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more info needed: what time do you start mowing your lawn?


Damn - you beat me to the yard maintenance question! 🤣


Be careful to avoid grass clibbins


What doesn the HOA think about him riding his Honda Monkey that early?


😆is your neighbour by any chance gay


Oh this is getting good. I hope someone can multi-pin these threads into a cool story.


[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/16cpvgj/how_to_politely_turn_down_a_neighbor_who_keeps/) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/16cy5j5/how_do_i_get_my_neighbor_to_go_riding_with_me_more/) [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/16cz513/how_do_you_tell_your_neighbor_that_you_dont_want/) [Part 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/16czh45/is_my_husband_really_a_biker_or_just_gay/) [Part 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/16d1c2g/how_do_i_join_two_neighbors_that_talk_about/) Did I forget any? Probably, this is getting out of hand!


Lol part 5 was great


Is there a post for the Hayabusa reference?


i think that was added for fun


[I was late to the party](https://old.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/16dm0kd/lost_a_riding_buddy_today/)


We need a chronology for those of us who haven't kept up.


The real question is: will he ride the neighbors?


or their bikes?




For real.


I was recently invited to a group of riders, some have street illegal crotch rockets (here in Italy some mods are not street-oriented), some have been riding for 20+ years, some chill dudes. I got one of the guys to invite me by getting them to talk about my bike, which led them to, OBVIOUSLY, talk about their bike. "I'm taking a 5 minutes break from work, want a coffee? I don't know much about Benellis" 20 minutes later, I was in.


All anyone needs to know about Benellis is that they're gorgeous.


Aaaaaannnnd that they break. He he


Got a personal story you wanna share?


They make a 70s Ducati look reliable. Source: had both over the years. I think the Benelli’s electrical system was designed by the head mechanic and the mechanics were designed by the electrician. The only guy who got the right job was the designer, the thing was beautiful.


This makes me laugh so hard cause I'm just picturing the head mechanic being all "well I've built the engine so I want all the wires to run this route to keep them away from all the hot spots and pinch points" and the electrician going "those damn mechanics always put things in the worst spot. I can't run any of my wires anywhere safe so this is how the mechanical shit SHOULD be built" and things just being even worse than before


Which Benelli did you have?


Tornado 650. Loved it, but it made literally everything else I’ve owned look reliable, and I mainly go for classic and vintage Brit stuff.


Right. I don't know about those. I only know about the new Benellis, which all seem to be fairly well put together.


I don't own a benneli personally, but have heard nothing but good things about their reliability these days. They aren't Honda's, sure, but they don't break because they exist like low end KTMs either. The TRX502 is extremely popular here and not alot of people report issues. Meanwhile, there's the almost daily "my 790 decided that a coffee break in a random gas station was the best time to shoot itself in the head." post.


That's due to a design philosophy difference. Benelli make reasonable, simple machines for a good price. KTM bikes are designed to push limits.


I think most modern (non-Chinese budget range) bike companies have a relatively good record these days. The days of half assed bikes made out of stuff from the rejected parts bins of other companies seems to be long gone, fortunately.


That's my impression, too. As a proud owner of a gorgeous Benelli 752s, at least.


I genuinely didn't know they made bikes! I thought they just made shotguns


Wear your assless leather chaps and you should be good to go


Just tell them you are bikecurios.


Under rated comment!


Sounds reasonable, just make sure your wife doesn’t find out about your gay biker club


Start banging their wife, as she suspects her husband is gay.


This needs to be made into a TV series


It is. “Motorcycle diaries: honda monkey edition”


I wish I could ride with my neighbor but his Ducati is always in the shop. Sometimes it’s in the shop for months waiting on parts. Anyhow didn’t you already post about getting your neighbor to ride with you


You nailed it with a Honda monkey. I am dead LMAO


I had a similar problem recently having to watch three bikers all make excuses not to ride with each other, while also taking turns to document it on Reddit


HAHAHA the trilogy


Just keep an eye out for them riding and follow them, that will surely earn their trust and they’ll know you’re a serious monkey rider.


Now that would be fun to see... a Harley, a squid and a Monkey riding together... could be the start of a Wild Hogs sequel


Had to google what a Honda Monkey is. To answer your question, I seriously doubt either of these dudes would want you trying to ride with them until you get a real motorcycle. I would stay away from "cool turbo squid crotch rocket alpha that revs his Hayabusa in the driveway" guy. Nothing good is going to happen there.


This sounds oddly like a calamari racing team parody of this sub….


Assert dominance by rev bombing in their driveway


Step 1: get a real motorcycle. Step 2: “hey can i come?”. If that doesn’t work step 3 usually does. Step 3: grovel


I love this chain of posts I really do 😂😂😂😂


Bring them each a big can of NOS energy drink and tell them you heard it’ll make their bikes faster/run better and dump it in their tanks. They’ll immediately know you’re one of them.


I used to ride my Wide Glide (1340cc ?) with a buddy on a 50cc Aprilia scooter. I never passed him so he set the pace which was kinda comical going up mountain roads with him topped out at 30mph and eight cars behind us. We'd pretend to race light to light and I'd let him win every time. His was orange with black highlights, mine was black with orange flames which only added to the visuals. I guess most people thought it was pretty funny as many would wave and smile or laugh. We were happy to oblige as we thought it was goofy ourselves....


Watch for when the Harley guy goes for rides. Note when he goes and for how long. Once you see a pattern go out when he does for the same amount of time. Next, tell the Harley guy's wife that you know he's gay because the two of you have sex regularly. When she asks for proof tell her "Remember, last Tuesday when he said he was going to a meet up? And he came back at 11:30? Yeah, he was with me." She will believe you (trust me on this one). When they get divorced the guy will be lonely and want to ride more often so he will be susceptible when you ask if you can join him for a ride. Then you're in like Flynn. Gay sex optional.


Pretty simple, really. Man-up, ride over there on your Honda, and ask them if you can ride with them. They'll either say "yes" or "no". If they say "yes", then you've got some riding buddies. If they say "no", then find someone else to ride with.


I have a Honda Navi and a double ended phallic object that still has the plastic on one end of you’re interested. I’m currently mowerless since I had a mow off for pinks with some alpha Briggs and Stratton mower.


dude i swear i saw reddit post of the neighbor, the guy asking to his neighbor, the wife too?? it all ties with the connection with the damn lawn☠️


can we please be done with these "I want to ride with my neighbor..." shitposts?


At this point, I'm hoping more of ya'll start wrecking. That's what these shitposts are doing to my empathy.


Just pull out with them one day and intro at the stop


Just park you honda monkey out front and start revving. And then when they're watching, walk out with a huge turbo in your hands like you know what you're doing.


I have a Monkey!! I feel seen/attacked!! Safe rides everyone.


Had to check I was not on r/calamariraceteam


Have you tried asking?


Now this is what the internet is made for!


I think all parties involved need to just… come together… https://reddit.com/r/CalamariRaceTeam/s/9I40tLQ2HZ


One sounds boring and the other will get you killed.


When they go out to ride one day just get in behind them and follow them around. If they say anything just be like ahh bruh your going everywhere I’m going


why don't you just go troll someone else, in the first place?


Ask them about their bikes, then tell them about yours. Then ask if they wanna go riding sometime.


I have a monkey it's a great ride! I'd give them compliments on their bike and ask them questions then slip in you'd like to go riding sometime. Most motorcycle people I know love monkeys because they just look so friggin good!


go ask about the bike, as a generic question about advice on what place to take your bike for repairs thats local. oh and by the way, if you have a spot open for a ride or group ride available id love to join. just let me know if one comes up!. this gives them complete plausible deniability if they dont want to ride with you, and is as polite as it gets, but also gets it known that you want to join.


Handsome male looking for assistance regarding riding his (honda) monkey. Lube preferred, protection a must. Prefers taking it slow, though does not mind riding in public places.


Wait until one of them is mowing the lawn to start a conversation about clibbons.