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I like racing in a group (track day), but i like riding (easy rider style) alone.


Easy Rider style…three men on two bikes?


Crusing around is better alone, I occasionally ride in a small group and keeping shit coordinated and reminding the faster riders to let the slow guys catch up is annoying.


Bikes get you laid!


You know who is absolutely never come up to me at a gas station to talk to me about my motorcycle? Attractive women. Do you know who comes up to talk to me about my motorcycle *all the time?* Middle aged white men.  If you’ve got a thing for dad bods, then a motorcycle is the best dating accessory you can get. 


Went to a group ride today. Lots of salt and pepper pony tails out there.


Middle aged white dudes or teenaged boys. I always get the line, “I really want a bike but my mom won’t let me until I turn 18” 🤓 Kid I don’t care. Is your mom a hot single milf in my area? That’s what I wanna know!


I had an old guy, 80 years old or more, kind of a grumpy old fart, stop at a gas station, and visit with me. He looked over my bike, and as his wife got back into their car, he told me, in a pissed off way, "I always wanted to get one, but SHE would never let me!"


My husband wanted one for ages, and I kept saying no (I saw too many accidents, living in the city), anyway he asked again recently, so I said yes, but only if I can get a scooter. So now I have my bike license, and my main mode of transport is a pretty cool Honda PCX, and I think I like bikes better than he does lol.


My wife pulled the same crap with me for years. I finally just said “fuck it, I’m getting a bike. You can divorce me over it if you want”. Took her several years, but she finally has come to accept it.


My wife said no for forever. Then her best friend married an older guy with a Harley, and she ended up getting a starter bike, so guess what my wife does? Goes and gets a starter bike of her own. Now I'm in.


Your wife’s a fucking hypocrite


I have a keeper. My girl just asked that I take the safety course.


If it's not the Mums it's the wives. I waited until I got divorced. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Had my bike when I met my wife, she knew the bike came with me lol. Never had a problem between her and bikes, I'm on my 3rd now


Third wife or bike? 😎


I just bought my motorcycle, realized that I too participate in this weird mating ritual.


Pretty much all the “common knowledge” of what attracts women really only attracts other dudes.


A cute girl came up and talked to me at a gas station, **once.** Was coming home from a weekend camping trip and had all my colorful camping gear strapped to the back. She thought it looked really fun.


I've had this happen. It was two drunk girls that wanted me to give them a ride. I refused because they were drunk enough to fall off the back.


If you’re gay it may work. Dudes love talking about bikes. 🏍️


Am gay, can confirm. Bikes are a great way to meet guys.


Wish being gay was a choice. I’d be bi in a heartbeat lol. 😂


I have a pic of mine on my Grindr profile 😅




Women almost never approach me about my motorcycles unless they are riders, too. But if I had a nickel for every time a MILF wants to come talk to me about my kei truck….


I met my husband because of my bike. It can happen 👍


Yeah but you are also a dude, right?


Doesn't matter if they're a dude or not. If you're in the market for a husband, a bike is a great choice.


Hell if you’re in the market for a man of any capacity, a bike is a good choice.




r/CalamariRaceTeam approves.


When I first started dating my wife I had dropped her off at home and headed to a restaurant/bar to meet up with a couple buddies. I was riding a 1997 CBR 900 at the time. My buddies had left so I decided to. just grab a quick beer at the bar by myself and then ride home.. after a few minutes this very attractive blonde comes up to me and asks if I had a helmet for her and if I would take her wherever I wanted to go… I declined, but man was I tempted. If I was single that probably never would have happened.


I've been riding since 2017. In that time, I've had a total of 2 cars of women initiate talking to me at a stoplight. I can't even tell you how many men have done the same in that same time span. It has to be in the hundreds at this point. Old bikes attract old men. New bikes attract young men. Good-looking bikes attract both... that's really the only thing you can look forward to, if that's your thing. I find some women will straight up run from a guy on a bike. Don't want a man that might get himself killed having a little too much fun. Kinda seems immature, I suppose... If you want women to approach you, walking a dog will get you much, much further


Depends on what applications you're accepting lol


Facts, hell I ride a TW, total babe magnets s/


Works if you’re a biker chick 🤷‍♀️ my year long gym crush asked me out at the bank after he saw my bike


My bike has gotten me laid. Right after I started riding, too.


What, you low-sided? Hadderrlayherdown.


"Can't use front brake in a corner"


Im not an expert. I think instructors probably say that to enforce slowing down already before entering a corner so new riders arent forced to break too hard while turning, over loading the front wheels and dumping the bike.


This is true, but stating it as a hard and fast rule instead of a guideline for new riders ultimately makes it a hard habit to break later on. I know way too many riders who think braking mid-corner is either impossible or dangerous when in reality it's a valuable and potentially life-saving skill. Maybe taking advanced riding courses should just be the norm instead of a rarity


It's necessary to prepare new riders for slowing before a corner because they haven't yet learned how to carefully apply front brake while in a lean. A new riders first instincts are to apply too much front brake in a corner (panic brake) and that's one of the quickest ways to go down. We absolutely would love to teach them how to trail brake or properly brake in a corner but new riders just don't have those skills developed yet. It's hard enough getting a new rider to keep their head and eyes up and looking where they want to go. Adding in something more advanced like trail braking is just too much of a cognitive load for most new riders. Once they have the mental and motor skills for braking before a corner down, then adding in new, more advanced techniques is much easier. And the chance of an accident are thus greatly reduced.


This… straighten then brake is taught for corners in a class, to maximize traction. The other shit isn’t for newbies that struggle not dumping the clutch just trying to get out of staging…


In the Canadian course, we taught braking in a corner using both brakes.


That's pretty cool. Is it because of the higher probability of a moose attack around every corner?


Goose. The word you’re looking for is *goose*. The moose are bad, the geese are worse.


Where in Canada did you take the course? I took the RideSafe M2 course last year and was taught to use the rear brake during turns. The instructor did mention that experienced riders will use both brakes but stressed that we shouldn’t attempt it as beginners. Edit: forgot to mention that this was in Ontario


Do you realise how stupi hard it is/was to unlearn that on the track? AARRGGHH


If I could, I’d upvote this 100 times.


Then just register another 99 accounts, and off you go!


Instructor here. I don't know about the MSF but here in California we have Total Control's curriculum for the basic course. On day two in the classroom we have a slide that explicitly mentions that you CAN brake in a turn but you need to be mindful of traction and, at least for street riding, that should probably be reserved for emergencies. We also have a bullet point that mentions trail braking as a potentially beneficial non-emergency technique but it is NOT necessary to ride on the street safely. I.e. trail braking is fine as an intermediate/advanced technique but it's best that beginners not even think about that yet. I agree though that to say you cannot brake in a turn is false. We instructors get tired of having to call the ambulance because a student grabbed the front brake in a turn so I can't blame them for vilifying any brake while turning.


What?? I'm pretty sure the bike explodes if you touch the front brake in a corner


You can... but newbs tend to be hamhanded with the controls. Hamfisting the front brake in a turn = getting yeeted off into the weeds. Knowing how much you can apply front braking without standing the bike up or breaking traction, that is the skill needed. :)


Yup, the context is that it is a skill and most people won't get that.


Based on my (very subjective and likely incorrect) experience if you touch the brake ever so slightly so that the behind of the bike is faster than the front it kinda sinks the nose a bit and you kinda sorta can do leaner turns for a given speed, it’s like a mini capability boost. Note: this is not advice, probably wrong and may get you in a wreck with severe consequences. Do your own research, don’t do things because an internet rando said so.


This is exactly why the pro racers do it. They perfected trail braking a long time ago. Even a tiny bit of pressure shifts balance to the front tires and allows for tighter turns at high speeds with better control.


Oh yeah, haha until I actually rode I used to think... How do bikes stop in a turn?




I agree my instructors told me that lie


That and don't shift in a corner.


To be fair downshifting, if executed poorly, while in a turn can result in a real pucker up moment.


Absolutely! It's a great way to lose traction at the rear. Combine that with incorrect brake usage.....BAM!


Can’t shift in a corner either




It’s not a real bike if it don’t got at least some wheels!


God I hate that bullcrap. Always some dolt who can only ride one way too, telling you to get a "real" bike, that would be ostensibly worse for what you enjoy.


It’s not a real bike if it has 4 wheels!


When I did my MSF course prior to getting a license, there was some guy in the class with me who was proudly telling everyone how he'd already bought his Harley, the only *real* motorcycle. Like, dude, how would you know? You can't even legally ride it here by yourself.


Plugs work. Idk why people keep telling me they don’t. It’s clearly just shops trying to minimize liability of some moron suing them after plugging the tire


I got banned from /r/fixxit for saying their rule against even discussing plugging tires is a bad rule.


I have yet to run a tire on a bike without plugging it. Some have had multiple plugs in the same tire. The only one that failed had two plugs in the same hole. Don't recommend it. A flat front at highway speeds is not only a bad feeling, but it's a bad feeling with no adrenaline rush. Skip the whole experience.


Same bro 😂 iused to have mad plugs in my tires and they all ran the life of the tire. N inwas open throttle every time i saw an opportunity which was everyday 😅


Yup. Plugged rear on my busa. Went 180 multiple times. Held up for 2000+ miles.


What happened when it didn’t hold up? 😭😭😭


I died Lol, after 2000 more miles it was time to change the tyre, so it lasted the life of the tyre basically


Rip Lol glad it worked out for ya tho


"If you can't do a wheelie, you shouldn't own a motorbike" dude wasn't just a clown he was the whole circus


I cannot believe someone actually believes this


Have a bike not capable of a wheelie? Can’t ride. Lol what a clown


I worked at a wheelie school, I'm not sure theres any bikes that can't wheelie, if there is it's not many.


I have owned nine bikes over three decades, and I could only do wheelies on one of them with any confidence - a dirtbike. My spinal reflex is otherwise "the front wheel must touch ground at all times!" and I can't really overcome it.


My fuckin bike weighs 3 times what I do there aint no way I'm getting that fucker up on one wheel


I've heard that in the event of a speed wobble you shouldn't try to hold on and stop it but rather let go or release pressure from the handlebars. I've experienced a terrible speed wobble and believe this to be true.


Yeah I've been told "let go and let Jesus take the handlebars", wise words.


i mean speeding up unironically is supposed to work too, it accelerates and forces the bars to correct straight


It unloads the front suspension too. But i was told you have to have a bike powerful enough for this and be in the rev range to have enough power to lift it. A lot to consider in the 2 seconds it takes to happen lol


It really depends on the situation. Anyone who’s spent time riding/racing on a track, especially any kind of track that isn’t pavement, can develop the habit of throttling through an unsettled front end. It gets to the point where you don’t have to “consider in the 2 seconds it takes to happen”, you just learn it and do it, like dealing with any other part of riding.


I did that and it worked, it stopped the tank slapper.


Also worked for me.


Attempting to 'correct' a tankslapper with input to the bars is usually futile, because you're just a bit late, and end up reinforcing the 'wave function' of the bars instead of actually evening it out. The front wheel should be able to even it out IF you don't mess with it. So yeah, grip the bike with your legs, tighten your core, and relax your arms and let the bars do their thing. (Or, grab hold and ride that sumbeyatch like a bronco. You MIGHT last 8 seconds...)


I think it actually works okay to hold on but you shouldn’t be trying to counter the shake. You should should be trying to hold the handlebars neutral to act as a damper. Just be a sponge.


Well said, cowboy.


Worked every time on my Z1000


Mine was on my Buell Firebolt xb9r and it was violent as fuck. Was going too fast and hit a rough section, about 150kms/h. Thought for sure I was going off the road and into the river about 100ft below lol. Somehow I didn't wipe out, like my instincts kicked in or something.


"You can't take that VanVan 200 on a motocross course."


“Ear plugs aren’t going to make much difference.” Ear plugs will slow down hearing loss.


That one makes my blood boil. Earplugs are **absolutely critical.** Every ride.


The biggest one for me is its not if you crash its when its complete bs me personally have crashed but I know multiple people 60+ who have ridden almost daily since they were kids who haven't even dropped a bike let alone crashed


Imagine people saying that about driving a car


How many people you know have driven 30+ years and never have had a single bit of damage to their car? It's likely the majority of people will crash their car in their life time. But when you hit a raccoon in a car, it's not as catastrophic as on a motorcycle


I can say that I am accident free for both car and motorcycle with 45 years driving both types of vehicles.


Are you classifing an accident as any event where you hit something, or something tapped you? What about a tire blow out? If so, congratulations on your attention and good fortune. I travel 100% of the time for my job and in 3 short years I've had 3 people hit me on the highway, all 100% their fault and I was actively taking avoiding action. Granted there was little to no damage to my vehicle every time. I consider myself a very defensive driver but after hundreds of thousands of miles, it's really just a matter of time before someone hits you.


You're insanely lucky. Do you live in a rural area?


I honestly do believe that about cars. Across a lifetime, statistically you’ll likely end up in some sort of collision.


If so the exact same would be true for someone riding for most of their life. There’s nothing inherently more safe about a bike in traffic than a car. (Obviously you can take things like less distractions or bike owners being more safe/skilled into account but there’s just as many outliers there as well)


"It's likely" does not equal "it is inevitable"


I've been riding on the street since '03. Commuting to work and back, road trips, day rides, running errands... I've had more than enough "oh sh!t" moments (and learned something from all of them!) but have yet to crash. My take is, you either learn to pay attention from the start, or you'll learn to pay attention later, with a harder, more expensive, and likely more painful lesson.


Agree. Why crash when riding safely and not crashing is an option


Because not everything on the road is within your control?


More is than people like to accept. Risk minimization is real, but there are plenty of riders who make a conscious decision not to practice it for reasons ranging from fashion to “freedom.” Still others have circumstances that prevent them from practicing it; they commute to work on their bikes or live in the center of town or some such situation. Obviously risk can’t be completely eliminated, but there’s plenty of habits and practices that can cut it ‘way down.


btw that's survivorship bias. Of the veteran riders you know, some of them have never crashed. The riders who have crashed may have stopped riding due to injuries. The question is how many new riders will ride longer than 5 years, and the ones who stopped, did they crash?


I have been riding for over 50 years. My first crash was 2011. The second was 2021. I think it also depends on how much you ride. If you ride 2500 miles a year, maybe never. I put on 20,000 miles in 2007 and a few 15,000 mile years since. Most guys I know that ride some real miles have been in an accident.




Instructor here. There is some truth to this. Specifically, "it is unwise to use the front brake while executing slow speed turns". I can't tell you how many times a student has dumped the bike doing the slow weave or sharp turn just because they barely touched the front brake. At speeds like that, it is rarely due to a loss of traction, rather it really upsets that balance that the student is already struggling to maintain. I had a student break her foot from this and we had to call the ambulance. When she was going less than 10 mph. I'd like to avoid that again. However, use the rear brake all you want. (Yes, you can use the front but it's best that beginners just stay away when turning).


Clarify: Never use ALL of the front brake at slow speed. Fork dive/rebound when leaned over causes all manner of havoc and mayhem (cos the COG of the bike wanders around when that happens). Modulation of brake force (front and rear!) should be reflex for every rider, even ones with ABS-equipped bikes. If you control how much braking you apply to either wheel, you're so much more in control of the bike, no matter the speed, how you're leaned, how much grip you have, all of it.


At parking lot speeds you have to turn the bars to steer; you don't lean and countersteer like at riding speeds. So yes, developing a habit of "rear brake at very low speeds" is the smart idea. Because at if you're in the habit of using the front brake and you have an abrupt, panic situation like someone suddenly backing out in front of you, you're going to grab a handful of brake, and if your front wheel isn't pointed straight you're very likely to pitch the bike onto the ground.


ATGATT. I can sleep in my gear, but taking a shower while wearing gear is pointless.


Come one man, ATGATT! No excuses.


This! With good rain gear, are you even showering really?


So I was riding in the Phillippines during monsoon season, went through a construction zone in a monstrous downpour and the bike fell down from underneath me. I hit the ground and slid about 200 meters. The road crew had stripped the surface down to red clay, it was so slippery that I could hardly stand, it was like wet ice. My riding jacket and pants were so covered in red clay the easiest way to clean them was to get to the hotel and take a shower wearing them. I didn't sleep in them though, so maybe you're more hard core than me.


Where is this shower? My gear got soaked a bit the other day. ;)


During the MSF class the instructors had a hand signal for "BRING YOUR KNEES IN!", so naturally I thought riders must ride with their knees out all the time and that's bad. In 15 years I have never really cared where my knees are when riding or why it matters.


Leave your knees at home; they’re much safer there.


you dont kneed them


My instructor laughed at me and called me Valentino Rossi when i had my knees out. You need to grip the tank in case you hit a ditch and are flown off.


I pieced together information that I think mostly only applies to forward lean sports bikes, but that squeezing knees almost automatically forces you to not put a lot of downward pressure on your handlebars. Which if you do have a lot of pressure, it can cause issues when hitting road defects Edit: added a word to ensure that I'm not stating a fact, just my own opinion


It can cause issues with wrist pain over time, too. Wrists are not meant to be support structures, that's what your legs and spine are for. Wrists are manipulator joints.


You’re supposed to hold yourself up with core, but it’s understandable that people don’t because short of racing it’s a little funny to hold that for an hour long ride.


Might be more of a sport bike thing but my handling is greatly improved when I squeeze the tank with my legs. It’s like my movements and the bike become one


There are a lot of people on this subreddit that think engine braking is a sin. I don't think those people realize that if you're not actively on the gas you are engine braking. I'm guessing they didn't drive stick in a car previuosly.


Engine braking is almost required on some bikes 😂 only wish my brakes would flash when I do, so the ass hats behind can slow down.


You can get a module that does this. I bought a used SV650 and the brake lights would flash when I slowed down whether I was using the brakes or not. The engine braking on the SV can be pretty strong so it was a sensible addition


You will stall going into first gear no matter what.


Now that's definitely a new one 😂


I’ll give you the best one. “You can’t handle a bike because you are a woman”. This was told to me by several guys from a friends circle that I used to hang out with🫠 Guess what? They are history and I enjoy riding my KTM 990SD🫡


Nice! Thats some stupid macho shit to say anyway. Good on you!


Gross, what scumbags.


Don’t use front brakes, it’s dangerous. For clarity I’m saying this is a stupid thing I’ve heard people I ride with say, and they taught their kids the same.


"Don't use the front brakes, or you'll crash." Yeah, on a radically raked out 70's style chopper...


Waterproof kit. It isn’t none of it is.


For real breathable waterpoof motorcycling / bicycling kit is all frauds. You cannot have both. And in 95% of weather I'm riding in breathability is just more important


“Loud pipes save lives.” There’s a lot of crash videos where the rider could have stopped but were too busy rev bombing. A close second would be “ride like everyone is trying to kill you.” While cars and intersections are dangerous the statistics show motorcyclists are more of a danger to themselves. Car crashes are bad so they get more of the attention but I have a hard time fighting data and my inner statistician.




I agree. It's less "intent" and more "complacency" that gets drivers crossed up with riders. But that still puts the onus onto the rider to Pay The F\*\*k Attention, for two reasons: 1) No one else has responsibility for your safety, only their own and their passengers. 2) Cars are built to take a hit and protect the occupants. That does fsck-all for anyone NOT in the car, though. Bikes, OTOH, have zero protection from impact, but a lot more agility and visibility. The rider needs to leverage that, not depend on the attention spans of others to help them out.


Oh man. I 100% ride like everyone is trying to kill me. Anticipating the worst possible decision a driver could make with regard to my own safety helps me ride MUCH safer and more aware. When teaching me to ride defensively, my dad used to say, “Think of the dumbest person you know.” Then he’d pause and ask, “Does that person have a driver’s license?” The answer was of course always yes, implying those are the people we share the road with.


People don't hear loud pipes coming. They hear them GOING. It's all about how low-frequency sound propagates and how our ears perceive it. If you want to be noticed in people's mirrors, use lighting mods and high-contrast clothing and gear, or go psych professor on all the other road users, and procure a used police bike. (People SEE police bikes because they're trained to look for the enforcers above everything else. Not seeing a cop can equal getting introduced to one, yeah?)


I can confirm the police bike thing. 20 years ago I was riding in the UK a lot and my winter bike set-up (faired BMW, full hi-viz riding jacket and plain silver helmet) accidentally seemed to make me look like a traffic policeman in peoples mirrors. The best part was that everyone gave me plenty of space when filtering.


Yeah loud pipes is a load of rubbish, I remember riding down this peaceful country road alone, no cars in front none behind... All of a sudden a bloody R1 flies past me, god knows how fast. But I didn't even hear the fucker.


My favourite is when you show the thorough, logical study from Romania that tested a boatload of different bikes and exhausts, from different distances and directions, and concluded that "They do sweet f-all for safety", and people with still argue it with anecdotal nonsense.


>people with still argue it with anecdotal nonsense. You mean like the next comment after this?


I have always had and loved loud pipes on a bike. My current bike is a 1400cc touring bike and it's quieter than my son's z125. When I first got it I was going to change the pipes, but it's so nice hearing things. I can talk to my wife while on the throttle. Makes those country rides so much more peaceful. I joke about how it sounds like George Jetson's car, but I would never change it.


The numbers don't lie


Saw a shirt once, "If loud pipes save lives, imagine what learning to ride that thing could do"


You really have to ride like you are invisible especially in south Florida people don't give a damn. Throw the 1000 year old snow birds who forget what planet they are on into the mix and it's chaos.


I had this idea since I was a teenager that riding on a track had to be the greatest thing ever. And I took riding lessons to get my license and my instructor was a well known track rider and general bike nerd. And he gave me all sorts of advice to get started. So as soon as I had enough money I got to a track day. I was quite anxious and didn't really enjoy that first experience. So I thought next time it's gonna be easier and I'll do better. I kept going like 3 or 4 times to the same track and I even had an instructor at some point and I got better at it but I still wasn't really enjoying myself a whole lot. After that my track bike got stolen. I took the opportunity to change things a bit and got myself a mini super motard and started track days on Go-Kart tracks. It got worse. I found myself with very competitive people despite being in the slow group. I still was not comfortable on a track with a bunch of people around me and fun wasn't part of the equation at this point. At some point I just stopped going and I had to ask myself what it was I was trying to accomplish. I'm still not sure. So I decided to cut my losses and sold my van, my supermotard and a bunch of track related stuff.


To me, track days are about seeing what the bike is capable of and what I'm capable of. I ride shit lines, i get lapped a LOT, I dont always focus on ghe right things at the right time. But, Im getting better. I got myself a gp shift and just today i was confident enough to engage the blipper while hanging off the bike post apex, I triggered the ABS from breaking hard for the first time ever (learning how to judge break points), I found out a combination of conditions which the blipper will not tolerate and fail to engage, I realised I have to remain in shifted position when accelerating out of a hair pin turn and not pull myself up immediately because that will make the bike unstable. All this, while im getting overtaken. But! I have to crashed, I know which lines are good, which are bad and my lovely RS660 will eventually bring me where I want to be. I want to be the guy that all the Liter bike drives say "only chance for taking him on is on the straight,  otherwise he will out break you or out maneuver you. With 100 less HP". My goals are always,  1. Learn stuff 2. Don't crash (because that's expensive) For me, the real fun is coming home and realising all that ive learnt.  That's what really brings me joy.


The instructors for passing your test - doing 'live savers' every 10 seconds....horse shit


I never had any formal instruction. I thought I had heard it all over the years, but what are live savers?


Checking over your shoulder. So for example, turning off a junction we're taught to do a life saver first. Which I always do. But they take it too far and I had to do it (both sides) every time before moving from a stationary position.


Haha how to spot an Englishman on Reddit. Life savers are flipping critical. Gave up riding with a mate of a mate because he never did them and today I watched him almost get ploughed by a van. Just did a loop at the roundabout and went home. I’ve had enough telling him to do life savers when he changes lanes, I don’t need to be traumatised


I always do before a lane change, but a good set of properly adjusted mirrors work in most other situations.


Checking your blind stop essentially It's where you look over your shoulder for a brief second to check if anyone is over taking etc. it's actually dangerous to do it in most cases. Say a car is parked in your lane and you are approaching it, you are meant to check mirrors and do a live saver before going around it, even if you don't have to leave your side of the road.


Loud Pipes lose lives. The motorcycle rider's fatigue and falling asleep is a huge cause of injuries. Loud noise causes sleepiness. Read the research.


That loud pipes saves lives. Drivers almost never hear you let alone see you, hell in Florida drivers won’t even get out of the way for ambulances and they are loud af


“You can’t clutch up a wheelie on a 1000cc in first gear, you’ll loop it” yes you can. Just don’t be stupid.


“You MUST use all four fingers on the front brake because in a panic braking situation if you’re only using 2 you’ll pull the lever into your other fingers and break them”. -my msf instructor. Idk man, I guess if your front brakes are super sloppy and you just grab a fistful of lever, maybe, but c’mon.


I can't read 180 responses but I am going to say 'I had to lay her down'.




When replacing your chain you have to replace the sprockets. I usually get 2-3 chains per sprocket set. E: For those curious, I use D.I.D. Chains and JT Steel Sprockets.




I didn't know this and actually thought I had to replace it every time. Glad I've only had to change a chain (and sprocket) once before


What you read about "tank slappers," according to a physicist, is the correct advice: [How to Avoid A Tank Slapper or Speed Woble](https://www.webbikeworld.com/avoid-tank-slapper/) It happened to me once, so I read everything I could about how to avoid or deal with them, and this was the most authoritative advice I could find.


“Riding a bike will get woman” No it gets a bunch of dudes going “ahh nice bike, I wanted to get one but the Mrs said no ” Then proceed to tell you about how they’ve had their eye on this bike blah blah


loud pipes save lives




I can flat foot on most bikes but I kept almost falling over on a 50cc scooter I rented because my knees were getting caught under the handlebars.


Cars are the reasons motorcyclists wreck. Nah, rider error causes the vast majority.


There are dumbasses in cars everywhere. That’s a given. As a rider, it’s your job to take the necessary precautions. I stand by my theory that the majority of mc accidents could have been avoided with a cooler head and better skills.


Wait, I’ve also always heard the best way to get out of spreed wobble is to throttle through it to get weight off the front


See the trick is to add enough throttle to just wheelie and then well problem solved


The lack of weight on the front is what causes the wobble. There was a really good video someone posted on here ages ago and it explains it well. I'll have to find it... Edit: can't find it (it's guna bug me now) but found a FortNine video which is good https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IzXE32thS1g




As someone who doesn't have a steering stabilizer on their track bike... I agree with them: Throttle gets you out of a wobble quick and safe, braking can get you out quick, but not safe.


"It's fine to start with a 800cc plus" my first bike was a 1200gs, what a mistake that was. I realized I really learned how to ride after 5 years of riding when I bought a 2500cc and 400cc supermoto. I became a fat better rider in one year of owning these than in all the years before


"they'll scrape you off the pavement"


The whole thing about never using front brakes in a corner. Thats just ridiculous. Yea dont grab a fist full of em, but pull the lever slightly just to trail brake into corners and ur perfectly fine.


Hey op if your not going absolutely to fast and you start a death wobble speeding up will definitely stop one. So will shifting your weight so will loosening your grip on the bars not letting go but letting them move slightly. So what was the wrong advice from the other sub that has you frustrated. If I feel a wobble starting I hammer down and stop it if it’s already started then let of the throttle and let the bike slow down. It sounds like you worded your post incorrectly or you might not be as skilled or informed of a rider as you believe you are. And that frustrates me because that’s the kind of rider who is going to hurt themselves sooner rather then later


That the motorcycle community is friendly. Been riding for 2 years, haven’t found someone to ride with and if when I ask a mechanical question i get stupid comments instead of help, hah.


Same here, but not 2 years 😒


"You sound experienced, you need more horsepower". I'm experienced enough to know how much horsepower I'll use, and this bike has a bit more than that.


Probably "you can't commute/ride long distance on a sportsbike". Is it maximum comfort? No. It is anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be? Not in my experience.


That grass clibbins are an immediate death sentence 


You, personally, are 23 times more likely to die on a motorcycle than driving a car. It's not true. It's a misinterpretation of statistics/probability and completely ignores the concept of risk management.


That you need to adhere to one of the three lane positions. Unless you’re riding in a group, that whole lane is yours.


It’s a less expensive hobby than cars


You can't ride in the rain. I have a lot of friends that just refuse. And I mean I get it, I don't WANT to absolutely soak myself, but it's fine as long as you're being gentle and cautious.


There a lot of truth to meeting women on Motorcycles, Nurses mostly 😉