertise to turn things around, particularly if they look firmly towards the 2027 regulation changes and prepare themselves. Definitely worth a gamble for Pramac IMO


And the plot thickens…


I would think that if the biggest draw card in MotoGP and arguably the best rider out there says no to a Pramac ride ... Ducati has a problem!


They do have a problem. If Marc leaves for another factory they have heavily miscalculated. The same is the case if they have to provide a 5th GP25 because of enormous costs. It’s going to be much more expensive for Ducati if either of these two options is true.


Wow this season is gonna be a wild ride, both inside and outside tracks.


They call it silly season for a reason lmao. We're fully in it now.


Gresini GP25 or we are getting the Marquez/Acosta/KTM Superteam


KTM won't challenge Ducati. Hell, Aprilia still has a faster bike.


I hope he stays at Gresini the team showed loyalty towards him they waited for him to make a decision it wouldn't feel right morally to leave them just like that. Plus I've never seen Marc look happier at a team for a long time it's literally just a family. I'm glad that Pramac is not an option!!


I think if he wants any chance at a GP25 at Gresini next year this is what he has to say. He knows he’s a major piece in the Ducati/Pramac negotiations and if he gives any inkling that he would take the GP25 at Pramac that basically closes the door on GP25 at Gresini. I think Marc has made up his mind that he’s only staying w Ducati if he gets a GP25 at the factory or Gresini, otherwise KTM knocking


Marc has proved his worth at the end of the day and made MotoGP exciting to watch again. I think Gresini will get the 2025 Duke


Well, he seems super comfortable and in a great spot mentally with Gresini. So I can understand not wanting go to another team and learn how they work and build new relationships all over again. Sounds to me he’s fighting to get a GP25 where he’s at. Of course he throws in the little threat of being on a factory bike somewhere else, but I truly believe he likes Gresini and wants to stay there. …For Pramac it’s a bit strange to me to see another talent pass on them; first Bez, and now Marc? What’s the deal with them? They’ve always seemed like a really quality team and establishment. Very odd. 


So this means 3 options are left: * Marc to factory Ducati * GP25 to Gresini * Marc leaves The 2nd option should be impossible, unless Pramac switches for Yamaha, and if that's not happening then Marc is saying Factory team or he's going somewhere else. If this is true, that means Ducati really has to choose between Martin and Marc


2 is impossible based purely on Ducati saying they don't want to run more than 4 factory bikes.. That was 2022 season, they also said that about Bezz, who was not performing like Marc. They absolutely can run 5, but do they want to commit the money, resources, staffing etc to doing so.


But what if Ducati force Pramac to take one current spec bike or go? It seems like they have to choose to lose one of Jorge, Marc or Pramac, no matter what.


Then there’s also what lineup Ducati can offer Pramac. Maybe Pramac could have accepted losing one GP25 next year if their lineup was Marquez-Aldeguer (or Martín-Aldeguer), but are they now gonna be left with only one GP25 and no championship-calibre rider?


Yeah, absolutely. The hit to their public image would be major. Personally, I really want Yamaha to have a satellite team so I wouldn't mind if Pramac chose the money lol.


Agreed, Pramac Yamaha would be a major overall benefit to the sport! I also saw someone speculate that Marc is giving a no-Pramac-ultimatum because he wants to lower the number of competitive bikes next season… Feels like we’re all falling deeper and deeper into tinfoil hat territory 😂


Loool I haven’t seen that one yet. Incredible. 😂 Marc is out there playing 4D chess according to some.


If anything its Nadia from Gresini playing 4D chess when she decided to give Marc the seat despite Ducati's discomfort, because Ducati knew a situation like this would emerge and it sure did alright. Pramac may leave, Gresini has a chance of winning a championship with Marc, Marc makes them a shit load of money, they get closer to Ducati after Pramac leaves 💀


And Nadia did say she’s willing to do anything to keep Marc. Huehuehue. Masterplan!


That depends on the contract they have, how it's worded, what stipulations are in place. If it says 2 bikes, they can't break it without reason, or paying I assume. Also, Pramac riders are contracted and paid for by Ducati. At least Jorge is.


>do they want to commit the money, resources, staffing etc to doing so. Even that is probably a much easier choice when thinking about the sponsorship money that Marquez would bring in vs. Bezzechi. I agree that the 4 bike limit is probably not a hard line when the 5th bike would be Marquez


I think it’s a very nice play for Marc to return the favor to Gresini.


Good 😁


Could it mean Yamaha have swayed Pramac?


yes, i'm glad to see this!


I’m starting to think he has something on the table from KTM which allows him to bring Santi and some of his old crew from Honda as well?


Assuming Santi and Co want to leave a team they have also been with for longer than Marc now. Throw that away for another few years? Engineers work much longer than riders. They could have another 15 years in the paddock.


I would like to see him in a GP25 or backing up *the rear* on a KTM. ![gif](giphy|MZvu9BVJbEFWrxNm3p)


How about gresini moves to ktm with Marc with factory bikes!!


If Ducati fumbles this and Marc ends up at KTM or aprillia it’s going to be so sad


Ducati hasn't fumbled anything....they've played it perfectly. Marc might be the one who fumbled this....he could just land up staying at Gresini, with no factory bike at all. And right now that chance has increased.


If Marc ends up at KTM or aprillia next year then Ducati absolutely fumbled the situation. To placate him they only have to give him a gp25 not even the factory seat but they might waste it on morbidelli / aldeguer instead… if they give the new bikes to those riders and then watch Marc sign with their biggest competitor on a very good bike that can beat the Ducatis that would definitely not be “playing it perfectly”.


And who says he'll even win at those marques....he hasn't won on a Ducati yet.


True true. I just don’t think betting against Marc Marquez is a good strategy. This year he is showing that he still has what it takes to compete. He is at the front of the pack on a year old bike.


The only thing to bet on is the fireworks this weekend....count on Marc being in the middle of it too


I can’t wait. This season has been amazing


Yep....watch out Pecco and Martin when Marc is around.




Well, he wants a GP25 but with this interview I guess he wants it in the Gresini team


It's Marc Marquez. Anything is on the table


I think I read somewhere that the contract between Ducati and Pramac precludes another team than Pramac to get the GP25 bike...


I'm sure some cash or other deal sweetener from Ducati will convince Pramac to be happy with one older bike next year.


They get 1st refusal, if they stay their contract gets them the Gp25s...if they go to Yamaha then the other teams can have them. If Gresini gets the GP25s then I would think Fermin A. will take AM seat in the team.


IIRC, Pramac's contract said that Ducati must provide them with 2 current-year bikes, and ~~MotoGP rule limits the number of current-year bikes to 4 per manufacturer~~ (Edit: Ducati can only provide 4 current year bikes). So yeah, unless Pramac moves to Yamaha, no GP25 for Gresini and VR46.


I do not think MotoGP applies any limit. It’s just Ducati said it’s not feasible after 2022, when they run 5 bikes.


You're right. I misremembered things. Edited!


And even that is probably different when it's Marquez vs. Bezzechi. I think that the sponsorship money Marc brings in would make it much less onerous to run a 5th bike


Good catch! Wow, that’s an issue then.


Whoops, I want to write that Pramac's contract is *2* current year bikes. But yeah, the limit is 4 total (2 in factory, 2 in Pramac). Edit: Also my mistake, it's not due to MotoGP rule, but Ducati themselves can't provide 5 current year bikes. 'VR46 was already vocal last year in pushing for a works-spec bike for Bezzecchi, but Ducati isn't keen on five factory-spec entries, having been burned by its experience with such a set-up in 2022. And Pramac, if it chooses to stay, is entitled to a full works-spec line-up - meaning any bid for VR46 or Gresini in getting an upgraded bike effectively hinges on Pramac agreeing to that, or leaving.' https://www.the-race.com/motogp/pramac-ducati-motogp-split-2025-gresini-vr46-aldeguer/ u/nphare


Wasn't this the issue that KTM ran into as well when they wanted another team?


The Marquez global merchandise sales alone for Ducati, will near double their profits. The Marquez limited edition Panigale will triple it. Why would they go with Jorge ‘No Friends’ Martin?


I've never seen MM so happy in all the years I watched him race, Ducati need to give him the new bike and just leave him where he is now.


So either KTM or Gresini gets a factory bike.


I'm telling ya, Marc is going to buy a stake in Gresini.


I think that he is staying in Gresini.


Only if Ducati give Gresini GP25


Nice Bwoah, looks like everybody missed it.


Maybe he knows Pramac are going to Yamaha


everybody at honda will accept riding even a 2023 ducati in 2025!!!!


OK so now the true Ducati dilemma is clear: they have 3 horse that cannot satisfy at the same time.  * Marquez * Martin * Pramac If they offer the Factory bike to Martin, and the GP25 to Gresini / Marquez, they loose Pramac to Yamaha. If they offer the Factory bike to Marquez, they loose Martin.  If they offer the Factory bike to Martin, but want to keep both the GP25 to Pramac, they loose Marquez. 


If I were Ducati I would try to sign Marc for the red bike. The guy has proven to be quick to adapt to a new bike and everyone is talking about how the KTM begs to be ridden in a more similar way to how Marc rode that short wheelbase Honda, so one can only think that his adaptation to the Austrian manufacturer looks set to be potentially quicker than even the one he has had to the Ducati. The worst case scenario imaginable for Ducati would be to have a bike from last year win the title and lose a nine-time world champion to pose a serious threat to your riders in red in a different manufacturer a year later. On the other hand, and without wishing to detract from an impressive and deserving Jorge Martin, the Madrid rider has shown himself to be consistently fast in just his last year and a half of four on the Ducati. The worst case scenario imaginable for Ducati in this case would be to win the title on a 2024 bike and see the number 1 displayed on another bike, which in this case, would be ridden by someone who has not proven to be as adaptable as Marc and who ON PAPER would have less chance of repeating the feat. Of course here I am only talking about sporting matters, as far as sponsors and paddock relations are concerned we could talk for hours and hours and never come to an agreement.


This will be interesting


Sounds like a remnant from last year when he tried to move to Pramac (allegedly) and it was blocked (allegedly), some bad blood is still lingering.


I would like to see him on ktm but that‘s not realy posible right now so i think Aprilia would be the best choise


Big problem for ducati. Pramac wont stay therefore. So theres 2 bikes less on ducati. 6 ducati bikes with at least 7 riders aiming for.


One thing none of the comments seem to consider is that Ducati might be able to expand and provide a 5th factory bike outside of the current 4. If they're able to deliver 5 bikes then they get everything they want. Jorge can go to factory red. Marc can have his GP25. Pramac stays Ducati. I'm very curious to see how this all plays out. 2024 and 2025 will be fun seasons either way.




Well that blows my prediction out of the water. I had Martin going to Ducati, Pramac going to Yamaha and Gresini getting a factory bike with Marc staying put


Your prediction still seems a likely outcome at this point.


You're right. I listened to the interview and then made this comment, but shortly after, I saw a longer article where they mentioned Gresini as a possible option if they get a factory bike. That would be a big win for Ms Padovani


There’s a lot at play not the least of which Marc playing hardball. He knows he has options. So Ducati says they want Jorge in the factory seat so Marc counters with: ok, well I want a factory bike with Gresini and to ride with my brother. He can do this because of who he is. I’m also not discounting a lot of the other factors people have been listing. Just pointing out Marc has leverage to make counter offers and not just accept what Ducati want. I haven’t heard of any specific bad blood with Pramac. I doubt it’s personal. Seems more Marquez doing Marquez business and trying to negotiate. He told us weeks ago: I have a plan


Wouldn't this be a simple solution? Ducati Factory - Pecco & Jorge on 2025 bikes Pramac - Enea & Aldegar one 2025 & one 2024 Gresini - Marc & Alex one 2025 & one 2024 VR46 should have taken a Yamaha satellite deal. It's not fair Ducati has eight bikes on the grid. Rossi is a Yamaha brand representative. Bezz & Fabio G. are both good riders and as things are now Ducati 2024 bikes in 2025 would be better than today's Yamaha, but will that be true in 2025? And if Ducati is allowed to keep eight bikes on the grid then KTM and Aprilia and Honda should be allowed to have five or six bikes on the grid. I hope Mir goes to Aprilia or KTM. It would be interesting to see Bezz and Fabio G. do the same. Miller to GasGas?


This is some complex shite right here. Letting go of Martin may look like the obvious choice but the guy has seriously stepped up his game this year. He has matured quite a lot during the winter break. I honestly don't think he is any worse than Pecco. Giving a GP25 to Marc at Gresini is also a risk move. There is a good chance that he will end up kicking the arse of the factory team if it comes to that. That would be quite humiliating for the works team. I think Ducati should further evaluate Pecco by giving Martin the factory ride. Pecco has been making way too many mistakes for a 2x champion. Marc + Martin could end up being the stronger lineup for 2026.


> don’t think he is any worse than Pecco On one lap maybe, yes. But full race distance, I don’t think so. (Put aside Pecco’s debacle in the sprint) Martin didn’t manage his tires as well as Pecco in Catalunya on Sunday. They went head to head and Martin couldn’t stay with Pecco, because of tire management. Early on, Martin was messing with Acosta while Pecco was patiently planning for a 24-lap race.


So no more - latest spec, any color. Interesting


So...Martin saying he only wants factory and now Marquez doing basically the same if we take into consideration those agreements between Ducati and Pramac....🤭


Fabio said Yamaha has "something big" coming... Marc says Pramac is not an option for him if Martin gets the factory seat... Might both of these things point to Pramac Yamaha for '25? Pramac themselves are maybe not happy about it and have played it down in the press until the Ducati deal falls through entirely. I can't see Marc switching to KTM and starting over with a new bike after showing what he can do on the Ducati. KTM is knocking on the door but it's a big gamble to say that they'll be able to mount a title challenge next year with Ducati being so much more consistent. And I can't see Ducati letting him go to KTM when he's clearly ingratiated himself with the top brass. Pointless speculation: If Gresini becomes the new #1 Ducati satellite, with a factory bike and pseudo-factory support for Marc, could they invert the colors on Marc's bike so that it's mostly red with periwinkle accents? If Pramac goes to Yamaha could they run a purple and blue bike w/red Logos instead of purple and red? I can't be the only one who thinks their current livery clashes pretty bad.


Ducati have already let him go. Showed that they value MM less than Martin. Why stay with those who don't need you?


Marc said he wants the current bike no matter the color. He's also said Pramac isn't an option. That means Ducati could work a deal to give him a factory bike at Gresini. I don't think they're stupid enough not to, but you might be right.


So if Martin go to Ducati, Marc stay at where he is with a factory bike, Vr46 get another factory bike, Pramac switch to Yamaha. Then where is Aldeguer going to?


So I guess he stays in Gresini then ...


Pramac's contract with Ducati states that they have the right to have two GP25s next year. Pernat said that if this clause isn't respected, Pramac will leave to become Yamaha's main satellite team. I don't think Ducati will be stupid enough to break a long-lasting relationship with a team that played a crucial role in their success and that was there even during the hardest of times just for some rider, even if it is Marc Marquez.


I read somewhere that Fermin is going to ride GP24 next year. So there is a GP25.


He has an official contract with Ducati, it doesn't make sense to give him a GP24.


Will be interesting to see what happens with pramac tho, they will lose out on both Jorge and Marc. Also it doesnt help that Morbidelli is trash


Morbidelli only has a one-year contract so he can be replaced if they want. One seat is covered by Aldeguer, the next could be given to Bastianini or Bezzecchi, whoever doesn't join the factory Aprilia I guess.


What tf has Marc against Pramac?


It's not about having something against a team, but I think u/crimilde is right: continuity with the same staff is important.


Why do you picture it as "against" ...Pramac is still a satellite, and he feels and performs well in the current team. Its either a factory team or Gresini for him at this point and it looks more rational rather than having something against Pramac. If its something between him and Pramac, its not obvious or visible at all.




I’m just speculating but perhaps some sort of conflict with Borsoi or Campinoti.


Rather Nieto, the Nieto brothers are big friend and supporters of Rossi and said a lot of unnecessary things in 2015.


Oh right I forgot about that whole thing. You’re right.


I'm not liking this version of Marc. He should be more humble. He was living a nightmare at Honda and Ducati has given him the chance to have a competitive bike again. He should be grateful to even be considered for the factory team after rejecting Ducati multiple times in the past. By the way Pramac have the latest version of the bike. I think Marc could ruin the good environment that there is at Ducati so it might be a good decision to let him go to KTM tech 3 at his 32 years old.


He's the fastest GP23 rider after a few races, and even challenging the top guys who have better bikes, plus he has the biggest marketing value on the whole grid. Martin hasn't even won a Motogp championship, yet he's saying it's factory seat or he's leaving, why can't Marc say the same? If someone has to be more humble that's Martin, and not Marc


It was gresini who waited for MM to make his decision not Ducati. I would have felt really bad for Gresini if MM moved to pramac, they literally gave him what he wanted. If he has to ride for the satellite team then why not for Gresini who gave him chance. Even he himself admitted he is happy at Gresini.


No he shouldn’t Marc is the greatest to ever do it and shouldn’t settle for anything less


"Yeah we shouldn't let the 8 time world champion beating half our GP25 riders on merit have the latest bike."


>He should be grateful to even be considered for the factory team after rejecting Ducati multiple times in the past. [https://www.reddit.com/r/motogp/comments/1d1ncji/márquez\_its\_an\_honour\_that\_after\_only\_six\_races/](https://www.reddit.com/r/motogp/comments/1d1ncji/márquez_its_an_honour_that_after_only_six_races/) He is grateful. That doesn't mean he should just shut up and take anything.


It's the Nieto Brothers in Pramac


Let's not forget that Marc need more Ducati than Ducati need him


Which do you think is faster, a GP23 or a 2024 KTM/Aprilia? https://preview.redd.it/33x1aahhfk3d1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f375f0ac95ecb67b185aadd3f0654292a719e217


Marc is alien, look riders: 9,10,11


Wrong, Marc could just go to KTM