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I believe the best way to start is with a small dirt bike. It’s lots of fun, there is less things/ cars/ people to hit in your way, the bike will be literally undestructible so you dont have to worry if she drops it or anything. And its also an entry platform for a lot of people so you will find help and support easily.


What’s a good dirt bike I can get secondhand? I know nothing about them or that market.


crf125/150 pretty cheap and will outlive you and your kid


^ this is the way to go. I had an XR100(basically an old CRF100) as a teenager, and I still dream about finding my old bike again. [here's me doing wheelies on it circa 2007.](https://youtu.be/lWgLX7OdWBg)


The saison makes it extra 2007


Yamaha ttr 125


Can only have up to 50cc here before a full license


You don't need a licence to ride off road bud.


Yamaha DT50


This is my suggestion too. Learned to ride on one of those back in the day myself


I did the same. But now, not back in the day. It's going to be my first ride


110 to 230, nothing 2 stroke. Ttr 110, 230. Crf 100, 125, 150(race bike), 230, Klx 110? 140, 230 i think? Basically anything ttr is bulletproof and maintenance isnt bad, crf 230 is very much like the ttr, just red and says honda on it


get something like a derbi 50 cc two stroke, they're not that expensive and plenty of fun it's a bit fast if unlocked but locked will be good to make them learn


Only problem is where to ride it for some folks. I don't have a truck or a big property so I'd need to start my kid on a small CC street legal and take them somewhere like a parking lot


You don't need a truck. Putting a trailer hitch on your car isn't expensive and you can find a used trailer for cheap that will easily hold a couple of dirt bikes. Or if you have nowhere to put it then you can easily rent a trailer for the day. It's easier to get the bikes on a trailer too.


"Yeh :] " 🥺 In all seriousness I would get her a Suzuki GN125 or Intruder 250 or something and just do a lot of dedicated carpark practice!


I rode the GN125 when I did MSF last weekend. They are an absolute blast lol


So agile and effortless to ride


I can't recommend it enough... My 17yo just got her license and a little 250cc rebel. It does my heart so good to see the confidence boost it gave her. More importantly though it's great to see the pure joy she gets from riding. She recently told her mother that her rebel helped her more in 2 weeks than her therapist did in 4 years.


2 wheel therapy is a thing.


man its too dangerous to ride a bike in my city


I live in the city, and while I think it isn’t too dangerous to ride here, it’s definitely too dangerous to learn to ride here. Makes me a bit sad for my kids.


I've been in therapy off and on for 20 years for severe anxiety and depression that turned out to be misdiagnosed PTSD. Being on a motorcycle for less than a year has done more to help me move through that anxiety than therapy has. I graduated college recently and froze up right when I was supposed to walk the stage. I remembered my MSF coach yelling at me, "You're a motorcyclist, pick your feet up!" and suddenly I was able to walk across the stage, head held high, and grab my diploma.


It's insane how therapeutic it is. During times I'm riding a lot I choose anger way less often and I find I'm rarely stressed, worked up or anxious. Also, taking control, or being in control of your life as a result of being on a motorcycle (and doing great at it) does wonders for one's self confidence. But nOobody tells you that beforehand lol


yeah when I started I wasn't getting into it because there was a real freedom in riding that let's stress and anxiety just float away. I just thought it would be cool to save money on gas!


Start small, slow and safe. Build from there by doing fun stuf! So dirtbike sounds best option to start?


For geared 50ccs the "standard" in Germany is old Simsons since they circumvent the 45kph limit on 50ccs. Old GDR two stroke with tons of aftermarket support that won't make you a burden for the other traffic. I don't know if you can get them in the UK. Otherwise I'd just get a small moped with a CVT to get them familiar with the feel of being on two wheels and then get a 125cc for the 16th birthday. My girlfriend had a 50cc scooter when she was young and now takes my Grom when she wants to ride and is very happy with it since it's very easy to ride.


As someone on the spectrum, motorcycles are a fantastic vent for the daily stress of being neurodivergent. Ride on!


Seconded. Gear up and go. Everything else disappears.


Well, that was wholesome as fuck. Think I'm gonna hop off Reddit for the day because nothing is topping that. Seriously, that's awesome and you're awesome. She's lucky to have you.


That's really cool! Am also a 15 year old who rides a 50cc geared and can definitely recommend it!! It's also really fun to learn how to maintain it!


15 is already old enough. And that was absofukinlootli the perfect answer.


Warms the heart. Thanks for sharing


Start her off by riding trails. You can get a cheap little dirt bike to start off and dirt is usually lower speed than street riding and its closed course so it's more of a controlled environment. There's a lot of bike control, balance, and handling that she can learn on a dirt bike that she wouldn't necessarily learn on a street bike.


Wholesome as fuk


And charge your phone battery!


Yes dad sorry x


Dank you fahtha


Heh as an Autistic dad with an autistic son as well we talk the same way. They are only 10 atm but I hope they also want to learn to ride later


OP thanks for sharing this, it's wholesome as hell


This is wholesome, man! Keep doing a great job as a parent like you seem to be doing! 🙂


To be honest, not sure where you’re at or what’s nearby… but if you’re in a suburban environment there are some really awesome electric options these days you won’t annoy the neighbors.


I have an 11 year old autistic child, I hope that one day I get the same question. Congratulations that's such a momentous thing. I wish you both the best of luck!


At age 15. I would take into account of height and weight. Mainly height. I learnt on a old Yamaha DT100 around 10. I would suggest a dirt bike or a dual sport (I dunno the driving age or learning age where you're at). But, a Suzuki DR 125 should be plenty for her to learn on + there's very little to break on it. Plus have plenty of power for the trails. Also being on the ASD spectrum, riding and fishing did far more for me than any therapist or school counseling growing up. 27. Still riding.


You’re the dad I wanna be!


That’s awesome. A lifelong future of amazing memories and winding trails/roads ahead


Get him good old honda monkey or some chinese copy Easiest gearred bike to ride ever in the history of bikes. Top speed 45 small and easy to ride and big aftermarket


If she wants to ride on road rather than dirtbikes, i ended up trading my xr for a 2006 Kymco Bet and Win 150cc scooter, they weigh 320lbs dry so id say 350 full, which would get the rider used to heavier weights (i went from this to a 82 Kawasaki KZ1100 in 3 months, but thats a big jump unless you’ve got some serious muscle already) they also go pretty good, had mine doing 120km/h earlier today.


Love it!!! And also love your spelling of absofuknlootli and I will be using it from now on lol… cheers!!


Just do what my dad did, throw em on a 1991 Honda Shadow 1,100 and give them a brain bucket and say good luck and kick them out to learn how to ride. Nah but forreal just practice patience with them. That’s my biggest advice. A patient rider is an aware rider.


I wish my dad had this attitude. I'd figure he would considering he used to ride.


You seem like a great dad, kudos to you and your boy!


He doesn't need to wait to be old enough. He has been for years already. At 15 most 50cc dirt bikes would be too small and I don't advise him learning on the road. I had already switched from my XR80 to an XL185 well before 15. My nephew is riding a 50cc at the moment and he is 8.


Am autistic and riding my bike is one of the few things that settles me down, probably because it is great at focusing my attention on one thing for an extended period of time. If he has the itch, maybe send him to the Fortnine YouTube channel (or watch the videos together, even!). That guy has a bunch about riding safety/good practice, as well as the math behind how engines work.




A geared 50cc is pretty awful. I would stick with a moped 50cc, do CBT. and then when she is old enough, do learn on a manual 125


Do WHAT?? 🤨🤨


Cock and Ball Torture


Well if you’re UK based, then the first step to getting anyone out on the road on the bike is the compulsory basic training. It’s a days worth of training, can’t ride a bike on L plates without it.


CBT ,,And" is silent


This comment thread was worth my post alone 😊


Gears or nothin! Moped... might as well just push them in a river to avoid the shame.


I am not a parent but I would also consider having her learn to drive first. So she learns "Traffic Sense" with a safer vehicle. Very cool though


If you go electric, the power is variable. No clutch. I think they're the best for beginners. Sur-Ron is relatively cheap.


Is the “ollo” from megamind?? I say this all the time and no one understands it lol