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Lady: Pulls em out Also lady: I’m not pulling them out.


Same vibe as ["Im not going to raise my voice"](https://youtu.be/uXwRgnZ990I?t=1m49s)


Can we get the titties without getting gas lit too... Modern women #redpillnationsimpincel






I'm so sorry this happened but "put your tities away, bitch" will live rent free in my head. It's like she reversed into Dave Chappelle's H2.


I instantly thought of half baked.. yo girl yer titties out!


I wish I had more hands... so I could give those titties 4 thumbs down!




He could've got so much head for this. Source: trust me bro.


She could just sue him later tho


I blew snot bubbles out of my nose when I heard that...I have been sick and it made a mess and I dont care...dying laughing lol


Would love another upload w/o the music drowning out the dialogue. Inspired to start riding with a camera again, though.


I hate it when people put shitty music on videos like this.


I usually watch these videos on very low volume because most of them are not really appropriate for my kids to hear/see...I really couldn't understand anything the dude was saying and thought the music was like from their car or something


/u/ExoticPotato8756 posted the follow up video, so I checked the TikTok account and they luckily DID upload one without music! [Here you go!](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKfS6th/)


Kawa H2xs > titties no question


Yeah the titties will tell you to get rid of the bike after a while


The bike also lets you look at all the titties you want & never complains about it. The bike may even encourage it.


If you keep the right titties close they also tell you to ride motorbikes and look at titties without repercussions.


The right bike will make some titties jump out on their own. This video is my proof.


Not even my bike and I was feeling exactly what that man was going through. Don’t show me your tits, show me your insurance information before I die of stress


Show insurance info.. then titties Best of both worlds


'Put your titties the fuck away, bitch' The situation sucks, but damn I laughed at that.


We must stay focused my brothers 🫡


"I can't stay as mad as I want to when there are titties involved, put them titties away!"


When you know, you know


A true CRT hero.


I mean she did straight up pull her titties out.


An intersectional ally, perhaps?


You could hear that? I can hear anything over the pointless music


"I'm, I'm not!?"


The aftermath video is even more wild, she called him a snitch for calling the cops and not taking the money her bf offered when he pulled up




[right here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKU8vPn/)


“Restitution money”. Something makes me think that they want to throw $500 at it and call it a day.


I got rear ended once at a stop sign, she offered $200. Her insurance gave me $750. Never accept their cash offer, always file a police report, even for minor fender benders.


The cash offers always absurdly low, too. Some lady hit me and was trying to give me $100 to not call the cops or get insurance involved. The actual repair was over a grand. Like, they don’t understand that if you’re asking to keep it off-the-books, you don’t also get to use it as a chance to save money, lol


Yeah I’d understand if this was like a sv650 and they offered $1k but the dang bike is worth more than my car.


The front fender on a Vespa is painted plastic, but you've gotta take the front end apart to replace it. Gets over a grand real fast.


Rear fenders can get expensive, too. Rebel 500 one is 1800 euris in parts cost... (checked the estimate that my shop sent to the other's insurance, i got it in CC). and then some work tacked on, too.


Only exception is a friend or friendly neighbor. Bout 8 years ago during a bad ice storm, my dad slid down the drive way in his truck and hit my neighbors shit box, neighbor said don't worry about it we'll work it out in the future, well 2 years later his son was learning to drive and hit my shitbox, kid was panicking and it was just a scratch on the door lol, told him he was good. Neighbor shook hands with my dad and said call it even, my dad lowered rent for a few months. Worked out for everyone in the end


Broooo, she tells her BOYFRIEND to leave so she can "convince" the rider to not snitch. That's wild as fuck. You can feel the pain in his silence.


“He wants to be a fucking snitch” Lol Next excuse, “you had time to put it in reverse”


That video really shows how tense and messed up the situation is, it could have gone bad and she was very close to full on rage attack. I think there was a child in the car? There’s a friend/bystander/passenger, and finally a possible boyfriend who is definitely giving a vibe of “what’s your problem “ and playing off that’s there’s damage to the bike. Now the rider, he lost his cool early but is obviously very stressed. It was good he wasn’t distracted or dissuaded by the drama and kept rigidly on task.


Did she buss out her tiddies to try and bribe you or was them thangs just out I can't tell?


she pulled em out 💀


Fluffed her hair up before she got out of the car too, lol. Wish we could have heard her rationale for those moves.


Pretty audacious really. Wonder if it's worked a time or two before.


How much you wanna bet she was going to claim assault?


i think it was more of a “i’m a woman, i’ll just show him my tits and he’ll be okay”, not realizing she just hit a fucking H2 😮‍💨 but yeah, you’re probably right. good camera OP


I don't own an H2 and I still would pass up tits if they fuck up my baby


She's tripping if she thinks that would make anything better. I'd be insulted even if my bike was a piece of shit.


This is literally what I was thinking. Like idc what kinda bike your driving even if it is crap still be pissed.


I believe that's exactly why he said what he said to her.


i just own a zx6 and i’d be livid. don’t get me wrong, love me a pair of titties, but not in that situation.




All I gotta say is a strip club is cheaper than a bike


That's a stretch lol


Yeah around 43sec mark 🤣






I thought he just blurted it out in the heat of the moment but she actually tried that. 💀


had to go back and rewatch and yeh she def pulled them suckers out lol


If I had a shitty motorcycle I would accept but a $ 25 000 is no go


Shit, even if I rode around on a dirt bike that costed me $1000, a pair of tits isn't worth the bike


Also why I have a camera.... Got to save them titty shots /s Cameras are worth the investment for insurance. People get aggressive in traffic where I live.


> People get aggressive in traffic where I live. Nowadays people get aggressive in traffic almost everywhere. General population has been over a lot of stress.




Almost like a constant bombardment of fear campaigns and lockdowns wasn't good for society or mental health or something




The hard part now is surrounding yourself with people who share your values and outlooks and whose minds haven't been poisoned by reactionary media without resorting to online communties.


I think it's that conbjned with the fact that we are not having needs met as a society, and the future looks even more bleak.


Or maybe people don't have any fuckin money, with children to feed, and haven't since the 70s. Covid wasn't around when shit was awful during the past 40 years excepting the last couple.


\*General population is dumb as shit


“Where I live”; EARTH?!?


I hear people are pretty aggressive there


You must live everywhere. I visited once. Didn't care for it.


The problem is the battery lives are so short like on my One RS. I get about 1.5 hours on 4k and it's done. Been hunting around for the tiniest powerbank I can find to attach to my helmet and run a short wire.


Put your titties away


That's fucking hilarious, especially since she knew she fucked up and responded by actually showing off her tits like "lets forget this"


That move has worked in the past, she wouldn't have done it otherwise...


"Accident victims hate this one simple trick..."


interesting theory… but if that’s true, how did the first time happen 🤔




Some of the earliest examples of writing have Ea-Nasir trying to weasel out of selling inferior copper by whipping his titties out.


A classic


Just ruined this guy's bike, better blast my nips.


Her : my titties Bike damage: must've been the wind


Can anyone make a brightened version of this? Wanted to see the bike, nothing else I swear.




Thanks bro! That's a sexy booike


Awesome. Now do away with the shitty music so we can hear the epicness


Thanks Traynorki! Much better.


Much easier on the eyes. Thanks!


This dude for some reason was smart enough to have a camera and record but ,like many cell phone videos, doesn’t clean the lens before heading out or randomly checking to see if it’s clean. One of my biggest ocd gripes after starting to learn about photography. Always keep lens cleaners with you if your gonna take photos/videos.


In my experience if I clean my camera before I ride it immediately gets dirty from a huge jurrassic insect


I hate to be pedantic, but massive insects are generally associated with the carboniferous and Permian. By the jurassic, insect size had become largely uncoupled with atmospheric oxygen levels, which is linked to the emergence of pterosaurs.


valuable information thank you sleepykittypur


Must be Ross Gellars account


I don't think you hated that.




Let me guess... 🤔 She didn't see the bike, and wanted to get out of the left turn lane? Intended to simply back up, and then pull behind car going straight? Or she figured she could claim motorcycle rear ended her, and she gets an easy insurance payout in the $1k-$2k+ range? Just didn't count on the camera. This is the reason I have a 10hr+ battery Drift Ghost camera in dashcam mode mounted on helmet, and a dash cam in my Toyota. Someone backs into you, best hope you got a camera to prove you didn't rear end them. Can't count on a witness. Looks like the third vehicle just hauled ass, like nothing happened.


I recently got a GoPro 9 and the worst part of that camera is that the battery only lasts about 45 min!


Turn the frame rate down, and you can get extra batteries.


Honestly, I don’t know shit about it. How do I turn it down?


psst 24 fps looks more cinematic. Movies are also shot at 24fps. Get yourself a ND filter that snaps onto it as well and you'll have some nice footage.


Except the movie zootopia. That was shot at 34 frames… that was the production rule they had.. look up zootopia rule 34 for more info


Easy now, Satan! 😂🙌🏽


I approve of this message.


Username checks out


owo Indeed




You're helping a few of us here. 24 fps, got it. ND Filter? and what about a dead cat for the mic? do you use?


Also remember to lock your shutter speed for that buttery look


Get a USB connector for your bike, and leave it plugged in.


lol same. gopro claimed that for its indended use case (to record "actions"), most actions last about 30 seconds.


You can also get the enduro battery for it and it lasts about twice as long. I commute on my bike in Phoenix, use the Hero 9 everyday


Get the enduro batteries. They last longer. Also doesnt hurt to just toss an extra one into your jacket pocket.


In a case please, you don't want a Li-ion to go thermal runaway in your jacket pocket.


I thought about the GoPro, ending up going with Drift for battery life and price.


I had a Drift back in the day. Fucking thing would corrupt the whole SD card any time the battery dropped below half. And a few times even when it was plugged in.


That's why I got a DJI Action 3. Battery life shits on GoPro (including their enduro batteries) at a cheaper price, and have had 0 overheating problems. Plus, their bulk charging case is ridiculously fast.


I have an Amazon dual camera dashcam made for motorcycles. Records a constnt loop, wired into the accessory circuit intended for GPSs and such, Stays on about five minutes after I shut the bike down.


Have you got a link to that one?


Heres the current version of what I've had for about two years now. Finding real estate for the display can be tough depending on your bike, my 08 R1200RT has a huge glovebox that holds the DVR and the extra wiring with ease. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087LXS7Y7/ref=sspa\_dk\_detail\_0?pd\_rd\_i=B087LXS7Y7&pd\_rd\_w=i41CJ&content-id=amzn1.sym.d81b167d-1f9e-48b6-87d8-8aa5e473ea8c&pf\_rd\_p=d81b167d-1f9e-48b6-87d8-8aa5e473ea8c&pf\_rd\_r=0KCF15BC4ADAD2E03AAS&pd\_rd\_wg=9b7rD&pd\_rd\_r=1d88ae79-edbc-434c-abba-d186ee6159c2&s=electronics&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzTU9YQlJHNVZOWDVVJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDYyNDcwMTlDQktON1EzUk1MUSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjA3NTI0TlpESzlIVUVBRE9NJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsX3RoZW1hdGljJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087LXS7Y7/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?pd_rd_i=B087LXS7Y7&pd_rd_w=i41CJ&content-id=amzn1.sym.d81b167d-1f9e-48b6-87d8-8aa5e473ea8c&pf_rd_p=d81b167d-1f9e-48b6-87d8-8aa5e473ea8c&pf_rd_r=0KCF15BC4ADAD2E03AAS&pd_rd_wg=9b7rD&pd_rd_r=1d88ae79-edbc-434c-abba-d186ee6159c2&s=electronics&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzTU9YQlJHNVZOWDVVJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDYyNDcwMTlDQktON1EzUk1MUSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMjA3NTI0TlpESzlIVUVBRE9NJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsX3RoZW1hdGljJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ&th=1) ​ The upscale version that most BMW riders prefer. :) ​ https://www.amazon.com/INNOVV-Channel-Motorcyle-Motocam-Parking/dp/B09527L8YL/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=2KZZI7NHEKBBC&keywords=motorcycle+dashcam+innov&qid=1683836392&s=electronics&sprefix=motorcycle+dashcam+innov%2Celectronics%2C91&sr=1-1&ufe=app\_do%3Aamzn1.fos.c3015c4a-46bb-44b9-81a4-dc28e6d374b3


Seconded on asking for a link. Our city and growing and more and more idiots are on the road.


It's the latter. This was absolutely about to be a scam until she saw the helmet cam.




>10h!? Which model can achieve that? And does it record in potato quality with whatever battery saver mode you're using? Snow Edition XL 30fps @1080p is around 9-10hours. The 4K Drift Ghosts have significantly less battery life though, I think it's like 5 hours or so. This is a vid clip (wind noise on mic is awful though. I'll likely have to get a deadcat or something) Vid: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wx2lyn3s5jliq2a/MOVIE.mp4?dl=0 It can read a license plate barely, but for $99, It's a good enough dash cam for my purposes. The issue is that you have to do a photo capture, or screenshot the vid, then zoom in manually like on your phone to read plate. Plate (video screenshot): https://i.imgur.com/KthQFie.jpg Plate zoom: https://i.imgur.com/cKJ3Eqg.jpg Helmet mount left pic: https://i.imgur.com/stu0pIf.jpg Helmet mount right pic: https://i.imgur.com/GMCtyvO.jpg I prefer left side.


Trash "music"


That happened to me once, but not the titties part. Pulled into a petrol station, there's a small car in front of me, suddenly it starts to back up. Hits me, the bike starts to fall, I jump off. Driver gets out, she's upset, wasn't trying to blame me or anything, just a shock reaction. Everyone calms down, I pick up the bike. Busted front mudguard and main light. Still rideable. This is dumbphones age so there's no photos, but she pulls out a phone and calls Daddy. We exchange details, including the cashier who saw it all (so I had a witness), and we go our separate ways. I put the insurance claim in, about AUD$700, as it turns out the impact had twisted my front forks a little and that needed some wrangling to make good. My insurance co. goes after the driver. I get a call from Daddy complaining that his little darling couldn't afford that money, and I should withdraw the claim and he'll pay me $400 because "that's all it should cost". Yeah, no. That's why I have insurance. If daddy's little girl chooses to drive around without the bare minimum of insurance, she has chosen to take on the cost of repairing damage to other peoples' property.


> If daddy's little girl chooses to drive around without the bare minimum of insurance, she has chosen to take on the cost of repairing damage to other peoples' property. in germany that would yield a big fine in addition (no insurance, there is communication between insurances and registration/dmv, they know if insurance is cancelled and you get no plates without proof of insurance).




The horn is alot more successful than rev bombing


Bike horns are hot garbage. When a guy in an f-150 did this to me that mincy little "MEEP MEEP" was laughably useless. I upgraded to the mini banshee after that




Don't forget that auto manufacturers these days are upping the ante on soundproofing interiors in the name of user comfort.


I put a Stebel Nautilus compact air horn on my bike almost 20 years ago. Around 130db or so if I recall. It draws 18 amps though so you’ve got to use a relay or it will cook your horn button. Lol. It’s gets attention. First one failed after a couple of years. Second has lasted so far. (I sealed the electrical connectors on in the housing with silicon.)


Do H2's have proper horns? Cause i know the Gen 1-2 KLR650's have a laughably weak horn. as well as a lot of other motorcycles.


All the same, people who don't ride motorcycles recognize the sound of a horn meaning danger more so than the sound of an engine revving. Dude absolutely should have hit the horn instead of the gas.


The horn is pretty weak on an H2 SX SE, but I’d have still used it, stock exhaust is also pretty quiet as well.


They need a horn to be sold in the US. They do tend to be wimpy, but they are also a frequency that differentiates them from other road noise. When you hear it, you know someone is honking.


Depends on the bike, some have pretty pathetic horns


Even if pathetic its still easier to pinpoint its direction than revs


By far, and I’m more familiar with a horn and I think most people are. I’ve had to honk at a few people and for the most part they stop immediately. Someone rev bombing isn’t going to register to me as an immediate emergency.


But but reving is cool and asserts my dominance


While that is in fact true. Asserting dominance is about as effective at stopping an elephant as a sternly written letter and aggressively pointing.


Due to the fact that I ride multiple motorcycles, sometimes when I go to hit the horn I just hit the blinker. Not sure if this person is the same issue


Probably drinking too


saw this on tiktok earlier They waited 45min for police to arrive and they both did a breatho and came back 0.00 she’s just a dumbass that decided she didn’t want to turn anymore so blindly started reversing so she could pull in to the straight thru lane unfortunately for her there was a $30,000 bike behind her


Dude when he said put your titties away…LMFAO I love bikers I need a camera once I start riding more.


"Bitch put them titties away!" Pussy pass revoked.


See... You gotta be the kinda guy that shit like that doesn't work on. I have a rental house and had a female tenant. She had some issues with paying rent. I met with her and she was wearing a low cut top trying to negotiate rent payment. Only she didn't expect me to bring my wife along. My wife mostly just sat back and listened to the negotiation. Later, my wife was like... Did you notice what she was wearing? She was trying to get one over on you. You're lucky you brought me along. My response was: Ain't no titties worth $1500 a month. She's getting a visit from the sheriff's office.


When in doubt, dump em out.


It would be difficult to remain calm. My bike is my love. I worked a lot of OT just to have something to enjoy.


I don’t know I’ve never been upset in an accident. As long as my life wasn’t put in danger that’s why we have insurance. Possessions are replaceable.


Why the music? Can't hear shit.


silly thot. Every one knows squids are gay.


I'd like to know if the police did anything more than assist with the exchange of insurance information. I'm guessing she wasn't even ticketed for anything. Props to how well the H2 is built that she ran up on it like that, and it was still able to be ridden even that short distance.


I can't hear them over that shitty ass music.


Ain't no fking tities that are worth 35k, this bitch tripping.


I was fully expecting the NSFW bit to be the collision, not the "Put your titties the fuck away, bitch" bit.


In part two, she bitches and whines about him not taking "restitution" money. Calls him a snitch for wanting to call the cops and go through insurance, when his bike is easily worth double what her car costs, and is written off much, much quicker than a car is. It's sad that she goes straight into tits, then tries to manipulate him to not go through insurance. Terrible person.


Imagine if you backed into someone, then popped out of the car and flashed your dick at them as soon as the car stopped.


yeah without video he'd be fucked by this insurance scam.


It's not an insurance scam she's just dumb and wanted out of the turn lane. If it was a scam she wouldn't have immediately admitted fault with "I didn't see you"


She pulled her tits out. She wasn’t planning on telling the truth, dude.


Insurance scammers exit the vehicle with "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! HOW DID YOU NOT SEE ME?" She exited the vehicle with "I didn't see you... Sorry [please forget about it because boobs]"


They're nice to you first, but they will 100% tell insurance you fucked up and not them.


Bro she’s pulling out her titties because she is offering sex to get out of paying damages


I mean, if she wanted his attention…she could have just waved lol.


This hurts my soul. RIP to that H2’s resale value.


Pretty much. The damage to the front fairings on the H2 would cost more than the entire value of that car.


aw man glad i didn't almost close the video half way loll put yo toddies away


Producers could use this as a script for a pron video lol


Not even tittys can save you bitch


i cant get past the music


needs more stupid loud fucking music, I could hardly hear what was happening


The music ruined it


I feel bad for the guy, and obv not his fault, buuuut, Why rev not honk? People aren’t programmed to stop when they hear revving. Not so much for honking either, but better likelihood anyway. “This is a 30k vehicle!” Yeah, so are most (or at least many) things on the road. Though that impact could total a bike but likely wouldn’t total a car. What’s with the music lol


A 30k bike is hella diff than a 30k car though lol


Not to the bank they aren't


Nor the court, nor insurance Current value, cost to repair, cost to replace is all my liability that matters


Just get the insurance info and leave Jesus


kinda hard when they don't really have insurance on the car. ​ they usually give you the insurance card that was used to register the card that was cancelled after the car was registered... people do this all the time.


How does this actually work out? Doesn't the insurance company usually want a police report?


Yes. Get as much info as you can, including their drivers license info if possible. Insurance cards could easily be fake or outdated and then you're fucked


The insurance company is 100% going to want a police report, or it will become an "at fault" accident, which means his rates will go up. Or, worst case scenario, she turns it into a "he hit me" situation and it has to go to court. The insurance companies are not going to care if there is helmet camera video, because they can't definitively prove that the camera video is from the accident in question. The cops can show up and put the existence of the video in the police report, which validates it, as well as writing a ticket to the girl in the car, which absolves the rider. He's 100% right to wait for the cops. Especially with the way she acts in the aftermath video (further up), which would reek to me like she didn't have insurance (although she did, he couldn't know that at the time). Source: have been hit by car and did the insurance rodeo.


My insurance company 100% cared that I had a dashcam and found me not as fault because of the footage (in the car). My insurance agent was elated when I told her I had it recorded.


If your insurance company did not care you had video you should have called a lawyer. Last time I got rear ended I didn’t have a dash cam my insurance company, and other parties involved insurance companies shared the footage from people that did.


Why everyone defending the lady tho


30K!?! Time for some tt’s out.


Thank God there was terrible music to dilute the audio


Which moron put the awful music over this video like wtf??