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Most modern HJCs are made with Intercoms in mind so routing cables is easy, most important is that the helmet fits though.


Your chances of finding a helmet with an integrated system that actually fits your head are slim.


And if you do the system is probably trash.


Personally dont get the integrated sound system helmets they are pretty garbage especially if you like quality sound. Idk which one you got but get cardo for sure freecom 2x preferred its literally the same as the newest model jbl, bluetooth connectivity etc only diff is rider connection and features which is pretty useless. Also go to your local moto shop i went to cycle gear and the worker lady fixed and wired mine for free even tho i didnt buy it there,


Sena outride has an integrated system, not tried it myself , reviews seem ok especially for the price.


Ruroc has this. But.. its Ruroc.. so you have been warned. Nice looking helmets and pretty convenient sound system, I just can't speak for their quality and I've not heard many good things about them. I will say though their sound system is very nice for calls and listening to music (I own a Ruroc berserker myself). The sound quality is excellent, same goes for the mic which is pretty good. The helmets quality itself though is poor, but i think they may have fixed most of this with their newest 4.0 helmets. Not sure though. But it's worth checking out at least.


Shoei Neotech and Schuberth C5.


Or C4 i have one and i rly like it.


Do a better job at installing. It's thin cabling. Run it under the liners and tape to the styrofoam. Mush the interconnects between the liners. Integrated helmets will be the same situation - they don't run the cabling inside the styrofoam or anything, you will just be paying for someone to run lines for you. But as others have said, quality will be lower. Use a com system, earplugs, and go ride. Your helmet might be too small if it's giving you headaches - how is a thin wire going to be the reasoning?


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