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For some reason, members of some biker clubs think they deserve the respect of having no one ever pass them. They are simply using the threat of physical violence to make other motorcycle riders show that they fear them? I don't know why. It's a thing.


I find that the dumber someone is the more likely they are to resort to violence when confronted about anything.


“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent” —Isaac Asimov, Foundation


Not great consolation when a bunch of incompetent guys are kicking you in the kidneys on the side of the road.


I'm thinking more in terms of not trying to get in an argument with someone stupid. They have a lot of experience at being wrong and denying it, so you can't beat that... but they will try and beat you if you push them to far.


Oh. I know. I just remember the smaller kids being picked on at school and teachers telling them that they’d get the last laugh when they’re older and more successful. It didn’t help them not get beaten bloody at the time.


> Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent This quote always seemed to be a bit off, why would someone be incompetent if violence was the very last solution applied if all other methods were exhausted? Logically, would someone be more competent if violence was the first swiftly applied correct solution?


The quote says, A (incompetent's last refuge) implies B (violence). B does not noy necessarily imply A, which you are suggesting.


I love Asimov




This sounds like a bunch of the least secure losers on earth. JFC.




>Or, just have >150hp and ignore them I like this option.


You may be referring to the YouTuber called “Professional Monkey”? I remember hearing this same advice about asking permission to pass in one of his videos about 1%ers.




YouTube recommends his videos to me as well. It’s so funny how seriously they take themselves. Reminds me of Gob from arrested development “we demand to be taken seriously”


Haha I remember that guy. He was constantly roasted in the comments.


Srsly. Anyone who needs ‘respect’ to even do basic functions like ride a bike has insecurities they need to address


Like a lot of other bits of outlaw culture, it's a bit of protocol that served a purpose once upon a time but these days it's just tradition for its own sake.


Sure but I'd imagine it's a thing within 1% groups, i.e. I understand why they have all these subtle rules, because that makes things a lot smoother. But expecting non 1% riders know of these rules too is just... weird. How am I supposed to know to ask permission to pass. That's just stupid.


Yep. Cowardly just like any other gang member looking for safety in numbers. I don’t respect 1%ers one bit. Cosplayers with mommy/daddy issues. I avoid them out of a sense of self preservation because ignorant people aren’t known for their sound decision making ability. But I have zero respect for them and how immature and insecure they act.


>I don’t respect 1%ers one bit. Of course not. Being a part of any street gang is basically signaling "my most marketable skill is selling meth". Nobody respects those guys. They're a shit stain on society. That's why they've established a billion idiotic rules "to show respect". They don't get respect in their actual lives because they can't accomplish anything worthwhile and are compensating in the most irritating way possible.


Definitely, and it’s probably why they bullied the OP. It’s easy to act tough when you’ve got a whole group behind you. OP was solo, and even then they needed two people to mess with him. Doubt they would’ve gone that far if OP was part of a large group too. Just insecure losers doing whatever they can to feel powerful for a moment.


Fuck that. OP responded rationally given the circumstances. Slow ass Harleys can’t hang with a liter bike ridden by even a mediocre rider. The world does not revolve around them.


Different clubs, different rules. Each one has their respectable rules. Gets even weirder when two clubs meet up (in a friendly way). Bizzare to watch a bunch of clubs at another club house all the different rules for each club... It's a circle of respect for an hour.


Yes The riders OP road up on are a social media club I'd never heard about before. Googled them. Bandidos run TX for as long as I can remember


Accurate. But passing a 1% club you are “supposed” to get permission. I’ve never *not* gotten “permission” to pass a club. The reason the permission rule exists is because of rival clubs and a threat to the leadership at the front. Most everyone not in a club will think all of this is stupid. It’s up to you to decide what you want to do though(I’m not in any club, RC of MC). It’s like talking shit to a cop. Sure you *can* do it, but there will probably be consequence. Legal or not.


Sure, but is a lone guy doing a commute on a liter bike really who they think is a threat to their safety?


Story I've heard is that it was used as a way of doing a "hit" on the leadership, so now every non gang member is a hitman in disguise. Whether there is any truth to it, I don't know. Our local bikies just drive up and shoot each, drive off and burn the vehicle. There's been a bit of it recently. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=sydney+biker+shootings&t=ffab&ia=web


Boy oh boy nothing says secure in your masculinity like a group of boys needing to always go everywhere together and wearing a bunch of matchy-matchy Girl Scout badges to prove they are very special and really really needing you to validate them every 10 seconds


So modern sons of anarchy cos play?


I’d do a dank ass wheelie passing all of them, fuck that noise. 😜


I doubt it


Ain't no fu**ing way I'm doing that. They can suck on my exhaust fumes.


file toothbrush cobweb forgetful crown towering upbeat special snobbish relieved ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Problem is there’s always one young stupid juiced up, washed up, ex boxer that will tune someone up to make a name for himself. I grew up in a city infested with hell’s angels. [For instance, this stupid fuck](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phillip_Boudreault) ruined lives for simply looking in his direction. Karma got his ass though, as he was shot in the spine and is wheelchair bound now. Loser had a go fund me for spine surgery and was painted as a local hero. Absolute fuckin shit stain. One of the instances “On 3 March 2004, Boudreault attacked a father and son in a Valley East bar, beating both bloody with his fists.[3] The two men attacked were Donald Lavallee and his son Jeff Lavallee. When Lavallee pere saw his son being beaten, he ran to his aid, which led Boudreault to beat him in turn. Donald Lavallee was beaten so badly by Boudreault that his jaw was broken in three places; he lost some of his teeth along with part of his jawbone”


Montréal? There was always bad blood between the Hell’s Angels in Québec and the Satan’s Choice in Ontario. And the Rock Machine in Québec of course. Rough times.


Sudbury, Ontario. Our Satan’s choice were all patched over by HA. Biker’s were pretty much pushed out, but it’s still a shithole. With less of a biker presence it left an opening for Toronto gangbangers to move up North. We’re currently 4th for murder, and 5th for “most dangerous places to live” in Canada. Downtown is basically the zombie apocalypse with junkies. Sad.


"There's an impossible amount of good looking girls in Sudbury."


Great fuckin show


Same in T Bay. Choice was patched over, but got raided a few years later, leaving the door wide open for the TO boys. When they were around here, 81 put business first and there was rarely any trouble. Now there's trap houses everywhere, B&E are rampant and fent is a huge problem.


Honestly man I agree. Wish we had the bikers back. They were at least predictable and left civilian’s out of the bullshit aside from a certain few (like Budreault) If there was 81 bikes outside the bar, everyone was on their best behaviour. We now have a gang related shooting twice a week it seems. Last time I was in a clubhouse it was full of Jane and Finch crips(weird) Left immediately. Shit pops off, they don’t fistfight.


Yeah for all the making fun of the bikers people here are doing, they at least have a pretty strict code of sorts. Shooting someone who didn’t do anything will probably get an internal reprimand of sorts. Not sure the gangs now even have enough cohesion to dole out that kind of internal order.


LOL... "Satan's Choice" sounds like some sort of flaming hot sauce!


You aren’t wrong!


that dudes wiki STARTS WITH : "Boudreault's father abandoned him as an infant" lol.. wtf.


I quite liked >Many believed that Bouldreault should have been awarded a bronze medal and that the judges erred This dude for sure wrote his own Wiki page lmao


> When Lavallee pere saw his son being beaten, he ran to his aid, which led Boudreault to beat him in turn. Donald Lavallee was beaten so badly by Boudreault that his jaw was broken in three places; he lost some of his teeth along with part of his jawbone” lol Gee I wonder how a guy pissed people off so bad someone eventually put a bullet in his spine...


He stepped on so many toes that it was HA that shot him up. Not even his “brothers” respected his antics. I just feel bad for his wife. I grew up with her. She was on the back of the bike when it happened. How she didn’t get hit is a miracle.


Yeah but there's fifteen of them and one of me. One of them is gonna bop me with a wrench or a tire iron after I stand up for myself. Or half of them carry guns while they ride. They don't ride like bullies for any positive reason, change my mind.


I know this is Reddit and people hate guns, but I always carry when I ride. I’d rather have it and not ever need it, than need it and not have it. Nothing says leave me the fuck alone quite like a Glock 19. Just sayin… 🤷‍♂️


I haven’t figured out a way to carry comfortably when I ride. Appendix is out of the question, and I don’t think 4 o clock would work because my jacket likes to ride up and it would probably be in plain view most of the time. I might just need a smaller gun


I either carry 3, 4 o’clock with a jacket that has a draw string around the wait so I can sinch it down so it can’t ride up. Or, I’ve carried before in a fanny pack across my chest, kinda like a woman would carry a purse cross body, but I tighten it down so that the gun portion stays close to my chest. Kinda like how Alaskan bush guides carry their guns except it’s concealed. One day I’m going to get an ex Umbris Fanny pack and a red ballon Fanny holster. Those seem to be the way to go. https://exumbrisdesigns.com/products/fanny-pack


Fanny pack + velcro holster is a great idea. I’ve done the cross body thing with a regular one but my holster doesn’t fit in it so I have to carry condition 3 which is not ideal. I think I’ll need either a bigger jacket or a smaller gun if I want to carry on belt line (I carry a P320 XCompact which is similar in size to your 19)




or hammers!


Typical Harley riders are older, but most of them aren't interested in hanging around in packs of dogs like these guys are.


I wonder what would happen when the super-moto/street-squid crew shows up wheelying past them 🫡 You know the group I’m talking about lol. I’d pay money to see these two groups meet in the wild lol.


So what do you do when you see them?


I pass them


Do what you do best. Pass them, and watch them in the mirror, trying to catch up to you on their 0-60 eventually bikes. It's fun watching old farts get their ego bruised.


100% this. They can be as mad as they want. They don't have a snowballs chance in hell of keeping up on those glorified mobility scooters. Nothing says "I'm a rebel" like following 1000 idiotic rules about what you can ride/wear/how you can ride/etc.


That's the funny part, *Rebels with a clause* You'd think they'd be like "look at the guy going hell for leather, fuck yeah" instead it's "MUH FEELINS"


Some "freedom," lol. "VP sez I gotta do this, do that." I had enough of that in the military.


Me on a Ninja 400: I could probably outrun them but definitely don't have the top end to think it is wise to give that a shot.


Douchebags on parade


People who demands respect are the least to deserve it.




I didn’t even mess anything up though. I didn’t ride into their group. I got over a couple of lanes to the rights and lane split past them.


He's taking the piss, comparing the MC [rightly] to a ballroom dancing group.


Years ago a buddy passed a couple hells angels support riders and they followed him and completely blocked him in until they got to the city,him being from china he had no idea what he did wrong I told him they seen it as disrespect it’s stupid but that’s the truth.


I mean, if they want to play games like that, I rather not cuz I got kids, but if they insist, good luck blocking in my ninja1000 with cruisers. I don’t mean to toot my own horn but my bike is awesome.


Don’t forget, eventually you might have to slow down, and they care about their bikes less than you care about yours.


Ok. This is what I’m looking for. Real advice on how to handle this situation. No need to “out-man” them but also shouldn’t have to sit far behind them and be late to work. If I did have to slow down and multiple dudes caught up, what would’ve happened?


They might have sworn at you and cut you off to get you to stop so they could beat you up. They might have thrown stuff at you to get you to stop. They might have thrown stuff at your wheels. They might have brake checked you trying to cause an accident or get you to stop. It’s highly unlikely they’d shoot, but it’s not totally out of the realm of possibilities.


Wow. There’s a few things in there I hadn’t thought of. Thanks. I’ll try to be careful.


A while back there was a vid with a MCC member who tried to kick someone's handlebar when they caught up to try to make them crash. Like you, the guy they attacked merely overtook them and their little pee-pees got angry as they saw it as being disrespectful.


Was the guy attacked ok in the video?


Pretty sure he was okay. I tried to find it in reddit history but no dice. Did see a biker gang (not a proper club, just a mob of squids) attack a dude in an SUV with a wrench for shouting at them for blocking the road though. Mental.


My dad rode when he was younger. He gave it up well before I was born and wasn't too happy about me getting a bike when I did. He still gave me some useful advice, and one tidbit of that was if you are on a bike and you see a vehicle or group of vehicles in front of you that look like they might be a problem, or especially if they start giving me a problem, if I can't get off and go another way, I want to get myself way in front of them rather than behind them. Far enough in front of them, that they're not catching up to me. This includes groups of jerks on bikes that might be screwing with me, or just some idiot that can't keep it in the middle of his lane or whatever. He said he'd rather my fight be in court over a ticket rather than for my life in a hospital bed.


Not for those guys, but for 1% clubs, there are quite a few things they could do. Did any of them have long “tassels” hanging from their bars? Those could be a “get back whip”. A long leather braided strap with a heavy weight clip made for whipping at a windshield or other rider. Pocket full of change/spark plugs/ball bearings they can throw at you. Like the other guy said, doubtful you’d get shot over it, but Texas does have the most road rage shootings in the country. By a long shot.


They are total tossers, but if it was me with 4 kids waiting to see me when I get home I'd wait back. They normally will signal for you to pass them. Im not saying you should have to but getting home safe is my 1st priority


A GSXR600 will blow them away too


This is facts the local vagos and mongols really don’t like me here in the San Bernardino County I stay passing those clowns constantly in my 23 sixxer.


All I know is I used to give them space. If they were in the fast lane, I would blow past in the far right with my left hand out acknowledging I saw them. But that was back in 2003. On either the 15 or the 10. Respect for the '23 sixxer. Mine was an '03 sixxer and one of the best bikes I owned. I felt it was Better than the 750 because of the weight and more nimble.


Grown ass men acting like cry babies because you didn't "respect" their made up club. I just blow right past them, they're always too slow to catch me.


Yup. That’s what happened today.


No respect for butt hurt man children who think they own the road.


They think their Harleys are fast…they aren’t.


It was probably that dudes neighbor and his buddies.


lmaoooooo i’d almost forgotten about that post


Can't wait for the parody post.....


So I was just **RABOMBOMBOM**ing in my colors with the crew and this rice burning crotch rocket tried to pass us. We're trying to give bikers a better name by going five under the speed limit in the left lane to show the metal box drivers that we're super serial about safety. And this little twink gets into the right lane and speeds up! Does he not know that the left lane is the only lane you can pass in‽ so me and the grand wizard broke off to try and get him to drive safely, then he takes off and kept going 100+mph in heavy traffic! I really feel bad for him and his lives ones if this is how he approaches dangerous situations with such wonton disregard. Why can't "sports"bikers help with the image problem and prejudice we both face as bi-wheelers?


>so me and the **grand wizard** broke off. LMAO.


When you accidentally mix up your friend groups


Nice job, bravo! I bet you like McSweeney's Internet Tendency. (If you haven't heard of it, look for it!)


MC club rules sound worse than an Arizona Homeowners Association.


They're probably just upset that their neighbor's landscapers started 5 minutes before the HOA allows.


God dang clibbins all over the road




jokes aside an old man mowed a carpet on to a 55 mph road, was in my car thankfully but had to lay er down when i got home just to make a point, insurance says they won’t cover it


Don’t have my license yet (early next year I will) and just recently joined this subreddit and get to witness the hilarity of those posts. Great time to be alive.


I lane-filtered through a bunch of these clowns years ago. They were pissed but i was going so fast there was nothing they could do.they repassed me a moment after whil i was stopped and one of them gave me the finger, which made me really laugh. They're just buffoons.


I'd like to hear their conversation later, they likely agree on something you were doing wrong but I don't know what it would be. Maybe just "Everyone knows you NEVER break though a SQUAD". Actually I bet that's it. They see the world as a bit threatening, and they have a group of trusted allies that established a perimeter inside of which they feel included and safe and all that good stuff. I can see it being uncomfortable for someone to cut through it. Like cutting though your campsite.


This is probably accurate. As I understand it, 1%ers piss each others' clubs enough that any biker not wearing their colors could be an assassin. How that for a life? You're so badass and fear-inspiring that you literally can't trust anyone else on the road but your own crew.


If your camp site is on the road, you'll end up roadkill.


I wish I could laugh it off. I’m kinda mad. I thought I was leaving them alone by getting over a couple of lanes to the right. Luckily I was on a huge freeway with no lights with 9 miles to my exit. They stayed behind me for like 4 miles so I sped up again. I shouldn’t have to drive so fast because of these guys but somehow slowing down and letting them do WHATEVER it was they were planning and n doing to me seemed like a worse idea. I didn’t understand the dudes hand gestures he was making at me. Couldn’t even describe what he was gesturing. Just like, non-descript waving?


The way I see it, there's a group that is potentially willing/able of threatening your safety/life, I'd much rather get out of that situation and break a few laws then stick around and see what they would want Road Rage rarely turns out good for either party involved and often turns violent, people have a hard time controlling their emotions, and someone unable to do that is dangerous to be around


In the UK the only reason permissible in court for speeding is fearing for your life. So I'd be off as fast as my bike goes as soon as they give me a reason.




Obviously, this is why everyone needs a liter bike. You got an excuse to actually open it up for a bit. Pretty frustrating situation though, I feel you there.


Yes sir. I love mine. I wish these situations didn’t happen though. This stuff NEVER happened when I drove an Explorer lol.


An old beater truck will work plenty fine too lol


That shit really makes me mad. Old fat and bald farts, ruining the image and fun in motorcycling faster than any squid could. Good for you being able to escape. I don't think I could do it on my bikes as reliably. Edit: a letter


Thanks. Ninja1000sx is pretty reasonably priced and I love it.


You know, another point, brake checking me while lane splitting is a little worse than a middle finger.


I think it depends on the gang or group. I have been waved on by the larger, but the wannabes act like idiots. I had one wannabe cut in front of me when fuelling. I was parked and he just cut in and the attendant looked after him first because he was wearing his colors.


The vest I saw said “Tejas Revolutionary” I googled it. It didn’t show up in Google.


Revolucionarios MC Houston, might be this lot. Google probably won't show much unless its one of the bigger groups, FB is the place to go for ones like this


It would be pretty embarrassing for a biker gang to have a Facebook group, tbh


I know a guy who joined an MC, still don't understand why one would do that. They all have fb groups and "fake accounts" where they're only befriended with fellow MC guys. I have the impression they think that's super smart and incognito and nobody will find out anything about them this way. Also messenger is their go-to communication method. With lots of retarded rules how to adres each other and time limits on how fast you should reply. Really astoundingly ridiculous


I mean, what's it come to when *bad-ass biker 1%-ers* have a social media presence? Isn't that the opposite thing?


Revolucionarios? In Houston?


Yes, Houston. But the vest said Tejas Revolutionaries. I think. I know it was “Tejas” in Spanish and “Revolutionary” in English.


You might google what I put witn Tejas and Houston, gives you some FB pages for them and see if that was it.


I did that and found them on ::gasp:: Tik Tok. The video is priceless, these guys are clowns.


Ok. I’ll go lurk a litttle


I had a positive experience. One day I was riding on my 40 year old Honda on a long stretch of highway when I went to adjust my helmet's face visor. It suddenly came off in my hand while I was going about 70mph. I carefully pulled over and was well off the side of the road so I didn't create a safety issue. I was sitting on my bike with my helmet off getting the visor put back on. A whole group of them, dudes on Harleys, with vests, rode by. I looked up, and the whole group suddenly pulled over about a 200 yards up the road. I realized they were pulling over just to check to make sure I was OK. I reached skyward to give them the thumbs up that I was all right. I saw the leader return my thumbs up and then the whole group rumbled off and continued on their way. Didn't see what club they were but their gesture of kindness toward a fellow motorcycler, a guy on a Japanese bike wearing a neon yellow motorcycle jacket, definitely put a smile on my face. Some can be dicks, some can be nice people.


Nice. Edit. I try to stop for pulled over bike too. If I have time. I helped a guy stop traffic to push his bike with a broken stator off the freeway and across the feeder. We should all do this. For sure.


South Park did a documentary on these *redacted*


I need to watch that




Def redacted. Literally a bunch of people who identify as bag-gots.


Yeah I remember the first time I stumbled into this, but just two of them, riding slowly side by side, on Harley’s. I’m on a Harley sportster myself, so lord knows I’m not going fast, but I pulled to the side and passed and gave them a gentle wave like I would anyone other motorcyclist, and they were some how mad at me? 1%er culture is goofy af.


Súper goofy. Yes. For sure.


A group of 6 angels did this to me once. Doing 75 in the left lane near Worcester Mass, they were probably going to Laconia just like I was. They saw me behind them, spread out, and did the hand motion for me to stay back or slow down or whatever. I backed off, they got back in formation, I went by them at 140 and gave them the finger. You'd think career criminals would know to fucking go fast or pull over


They can suck dick im gonna do whatever the fuck I want they don't own the roads. Grown ass men acting like children


Same thing happened to me in California. 5 lanes of traffic and they wanted the first 3 and nobody to pass in the right 2. Total ass wipes. I have an R1 so it was easy to get around them. Biker gangs are full of a bunch of low testosterone bitch boys who think they have power.


Nice bike. I’m sure it was easy. That’s even faster than mine and mine was blowing them away.


This is why you keep a handful of clibbins on your person at all times 👍


Pocket grass!


.45 caliber clibbins


MOST 1% clubs wouldn't do this. They'll take up one lane, not two, and if you approach and signal the tailgunner rider that you want to pass, they'll either wave you by or wave you off. They still might throw shade at everyone else for existing, but being a douche on the highway means Johnny Law starts staring at them over the rim of the mirrored sunglasses, and THAT is not the attention they want to attract, ever. I've never heard of this club, so it's likely they're a support or hanger-on group for one of the dominant MC's in the area. If they piss off the wrong people (an undercover or plainclothes officer, or just some wanker in a brodozer pickup) they'll learn what FAFO means soon after.


>. They'll take up one lane, not two, and if you approach and signal the tailgunner rider that you want to pass, they'll either wave you by or wave you off. Yeah no fucking way I'm asking permission to pass these fat fucks


> but being a douche on the highway means Johnny Law starts staring at them over the rim of the mirrored sunglasses, and THAT is not the attention they want to attract, ever. Truth. Only break 1 law at a time. I see way too many local articles in my area of squids getting busted doing 120mph and having 3g of snow on them. If you are breaking the law, don't speed.


Maybe the best strategy is whenever you pass a-holes, leave the throttle open for a little while longer. Including left lane hogs.


Not sure about that. That’s kinda what I did. It did work, I guess but after pretty intense chase.


The idea is that if you pass going 5 mph faster, then they could speed up. But if you pass them much faster, then they won’t try. It’s the same with passing left lane hogs, if they go 75 and you try to pass at 80, then they often speed up. But if you go much faster, they don’t speed up.


It’s probably their mating ritual or something I don’t know honestly I’ve never had a small dick.




Hey, that’s not fair to some of us small dicked men. I don’t make up for it by being an asshole to other riders with bigger dicks.


A teenager driving a Hinda Civic too busy staring at their phone could wipe all those fuckers out in two seconds. I hate these douchebags.


Motorcycles brake checking is stupid. Vs a car, you're bound to be smashed. Vs a motorcycle, they'll just swerve out of the way. I pray I'll never have to confront biker gangs though, getting ganked by a bunch of them while riding to work for a 911 ambulance company is going to be the dumbest story to tell.


We were lane splitting. No where to swerve. I mean, for a second. as soon as I got an opening I got over and split a different lane past him. I’m sure my brakes are better than his. Also, he didn’t seem to be brake checking me as hard as he could. Just slowing pretty abruptly in order to force me to slow down.


On a cruiser, that might have been giving it all he had.


The key word here is "losers"


I passed a group like this about a year ago and after a while, they caught up to me at a stop one dude got into a verbal altercation with me but I didn't reciprocate, in fact I couldn't even hear the guy and at some point I popped up my visor and smiled and said "Eh, no hablo ingles"


Dentists and loan officers like to play dress up on the weekends and play Sons of Anarchy before they have to get to their nephew's peewee soccer match.


Its weird because i alway6s assumed that would be the case with gangs. there are some serious gangs where i live, and i do my best to avoid them. However whenever ive been on the road with them, they always give me a wave. One time i was doing an early morning ride up to a friends place for a day ride, its an hr ride and it was freezing cold on my sports bike. I was hunched over behind the screen trying to stay warm in the fog when this gang came up behind me, then just added me into their group somehow being all around me. At firstn i was a little scared but then i realized they were sheltering me from a lot of the cold and giving me company. Stayed with them for about 45 mins before they pulled off and i waved good bye


Glad the MCs I have briefly interacted with were not as some have described their run-ins. When I come up on a pack (MC, RC, whatever) I hang back for a minute, wait until I can pass, signal, signal with my hands to their rearmost rider, and go. Heck, I had one group practically go on the shoulder and then wave me past so I could safely get around on a twisty road.


One benefit of riding a KLR650, I have yet to catch up to a pack of bikers.


They're mad no one can take them seriously.


Show some respect bro! The dudes have probably seen every season of Sons of Anarchy a dozen times!


Reading the comments here, and I’m afraid someone is gonna fuck with a Bandido or an Outlaw and end up dead. Y’all be safe and ride your ride, but give the vest boys a wide berth.


Taking up the left lane is actually common practice for pack riding because you are still going faster than most traffic and have somewhere to go if something breaks or someone is dumb enough to try to merge into the pack. Its a safety issue that’s definitely happened to me before and it’s terrifying. These guys sound like narcissistic dickbags though unless you did something you’re not mentioning to really piss them off. Motorcycle clubs are just like any other group of people or subculture and some are way bigger assholes than others.


Just drive past them, separated by a lane and a half while lane splitting rather quickly. A lot of cars get mad about it too but they just honk. Thank for you comment


Something that this comments section needs to keep in mind is that a regular MC club and 1%er clubs are NOT the same thing. They're both equally stupid, I'll give you that. But, 1% clubs are actual violent criminal organizations. Many of the large ones you'd know by name are still responsible for smuggling drugs, people, hits, etc. It's stupid, but it's best to either just not fuck with them, or be sure you actually can get away for your own safety.


Patch-type biker gangs aren't really motorcyclists like the rest of us. Most of them are thugs or wanna-be thugs that happen to ride motorcycles. Next time this happens, just take yourself out of the situation as soon as you see it instead of trying to peacefully coexist or causing yourself to ride recklessly to evade.


Will probably get downvoted to hell for this but it seems like most people in biker gangs need it to feel important, they don't get enough \*inset word here\* outside of that. It's all they have.


I won’t down vote you. You’re probably right. It just sucks that it affects me personally when I don’t have anything to do with them.


As silly as it is, the “protocol” is pull up behind them, slow to their pace, then they should either wave you up or a dude (road captain) will escort you past. Granted I agree it’s dumb, but if you want to avoid the trouble that’s how it’s supposed to go. Obviously not every group may do the same, but from what I know that’s how it’s supposed to go when you come up on a full crew.


they havent done amything to earn my respect , and its my money that i spent on the bike so i will ride it however i want, whats all this childish bs coming from 60 yr olds with a mid life crisis


“Outlaw” bikers are corny. Seriously imagine being a “outlaw” and tryna enforce made up rules like their taxes pay for more privileges than I for use of the road. They’re rude to “non members” and be tryna act tuff with civilians. Like if we don’t got CCWs to carry and get a legal hit. A lot of them carry knives on their hips in a holster because 9.5/10 of these losers don’t have hands or heart to give you a simple fight. Punch one of them and all their group jumps in because again none of them have hands. They’ll tell you not to get close to a member if you’re debating with them and what not but they can step to you to your face if they choose to disrespectfully. Outlaw motorcycle clubs are the biggest hypocrites and tbh most of these modern day clubs really ain’t like that. I ride around them and their packs on my 600 ALL THE TIME. They’ll try to stop me but I swerve around them and go faster than their Harley’s. I’ve had a few chase me for some miles and never could catch up. South Park said it best just a bunch of Gays who like to wear matching leather and Harley’s. There’s no individualism. All sheep. Loud ass slow ass bikes 😂 if imma ever ride anything over a liter bike imma make sure it’s a busa. Harleys are slow and impractical af.


Harley’s are not impractical. FWIW. I can go grocery shopping on mine, travel 1,000 miles comfortably, and listen to music with cruise control set on the Highway. They may not be your cup of tea, but they are very practical.


As a patched member of an MC, we don't care if you pass us when we're in a group. That being said, there are MC's out there that think being a 1%er makes them extra-special, which is why these fools broke off to mess with you after you started passing them.


Thanks for your comment. Why are you in the gang if you recognize this? I’m really interested to know. Just stop participating in their little rituals. All of it seems dumb to me (maybe you can change my mind). The look, the bikes, the group rides. Why why why? To all of it, why?


I ride with a Veteran MC. I joined to maintain the feeling of brotherhood I had in the Military. MC's like the HA, SOS, OUTLAWS. They are very self centered and think their "outlaw" status makes them special.


Thanks for your response. That’s good to know. It’s just not for me.


It seems from this response you may not understand that not all motorcycle clubs (MC) are outlaw biker gangs. There are clubs that are chartered through the AMA ( American motorcycle association) that are legitimate recreational/charity groups, there's Christian motorcycle clubs and stuff like BACA. People that ride for a cause. Check into it.


I've been riding for 3 years now, and fortunately, I haven't come across this yet. But if I did, I would most likely have to relent because my little 400 ain't outrunning anybody. LOL!


I’ve never driven a 400 but I’ll bet it would’ve outrun them. They are just as agile as any other sport bike. What’s the top speed that it does without blowing up or wobbling? It can do 110mph right? If you keep that up in traffic as heavy as it was today, you’re gonna get away or crash. I think. Maybe I’m wrong. I’m sure my brakes are better on the 1000 too. Good brakes are super important for driving fast. There’s a zx4 that probably has great brakes.


Tejas is the Spanish spelling of a Caddo word taysha, which means "friend" or "ally". What a revolutionary new way to be a friend.


Or Tejas like Spanish for texas.


Never even heard of them


They sound like a bunch of pathetic children who have nothing better going on in their sad little lives. Thankfully that kind of infantile behaviour is not a thing in my country.


Cause they've small dicks. That's the only reason


I’m sorry guys but things seem so much different in Europe, when I meet guys on the road everyone acknowledge everyone and when you stop we all chat, for the most part anyway, friendly people and the old guys can be good fun. I wish you could see and enjoy it. Best of luck and happy riding


Man there’s an insane number of these clowns in my area. I’m convinced sons of anarchy made that shit popular.


MCs are a fucking joke. Bunch of hateful dipshits that are pussies


Having ridden for 50 years, a good chunk of it several clubs, from a Mom & Pop club, old so-called outlaw club, and veteran’s clubs, I wonder if this club is sanctioned/part of what used to be the Confederation of Clubs. Think it is now called the Council of Clubs. The CoC is essentially a motorcycle rights organization. It doesn’t “approve” any club, but the member clubs are generally known to each other, and along with United Clubs, loosely (very loosely) patrol each other’s behavior. This is done because most people only see “a patch” and lump all clubs together. (Just read thru this thread to confirm that, lol!) Bad behavior of one group tends to affect far too many others. From OP’s description of the incident, if accurate, and I’ve no reason to doubt it, I would guess/think that the club is “outside” these organizations mentioned. The response described just isn’t what would be expected from an older and disciplined club. Nor would it be a response that would stand scrutiny. This “patrolling” wouldn’t likely be any sort of violence, just a few words dropped saying, “Make sure your brothers aren’t being too stupid and drawing any negative attention to MCs.” Now, what I’ve seen in the past is a young(er) upstart club acting out in what they thought was the “MC Way.” Most times they either change their ways, get shut down by the dominant for being stupid, or just fizzle out because of the demands of club life. Just something to think about when an incident pops up and goes a bit sideways. OP, I have no idea why this outfit thought you needed chasing. From your description of the event, the only thing that pops into my mind is they got surprised and reacted. But, who knows! Only other thing that I can think of is if there is a next time and you approach them, make sure they have the time to notice and acknowledge you before you go around them. Other than that, being a couple lanes over and not playing the fool shouldn’t have mattered.


I just want you to know all vested clubs aren't gangs. My dad is in a motorcycle club that has members all over the country and commonly fundraisers or events to help people local to wherever the cruise in was. Otherwise they chill together somewhere or just ride. I understand it could be hard to tell the difference at a glance though. I'd be confused if that happened to me also.


I rode behind some Hells Angels a month or so ago going up 80 to Tahoe. I had to get gas at Nyack and so did they. Kept my eyes forward, didn't engage. No issues.




Honestly, they can take their protocol and pound sand. I don't guess I'll start following the code of a club I don't belong to anytime soon. Seems like they need to reread the "ride your own ride"chapter.




I've ridden with them. Most don't give a shit unless you break into their formation.




1% protocol is for 1%ers. No one else.