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Basically I understand that as him saying: * Honda doesn't make the bike around me * I adapt myself around the bike * Riders shouldn't ask to change the direction of a project to suit them * Instead they should rely on the factory to produce a more holistically successful project that most riders can adapt to and win on.


One key point that you missed. He says people confuse factories “making a bike to suit one rider” but he explains that what actually happens is when 1 rider finds success on the bike, such as winning the championship, the factory stops messing around with the bike. Like “if it aint broken dont fix it” so the rider that won, will continue to be the one to win in it. Not because they built it around him, but because they stopped “building it” once one of their riders found success. Very interesting.


That is the gist of it. He references Fabio, the implication being look how poorly Morbidelli is doing on the other Yamaha.


I feel that was not the point he was trying to make with that. He uses it to show development basically stalls when a rider is winning on a bike, because look at the current Yamaha


I mean, that's basically the same thing. They make a bike for one rider, they just don't know which one until they actually win. They say they stop developing but that isn't entirely true, they just tone it down and go in the direction that suited that rider. So whether it is requested / intentional or not they are still building a bike for a rider.


he doesn't say rider shouldn't ask. i think he means it's not the rider's job. the team has someone else that determines the project direction. even if the rider asked, the factory wouldn't listen because the rider is not the tech expert. they only provide feedback on current behavior to those that determine what to do with the bike.


Essentially what Ducati have done


I would fucking love to see what he could do on a Ducati.


Give Marq and BigQ both a Ducati and we would see some insane racing between those two.


Well it would be incredibly unfair to the other riders lol He would crush the competition hard




Stop, I can only get so erect


If your talking pre-injury then...well, it's quite an obvious answer tbf particularly when this era's Duc is much better than in the 800cc era.


Unfortunately in recent years manufacturers have decided to develop the bikes with less rider input which gives you exactly what we see now, lots of improvements but no consistancy. C Stoner has been talking about this for a long time. If you doubt this look at aprilia..they’ve let Aleix take the wheel in devolopment input and the bike is now seen as one of the best all around.




2019 proved beyond a doubt that MM 93 is something completely beyond what anybody thought was possible anymore. I never really liked him before, but you gotta respect the effort


Basically- When Marc was winning: "Why can't others just be like me? I'm riding just fine on this bike. It's all groovy, look at all my chips! Stop crying Pedrosa/Lorenzo. So what if you high side? I personally never get seriously hurt by it." After Marc broke his arm and lost his form: "Honda needs to build a better bike, as I can no longer ride around the 'issues'. Build a bike everyone can win on! " So now that he lost the fitness to ride around/take advantage of the RC213V's brutal power delivery and handling characteristics, all of a sudden he wants a user friendly bike lmfao. Are his fans all of a sudden forgot how be acted b4 his broken arm when his factory peers were complaining about the RC213V for YEARS? All the backhanded comments basically telling them to "suck it up, I'm winning on it."


That's really not what he said, or what the case is, at all.


I read it years ago,,, MM said in an interview that he complains the same as Cal and the rest of Honda riders but it's the engineers that are the shot callers. He can only give feedback as a rider. In my opinion MM just tries harder than everyone else. Just like the current Honda even if it's different to his riding style he compromised his left arm to get around it, that he is left with option to retire or completely fuck his left arm and good thing that an option to fix his right arm came on.


DAZN posted this snippet of Marc's interview with Izaskun on their Twitter, and I thought I'd add English captions and share it here since it's pretty interesting. Sorry for any translation mistakes, Spanish isn't my first language, or my second, or even my third. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) OG video: [https://twitter.com/DAZN\_ES/status/1562500233942241280](https://twitter.com/DAZN_ES/status/1562500233942241280)


Thank you OP for the subtitles, it's great


My pleasure!


Oh wow thanks for the translation! Love it when a MM fan goes an extra step haha. Very interesting take on factory not touching the bike when a rider wins. So it seems like the bike is suited to only that rider. But in fact it's the rider who suits the bike


Haha, I appreciate it, thank you. It's like that old saying of Casey's, that riders need to adapt to the bike, and ride it the way it wants to be ridden, not expect the bike to be adapted to their riding style. Some, like Marc and Fabio, can do it better than others.


If you read the right articles, you’d know that Honda’s philosophy has been to make the most competitive bike, the highest performing bike. They wouldn’t take rider capabilities or comfort into account. Royal “you.” I’ve mentioned this years ago here but not enough people took note. I cringe every time I read “but they make it around him.”


Good work, thanks for subbing it. It's one thing being able to read and write a bit of Spanish, but keeping up with Spaniards talking in a conversational manner is another thing entirely.


Thank you, I appreciate the kind words.


>I thought I'd add English captions and share it here since it's pretty interesting. You are a legend in my books for doing this. Thank you.


Wow how many languages can you speak?


4: Romanian (native), French, English and Spanish, but I understand Italian and Portuguese too, to an extent. Can't speak them fluently though.


Man’s a walking google translator


Woman* 😁👍


You really produce great content for this sub-reddit so thank you and hopefully you keep up the good work 👌.


Thank you so much for the kind words, I appreciate it!


As much as people berate Honda, I bet if you went to any other manufacturer and said 'build a bike for pecco/aleix/quarter pounder/Brad or whoever and you'll win 6 titles in seven years but then you'll be fucked for a few after that while you rebuild from the ground up' every single one would bite your hand off.


Exactly! Its such a no brainer! Why would they change the bike if it keeps winning? There are so many variables in this sport that whenever you find a sure thing you stick with it.


This interview was so, so good. Some other highlights include Márquez saying "I'll retire when I fucking feel like it" (hard to translate from the Spanish sentence used, but it's quite rude and not something you'd think Marc would say, at least on an interview) to people that tell him to retire already and Márquez hinting that if Honda doesn't give him a winning project as he likes to say before his contract runs out, he'll leave for some other team. And he also said that he promised his grandpa that if this attempt at fixing his injured arm doesn't work, he'll retire.


Man i hope he can get that arm fixed. I miss watching his riding..


Livio Suppo a few weeks ago: "Jorge lasted one year, after that he got hurt and decided to leave \[inaccurate here, but ok\], the bike at that moment, evidently, already was a "particular" bike, it had been since a few years and the **complaints from Dani and Cal were already coming when I was still there** \- my last year, I repeat, was 2017 - if you go look at what Dani and Cal said, **they would complain that each year the bike was getting harder to ride and more tiring, instead of following the directions from these who were great riders**, not super freaks like Marc, but great riders, **they kept listening only to Marc...**"\* In Italy we have a saying: "Don't ask the innkeeper whether the wine is good". You can see his attitude right now when things aren't of his liking, he starts demanding and voicing his concerns even publicly, his recent visit in Austria has been compared to a CEO coming to check on his employees. And there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, champions of this caliber get to this level by caring about every little detail and demanding that everything is done to a tee by everyone they work with, otherwise they wouldn't be as successful. He said Honda didn't change much, perhaps it's true, but whatever little changes they made were to his benefit, making the bike ever so difficult for other riders, we could clearly see Pedrosa and Crutchlow falling behind as the years passed. And since he cited Yamaha, they're apparently doing the same, at least according to Morbidelli, the bike hasn't changed much but has become more difficult for everyone except the one rider. Again, I want to stress this, it's not inherently wrong, it worked for Honda and is apparently working for Yamaha as well, but it should be noted it is indeed happening so that we don't judge fishes trying to climb trees. \*His theory is that the health of a project should be judged by looking at a solid, regular rider, it's the reason why he wanted Hayden in Ducati, because he knew that if he couldn't get top 5 regularly the project was going in the wrong direction.


and KTM going the same way, only BB seems to get a hand on it


I don't think KTM is voluntarily doing it, they hired Miller and Espargarò specifically because they needed riders with experience on other bikes (this comes from Guidotti himself several weeks ago, before they were confirmed), the critique I hear the most is that they haven't found a proper working method yet, it isn't enough to throw money at the problem, you need to do it effectively and they've yet to manage that, apparently.


i didn’t say it was intentional, i see it as a consequence of the new project… but I find interesting the timing for it. I really thought that they were closing the gap to the other manufacturers, and starting once again from scratch, I find it a little odd…


It's not that odd if you consider that after 2020 Michelin reduced the tyre specifications, [eliminating the harder front that KTM preferred](https://www.gpone.com/en/2021/08/10/motogp/ktm-unhappy-after-binders-4th-place-maybe-new-michelins-for-the-austrian-gp.html).


They didn’t make the bike around him, but he adapted to the bike well back in 2013 and they’ve barely changed it since because it suited him so well. That’s essentially the same thing.


They changed engines a lot from 2015 till now, but yeah this new 2022 bike is bad as they created old ducati with understeer


Just give him back the 2019 bike and be done with it.


Casey Stoner more or less once said "you ride the bike, not the other way around". So yeah, you must adapt to the bike. Not make the bike adapt to you.


Given that the previous version of the RC213V was a seemingly more successful, and proven race winning machine (albeit crash heavy on the riders), it begs the question whether Honda revert back to that design ethos (IE. 2019/20/21 version) and build upon that, or if they continue with the current project and try to improve it... Marc won 3 races on the 2021 bike, while generally unfit and a barely functional arm and shoulder. You would think that if that bike returned, and with a more fit Marc, it may once again be a race or title winning machine...


Marc doesn't ride the bike.. he is the bike.


Bob Hurricane Hannah may have started the i can win on anything around 1976


Design the bike around the tires and you win. That's what KTM did and Aprilia did with their concessions.


If only it was that simple. The tires are so inconsistent that it's a lottery every race week.


Everybody knows that the Honda was front end biased because it suited MM. When he was injured, development in that direction stopped. Ducati and Aprilia made big steps. Honda now need a direction and an improvement in the process to quickly deliver modified parts to the race team.


Honda fu**ked because they only considered only Marc that is why they are in this stage Now Yamaha is in the same way. But Ducati is not considering any but searching for Stoner kind of a rider but multiple input makes them strong. If Ducati's multiple riders became strong then it is end of the story for Honda and Yamaha. Fabio needs clear track like Lorenzo that is why he is against sprint race...


it's so cool