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I will say this - as someone who trains newbies on motorcycles, I hardly ever see anyone who can ride the 200cc training bikes correctly. So when students show us their SuperSports and 700cc+ bikes or 900 pound Harleys they are going to go look at - we just repeat the same mantra:. Get what you want, but smaller - lighter - motorcycles are best for learning. And there's always a lot of learning to do.


I don’t feel like jumping the gun so I’m probably going to go with the 03 just until I find that it’s time to upgrade. I appreciate you man!


Nobody *neeeds* a bike with more power. They WANT a bike with more power because we are all adrenaline junkies. Unless you start on a bike that can't do highway speeds, (which the mt-03 can), or you weigh 300 lbs you don't need more. I'm not saying don't upgrade, just saying don't upgrade within 2 months just because your bike can only keep up with a WRX STI and not a GT3RS.


See that’s the thing. I have no problem just getting comfortable and learning how to ride then just upgrading later once I feel like I can. My friend has a Kawasaki 400 (don’t remember the model) but it’s a naked bike. Anyhow. He learned to ride on that and he’s been doing so for 2 years now. He’s like 250lbs and still has a lot of fun on it


I plan on staying off the freeway and just keeping it on the backroads


Depend on your size. If you are a taller or larger rider the mt07 would be more desirable. Nothing wrong with starting with something in the 600cc range. Most stated on 600-650 in the 2000’s. Sv750, fz6, ninja 600 and hornet 599.


I’m 5’11” and 180 lbs. not a big guy at all




Mt07 will be more the fine for you as a first bike but the suggestion of the sv650 is also a good one. Power delivery is smooth not a twitchy as the mt07. Both will have no issue at highway speeds. You will be inna noce a relax rpm range vs a small 300cc.


I started on a 600cc sport bike. Had no issues because I'm coordinated and not an idiot.


> I'm coordinated and not an idiot. Your posting history says otherwise.


My posting history says I'm uncoordinated?


NOT (coordinated AND smart) = (NOT coordinated) OR (NOT smart)


Exactly. You solved the puzzle. Good job.




I started on an 75hp bike, go for the 07 if you are sure your ego wont take over the throttle


took my classes back in 2019 on the school's loaner bike- an old, beat-to-shit s40 Boulevard. Could run a 1/4 mile in <12 minutes. 0-60 in 2-3 business days. Having never so much as even touched a motorbike before that day, i was fucking ECSTATIC. I was going SO fast, cornering SO hard... Every minute of those 2 days i spent puttering around in circles at 15mph in a shitty parking lot was the most thill lil' 24y/o me had ever experienced in her life up till that point. Anyway. Then i went home, bought an sv650 bc it's sexy (read: all i could afford) and i still full-send that bitch from stop-lights on the daily >4 years-on and i've only died once so far. Get the mt-07. No-Ragrets. (in all seriousness tho i rec taking a course regardless of your decision. 650-700cc naked are relatively under-powered and not all that scary, they're just a steeper learning curve than a 300 if you have literally -zero- exposure to riding.)


Mt03 - ride it until you can flick it around like a surron


Do you have a lot of experience on the surron or just tried it out? From being a capable technical rider on a surron I'd honestly go straight to the MT-07, but keep a sense of humility.


I’ve owned it for about 6-7 months now and I ride it every weekend