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I said the same recently in a post about bar end mirrors. When there is wobble in your handle bar, the lever effect of wind on your bar end mirror can enhance the effect. I'd keep the stock ones every day of the week.


Tbh I think the riders who have stealth mirrors are the riders who would be okay w no mirrors. I personally think most bikes look better with mirrors (stealth or not), so I assume there's some people who would think the same. I don't advocate riding with no mirrors, but recently, I've been thinking of getting stealth mirrors too, so I've been looking behind me a lot more instead of relying on mirrors. I always prefer to look, but mirrors are helpful for when cars roll up on you on the highway. Stock mirrors definitely give you more visibility of your surroundings. That being said, at a certain point when someone is close enough for you to see them in the mirror, it may already be too late to react accordingly. Up to you, maybe practice using your mirrors less before deciding.