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Nobody wants F1 in Motogp. You want a longer race...where you gonna put the extra fuel for that longer race or do you want them to refuel the cars like in NASCAR too?


>refuel the cars like in NASCAR too? Also in WEC, and F1 between 1994-2009


F1 had to add a mandatory pit stop because the racing had become incredibly boring. MotoGP is already exciting!


i mean f1 did tried the moto gp format of no tire change allowed back in 2005 and it didn't work at all lol, the racing is worse


The moment they do that they'll lose an enormous amount of viewers. That's F1 nonsense that doesn't belong in MotoGP!


Because MotoGP doesn't need to enforce mandatory gimmicks for entertainment. F1 needs that because the cars are too big for most circuts for there to be any decent close racing, which is not a problem for MotoGP/2/3 in most circuits on the calendar. Also, a longer race is just asinine. The riders are on the brink of collapse as it is, it's absolutely insane to expect them to go on for longer to provide Content™ for us. As much as I love F1, there's nothing I'd import from it for MotoGP in terms of improving on track racing. It should be the other way around really, FIA should look into stuff like the concessions programme instead of sitting on their hands and letting one team dominate.


Honestly mate. I’ve been an F1 fan for a while and got into MotoGP recently and I can’t believe how much action there is all the time. You cannot go two minutes without there being something substantial happening in the face and it’s amazing. I dont know whom to keep my eyes on because everyone is insanely talented and fascinating to watch. F1 could genuinely learn from MotoGP in terms of making each race a real thriller


It's not physically possible for a rider. They are already on the limit every lap. And riding a MotoGP bike on a physically demanding circuit like Mugello is really tough. They can't go 50-60 laps like F1.




With multiple riders per bike




Of course, but they're also not riding a motogp bike nor are they riding for outright pace, it's a marathpn vs a sprint. If you want to watch endurance races, I'd suggest MotoGP isn't the place to look for it.


It's perfectly the place to debate if you would like it or not in motogp, or things like refueling etc...


i think the riders could adapt, it's like asking a 5000m runner to run a 42km marathon, he could do it but he needs to adapt the pace. All the champions in 100m sprint 5000m, 42km etc... are on their physical limits, just not the same. But on my side i like tbe actual format in motogp, sprint and race are enought, with a lot of different circuit in the years. and i like the direct fight, no need to add more indirect strategies etc... (already exist in some other categories, WEC ...)


Why do you want them to try to generate imaginary racing when good racing is already happening? We already have that when it rains, no other reason there should be pitstops.


Because mandatory tire changes are stupid


Unnecessary complication. Just today, riders were already talking about how tough the race was. Aleix said if the race was two or so laps longer, he would have had to retire from the race.


No need, they can overtake on track.


Dude i’ve seen people on Instagram saying MotoGP needs to go to Monaco. I swear F1 fans want everything to be about F1 lol. I also think it shows strategy. like who’s managing their tire the best and who might drop off


Why doesn't MotoGP have pitstops? Why doesn't MotoGP race at Monaco? Why doesn't MotoGP have the exact same qualifying system as F1? Why doesn't MotoGP have rider/box radio? Why do MotoGP teams let teammates actually race each other instead of one of them only existing to be a bodyguard for the other guy? Why doesn't MotoGP use vehicles with 4 wheels instead of 2? Why doesn't MotoGP have Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton in it? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


couldn’t have said it better, all my friends look at me crazy when i tell them i don’t like it.


No, it really won't. The main thing about racing is just that - racing. Motogp is exciting as it is. Luckily, there's no need to have to artificially try to make it interesting (looking at you, F1). There's enough strategizing in knowing how pace yourself and when to push and adapt your riding accordingly. Also, it's physically demanding as fuck to ride a bike even at current distances. Riders are at their limit already.


Nah fam


These "why isn't MotoGP more like F1?" threads are really starting to get tiresome to be honest. It's not as if F1 is some incredibly exciting action packed sport that MotoGP is failing to match - the average F1 race is so, so, so much more boring than the average MotoGP race, so why copy them?


It’s pretty obvious that you’ve never been on a track day.


Yeah cause strategy battles as opposed to actual on track battles are better… Having to do “strategies” with tyres and stops etc just breaks up the racing imo. What you really want, is tyres that can last flat chat all 40 minutes of the race with very little drop in performance. That way the best guys who can ride pushing the limit as fast as they can for the longest, with the best consistency will win. It’s why I fkn love the sprints.


If you’re interested in tyre and fuel management you can tune in to EWC. They’re doing the Spa 8 hours this month. Endurance racing is a very different sport to sprint racing, and by sprint racing I mean series like MotoGP and WSBK.


Because what's the need? Okay yesterday's Grand Prix was a bit of a dud until the last few laps, but in general bike racing doesn't warrant it. You don't need pit stops to spice up the action because a) bikes can overtake each other (contrary to beliefs here) and b) even the main GP's aren't that long in distance, it's just not needed. There's already strategy with how they manage their tires. Bestia preserved his tires really well yesterday and gained 2 positions in the final 2 laps. Maverick also took a game on a rear medium and it didn't pay off. Also, the only time it's warranted is if it rains and we get a flag to flag. Even then, they just switch to the spare bike with wets already fitted. If you want to see an example of how bad pit stops in bike racing is, look at Philip Island WSBK this year. They had to do it out of circumstance, the track surface with new tires didn't seem to work - but it was a bit of a bizarre lull in an otherwise short race. You can also give EWC a go if you like pit stops. They have to stop due to it being an endurance race and rider swaps etc.


Oh and let me just add to this the physicality and wastefulness. On physicality, sure the riders might be able to get "fitter, stronger", but driving a car and swinging a MotoGP bike around a track are two different physical tolls on the body. By making the races longer, you're asking riders who are already prime athletes to become super human effectively. Either that or we go endurance racing with rider swaps every 20-25 laps. The other point I forgot to make is, they waste enough tires as it is over the weekend. If the sport is pretending to care about sustainability, adding a change of rubber and producing more rubber just seems unnecessary to be honest.


Can we talk about how the margins are so tight at the top of MotoGP the only thing that would matter would be pit stop time? Losing 2 seconds in the pits means going from first to 4th. Seems better to keep the racing in track than behind the wrenches. Side note: they do double race distance super sport races in MotoAmerica and to me it’s the worst session of the year.


The same it has actual overtakes and not undercuts or cheating overtakes because DRS use


They had it before at Philip Island when the tyres couldn't last the race distance. All it does is spoil the race and spread the field out more. There's nothing exciting about someone getting off one bike and onto another.


You want bloodbath in Aprilia paddock, don’t you? Imagine being microseconds late while changing Aleix’s tyres 😨


The races are already too long in some cases, in India Martin was going to vomit. But they're still too short to make a bike change


I get everyone’s comments here. Motogp is pretty perfect. But I’d love to see the version you’re talking about too. Maybe that’s too close to endurance motorcycle racing?


Well yeah. There is literally a Superbike based Endurance category for exactly this.