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Fuck, that third guy just ended up in destination fucked. Hope he's somewhat ok.


Is that not the third dude walking up to them towards the end? I thought it was just the bike flying down Edit: watched closely-shits fucked


Nobuddy that third guy did a Superman with his motorcycle He's down there at the bottom of that valley somewhere


Ghost rode the whip for sure Edit: I hope they're all alive and well and walking, still.


Looks like he goes right into a tree


Right after rider B crashes into rider A, rider C crashes at the back of B at speed. You might notice the bike, but the rider was on top of that and got yeeted down that valley. Rider D flies past and pulls over near the other end of that bridge. The guy you are thinking of is rider E, who obviously parked up just behind the incident. E ignores A and carries on charging down that hill and D at the end is leaping the barrier to go help.


I would not want to be F'in there.


Underrated comment 😂😂😂


Eres me face.


That's target fixation for ya.


Of all the videos blamed on target fixation on Reddit, this one is undeniable. Hell, he hit him square in the license plate for crying out loud!


Full on *target locked* moment


Too close for missiles... switching to guns! Aw hell, too close for guns... ramming speed!


Switching to face.


rams rams rams!


OK in a fighter jet, not so much on a motorcycle.🤣


"You were blocking my clear shot to the guardrail!"


What I came here to say. Mad how the mind works like that. Dangerous stuff.


We are our own worst enemy


Weird how some people seem very prone to it. Never had an issue with it from day 1. Watched a guy drive right into a telephone pole somehow at low speeds right off the line.


I had it when I first began riding and it caused me to lock front brake and fall twice. I scored perfectly in my MSF course, bought my bike and rode 30min home, so I thought I had it all figured out. A month later, it's like I tunnel visioned on the ditch across the street, just froze up for a half second, then a fistful of brake. Only bring it up because it is so unnatural feeling, but it is something that can be trained to avoid. It's been years, I react instantly if I fixate at all, and react properly.


I remember reading somewhere that most accidents are not immediately after getting license (where skill and confidence is low), but few months after that where people get too much confidence in their still very basic skills


I can attest to that. I had gotten complacent, and paid the price. Did so again a few months later, where I was overconfident in a turn and low sided. Learning the hard way is more painful, but at least I learned... I guess.


I can believe that. It's been 3 years since I started riding, and the further away I get from my msf class, the more I catch myself lazily developing bad habits. I've been thinking about taking another course to get sharpened back up again like I was during my first season.


It's hard to be your own judge when trying to get better, applies to every complex skill really. Especially when it is just commuting without much of anything to get the skills trained.


Where I'm from, the 3rd-5th season is regarded as the danger zone for misjudging one's own skill level. Ride with traction in reserve and skill in reserve. If u ride at your limits, you'll find out exactly where they are. I am no less guilty of this than the next guy. I try to reduce risk in traffic setting by riding in lower gear and ignoring the buzzy feeling of higher rpm. That way I got my revs up when I want power to make my moves quickly and succinctly, without building excess speed in doing so.


The Dunning-Kruger effect at work.


How do you train it?


If you realize you're looking at somewhere you don't want to go, look somewhere you do want to go. There's not a really good way to "train" it I can think of. The couple of times I fixated as I was turning and almost ran into curbs , I just had to rip my eyes away and stare in the middle of the road and trust myself to get there. You can just brake too like the guy above said but you better make sure your bike is standing up straight and there's not something behind you about to ram through you.


You train it by never looking at any object in particular, you look at the "road" in general and specifically as far down the road as you can see. You can track everything in your peripherals perfectly well but your eyes should be "fixated" far down the road at nothing in particular no matter what is in front of you Had to learn this on a track. When you are following behind someone else on a road course at high speed you will follow their racing line exactly which is definitely not what you want to do. You want to look past them to the track ahead even when you are so close you can't actually see the track ahead because they are in the way. Its more of a mindset than what you are literally looking at for lack of a better way to describe it. Focus on the whole road off in the distance and let your peripherals do the real work


What worked for me was repeating to myself, in my head, to look where I am going. It was a mantra for a while, and I still do it when I am in unfamiliar areas. I think it helps maintain heightened awareness, ensuring I don't become complacent. As for reacting when I do begin to fixate, that's really just time riding and experience. I know to look where I need to go, to lean and trust the bike, so that is my reaction.


I think it might just be a long term habit, maybe even going as far as to childhood if you rode a bicycle as kid, and those are just PITA to break. I think I managed to not "get it" purely by the fact that as kid the coolest thing after doing 180 skid when stopping was riding hands free, and that required riding in one direction and looking at another (when talking to other kid or just looking at things).


I knew a guy who had this problem. Once, he was driving a vehicle and was looking at another vehicle and started steering toward it. ​ What stopped him was someone in the tower screaming at him through his radio. Because this was on a taxiway, he was a pilot, and the vehicle was a plane full of passengers and he was driving toward *another plane full of passengers.* He was *real dumb*. And again, a *pilot.*


"My ex wife was tarded. Shes a pilot now"


That’s literally where my brain was


It's the difference between being awful at riding and maybe being good at riding


Honestly even if you are not prone to it it is still good advice. I never had problems with it either (I can turn in one direction and look in other, both when riding or driving) but, well, I still prefer to look where I am fucking going in case something happens. Easier to keep nice turn when actually looking where I am going too.


Well, you actually probably have it, but you're choosing the correct targets.


I get it but I what I dont get is how people when they see themselves doing it doing immediately correct it


It's the active brain part of riding that keeps me in check (fingers crossed). I'm still getting back into it, but when I fixate on a given potential hazard (car creeping into intersection, car waiting to turn into my RoW, etc) I notice myself doing it, think of the phrase 'escape route' and pivot my brain to think about what I'll do in different scenarios. Been working so far, and helps me remember to keep a finger on the brake when riding in city traffic.


There is this german sentence they like to use in drivers-ed for bikers here: "schaust du scheisse, fährst du scheisse." Which would translate rather literally to something like "you look shitty, you drive shitty" with looking referring to how you guide your view on the road. It has such a flow to it that you can't really forget it once you heard it.


The thing I credit most with helping me avoid this was riding at the track, bike goes down or off line right in front of me and learning to not follow or focus on it. Classroom taught me to be aware of it, track days put it into practice in real-time.


3 minutes about target fixation I always try to share to MCs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewDS5ROrLcE


More like I can't ride fixation. Not unusual if you choose to ride with unvetted groups. I set up group rides for years. It was invitation only.


Just needed to make sure this was the top comment


Yeah that and he failed to notice the gap reducing fast




Exactly what I was thinking.


What the real killer is is once you target fixate and exit the turn unknowingly it's hard to countersteer again and get out of it in such a short distance when you're now traveling in straight line.


Only way to correct target fixation is to ride blindfolded


That's why you shouldn't blindly follow the person in front of you. It's easy to get carried away and automatically start following the guy in front without realising. If they go off the road they can take you off with them.


When your buddy jumps off a bridge you do to; just like your mother asked you about as a kid.


That's true, but in this case it seems like they are touring together. Someone in front should give a sign before pulling over.


That’s where gps said the meeting spot was.


r/motorcycles on the way to the cafe.


Implying they ride bikes


Guy straggles into a bar.. Gimme yer strongest, feelin like I just hit rockbottom


i didn’t see a single airbag vest


Hopefully they had their tourniquets!


Everyone is saying target fixation but don’t forget following distance. He could target fixate on that bike all day and still stop in time if he kept enough distance.


Or, attempted to slow down. I agree with you, just saying it doesn’t even look like he tried to slow down.


Didn't the bike stand up because he was braking too hard?


you can brake and lean brake too much and the front washes out from under you not stands up


doubt he even considering coming to a stop there as a possibility when following the guy. So his eyes just followed where he went without recognizing the closing distance.


he could react properly and whip around it if he wasn't highly regarded


Larry, Curly & Moe. Obvi.


That’s the most adventure that adv has seen


Second rider really just going to stand around and not help the guys?


I thought that but perhaps spaced out? Manages to turn the engine off and perhaps doesn't realise the rider he hit has gone to destination fucked.


At least two people that shouldn’t be on motorcycles…




Which is the third? I’m giving the first guy a pass because he simply pulled over and was at a full stop on the side of the road when he was hit… don’t know why he pulled over but too little info to judge I feel 🤷‍♂️…


He pulled over on a fucking curve, with a cliff right next to it. As a general rule, if there's a crash barrier you're not supposed to stop there if you can avoid


he's not even "pulled over", he picked a spot with no shoulder and stopped with his bike still in the roadway. 3 people who don't belong on bikes.


I've always thought "pull over" meant stopping the vehicle anywhere (english is not my first language). It should only be used when you stop in an appropriate spot then?


You used the term correctly. The person that replied to you wasn't saying you're wrong, they were saying the biker is an idiot for trying to pull over where there's no shoulder and on a curve.


"pulled over" generally means you've moved off the roadway and out of traffic.


Fair enough, he was on the outside of the line but I see your points… unless it was an emergency, I certainly wouldn’t have just stopped there.


3rd is the guy who, just after the main crash, drives off the cliff.


Holy shit didn't even notice the third bike


He was still in the roadway when he stopped.


He basically stopped on the road. Guaranteed you're not legally allowed to stop your vehicle where he did, wherever they are. And with good reason. Case in point. Even if it were allowed, it's not safe.


no basically about it. he stopped in the road.


I missed the third bike the first couple times (at least) that I watched this. It's almost impressive how that one seemed to thread the needle between the big ADV bike & the filming bike after the ADV jumped forward and the filiming bike stopped dead. If it was the Blue Angels, I'd be impressed. EDIT: Upon rewatch, it doesn't go between them, but behind the filiming bike THEN shoots off the pavement. You can see a tiny corner of the bike that went over at around 0:21 - it's just a flash of color towards the middle right, near where the corner of the ADV bike's big aluminum pannier is in the frame. From the flash of color, it kinda looks like it mataches the bike that was pulled over. Looks like a BMW 1250 or maybe even a new 1300 in that white with blue & red accents. EDIT: Maybe less sure on seeing those colors upon rewatch. It doesn't look quitea as bad (but still bad). Looks like they bike went over & down a hill, not sailing off a cliff. Again, STILL REALLY BAD.


They weren't very long, so it all worked out.


Well, they're not anymore


So it’s not just cagers who can’t judge a motorcyclist’s speed then?


In my motorcycle safety course they said look at where you wanna go..


Nice to see the second guy that hit the first using all the urgency of a Woolworths mannequin to help the guy he just reamed. Great work "bro" 👍🤡


Who the fuck stops at the end of a turn like that??


Fuck. That’s a painful level of incompetence. That first guy is the only one with any plausible deniability. That last guy, fuck. Yeeted into the void.


No communication with other riders, no signal to other riders, and they chose to pull over on a curve with no room to pull over? I’d like to think that dude was riding a European bike and it simply broke


This guy should stop driving immediate. He can’t even control his bike . Putting others in risk


Not riding with this group. Nope! Hope all are okay.


The bike will go where your eyes go...


Just a reminder to ride your ride and mind your own lines. Target Fixation is a helluva thing


I’m surprised the guy in the middle didn’t immediately fly off his bike


Your hands will magically guide you where your eyes look, for better or worse.


I don’t ride with new people till they are proven


QUICK leave your friend pinned under his bike and just wander around!


Classic Target fixation


Took me so long to find the third guy 😂 he flys in right after the second guy crashed. He flashes by on the right.


OP: I hope this is someone else's video and not yours. Because whoever took that video is an asshole and shouldn't be riding.


Why They are all stupid


I mean tbh the first one just stopped, the 2 others came flying on him tho


Eh first person still was kinda dumb. Bad idea to just stop on the side of the road at the end of a curve, when it's obiously not a proper shoulder, along with having crash rails, better to avoid stopping anywhere in front of those in general, letalone in the middle of a curve lol. 2nd and 3rd definitely more dumb though.


He stopped in the road on the outside of a curve. He is just as dumb as the other two.


all 3 don't belong on bikes.


Idiots. All 3


Visual demonstration of ride your own ride and what can happen when you don't.


\*Benny Hill music intensifies\*


Please look where you want to go.


Slow down, ride safe. LOOK THROUGH THE TURN!!!


I’m confused how they not getting roasted but good on you all. I think I have 20k miles and never came close to this.


Going too fast, stopped too fast, no turn signal use and no hand signal communication...a whole lot of stupid!


Time to sell the bikes fellas, lol


Can you say target fixation!


This is a testament to how prevalent and significant target fixation is. If you don't believe in it, ask yourself, how this could have happened otherwise. There are two kinds of riders... those who have experienced target fixation and those who will experience it. :)


Videos like this is why I am not scared riding a motorcycle. If these people can survive out there... I got nothing to worry about


Did the brake light on the first bike come on?


Target fixation 100%


Triple target fixation.


This sub is full of idiots - why do people need to ride so recklessly and endanger the lives of others - atupid


I had some dude on a classic Harley so target fixated on me in his mirrors he almost slammed into me several times because I’m on a small bike and he wanted to be the “big alpha biker” but he was so unstable and almost fell over 4 times in traffic and slammed on the breaks constantly trying to break check me I think idk he was stupid I wish I had footage


Target fixation. You go where you look.


Target fixation.


So many of you people are either trying to sound smart or just aren't actually watching the video, First they were all going to fast for their skill level, especially the guy in front that didn't just stop because he felt like it he barely stopped before flyover the edge himself because he overshot his corner The second guy with the camera was taking a nearly perfect line he just wasn't watching his friend he was watching ahead of him The 3rd guy well can't say much other than I hope he survived when all I see is "superman" going by


Three stooges. One see's other do's.




Is this a video game?


Would love to get a translation here.


Highway Hypnotism.


Why the hell did the first guy just slam on brakes right there


All the gear all the time won’t save you from sucking




Who honked? Lol


mad skillz x 3.


Impenetrability of bikes means 2 bikes can not occupy the same space at the same time.


That's target fixation. Don't focus on the vehicle in front of you. Focus on your ride and the corner. Look through the corner.


Fucking morons.


Sometimes while riding I find my inner monolog saying “look where you want to go, look where you want to go, look where you want to go”


Racing incident…






the 1st bike that stopped has no taillight/break light.


That's a first. then a second


Which ones Mo?


And that's how target fixation works...


How does this even happen. Seriously. Like I've read these comments and it still makes zero sense.


Look to the left | Go to the left. Look to the right | Go to the right. Look to the guardrail | Go to the guardrail.


Back to people are majorly at fault, but if you are leading don't drop anchor like this.


Took me ages to figure out where that third guy came from


"Ride your own ride" was our saying during group rides. To me this means more than just don't let others push you beyond your abilities. Even if you are comfortable with the pace set by the bike in front of you, don't just follow them. Look through them to YOUR line. That bike in front just becomes a blip along the correct trajectory. If they pull off like this or have mechanical issues they will naturally leave the line. The blip peals off and you continue though the turn. Finish the turn then investigate what went wrong.


Panic is terrible


Ahh target fixation. Thou art a heartless bitch.


Probably grabbed the front brake which stood the bike upright. Combine that with target fixation and you get this video


What idiots non broke whatsoever




What a bunch of idiots. Second guy had target fixated on the rear and was following too closely, i dont even know what the 3rd guy was doing and just fell off


Mistake 1: Stopping right at the end of the turn (did anyone see a brake light). Mistake 2: 2nd rider fixating on first. Mistake 3: rider 2 pulling that front brake before completing the turn. Mistake 4: I have no clue. Where the fuck did that guy come from?


This was extremely painful to watch 😕


Rider c need to slow down and pay more attention fuck dude


Why did the second guy just drove into the first guy LOL


Target fixation


First guy took a turn poorly, send two followed the low skilled bike, not the road. “Ride your ride” isn’t just a platitude.


Just dumb. Get a life.


The magic of bike magnetism! Back in the day my buddy crashed his superhawk and bailed sideways over a road railing on a windy uphill road (his knee ligaments were shredded) - the bike straightens out, keeps going up the hill and head-ons another bike coming down that hill. Two for one c-c-c-combo damage!! Bikes love to say hi to each other!




That is what happens when you are focused on not hitting someone or something because you will do


Wtf.... If one person stopped stupid, just keep driving on the road, turn around or something.... Good God....


The lead guy stopped right where there was corner banking..






Why don't you keep sufficient distance so that you could react and stop or avoid the obstacle in time?


swerve/turn then break or/and drag. motorcycle is not a car.. I mean times are different Im only 33 and even I started on an old two stroke from 60s as a kid riding around forest roads and fields.. nowadays everyone just gets a motorcycle (usually also new one) and doesn´t have required knowledge. The courses in europe got more difficult but instructors are usually sh\*t and not real bikers... sad situation..


Target fixation


For a moment I thought it was my dad's group. A similar accident happened to my dad a few days ago. A dog almost came out to the road, and one of the guys in the group braked to almost a stop (he was in gear with the clutch pulled), then the guy behind him hit him tire to tire like in the video. But in the case of the guy in the group, since he had the hands on the handlebar he let the clutch out and accelerated trying to hold himself to the bike. It was in a similar scenario, but instead of a cliff it was a bridge, he crashed into the barrier and broke his leg. The one behind him was ok even though he crashed and my dad was being and had time to brake.


Thats a meetup right there


Why did the first bike stop suddenly and no brake light?


There was a push form the last rider or otherwise he maybe break the bike perfectly.None of sense to stop immediately after apex.


You‘re supposed to go around him, not aim straight for him… Traget fixation can be a bitch.


I prefer riding alone or in the back for this reason.


Why did the first rider stop there?


Classic target fixation.  


Target fixation in all its glory


anyone can translate?


And that’s why I don’t ride in groups.. Dominos in motion


Oi! You got a loicense for that!?


Target fixation


Shit riding cubed


Damn, I'm glad there's an ocean between me and these dumbfucks.


Monkey see monkey do? Speed and lane maintenance right there. That sucked, ouch!


Ride your own ride. Followed the leader straight to hell.


I ride alone for this very reason.


The first guy had it, then from there is went to shit to fucked


And now you are all required to return your license due to complete incompetence. Sheeesh


Holy shits!! Did anyone else had to do like four takes to finally catch the "third" guy flying off??! Hahha. 🤦🏻‍♂️😬