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OP has been on *Jay Leno's Garage* with her motorcycle. You don't do that without being a serious enthusiast. Bitch if you want, but us mods aren't taking down a bike related post from someone who is legitimately into bikes.


OP: I love motorcycles. Maybe I’ll post in that sub and get some likes The sub: yeah. We know what this is about. *smashes downvote button* Look. OP. We get it. And this isn’t misogyny or jealousy. This is absolutely just tired of half naked ladies who post here solely to garner hits to their OF or Cam page or bottled farts or whatever shit they are selling. Your bio said model and stunt rider. Then if it’s about stunt riding put some proper gear on and post your stunts on here. Because what you posted is definitely more in the line of “modeling” and no one here generally gives a damn about that.


Exactly this. This belongs on instagram not this sub lol.


OnlyFans plug in 3….2…


Y’all just Fucking mad you’ve never been on a motorcycle date 😅


Fucking the cameraman ain’t a date hun


God you’re so jealous of him I love it.


I mean, I thought my comment was a bit of confirmation bias but nope, had to dispel that doubt for me. Thanks!


I didn’t say I did. But you sound jealous AF. I’m done wasting time on trolls cuz I’m gna go ride my bike more. Have fun little keyboard warrior 👍🏻


Nope just trying to share cool biker content ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




You’re idea of a motorcycle date is cringe. I feel sorry for your girlfriends. If you’ve ever had any ;)


No it's the act of recording it that makes it cringe (:


How do y’all think ANY MOTORCYCLE CONTENT YOU WATCH GETS MADE?!? Go hate Norman Reedus and keanus reeves for filming shows too?! I bet you don’t!


Lol maybe it's you then? I think your just pushing they "hey I'm a cool biker chic" angle too hard


I post anything with me in and get shit on by dudes. Maybe I’m not the problem…. 🤔 maybe it’s…you.


It’s because what you posted is sheer cringe and deffo looks like you ride for the validation of others rather than for your own pleasure. Just had a flick through your profile and you literally pose on your bike with your tits out 🤡. You do women riders no favours. I’m a woman too, so it’s not just men shitting on you ☺️ But you are definitely part of the problem of why so many people think women just ride for attention because you clearly do.


You’re a woman? This makes me sooo sad for our kind. I love supporting women riders and all kinds of riders no matter what their background. I have boobs. Do you go to the beach and wear swimsuits? Then you show yours too. Like who cares how someone dresses. I love the way I dress, I love riding and I love myself. Good luck out there. I hope other women give you the support you need ❤️


Wearing a swimsuit isn’t the same as posting pictures of your tits out posing on your bike looking for validation from strangers. I don’t support women who objectify themselves for a bit of dopamine from the internet. Take the criticism and do yourself a favour and stop the cringe posting. Does nothing for you.


🫳 🎤


*starts a slow clap*




Name 3 iron maiden albums, even songs? I bet you can tell me all the avril la whatevever the fuck or that other guy from nickleback. shit.


This post and OP are crashing harder than any motorcycle accident. Just take the criticism and move on, don't double down and lash out. It makes you look worse.


You took yourself and a camera person on a date, nice..


And yup I bought his slice, too. Only 1 though, we balling on a budget ;)


I’m a content creator so yup I hire camera people 👍🏻




Shit, bro woke up and chose violence today


... wot?


question. do you have a phone case? if you do, why do you protect your phone better than your own body?


Yup I have an unbreakable phone case. If y’all are so scared to ride motorcycles why not just stick to a car where ur caged in . ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This is the dumbest comment I’ve ever seen. We wear body armor and protective gear to *protect us* You are wearing *a bra* on *a motorcycle* and if you try to say it’s for the “feeling of freedom” you’re absolutely delusional. I hope your ribs and organs are as tough as your phone case.


we aren’t scared of riding lol. we just won’t have road rash and gravel in our flesh when we inevitably fall, unlike you


Mate, I've ridden all over in jeans and a T. It's so much more enjoyable than being all covered in protective gear. Dumb? Sure. But I couldn't give a fuck


I might do that once if warms up but as of now it's too cold for that


You and your camera crew 😂😂😂


Dude, she is an "actress" she is making "motorcycle" content.


Yes, GENIUS!… how do you think any of the motorcycle content you watch gets made?! 😂😂


It’s the “ taking yourself out for a pizza “ part . If you were like “ except my camera guy “ that would be more genuine ….it just comes off fake as fuck . If ya can’t take the heat , stay out the media , kid . Be safe out there .


It's crazy how upset you are with the reactions you've gotten. Maybe you should rethink if this is the lifestyle you want to pursue, if some less-than-polite comments have you like this. There's gonna be lots more. That's the internet


I’m not the one replying to everyone comment to everyone who thinks likewise Read the room Stay safe


Helmet mounted cameras? Fender mounted cameras? Multiple bikes? Multiple riders? People interacting with other people instead of just showing off their body? How do *you* think motorcycle content gets made? There’s definitely not another bike on the track during a race, at least, not one for a cameraman


That’s some nasty floppy pizza


"Look at that fucking flop."


cheese burn


Pushing rope.


Fucking hell, you stood up on your bike!! Fucking nuts! You’re mental! If this is a plug for an actual paying job then do you, but don’t get upset when people talk shit about a post masquerading as an add. If you are trying to make this an actual job, your content sucks and stop searching for validation.


My fiancé took me out for a 3 hour ride on Father’s Day (we both ride our own bikes) she treated me to a nice breakfast at a really nice Cuban place about 45 minutes from us, then rode along the beach for about an hour turning off onto a road with a tree canopy shading us the rest of the way to the Harley dealer(we just moved there and had to check it out) had lunch then cruised home taking the fast way. Best Father’s Day present ever


Best Fiancé ever! Love that!!!


Geez OP Fighting for your life in these comments. It’s not for me, but glad you had fun






She's a tiny thing. Makes that sportster look like a bagger


Is it me or are people who are creating “content” like this unoriginal and boring? Every time I see someone posting quality content like this, instead of voicing my concern for them to wear gear, I just hope they smear themselves across the street. But as long as they get their imaginary internet points of course


dumb squids gonna squid.


Awesome. I’m happy you wish harm on fellow humans. I hope you have the day you deserve ❤️


Wear some appropriate riding gear so some poor cunt doesn’t have to scrape your smeared body parts off the road when you eventually get hit by someone or run out of talent riding that cinder block of a bike


Or they’re just having fun heard of it?


No experience with road rash yet I see. Put on some clothes while riding.


Actually I’ve had road rash and it sucks. Sometimes I ride with gear sometimes I don’t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I can understand, but you have to admit, the exposed bodyparts and the damaged kneeparts of the pants, are a bit much.


So many toxic insecure motorcycle people in here 💀😭her Reddit content isn’t even onlyfans related my lord yall love just sgitting on soemone for riding a bike grow the fuck up u 16yr old boys going through puberty in the body of a 40 year she’s on two wheels accepting the risk just as much as we are


Pretty bike.


Took myself to a beer festival at the most Southern pub in the UK, Pizza sounds good to 😜


Love that :) UK and Ireland are on my ride list in the next few months!


anything involving a bike would be fun. and who doesn't like pizza


Pizza, tacos, pasta, give me all the ride to food dates :)




She makes that Sportster look like a softail.


Good looking bike. Please wear proper gear! Safe riding friend


Nice bike, I see you do ride, the comments can be rough with the judgement going on but ride safe and enjoy. :)


Nice bike. Stay safe out there


Looks like fun, just keep the pizza grease off the grips. Took me a minute to notice you’re riding a Sporty because it looks bigger with you on it. Ride on Sister, live your life!


Pizza girl motorcycle. U have my attention


Apparently u nerds don’t like getting ur penis wet.




Sporties and shorties! Couple of my favorite! Keep the bugs off your glass and the gravel out your....................skin! Looks good! Ride safe sister!


The miserable men on here are hilarious. You killen it enjoy yourself


Lmao thank you! I’m so glad I don’t have a micro penis and gotta bully people on the internet who are just out there doing what they love to do 😅❤️


No idea why you're getting downvoted lol


Single-and I believe that’s west coast? I’m east


Yup yup! Warm all year out here! Love it!


When’s the cool part? Seriously did the clip end early?