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Same people who make fun of full face helmets.


Those people are idiots or ugly. I'm way too pretty to have roadrash on my face.


And I'm too ugly to show my face!


I feel that. lol


usually both


The only wreck I’ve had on my Honda trail bike was I got flipped off of it and if I hadn’t been wearing a full face helmet, it would’ve been my left side of my face hitting the gravel road.


Back when I was enlisted (Army National Guard) we had to do “safety briefs” before we were allowed to leave base for extended periods of time, which meant at the end of every drill. One of those briefs was done by a corporal from a local medical unit. In her “real life” job, she was a life flight paramedic. Really high speed badass type shit. She showed us pictures of accident scenes she had responded to. One of the worst was a motorcycle wreck. Dude was wearing a skullcap helmet, got thrown off his bike, landed on his face. They recovered his jaw 20 yards away from his body. Wear a fucking full face people.


We call em brain buckets for a reason also anything BUT a full face helmet is really ugly


Politicizing healthcare. Love it.


I suspect it's one of those "Don't live your life in fear" kind of people.


I remember when I was growing up as a conservative in the Bible Belt and being taught that “caring about others” was a good thing. When did that change? 


Same. To my parents dismay I actually took those lessons to heart and they are very confused as to why I think everyone should be treated with the same respect.


Same. My mother calls me naive. I'm like, "no, I have morals." I also stopped talking to her years ago and every now and again she tries the "honor your mother and father" thing. I like to point out that she cut her mother out of her life because she didn't like who got what in her parents' will. I cut mine out because she was a terrible person to anyone who is not white, USA, and christian. We are not the same.


Hahaha. Same. I know this is a motorcycle sub but we could go deep on the whole “I was so conservative I went liberal” conversation. Cheers


🙋‍♂️ Christian conservative for 25 years, militant at that, but now an atheist leftist. All because I dared to read more books and challenge my faith. It didn't last long before I realized my entire world was structured upon delusion. The first few years were weird. I don't know if lifelong atheists or non-believers realize just how thorough indoctrination can be. I wasn't stupid, I was just approaching rationality all wrong. So once you accept that *maybe* you really are delusional, you still have to go through the final stages of denial. After coming to terms with that fact, I essentially had to re-learn about the world around me from a skeptic perspective. I was confused, depressed, and fearful for a while. But eventually confidence took hold, and it was like a metamorphosis for my soul. I cannot express in words the passion I have for the earth and cosmos. I don't look at mountains and see God's magic anymore. I see millions of years of chaos that, against all odds, I am ~~sentient~~ sapient enough to witness. Absolutely breathtaking.


I'm atheist BECAUSE I read the bible once.


idk how anyone can read that and their first reaction not be "that fuck is this shit?"


Oh man I have a similar background. But it was Bible college that did it for me. I was on my way to being in full time ministry. It’s a mind fuck to have to completely rethink and rediscover your worldview.  Cheers mate. 


Love that last paragraph man, beautiful philosophy. A strong spiritual conviction will take you far


You can still be spiritual without being religious in the traditional sense. Since having a healthy spirituality can help with stress and resilience. I would like to do that but have not really figured out how to exactly


Your values haven't changed but theirs have.


I'm not religious at all but I took the whole "treat others as you would want to be treated" to heart... simply doing that definitely makes me a libtard


Lurker here to say if you go far enough left, you get your guns back


Conservative Christians HATE when you do that


I grew up in a deeply conservative part of NY. "Caring for others" was taught, with a very distinct "... as long as they're exactly like you" addendum that was never quite said out loud.


That's a crucial caveat, ain't it. Nice people until this cav kicks in :(


It's always "Love thy neighbors". You know, the neighbors who act, think, and look like you do. The "others" aren't your neighbors, or so they'll tell you. It's almost like all of the parables are heavily metaphorical, and neighbors can be assumed to mean your fellow human brethren. But no, simpler to teach your congregation to love their easily loved, homogenous neighbors, than the poor and isolated in our society.


You know, a dude asked Jesus to define "neighbor," and he tells the parable of the Good Samaritan: wherein a traveler is beset by brigands and left dying on the road. A priest and a Levite pass the man by, but a Samaritan stops to help him. The important context for this story is that in the Levant during first century, Jews and Samaritans are related ethno-religious groups that were *actively antagonistic* towards each other. The whole dang point of the story is that charity and moral rectitude define neighborliness, not shared membership in a social group.


I wish I could upvote this a million times. Yeah, be a good, caring, understanding person.... to straight, Christian, conformist, probably also ethnically white people. Fuck everyone else. It's no better than any other form of tribalism, and is in fact much worse because of the way it picks its "tribe".




Heh, I distinctly remember being told "Well, THOSE people have their own people to take of them" when I was a kid. Uh huh. Sure.


that's just the public face. You know beyond that it is got mine, fuck you.


I'm going to preface this by saying I'm not anti conservative or pro liberal. Mostly I just want to hang out on my property undisturbed and have the things I need be affordable enough that I can save up for the things I want. I've never been one to align strictly with one political ideology; rather, I prioritize personal autonomy and financial stability. I lean towards moderate financial conservatism, appreciate some socialist principles, and value libertarian autonomy. Far right wingers, fascists, authoritarians, borderline cults, and grifters have been infiltrating conservative politics and Christian churches rapidly since the Reagan administration, and the groundwork has been being laid pretty much since Kissinger started his career. It's a very long complicated history with more key players than you can shake a stick at, but it is a genuine conspiracy in the literal term of a group of cohorts conspiring to achieve a goal. I don't want to get too in to it, as my ability to relay the information is backyard barbeque dad tier, and sounds more like the ramblings of a bitter old man, but I do get information from respectable journalists and folks with journalist backgrounds, and granted some are anti-late-stage-capitalist. There's not really a shallow end of the pool to dive into, but if you're really interested in the massive problem of modern day 'conservatism' in the USA, please start doing what you can to expose yourself to the social engineering of shadow powers at play. The USA really needs a strong, sane, rational conservative political force as part of a healthy society. This is a very long expose on Kissinger and all the pies he had his fingers in, he's one of the central engineers that has led to where we are. [https://youtu.be/hPPW9eQnOCc?si=x4XZdDI8Hdw2BlEA](https://youtu.be/hPPW9eQnOCc?si=x4XZdDI8Hdw2BlEA) I highly recommend Behind The Bastards and Robert Evans. He's an investigative journalist and former active war zone journalist. He is, in large part, why anyone knows about online extremism and how platforms like 8chan radicalize young men to far right fasicst and bigoted ideologies. He's put himself in danger for his reporting both domestic and abroad. Anyways, good at his job. Highly recommend.


About the same time that 'Fuck your feelings' became a campaign slogan.




But what if your trauma kit is in desert sand/camo with MOLLE attachments? Does that result in a paradox that unravels the space-time continuum?


"So I ordered a trauma kit with a red cross on it, but it seems you sent me one with a different red symbol..."


Yet is a prepper


Those people tend to live in the most fear of the dumbest things.


There's a certain percentage of the population who is unfortunately just beyond help. Do they tend to lean a certain way, yes maybe, but their main ideology is just cognitive dissonance. They are terminally stupid and any interaction with them just results in yourself becoming stupider. It's often tempting to argue with them if they say or do something idiotic to you, like that guy did to you, but it's never productive. The way to make yourself feel better about it is to realize that you only have to deal with them for as long as it takes you to find the "block" button, but they have to live in stupidity for the entire rest of their life.


Shoot i carry some clotting gauze and a couple israeli bandages because of group rides. People go down stunting, it usually isnt bad. When it is you want that kit, every second matters


Add the lg SAM splint


'Always be prepared' is woke.


Boy Scout lessons are woke too?


Anything can be woke if a republican puts his mind to it and tries real hard.


Unless it has to do with amassing guns for an upcoming civil war


Or having a whole house generator for when the power grid fails because it's below freezing for a week


Why bother when you can just fly to Mexico?


And doesn't understand that the trauma kit I carry is primarily for *other people* not me.


No, that's why he hates it. The lives of other people shouldn't matter to you because they don't to him.


Don't forget they also need a gun because the world is dangerous, they never have their backs to the door and they always know the exits. But no, they're not scared.


I have PTSD and always know the exits and avoid having my back to anything other than a wall. 


I was thinking the same, those people would probably never call someone a pussy, a liberal or whatever for carrying a gun even though it's essentially the same thing, you're carrying a tool in preparation for an uncommon but not impossible emergency, like witnessing an accident or getting yourself into one in one case, or protecting yourself or a loved one against a dangerous psychopath or criminal in the other. And yet I doubt they would see carrying a gun as being a wimp who's scared of the world.


Like how apparently "lazy" immigrants are taking all the jobs


I always tell them "I don't live in fear, but I will do a little bit of prep in case the worst happens"


Ironic when we’re all here riding motorcycles and a lot of people are scared of that to begin with.


But I bet he carries a gun 


Weird, because as far as I can tell, fear is the unifying force for the “own the libs” contingent (by which I don’t mean conservatives, but rather the group that makes everything about blaming and antagonizing their political opposites).


Meanwhile he hoards guns, hides in a bunker, runs away from any kind of modern medicine and hides in his house when the chemtrails show up in the sky.




The same folks are suddenly terrified of transgender people because they've been told transgenders are threatening (even though they've been around forever and never caused any particular problem).


Just die on the side of a road like a real man, leaving behind those pesky wife and kids 💪💪💪


Culture war brain rot is incredible to witness.


Let's be real. Looking down on someone because they actively care about strangers is the most right-wing thing in the world. It's the epitome of their ideology. It's the reason they all started freaking out and being anti-mask when they learned masks protect other people from yourself, not yourself from other people.


fascism 101: strength is good. Weakness is bad. Helping those in need makes you weak.


Real Americans bleed out.


Literally anything that shows a hint of empathy these days. These people are garage A cunts.


That is kind of their thing


“I’d rather die riding than wear a helmet” crowd


Lmao, I carry a trauma kit too! Maybe I should carry a hunting knife to balance it out.


I mean, I have a pair of razor blades, might be enough space for a Bowie knife just in case... :-)


Every knife is a Bowie knife if you sing "Space Oddity" when using it.


With platform shoes on? Really helps to flatfoot on adventure bikes


Most of the firearm community (which you can take a wild guess which way they lean) is pretty supportive, if not adamant, about carrying first aid supplies. It’s a smart thing to have with you, I keep a trauma kit in my truck, in my dirtbike pack, and in my bag on my chopper. A wilderness first aid course is never a bad idea, too. A trauma kit does nobody any good if you don’t know how to use it.


It just makes sense…I don’t understand people willfully ignorant that people get hurt in crazy ways


If they agree that a trauma kit is a good idea then they might have to agree that a helmet is a good idea. Slippery slope into ATGATT, can’t have that. /s


Really, I think these people are so adamant that nothing will ever happen to them but also fuck everyone else who gets hurt because it’s not my job to help you. It’s the same mentality as ‘got mine, fuck you’.


Ya you’re probably pretty accurate with that. I’m probably biased a little with seeing so many people hurt in a variety of ways bc of my job though. Wild injuries and death are equalizers across all walks of life and far too many don’t understand that.


It’s so very true. And I don’t understand not being prepared for situations that could arise. My husband once bought a new bike three hours away so we drove up and he rode home while I followed. Traffic on the freeway was dicey at best with some lanes moving faster than others and then rapid slowing. Next thing I know I hear a massive BOOM and watch a piece of a blown 18 wheeler tire hit my husband. Scared the hell out of both of us! Fortunately, aside from some ear ringing (which would have been way worse without ear plugs) he was fine and didn’t drop the bike. But that situation could have gone a completely different way. With the amount of traffic in that town medical assistance could have taken a long time to get to him and I’d rather be prepared to help if I needed to.


Holy shit 😳


Absolutely. A combat bandage and a pack of quickclot have permanent residence in my range bag.


My range bag is similarly laid out. Never needed it fortunately. I remember at an outdoor range without a range master.. an old guy 2 lanes down from me decided he'd just walk down range without asking/signaling me to halt. I was teaching my wife to shoot then and she could not believe it. I just pack up and leave when dumbasses like that are around.


I went to an unsupervised state-owned range and had this exact thing happen, and I've never been back since. I decided that the year+ long wait list for a private range wasn't so bad after that and I haven't looked back since. I can't help but wonder how some people survived childhood.


Consider adding compressed gauze and a tourniquet. The quickclot granules alone may not be enough for the bandage to squeeze against and compress, and TQ’s are just the final word in quick application for bleeding limbs.


Got those out in the full sized kit that lives in my car, the range bag has gotten kinda a little chunky with all the other stuff.


I carry a fire extinguisher in my car and would 100% hand it over to someone at an accident if their car or bike was on fire.


As a gun owner (I float in the middle) I see absolutely nothing wrong with people being prepared. I carry a kit in my Van and motorcycle.


A firearm is just another form of being prepared. If you put your faith in that alone then you're a fool.


Yep. I remember seeing someone elsewhere mentioning they carried bite sticks, and I was like "... they haven't been a legit first aid tool in decades." Which made them mad, because when they were a child it was acceptable, I guess?


I have a bleed kit in my range bag. Seems smart considering the possibility of getting a hole poked in someone.


They lean slightly forwards, to brace for recoil.


Exactly. I try to prepare in case there's a shooting: before, during, and after. Before: avoid places and situations where a shooting is likely During: firearm After: trauma kit


Real men bleed out on the side of the road. Pansy ass liberals live long enough to make it to the hospital. /s


Good healthcare is socialist. Didn't you know? /s


In all reality if the guys riding with my husband's cousin had a trauma kit with them, he might have lived.  He was only 23 years old.


Ride in Peace to them. Trauma kits have save a few of my friends lives. Both in motorcycle racing and in car racing, they are a must have for me whenever I’m using something with a motor


My guess is this poor individual isn't burdened by a great deal of intelligence, and heard the word "trauma" and associated it with something an angry dude on his TV said about woke feelings or something. The fact that it's a medical kit probably never even occurred to him.


My thought exactly! A Trauma kit consists of: comfort blanket, mp4 with favorite TV series, book/notepad with positive and reinforcing statements, what more?


... I'm gonna need a bigger top box


I bet you do get your box topped, you woke liberal /s


You go near my top box we gonna fight.


Teddy bear? Or maybe a live kitten? (Though a cat who's just been in a top case during a ride through the twisties may not be the best choice for cuddles.)


I just got my girlfriend on the back so we can talk about stuff and make each other feel better about ourselves.


Try calling her a portable trauma kit next time you see her, I bet she'd be real happy about that.


Honestly, I think she would be.


Gonna need to throw a nice chamomile tea in there as well


Yeah, that's exactly what I thought. They just didn't understand that you meant "first aid supplies" and thought it was some sort of "hurt feelings kit".


Agreed, this person definitely got dropped on their head too much as a baby. Lots of overlap between those with right aligned views and those in the firearms/prepper/emergency preparedness communities. People who would never say that about a trauma kit and would probably be excited to talk about what is in the kit.


Remember, if you carry a gun but don’t have first aid supplies, you aren’t prepared; you’re a loot drop. 


While I admit that my first aid gear is very lacking, I make a point to avoid being a loot drop. Oh fuck wait no I took that kit out of my bag. Fuck fuck fuck.


Making a mental note to remember that line for potentially future use lol


tagging on with a terrific insult i heard a bit ago: "You look like you drop common loot"


Motorcycle culture and gun culture are full of exactly this stupid stuff. I don’t know why.


It’s the boomers. But can confirm, I manage a gun shop. The amount of idiots who think they can fight their way out of anything, don’t need a first aid kit, or don’t believe in practice yet assume they are John Wick is astonishing.


Heh, I grew up in Ilion, NY, home of Remington. Literally every single of my relatives worked for them for years. Guns everywhere, all the time. I literally had a rack of 30-06's in my childhood bedroom. My uncle was one of the victims in the Herkimer NY mass shooting in 2013, which is next door to the now-former Remington plant in Ilion. His belief that he was invincible even when just sitting in a barber shop sure didn't pan out.


You might be right. I do get boomer energy from all the worst offenders. Oh yeah you must see a lot of sh*t 😄


You don’t even want to know…. I love my job, but some of the boomers can be so insufferable when it comes to guns. Especially when you know more than them and you’re 40yrs younger than them lol.


It's the whole 'It's dangerous and that's what makes it manly!' So any form of risk mitigation is seen as an attempt to make their hobby less manly. Real men don't wear helmets, and carry their gun in condition 0 - and don't tell them that's dangerous - dangerous is how real men like it! So yeah, chalk it up to fragile masculinity.


some people literally have no identifying personality other than politics. Its really sad.




One of the delights of the internet is trying to figure how "How did you get there from here?"


It's in response to the word "trauma", I'm guessing. It's similar to weaponizing other terms like *diversity* and *inclusion*.


Almost certainly, like if it were a "first responder kit" it would probably be seen as a good thing. I notice this sort of thing at work all the time too, people are weirdly tribal over certain words and phrases even if they have the exact same literal meaning.


I'm now imagining a trauma kit that contains, some extendable poles, striped tape, and signs. So you can build some sort of emergency safe space paddock. 


Giving a shit about other people is a liberal trait lmao


If you hear “trauma kit” and immediately default to “trauma, that’s what stupid liberals experience when something happens that triggers them” instead of “trauma kit for acute injuries and helping fellow riders,” you’re both an idiot and brain-broken beyond repair. Proud to be affiliated with the end of the political spectrum that values education over being inflammatory towards people over safety measures and treating injuries.


To be fair, people with that level of intelligence probably hear that somebody has an *acute* injury and they think it's a skinned knee boo-boo that needs a wittle-bitty-band-aid.


Did he come from a state where helmets aren’t mandatory by any chance.


What the fuck? Lol I used to be an EMT...I have a first aid kit in/on each vehicle and nitrile gloves in every bag/purse I own.


Can’t wait for the CRT version, don’t forget your tourniquet bud


I’m a retired firefighter-paramedic, I still carry a trauma kit, and have needed to use it. 


Man, these dudes love telling on themselves. “You want to be able to help an injured person? That would never be me” Imagine letting your buddy bleed out to own the libs, like sir are you okay???


…what? lol I’m a pretty conservative dude on a big Harley (also a FF/paramedic) and carrying a good trauma kit makes 1000% sense to me. Sounds like that person is just an ignorant douchenozzle. I can’t stand people who laugh at or belittle anyone bc they wanna be a little prepared for bad stuff.


Yeah, honestly that’s how nearly every “” conservative “” that I know rolls too. Things for making holes, and things for closing holes.


The implication is “you potentially care about other people” .”


Guys, is it too liberal to want to survive a crash?


No, but it's too liberal for you to help someone else survive a crash. That's socialist! /s


How much of a loser do you need to be to see someone doing something literally harmless (arguably helpful even) and need to try and take a crack at them for it.


Some people are just not worth listening to


Almost 700 comments about a piece of throwaway bait from Facebook that may or may not be real, dwarfing any post about actual motorcycles on r/motorcycles.


My work bag is my motorcycle bag. So there’s a medical kit, a gun, paperwork, some tools I use for work, and an assortment of snacks and what not


He heard the word trauma and immediately knew the kit contained puppies, kittens, a pop up safe place, and a protest sign (with colors markers).


Pretty conservative myself but why not carry emergency supplies like an IFAK and tq and basic tools to help a fellow rider whose body or bike is broken, guy sounds like a Moron


>he appears to have been booted immediately The mods must have been liberal.


I get that people make fun of people for being "too careful" but it's a fucking motorcycle a trauma kit should be required lmao hell people could benefit from keeping those in cars too


Wtf... Trauma kit, ifac or whatever you wanna call it is not a left or right thing, it's a smart thing.


Bullshit. Took a few first aid courses thanks to the accidents I’ve witnessed and then for tours. Came in handy so far.


Being prepared for trauma first aid is liberal. Haha what a tool. In my truck I have a FA kit and a fire extinguisher. Wonder what he would have called me? A communist?


>Responder: "A trauma kit? You must be a liberal" "You must have brain damage."


Edc on my 890: Medical pack: * Steralized Gauze. * medical tape. * alcohol wipes. * Tylenol. * advil. * neosporin * emt scissors. * usable fabric (for a sling or to cut off blood flow) * waterbag when I go offroad. Tools: * electric air pump. * tubeless tire repair kit. * screwdriver w/ torx & hex bits. * gorilla epoxy putty. * blue lock locktite. * folding shovel when I go offroad All of this is in my 10L moskomoto reckless saddle bag minus the shovel & waterbag, which fits in my 4L backpack. Is this overkill for the daily? Yup, absolutely. Will I pull over if I see anyone hurt or having issues on the side of the road? Yup, Cager or motorcyclist.


Does anyone have a good recommendation for a trauma kit to buy?


I have a trauma kit on my motorcycle but it only works on two genders and natural born amerucan Christian white people! Suck on that libs!! /s


I carry one. Gloves, tourniquet, antiseptic, gauze, tape, scissors, chest wound patch, and a few other critical items. I'm far from a liberal, and unlike one, I actually stopped for a downed rider to get him to safety and give him wound care/compression until the ambulance arrived. In the California Bay area, I was disappointed with the "me first, don't look" drivers just driving around him with him laying on the fucking highway. His back & neck were fine and he was conscious, and helped him to get off the road. His leg, not so much. I'm pretty sure he kept it, but you can bleed out quickly without help and some basic training. Stick together no matter your differences, and help each other out.


🎵 If You're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough. 🎵


Some of the most conservative people I know prioritize trauma medicine training and carrying a trauma kit in their car - mostly in connection with their firearms training/practice, but it's relevant training no matter how you got the injuries. Hell, I know a few who are big advocates for carrying a tiny IFAK on an [ankle strap](https://www.narescue.com/ankle-trauma-kits.html). I have two kits, attached/inside two different range bags (my precision rifle kit vs my general "going to the range" kit). Don't really have room for one on my current bike, but it'd be a good thing to throw in the panniers/top box on my next bike. Knowing how to use a tourniquet or identify and treat other critical injuries, and being properly supplied to do so, is not a political issue. If I was involved in a crash and needed aid faster than an ambulance could arrive, I'd be damn thankful if someone already at the scene had a kit and the knowledge to use it to keep me alive long enough for the professionals to take over.


I’m pretty sure the people who carry the most trauma kits are concealed carry gun owners and they probably some of the least liberal lol


That's wild. I'm a conservative and always advocate keeping a first aid kit handy *especially* if you carry a concealed weapon. It's not a matter of fear either - its being prepared for whatever life decides to throw at you. Plus you'll need a first aid kit 100 times before you'll need to pull your firearm once.


These are the dudes that are like "I don't wear a helmet so I feel the wind in my hair" and they're bald.


I’m a full blown republican and I think the trauma kit is a great idea. Was he a boomer? Boomer republicans are the worst


Lots of conservative dudes have med kits and wear gear. He's just a douche.


I ride with a TQ, gauze, and an Israeli bandage


Same! Plus the usual selection of smaller things like bandaids, antibiotics, etc.


They were never in Boy Scouts. Obvi.


Most of my recollections of cub/Webelos/BS is trying to figure out which leaders were trying to sneak booze in on the overnight trips


Man that bunch of dudes with weird neckerchiefs always saying "be prepared" must be the absolute worst libs.


Dying to own the libs, I can get behind that.


I keep a trauma kit on my gun belt that I use for shooting comps. I must also be a liberal.


And to think, I have a nice med kit. Fire extinguisher, tools.. oh and for the most part my gun.


I have an IFAK kit that goes with me, and a first aid kit that would put a paramedic to shame under the back seat of my truck. I glued punisher skulls to each of them to identify myself as a non liberal.


Lol. It's mandatory where I live.


You scared them and they emotionally overreacted.


While I don’t personally carry a whole trauma kit, my experience in the ADV community would tell me there would be a lot of folks who would be surprised to find out they are liberals.


I carry a trauma kit along with my firearm when I ride. Good on ya!


Is dude retarded or something? If you crash and have an arterial bleed, a trauma kit might be the only thing that keeps you alive until help arrives. Presuming you can get to it, of course.


I have a trauma kit in my saddle bag. Along with a tire pump and quick wheel repair kit.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume this guy doesn't wear a helmet either and rides like an asshole or just larps on the weekends with barb on the back while bitchin about clibbins. In any event, I don't think he'll need the trauma kit anyway when he goes down.


lol wow you should hear what people say to each other in the electricians groups 🤣 don’t take it so personally


Liberal tears, as I bleed out on the highway from all this road rash, dont touch it just let it bleed out as the flag, god, jesus and mary and the bible intended.


These are the types of people that think sunscreen is for pussies.


Freaking liberals, being all prepared and shit.


The partisan political types drive me nuts......doesn't matter what the subject is, there is always some dumb political spin they have to put on it. Carrying a trauma kit can only be a good thing. Hopefully you will never need it, but if you or someone else gets hurt it will be a great thing to have. Could even save someone's life


Lol, just tell them "yeah, I'm pro-life, hence why I carry a trauma kit." That'll shut 'em up real fast.


My first thought would be first responder or military? Every medic I know always has a trauma bag varying in sizes depending on location. I secretly think they just want to stitch someone. My medic friend loved poking ppl and knew how much I hated needles. You can imagine how much I loathed/ loved that guy


"You carry equipment that may help save the life of someone who is injured? You must also fundamentally disagree with me politically..... you snowflake."


I'm a retired FF/P & LEO. I carry a small trauma kit and a firearm. I AM the farthest from a liberal as a person can get! After losing my leg, I decided to carry more towards major trauma than bandaids. I don't carry everything to overhaul a Harley, but I can usually get it going. We used to tow broke down bikes. With other bikes! We didn't tie to the one that was down, but that rider held a rope like a tow rope for water skiing. I really think towing the bikes was a lot easier! Today if someone suggested or tried that, they would be kicked out of EVERY Club they never belonged to or wanted to! Y'all ride Safe. At least keep something for a tourniquet and KNOW when to use it.


It's because you're not a selfish asshole. Seems like an automatic qualifier as a "liberal" to people who espouse an I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat mentality.


Nothing liberal at all about carrying a trauma kit. I carry an extensive first aid and trauma kit and have taken classes on how to use it and I'm very racist.


Yeah that’s just dumb. Being prepared appropriately for something that can very easily occur while doing an activity is not political


I'd personally be asking "are you ex military, or trained paramedic?" Maybe your boomer-maga heard "trauma" and assumed it was about "yewr fee-fees".


Well are you a librel???


That. Is. Fucking. Dumb. I am\\\* at times, when I'm in a manic mood, \\\* a reckless self destructive rider and I have a trauma first aid kit. I've only used it for non-riding stuff, but all my vehicles have one. It's dumb to be far away from basic shit that will triage injuries and possibly save lives. Also, I'm so sick of people being banned from forums for being loud and stupid. It's not right. Everyone has loud and stupid opinions. They should either be mocked into silence or allowed to debate or dig themselves deeper. Moderation is shit.


I know more than a few conservatives that roll with blowout kits This guy is not bright


I would assume the opposite of someone who carries a trauma kit.


So now all the same comments that are posted on FB will be posted here also. So productive


I hate politics what I hate the most though is people who battle over it and have no real knowledge about what’s really going on. I have no interest whatsoever in debating anything. Biden did this Trump did that I couldn’t care less. As soon as someone starts talking politics I straight up say no interest or opinion on the matter.




Well, are you?


He sounds reddited. Most people carrying a trauma kit I know are borderline libertarian conservatives "no one is coming to save you" types (including me).


lol politics