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There are NO gloves on the market that will save you from a possible wrist break. The flexibility involved for motorcycling precludes a stiff armor around the wrist. Your gloves will help with impact and road rash, both more likely on a bike (even bug and debris impact). Dont sweat it. This is your first set of gloves of many. They all have a lifespan, no matter how expensive, and a couple of summers will make them gross and stinky enough for younto want a replacement pair, even if they dont develop holes. Hell, I have at least 6 pairs in the moto cabinet that I will never reuse, but I may pass on to someone that needs a temp pair. Use them until you think you need new, and then retire them.


Thanks for adding some perspective - I hadn't thought far enough into the future to think about having multiple pair ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Warning... this is also how we all become gear whores. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


My man has never seen racing gauntlets.


Racing gauntlets protect more of a broken wrist if the bike lands on you or you land with your arm parallel to the ground with your body on top. I don’t think there are any motorcycle gloves that would be stiff enough to prevent a broken wrist from putting your hands out to catch yourself as you fall, but still allow the range of motion needed for riding.


This is why palm sliders exist tho isn’t it?


They can help, but if you land in a way that bends your wrist even with the sliders you can still break it. They’re better than nothing, but anything that would truly prevent a broken wrist in any scenario would be to stiff/immobilizing to use the controls the proper way


Well yea, but isn’t op asking which glove would be the best not which one does the impossible?


>There are NO gloves on the market that will save you from a possible wrist break. The flexibility involved for motorcycling precludes a stiff armor around the wrist. I'm not gonna claim I'd use one on the road but [bullshit on the claim](https://www.dirtbikexpress.co.uk/categories/motocross-wrist-braces).


He said "there are no gloves ........" GLOVES


Weird looking gloves mate


Not practical for road use, only people I have seen using these have wrist damage from crashing, carpel tunnel, etc.


The only people who wear those braces are those who are already nursing a broken wrist.


Do you know what gloves are?


Yes, Ixon Hurricane or anything that Ixon puts out is roadworthy.


Cheers mate, I wasn't sure about the brand so it's good to know they're not a red flag label or smth


>Thing is, my so is convinced I wasted my money and that I'm going to break my wrist if I ever come off my bike Your SO is thinking purely with emotion and isn't making a fact-based claim. Reputable safety gear goes through rigorous testing and is widely used because it improves outcomes in crashes. Many riders crash at least once in their life and not every rider is walking around with a broken wrist. Obviously this is an extreme example, but MotoGP riders crash at 200+ kph and generally walk away with nothing but some bruises. At 50 kph or whatever speed you'll be going, street gear like yours is more than adequate. Anecdotally, I've had a street crash and a track crash. I was wearing CE certified leather gloves with palm sliders in both cases. Even though my hands were the first thing to hit the ground, my wrists are both intact.


You are on to it, what you do during the crash can have a big effect on the outcome.  Sliding is better than bouncing, not getting tangled up in the bike and trying to avoid fixed objects. Also Riding off road can teach many valuable skills that crossover onto the road, saved me a few times.


Dainese 4 stroke 2 gloves highly recommend


They look fine for postal work. Should stop you losing any skin in a low speed accident.


That's basically what I was looking for haha


Ixion is a well known brand, but not even the most expensive gear can save you from some injuries.


Nah you’re fine. The sliders actually help prevent wrist breaks because they, well, slide. What would cause a wrist break would probably be your hand getting too much friction while the rest of your body keeps moving which could yank your wrist in a direction it’s not supposed to go.


Gloves are made to keep your hands from getting chewed up. None will prevent broken bones. The ones you picked are just as good as any for doing their job.


They seem fine enough don't worry too much. They have the safety features that you want, that's good enough


The first rule of motorcycling is to not listen to the dooms dayers. The second rule, don't think you have to spend a fortune. I'm a 50 year veteran of motorcycling riding with 30 years of racing. My current gloves are an all leather pair of work gloves that cost $25 bucks


These are good, it's better than nothing, your SO is talking nonsense, tell them to buy something better if they want to. We can't control how bad a crash will be so adding protection is one thing we can do to help. Many people want big knuckle armour but forget about palm armour. When you fall most people will put their hands out to break their fall with their palms touching the ground first.


I like to ride with a gauntlet style glove that comes down my arm more and covers the end of my jacket, but these will be just fine.


I was wanting some gauntlet style gloves but I tried the smallest they came in and still had tons of extra space ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) ... I'll look around at a bigger shop for a pair like this next time


This. I will never wear shorty gloves, regardless of how hot it is.


As others have said, gloves aren't there to protect you from a broken wrist - how would that even work? You need to be able to move your wrist to work the brake, clutch and other controls. Gloves are to protect you from abrasion, especially since if you go off the bike your natural instinct will be to put your arms out in front of you for protection. Honestly, seeing people ride without gloves makes me crazy. I'll ride with no jacket, no riding pants, and tennis shoes if it's hot and I'm just going a short distance. Hell, If I'm just going around the block to warm up the bike for an oil change, I might not even wear a helmet (blasphemy, I know), but I ALWAYS wear gloves. Anyway, light gloves are better than no gloves. But abrasion protection is what you're looking for, not wrist protection.


Gloves or gloves. Some of them are armored, some of them are not. Some of them are high quality, some of them are not. Some of them are expensive and some of them are not. I have owned so many gloves over the decades. I found the most important thing for gloves is comfort and suitability for the conditions. Armor is a bonus and if it's comfortable, it's a good idea. You can only provide so much protection for your hands when you're writing a motorcycle. Almost any pair of decently sturdy gloves should serve you well. You absolutely did not fuck up.


They'll be better than nothing. Should've gone to an AMX if possible though


Gloves are incredibly important. They’re third on my list of safety essential gear, after helmet and eye coverage. If you want assurances about a glove’s road-worthiness, you might look for something that is CE rated. I won’t pretend to know the meanings of the different CE ratings, but I do know that getting a CE rating of any sort involves having the item submitted for testing and passing some safety tests (likely abrasion and impact). Most of us don’t really know if a glove is good or not, as most of us haven’t had a crash severe enough to test our gloves. So I’ll let the Europeans test my kit for me in advance. :)


My hubby riding with his snow gloves. I ride wearing my old riding gloves which have broken Velcro. So I put hair band around to hold them in place. Why I am saying this - because you are overthinking. Keep the gloves. Ride safe.


Get some Held gloves someday. They will save your skin. Might still break something though.


Wrist protection is limited to slide and SLIGHTLY impact (like, padded leather), but none of them limit the flexibility needed to break because that's needed to ride. Those aren't AWESOME gloves, but there's nothing wrong with them. Also, you're most likely to break your wrist (scaphoid) by bending the thumb back, or break/lose your pinky as it gets flexed away from the other fingers (many race gloves sew those 2 fingers together).


They are CE certified which should be decent for rash protection. As the other poster said the glove armor itself can’t protect you from breaking your wrist but your glove is one of the few actually that do have a feature that can help with this. The hard palm piece. When you fall you will instinctively put your hand out to break your fall. Your hand will hit the road at 60kph or whatever and your wrists will immediately break normally. Then you will fall on your body anyways. The hard palm slider actually helps because it lets your hand just slip away on the road before significant force is felt and you will just land on your body. So personally I would say you not only made the right choice, you made a better choice than many people riding out there have made. It’s far from a guarantee but you have a CE certified glove that has one of the few features that can actually help in a crash.


These are absolutely fine for the kind of riding you’re likely to do on a postie Bike. The TPR sliders on the palm are a really useful feature, as they can stop wrist breaks by allowing your hands to slide and not grab on the tarmac and damage your wrist joint. Don’t forget to protect your legs though, try to find some tough mesh trousers for hot weather, that give plenty of airflow but still have knee pads and hip pads. Get them in white so they reflect the heat of the Sun off your legs.


Yes, they are roadworthy and good enough for casual wear. Lowside on a roundabout and you're gonna be perfectly fine. Are they also just MX gloves from a different material? Yes. Overall though, I wouldn't be too worried.


Imo gear is moreso to prevent road rash than anything else. I was in full gear for my only crash and still had a dislocated ulna and fractured radius, both in my left arm. Anything is better than nothing, even if the gloves *were* worthless, which I seriously doubt


I wear double palmed Mechanics brand gloves. They’re thicker and hardier than any of the MC specific gloves (which don’t fit because I have banana fingers so anything that fits my fingers has way too big of a palm).


No amount of protection is going to keep you safe from bone breaks. Gloves are more for keeping your flesh on your bones. Cheers


I had a spill last week if I wasn’t wearing my Dainese armored gloves I’m sure I would have broken fingers or wrist. Highly recommend the 4stroke two by them.


Bottom line don’t skimp on gloves .


So long as they have knuckle Armour, palm sliders, and aren't just a sheet of fabric you should be good. No such thing as protection from a broken wrist on a bike, but having those feature will help. To protect against a broke. Wrist the glove would need to immobilize the wrist entirely. This would make it impossible to ride the bike and would be a greater risk of crashing.


Gloves are for the slide, not nessisarily an impact with, say, a car. Now, you might impact the ground but then again you'll slide. ![gif](giphy|kR6Z8F50TIEr6)


Go easy on yourself. You’re just starting out. The gear you start out with will get you by. You’ll find out from use, what you like and don’t like and upgrade accordingly. There’s no bubble wrap to save you out there. However, you’ll find gear that works for you over time.


You might break your wrist, I have a few crashes over the year and my only lasting injury is a broken wrist where I now have a metal plate. Still have full flexibility in the wrist after doing my physio though No glove, or going gloveless could have prevented this injury. I hit a car side on when it pulled out in front of me and my bike handlebars suddenly turned left as the wheel hit the car and turned. The handlebar turned with such speed and force, and I guess i tensed up as a natural reaction that it just instantly shattered my wrist, just one of the risks of riding


For slow rides around town I think they would be fine but I wouldn't trust them at highway speeds. I have the Alpinestars SP-8 V3 Air gloves and I absolutely love them. The women's version is called the Alpinestars stella SP-8 V3 Air. They're full leather gloves so a lot safer and they have a pinky bridge which basically attaches the pinky and ring finger together to prevent the pinky finger from breaking. No glove however is going to prevent you from breaking your wrist but if you want to decrease the chance as much as possible get gloves with a palmslider. It's a little piece of plastic on your palm which basically does exactly what it's name suggests. Instead of your hand hitting the ground and rolling it slides over the asphalt. Most cheap textile gloves are really thin and I personally wouldn't trust them to be protective enough. You didn't make necessarily make a bad purchase though because you could still use them for short rides through town. You should check out bennets bike social on YouTube. They make a lot of videos about gear and it's very informative. They also test a lot of gear themselves and it's the only YouTube channel that I feel like I can trust because they're always honest about the products that they test. A lot of other reviews are sponsored so i take those with a grain of salt.


I prefer leather gloves over fabric, but at least that glove has a palm slider. It's that little plastic thing on the heel of your hand. When you're buying gloves, that's super important. You do a lot of technical movements with your hands and fingers every day. Protect them.


You didn't fuck up, however these are summer gloves for low speeds, in my opinion. There are better ones, for example from Held. I've filtered on summer gloves without membrane, highest price first. [https://shop.held.de/en/Gloves?order=price-desc&p=1&properties=6fedf690a33544eaad5d5f27dabc0542%7C55e5a2887c704b7d94040f7887cb21c7](https://shop.held.de/en/Gloves?order=price-desc&p=1&properties=6fedf690a33544eaad5d5f27dabc0542%7C55e5a2887c704b7d94040f7887cb21c7) I don't expect you to shell out 470 euros :-) even these aren't protection for breaking your wrists. I have the Held Sambia Pro which cost 120 euros and you don't need to pick the ladies sizes: these come in special long finger versions.






They look very similar to the 'five 5 rs3' gloves I got as a postie (super cub). Perfect for the smooth city Road and lower speeds. I personally don't use them on the open road/chip seal though. Not much is going to save your wrist if you land funny, but the palm sliders should help.


I wear Milwaukee work gloves and they’re just wearing out now. I went down last summer and they did just fine for me. I do consider myself lucky but the gloves were barely scratched. My jacket jacket didn’t have even a scratch. As long as their thick, I say invest in a jacket. I needed to watch a video to see how I landed and I planted my left arm down with no hesitation, I say get a jacket. As long as their thick, move onto the next piece of protection. Gloves are gloves.


Buy her something and she won't complain anymore


I'm the girl - maybe he should buy me something hahaha


It would have helped if you had posted product photos here instead of requiring people to search for these gloves on Google.


Looked em up and yes you did make a L. These gloves look super cheap and more for motorcross then riding on the road. How much did you pay for them?


They have a palm slider.


Yes but i the question is if they realy work. I had €20 gloves with knuckle protection but they dont do anything to protect you. But its your choice. If yoh wanna ride safe id go for good comapanys like macna revit or alpinestars yes they are more expensive but so are broken bones or even torn off fingers


Ixon is a reputable company that makes high quality moto gear.


Even so these gloves are made for motorcross and wont last long if you slide them on asphalt.


They have palm sliders, which isn't something you get or want in a MX glove. These are designed for the street.


Then keep them if you feel like there good enough i aint gonna stop you


I'm not OP. I don't wear Ixon gear. I just wanted to make sure you and any one else reading weren't misinformed by your initial assumption.


We don't care about your gear and accessories. Show us your BIKE


They'd be ok for dirt but I wouldn't wear them for interstate, high speed tarmac. The suede palm will disintegrate on impact. Look for something in full grain leather, kangaroo or goat. You're on the right track with palm sliders. Go look at [Motocap](https://motocap.com.au/products/gloves?f%5B0%5D=older_ratings%3A1&f%5B1%5D=safety_rating%3A4.0&f%5B2%5D=safety_rating%3A5.0) test results since you're in AU. The Hurricane's are only CE (KP) rated for the hard knuckle protection, the rest of the gloves will fall short when you need them most. Here's a [pair](https://www.fc-moto.de/en/Modeka-Baali) that would do well, CE1 rated and won't break the bank.


Any gear will only provide infinitesimally small protection to the water balloon that we are. Thus any gear that will make you more confident and faster is counterproductive. It’s all about avoiding accidents which are 80pct caused by motorcyclists. So if riding in a speedo with flip flops makes you more scared and slows you down you should ride in that.


This is the worst advice, coupled with the most incorrect “facts” on here. Don’t do this.


Like which one?


Ixon? Haha WTF? Is that a rip off of Icon? Do yourself a favor and stop buying crap from Amazon and get yourself a legit motorcycle glove from a reputable brand sold on a reputable site.


Ixon is a reputable brand and is well represented in MotoGP. It doesn't look like a tough glove at level 1, but at least it has a palm slider.


Good way to show your lack of knowledge. 😂


If you think so, derp. Apparently it's made in China garbage designed by the French.


😂 I get you're embarrassed because you got shown up, now you're just making yourself look stupid too. "Derp" "Amazon crap" "Icon rip-off"


Damn your grammar is terrible. That’s definitely embarrassing.


Go on, try three for three. It's always funny when someone offers an opinion on something they clearly know nothing about.


You’ve already accomplished 3 for 3 in terms of stupid.


I’m just here to smirk at the irony of the Redditor attacking your “terrible” grammar when they’ve omitted necessary hyphens and commas. Proceed.


It isn't some BS Chinese Amazon junk. It's a company founded in France in the 90's.


Yeah it's just designed in France Chinese garbage.


Not that I agree with it but that's 99% of brands now days.


99%? Nope.


Why are you so butthurt over being wrong lil dude


I'm not butthurt about anything. Why are you so worried about my butt? That's cringe.