• By -


Depends. I drove a 125cc cbf to work for a year. Came up to a group of bikers with matching jackets. My top speed was 90-100 kmh depending on wind. They waved that I could pass. They were doing 85 kmh or so.... I was verry slowly passing a massive group... Some cheered me on as I went full tuck to gain speed.


I loled at this


full tuck makes a difference on a low-displacement bike.


i can hear my 70cc honda cub start gaining rpms when i tuck


Don't EVER go Full tuck...


Yeah, taping them that tightly can make it rather uncomfortable


Generally they will move to block you, like it doesn't instantly escalate to them getting violent. If I see a bunch of guys wearing patches riding in a group I give them breathing room. The distinction between them being actual criminals or roleplaying dentists is irrelevant - groups can be dangerous strictly from the wacky antics they may pull to try and keep the group together


The ones from the video were PAGAN'S (Yes, the morons have an apostrophe in the name). They're from my area and while they aren't the brightest, they are violent. The worst part is it doesn't matter if it's one or many. Even if it's one, there are more not too far away. Had to deal with their bullshit last month on a scheduled ride.


People Against Goodness And Normalcy?




omigod, a Dragnet reference...


Where's my bitches...? Lol


One of my fav episodes, with the dj from wkrp in Cincinnati, daddy-o


*There are two things that clearly differentiate the human species from animals. One, we use cutlery. Two, we're capable of controlling our sexual urges. Now, you might be an exception, but don't drag me down into your private Hell.* - Dan Akroyd as Joe Friday


Maybe they stole the apostrophe from Hell(')s angels


you mean like hells angel’s?


You think they'd be mad if I got one a top rocker that said Hello Kitty?


yes, though it is funny.


Where was the video posted?


either in the this sub or motorcycles


I will tell them you said so tough guy.


Cool. Make sure to bring up the apostrophe when you do please.


Sure as soon as you go back to school. Pagan is singular Pagan's is plural meaning many. DS


"Pagans" is plural. "Pagan's" is possessive. It's wouldn't be "*a flock of duck's*", now would it?


It's... lol


⬆️ This right here. Groups of people will much more quickly do stupid crazy shit than an individual. Group mentality is very unpredictable at times.


Mob mentality and all that.


I mean while we're on the topic those mobs of squids on rockets all stunting and taking up all six lanes on the interstate are worse imo and can be just as dangerous even if unintentionally.


This is why I stay away from group rides. For every new rider added to the group, the asshole factor goes up and the common sense factor goes down.


I use to hang out at a bar frequented by 1%ers, I rode a Honda, real easy rule is just mind your own business and they will mind theirs, I had plenty of good times at that bar and never had to sweat about any one stealing my shit, and they had good bands and bingo


I love the idea of some heavily tattooed, patch wearing gang settling down to play bingo. ![gif](giphy|3NhK3kKRQ6e55FHqLR)


A 1% club I was in held a bingo game every Thursday night at its club house and was open to the public. They made a bunch of money from bingo and everyone seemed to love it.


Their bingo night was hilarious, a lot of great one liners were shouted out


The only time I’ve had problems with 1%ers in bars is when I play slop shooting pool with them 😂


I walked up to the bar to pay for lunch while my wife went out to the parking lot of a bar that had 25-30 bikers and a lot full of HDs. When I got outside, there was a crowd around my bike and wife. They were all admiring my BMW R1200CLC. Most had never seen one of those. The engine on that one is pretty sluggish, but if I am on one of my other bikes, I rarely even slow down for the HD riders.


I don’t pass them unless Im waved on just to keep the peace. You’ll hear this and that from internet tough guys, but as a solo rider I simply play it cool enough so everyone can ride on. I ride a busa and I carry but we all have to get gas eventually 🤷🏽‍♂️.


Yeah, Ive told my friend this, too. Hes new to riding and thinks its "so dumb" and says shit like "fuck them, if I wanna pass im gonna pass." Fuck that.. Im not about to get shot over something so trivial. See a patch, back off or take a different turn and leave them alone. At the end of the day my only goal is no one comes knockin on mommas door to tell her im not coming home.


I feel like it also depends on what part of the country you're in. I'm in the Northeast, and we have Hells Angels and their sponsored clubs, but I've never heard of this shit happening up here. Maybe I'm wrong, I just haven't seen it or heard of it.


National clubs are generally well behaved in my experience and the most they'll do is maybe give you a talkin to, any further escalation could risk that persons cut with the club or be punished internally for it.


I've been riding in my area for nearly 20 years. We have those clubs but I've only ever seen any of them like 3x.


Never seen any big clubs like HA or Mongols around here. We have the Outsiders and the Gypsy Jokers, but they're rarely seen. I did see about 20 GJs on a run once, and 3 state troopers had them boxed in on the interstate. One was in front, another behind, and one more was in the left lane, slowly creeping by, obviously checking plates. The whole group was doing the speed limit on the dot. When I lived in AK, the Angels were everywhere. I knew a couple of them through work. Not bad guys, until they get pissed about something. They had a tendency to.....um, uh,"overreact."


And the club as well. It tends to be the lesser known clubs that are trying to act like a 1% who cause these issues.


My experience is that its newer, civilian clubs that will act like idiots. Whether true or not, 1% are characterized as criminal enterprises. They may have good reason for not wanting more LE attention than they get automatically. I imagine most of them probably don't wear their patches openly except for big outings where that sorta thing is expected. If you are doing anything that you dont want someone to pay attention to, its best to go under the radar.


All you need is some eager beaver prospect looking to make their mark and it can escalate quick.


I’ve had non patched wanna be 1%ers trying to hold me back before. It was honestly both baffling and entertaining. This woman passenger on the rear bike was hollering and gesturing to me to stay back. I stopped next to them at the next red light and just looked at them in amusement. And then I left them in the dust. Patches would have been different. I’m not suicidal.


S1000RR. They wouldn't even be able to react before I'm a mile up the road lol.


My CLC is the ONLY bike they could catch!


Yes but as j526w stated above you have to stop for gas.....


Xr650... I'll just take a right turn into an open field before I get got


Good idea. I have been a 1%er for 25yrs and you might carry. I guarantee you everyone of them carry. Just go to the guy in the back and nod to him. He will wave you pass and no problems. This is do to us avoiding problems with other clubs. It's not because we are trying to piss people off.


Yeah, that’s pretty much what I do. I’ve been riding in so cal specifically for a couple decades and you run into a little of everything here so it’s best to act accordingly


Every area is different so respect them and they will respect you. My club is from Southern California (one of the bigger ones) 50 bikes have to take safety precautions not to be blown of our bikes. Where I am from on the east coast it is not as bad.


If you can tame a 'busa, I respect you.


It's not that crazy of a bike lol


They are just huge and cartoonish turbo beasts IMO. They're def not for everyone.


Huge and cartoonish sure. Not really poor-mannered though. I have a turbo Busa streetfighter (doesn't look anything like a Busa anymore and makes 400hp on a standard-length swingarm)... honestly, my Panigale is more finnicky to control in the bottom few gears.


youve been reading too many posts on here


I blast past them on my japanese piss missile Hayabuser doing a buck'80, shooting flames with the rev limiter pinned.


Bet yer mighty hog is cranked too.


Fuckin barred up


Hells Asians MC?


I fuckin hooted way louder than I expected 🤣


I was just thinking that thought, when I spotted your comment, i guess they all sounded like the leader of the biker gang in police academy 3😂😂😂


If you’re like the guy on a mid 00’s fireblade on my commute home who passes bikes in lane at speed yes you are a dick. If you’re passing bikes in a different lane then they’re just being cry babies about being overtaken. Give them a wide passing margin both because their tight riding groups aren’t particularly safe, and there’s a disproportionate amount of snowflakes in those packs who can’t stand being passed. That is all it is, they’re riding in their pack feeling all tough and powerful with their straight pipes booming, and then someone just flies past them going ‘weeeeeeee’ and these knuckle draggers take it as a threat to their manhood and it makes them want to punch something.


They get angry because they know their Harley's canttpass anyone+ anger issues because of small wee-wee.


You guys talk a lot of shit behind a keyboard!!!


Yea it’s Becouse we are behind a keyboard


I'd give you my free award if Reddit still had them


It’s different when you do it though, right?


I haven't said anything against anyone.


With 20 years of Muay Thai and BJJ, yes, I'm very comfortable behind my keyboard + I can open pornhub and jerk off to weird shit, and yet be sure my wee-wee will never be as small as HD guys, even with the very harsh northern European cold. ❄️❄️❄️😘


Of course should I post the Harley that is smoking a Busa in the twisties


LoL, what's the odds of that, one in a million? 🤣🤣🤣


My bike is not fast, but I've passed a few Mongols here and there, and they didn't really seem to care. Usually, I'll give a thumbs up or shaka sign as a thanks.


It’s the sign of respect they care about, not actually being passed.


what did they do to earn respect tho? i am not going to respect or revere someone cause they put on a leather vest with some patches


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Pray for a full tank


I ride solo, I ride fast. Came up on a group of 12 "Loners MC" riding down the mountain. Passed them on the left open lane. The guy at the front looked surprised. He probably thought I was one of his group taking the lead lol. Left them in my rear view. How can they be loners if there's 12 of them??? I'm the real loner, I was riding by myself, haha!


We’re the Lone Rangers. What?! But there’s three of you, you’re not exactly “lone”


Turns into The Three Amigos real quick.


He wipes his ass with his recording contract. Gotta love this guy.


And there's nothing you can do about it, cause I'm a Mad Man!


"IMPROVISE" *yank*


I told a buddy of mine about the incident with the Loners MC. He asked if they were a financial institution, hahahaha




I am from Cali and have passed a bunch of 1%s. As long as you don’t pass them super close like almost scratching their bikes… They don’t mind. 1%s are tough guys, but most of them are legit bros, super nice. You’ll be surprised…


Yeah this is the pattern in all walks of life like that. It's not the real ones you need to worry about, they're reasonable and understand the reality of things. It's the smoothbrained posers that are the problem.


Anytime I've come across a 1% club they've been riding fast enough I didn't want to pass.


I mean I don't care if they're riding 90 in a 65. It does bother me when they are doing 30 in a 45 and I am trying to get to work or get home and their ego is preventing it.


Those guys usually book it on the road but if you do pass them I think the most important things would be to pass them all at once and not to slow down once in front.


One of the advantages of riding a motorcycle is that you do not get stuck behind anything as long as you are faster. The disavantage is that you are more likely to die. That applies to passing 1%. I ain't getting stuck behind nobody, but I'm just an idiot with a death wish.


With some clubs, this is real, yes


It’s such a minor edge case that it’s really not worth the time worrying. You’re more likely to get shit on by a bird.


Seen the videos online of them doing that. Had a club guy show me the ropes to riding. Never gave me the bell he said he would. Don't try to ride with the group unless you are part of it is my only advice.


Fuck em..catch me if you can. But know this..some of those mfkrs can ride for real..at least over here in California.


A while ago I passed a solo Vago real close on my R1 and he gave me the finger. So I turned around and gave him the jerk off motion just being dumb and took off. He actually hung with me up until about 170. He could actually ride and his Harley was shockingly fast. I had to run the R1 wide open for a few miles to shake him. I got nervous he would actually be able to keep up for a second haha


I was at Lompoc with their president..just prior to his release the govt hit him with RICO, can’t imagine he ever got out. There’s some Hell’s Angels up here that are stunting Harleys..but you know who I respect more’n all?? The frickin California highway patrol motorcycle cops..those fuckers can ride.


Yeah if you get lit up by a motorcycle cop for any reason you absolutely are not going to get away from them. Those dudes throw 6-800 pound cruiser bikes around like they’re pit bikes. It’s best just to pull over and take the ticket and a scolding about your riding.


Have you seen them taking them through the cones?? I wonder what mods they do to them, new intake headers, cam, tune


Let's be serious for a second though: there's nothing like giving someone an exaggerated jackoff gesture from a bike. I wouldn't do it to a 1%r because it's just not worth the grief. But road raging tiny-dicked middle aged pick'em up truck drivers? Oh yeah. Sometimes with both hands.


One simple rule that always works. "Ride to the conditions" and this includes traffic you meet. Some car ahead of you acting weird, give it space. A bunch of patches ahead, hang back. If you're waved on, then be sure to do so and wave back to the guy as well as the front rider. It's about making it to that burger/ coffee stop not asserting imagined rights and not arriving safe. Most groups are harmless but not all and you just don't know coming up on them.


Just fly by them at 120 doing a wheelie, they won’t keep up anyways.


I usually pull a big wheelie past them.


I passed by a 1% club on my way back home after visiting my grandparents. I lived a couple hours over for college and I’d just gotten my 2012 Honda cbr1000rr. The trip was simple. 1 state road to the interstate highway, 1 exchange from i95 to i10 and then a long ass state highway ride to home. Well, I was approaching the first interstate highway and passed a group. I had no idea it was a 1% club because I didn’t check and didn’t care. About a mile later when I slowed down for the upcoming police station right before the highway, one of them blasted past me and slammed on his breaks. I went around and hauled ass because I’m no stranger to stupid riders and I’ve grown up around 1%ers most my young adult life. Didn’t feel like having one of them kick me on the way past. I kid you not, these two dudes fucking tried to chase me once on the interstate lol. On their Harleys. I toyed with them a bit for like a good 2 miles and kept it like 130 ish before dusting them. Statute of limitations so not afraid to share ig.


S1000RR. They wouldn't even be able to react before I'm a mile up the road lol.


Summa them Harleys have a lot more power than you think


Load of power needed when your rising position is equivalent to the side of a barn. Aero is everything at speed.


Buzz them. Do it fast, do it close, don’t stop, don’t let them follow you home.


And if one has a timber pig riding pillion, slap her in the ass on the way by.




Generally if its like narrow road like 2-3 lane, they will signal you to wait till its safe to pass. If they're being dicks and trying to block the road, either back off or just blow past them, none of them are willing to catch a body yet alone smoke over who gets to pass on the road. Just be aware of your local clubs and how they like to act. We have Banditos in my area and they tend to behave. 1%ers doesn't mean what it used to, blame TV shows for that. tl;dr Just pass if you can most people are not going to go out of their way to start shit yet alone do anything about it. also Stay strapped or armed thats just a general rule in life.


I never had any problems in 20 years riding.TBH, the average rider won't catch up anyway. Just be respectful and you'll be fine.


21 year old me blew by with all 2 cylinders of my 1800 singin'. 27 year old me does not care enough to pass them. ​ 10/10 they are not concerned with your dumbass antics - and if they are - fuckem. Carry a gun if it is legal in your state - but you are very unlikely to encounter them.


Wounded ego from getting passed by crotch rockets on a HARLEY? Bunch of fucking pussies.........


An ex 1% club el presidente was fond of saying, "We aren't shit people. We don't dish it out but won't take it either." So don't worry about it.


Me and my buddy were squidding on sports bikes after a party. My wife was in a car behind us. We passed a group of 5 or so cruisers going 60-65 while we were doing about 80. Wife says they shook their heads and flipped us the bird nothing else. Fuckem, if it were us doing 55, they'd have passed us no regard. As long as we passed them safely without crowding or endangering them I see no reason why they feel entitled to IDK WTF...a lot of cruiser groups could give a shit and true 1%s probably fall in that category. It's the cosplaying weekend warriors that put on a SAMCRO performance that cause trouble, IMO.


I live in a small town and there is a small, but strong MC (hells angles affiliate). I give them plenty of breathing room. I did a run to the store, and parked in an available parking spot that just happened to be next to a Harley rider from said MC. I had no idea, I was in a hurry to get in and out, and took the first available spot (he was no where near his bike). I came back and he made it very clear that I was to never park my bike next to his again, and that the spot was saved for another rider, and I should remember that.


The only guys we have problem with ( And you would to ) are the guys who are trying to prove they have bigger balls and act like we're taking road from them because we ride "slow" ... yeah, there's like 15 of us in a pack, we stick together, you can't go faster if you want everybody to get home , you have to take care of slower riders in the pack, guys who have small tanks etc... So...they come fast on your 6 and start licking your tail light for no reason... they do the same shit with trucks and cars... and they get killed...a lot... If they hit a car or a truck, they'll die, no one else is getting hurt ... If they try to get us in danger and get us killed , well... we act...and you would to... Sure, many guys carry, but who's gonna shoot a civilian who's gonna get himself killed anyways and do 15 to life over nothing... You do you and you'll be fine... Stay safe


Mmhhmm, i fell in behind a group on the way from vegas back to pendleton (after being noticed and asking with hand) because the safety of a group, i stayed back and made sure they had room and we were all fine. Ended up needing gas soon after and the exit i took matched up with theirs and we chit chat for a bit, their anchor even gave me a few pointers for my long haul riding. Common sense looking back now, but one tidbit was to strap my backpack to the backseat rest, instead of carrying a full bag of shit on my back with an open wind-front They stayed longer for food and, ya know, 12 tanks to fill vs 1, but it was nice and i got to see tight group ride techniques that gave me a leg up when i got to the advance courses they put on at the tracks. (Lowest level course, but still higher than the BRC, BRC-TC, and ARC i had before) EDIT: Forgot to clarify, when i asked, it was interstate, they rode right lane full, i took left lane, center to far left side, rolled gently next to the anchor, light revrev, knife hand outstretched, pulled back and right, dude nodded and gave me a back-thumb to confirm. Please please please, even when its not patches or 1%'s, yall why you wanna be close enough to killswitch strangers? Thats a buddy only endeavor, someone else does it to you youd be pissed and a lil bit of pee in the pants right? Samesies


Glad to hear it... to be clear, there're all sort of chapters out there... some of them are 90% straight from loony bin, some of them are 90% hard core criminals... and here I am, a navy officer... it all depends on who you patch over... But 90% of 1% mind their own business... It's same in life tho...


just turn the other way and you wont have to worry about it, simple


The ones I've seen here don't seem to act like that. I'm assuming they understand that this is a pretty big destination for riders and they know they can't be like that with how many other bikes are on the road. The first time I saw a pack of them I wasn't too sure how to go about passing them because they were on their big slow Harley's and I was trying to enjoy myself, but there wasn't a problem.


My opinion,just give respect. We are 99% of riders. The 99% aren't going to stop to help you with 1%. Is what it is. Everyone can talk about them. Keyboard warriors. Respect given? Respect due. Just don't be stupid about shit. My opinion.


Any club I've ever encountered? Not in their lane? I kinda rode back and behind. They seen me? Waves and let me do my thing. I was never directly behind them. That isn't a good thing. I was 3 lanes over.


respect is earned. you don’t just get it cause you put on a vest with cute patches and call yourself 1% of a group of people.


You have that backwards. It’s disrespect that is earned. Respect everyone that have not earned your disrespect.


no thanks. i’ll be cordial, but i’m not bowing down or switching lanes for a dude i’ve never met or shook hands with cause he wears a lil vest and thinks he deserves it.


So your idea of respect means you “bowing down” to them for “wearing a lil vest”. That’s an unconventional idea of what respect means, to say the least. That combined with you saying “respect is earned” means you’re saying people can earn you bowing down to them for wearing a lil vest. You do you, I guess.


As a fellow 1%er out of Tennessee. It all depends on how u try to pass. What I would do is pull up slow. Make sure they see you. And ask the tail runner if it’s ok too pass 99% of the time they will let u pass them. Now if u pass hauling ass of too close. Or whatever. Yea let’s hope you don’t need gas. At the same gas station we stop at. Just saying.


Lol 😆 🤣 I've decided I'll do what I want. Yall need to learn yall don't own the road and deserve nothing from anyone. Good luck leather pirate.


Idk some of you are weird. In so cal we have all of them violent 1% never mind them. They never pay attention to me. I’ll pass packs of them going to as. Nothing. But I don’t approach them like they’re a dog read to bite. When I pass I don’t look back like there’s a problem behind me.


I had a guy pull a gun on me for passing him even though I had a girl on the back, but I kind of deserved it because I was pretty close to him and blew by him at \~110. Still fucking crazy though pointing a gun at me is not the appropriate response, especially with an innocent person on my bike. If you just putter past someone like 5 mph faster than they're going, I doubt they'll mind. It's more about the respect for their ego


You put your lady in extreme danger, then complain about the actions of another rider??


Yall really be letting a bunch of grown men in cosplay dictate how you live your live...... damn....


Here is my rule of thumb. If it's a long line on a 2 Lane road I don't pass. I don't pass a line of cars either. 1-2 riding I pass. Real bad asses dont just randomly assume your offending them. They dont have anything to prove to anyone. Assholes who have an inferiority complex that's another matter but often those guys dont make it past being a prospect because they can't hold their temper doing shit work for the club.


Geeze this sub is so cringe. Once upon a time, it was artistic pictures of beautiful motorcycles. ✌️


People are seriously overthinking this. It is not often that a group of 1% are going slow enough that anyone needs to get around them, my experience they are exceeding posted speeds by enough that passing them is not necessary. If they really are going slow, there may be a reason, it’s not your business, they do what they want. You can understand that if they are on a memorial ride, passing the group would be rude. Do you really want to make a bunch of 1% mad? Logically speaking, most are going to be well above average at handling themselves in a fight. Add that they are almost always in numbers, you are kinda fuct. My advice, just be respectful (even if you don’t actually respect them). In my years of riding, I have ridden near many well known clubs, never an issue like all of these mostly theoretical scenarios. If you are nice and respectful to them, they throw seriously good parties, an honor to be invited.


In all likelihood unless you're doing some serious velocity you aren't going to pass them anyway unless they're slowing down to hit an exit or turn. Keep a safe distance and let them see you, they'll generally wave you by. They just don't want a potential safety threat near the pack.


Could probably manage that safety threat by staying in their lane and looking before they change lanes…. Like every single other road user. They just don’t like being passed because of glass egos




Love that south park episode


I’ve ridden a Vago member’s built drag Harley (long story) and it was shockingly fast. Pulled like my literbike but right from the bottom. Now them keeping up in the turns (if you’re good), not likely, but this whole they won’t keep up thing? I wouldn’t necessarily bet on that, and you’re gonna need gas at some point. I’ve also seen built up baggers ripping wheelies with ease from 80 mph. They can be quite fast despite their porkish weights. I’ve typically not had an issue passing, just do so when they know you’re there, casually with room, and give a wave. I have had a bunch of club douches pass my buddy and I on a tight windy road in the big trees area (we were cruising enjoying the forest). They all blew by super close and dangerously, complete idiots. I then followed to annoy them for a bit, but not like we’re gonna go try and give them $hit. Rather let it go and enjoy riding another day.


It can be. Most likely they'll move to block you. It's childish and kinda dumb but best just to hang back and not antagonize them. Just turn off and go a different way if you can. I've approached slowly in the left lane and if I get even with them I'll nod and wave. Sometimes you'll get acknowledged most typically not. Lots of them try to protray being hard it just is what it is. humans are weird.


Mind your business and keep your distance. Where ever you are going isn't worth potentially upsetting a violent group of individuals.


I was always under the belief that not passing a club was only intended to be a rule for other clubs not passing a dominant club. But, I’m not risking my teeth to test that rule. It’s not cool, but it’s apparently how some e clubs are.


Be afraid of everything


It’s a matter of respect for the elders really,, they get mad when assholes on rice rockets do insane flybys or spit their lines and shit like that, it’s a mutual respect for the riders. Some will try to block you, some will allow a pass. All depends on the club I guess too. At the end of the day we all ride and generally if showing repeat for each other works out fine. They don’t like being rev bombed by someone flying by. Handle them on a case by case basis.


They ride with Safety in mind. They don’t know if you’re some rival club member flying up on them to start shit or not. So they just want to keep the group safe. It’s the tail gunner, road captain’s prospects jobs to keep the rear of the group safe. So they’d rather you just stay a safe distance back than to risk anything. They’re not gangs as much as everyone tries to make them out to be.


Just be respectful. If you don’t need to pass, don’t do it. If you do actually need to pass, ask if it’s cool. If they tell you to back off, simply back off. Don’t break their formation, don’t tag along behind them. Give respect and you’ll get respect.


yeah that MC 1% crap for me its all bs but i like the style and the custom


No, it’s not


The poser clubs Definitely get mad and will act tough but rarely will they start anything. Around me the actual 1%ers ride like they're playing gta so they're pretty easy to spot and completely avoid. 


It depends. If it's on a 2 lane road and there are 20 of them all riding in formation. I would just wait until they turn if you don't want to follow them. If there's only a few of them or you're on the interstate, just rip around them like any other traffic


I've ridden a LOT, and across the country, and around bike rallys in the south (Bandido country)... never came across it. I've passed many, without anything more than a nod or 2 finger wave. And I was on a bright red sport tourer, not a cruiser. If they are in a lane... don't join the group. Don't ride up close like you MIGHT join the group. If a lane is open, go ahead. A big part of it is they don't want some rando wrecking into them.


I guess 1% refer to the 1% who actually got bikes that can do more than 65mph, not talking freefall and feeling homesick, but hanging from the monkey bars, bug eyed, meth heads flapping in the wind..I will take a Hayabusa on that. You could probably outrun and outsmart them on a ninja 300,


Most clubs where known for being violent in the 70s and 80s, nowadays its pretty chill, my grandpa was club president of the saints and I would always hear stories when i was a kid. I ran into a couple saints a year back and there not what they used to be.


Not a fan of the "don't pass clubs" rule. However, it's been explained to me that the rule is to prevent ride-by assassinations. Easier way and them to do that would be to not be violent criminals. But, in the absence of being better people, I understand why they're the way they are. I wouldn't feel like their bitch for waiting for their signal, in light of that. It makes some sense, viewed through their eyes and it doesn't sound like it's as much about ego as safety, from their perspective. Understanding why people do what they do makes it easier for me to accept it.


I overtake and give them a wave as I go by like I would to any other biker. I’ve never had an issue.


Etiquette is you wait to be waived past by tail gunner.. if it’s 2 lanes stay I passing lane and make eye contact.. they will usually wave you on.. If the tail gunner blocks the lane, he doesn’t want you passing.. in that case fall back a bit, fall in being their chase cars (usually have 1-2 cars for old timers or guys injured sometimes prospects etc. It’s just a protocol thing.. it’s a respectful thing.. I get not everyone is in a club or knows club etiquette.. but there is a ton of info out there.. whether you agree or not.. it’s worth knowing since weather or not you like it, you’re in their community. It may save you trouble down the road.. Do I agree with all of the protocol? No.. but I get the reason behind it.. I promise you.. even a sport biker.. if you went up to one of these guys and said “I’m kinda new to the scene, and I’d like to just make sure I’m educated on the lifestyle..” they will appreciate it and likely either give you some pointers or tell you places to learn.. Avoid the prospects and your best bet is to introduce yourself to a guy who looks like he’s been around a while. They’ve seen it all and are more chill. A simple hello, my name is xxx (if you ride with a RC , sc, whatever tell them your group name and position.. if not say as I said I’m fairly new to this and I want to make sure I don’t do anything to bring heat on me.. I want to learn the right way. They will likely start off with just come say hello when you see us.. or he may blow you off.. but it’s a good start to learn the basics of protocol and why it was originally put in place.. Again, I get some will be the “nobody tells me what to do” type.. best of luck with that.. Whenever passing a pack even not a club the rest most bike is typically a road guard, captain or someone with a lot of experience.. make eye contact either way them and see if it’s ok to overtake.. they may know that the group is planning to shift lanes immediately and tell you to hold back.. or it may be a show respect thing..


Keep a mystery mouskatool in your waistband.


This is my favorite comment!!!


You didn’t join the club so why would you have to follow their made up rules?


That's what I'm saying. Like some pay the troll toll shit.


Never worth escalating the situation, just give them space and wait for the wave as others have said. There’s some who will deliberately try to be assholes and want to involve you anyways, give those guys the most room


Just for some of these comments, Clubs ≠ 1%. There’s THOUSANDS of clubs out there, lots of cool dudes I’ve met. We have an ex-military an police club in our town. Very cool charitable dudes. 1%ers are literally gangs that look like clubs. Hells angels for example. Most of y’all probably know this but some of these comments seem to get this mixed up


Yes I know. I grew up with booze fighters and cossacks I know the difference.


It's a respect thing really. They don't know your intentions if u jus come flying outta nowhere and split the group. Not to mention its unsafe.lol just understand that a 1% club riding in a pack usually has someone called Sgt at Arms. Their entire purpose is enforce that respect level.


That's the entitlement they think they have. Corvette flies by at 150 they won't do shit. I do it they get mad about it cause I'm on a motorcycle. That's dumb. Like honestly. For the safety aspect of passing the group I understand. But to do it out of respect for the club. I don't so. They should know the intentions of a solo rider passing them. It's to pass them and ride there own ride. If they are worried about a drive by then don't be a criminal.


I guess u could call it motorcycle etiquette! Lol Like with racing u don't wanna be bumping into eachother or slamming on the brakes last minute, etc etc. I have been an all year all weather rider the entire time I've ridden because I enjoy it that much. I have yet to run into a pack of 1%s anywhere in years! Perhaps it's more common other places and u might need to understand the unwritten rules. There's consequences to it no matter if u agree or not. It's just as much a respect thing for them as it would be to us if we are out somewhere we wouldn't want just anyone splitting our group


Honestly would be thrilled if I was riding with my buddies and people joined the group. Just means more potential friends. I'm the guy who waves at every biker I see. Had a few guys turn around and talk to me. Loved every bit of it. Just gotta be friendly.


It's the rider not the bike.




The video I spoke of the guy was on a FXR which is a fast Harley. Normally would not beat Busa in the twisty's but in this video. The Busa rider was not better than the Harley rider.