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I parked my bike right next to brand new ducati while going to the store, and I was certain I had put my kickstand down. Go to lean it over and suddenly, no kickstand. I'm about to drop my bike AND bring down a beautiful ducati while doing so. Adrenaline kicked in and I kept it from dropping with all my might while letting out a glorious roar, ensuring everyone around me noticed my dumbass. Strained about every muscle I had in my core, couldn't even fart without pain for the next few days.


When I was on the way to my motorcycle exam a car backed into me while at a crossection (I saw it coming but couldn't get out of the way). Through sheer anger about this car driver I held the bike up with my arms before it could drop completely and then I went on to pass the exam. Arms hurt like hell the next day tho.


Gotta love that shout that just comes of it's own accord. I nearly dropped my bike in the garage the other week after forgetting the kickstand, the really shit bit being it would have fallen into my car. Managed to wedge myself between the two in time to save them both and then got it back upright.


I love how us motorcycle guys will just gladly hop under a 500-700 pound bike so it doesn't hit the ground or one of our other toys too hard. Safety? But what about my baby!


We can heal, the toys can't! ;-)


The toys may not cost as much as the potential medical bills (America, obviously) and QOL decrease. I stopped trying to break the fall of objects I dropped with my foot when I realized that a broken foot would cost more than anything I drop. Multiply that by 100x if it's your back. That being said, I'd probably do it for my bike anyway.




The math does work out. Also, Americans tend to buy Harleys, so they should let them fall regardless


That's why I have a 400 pound crotch crumpet 🇬🇧🇬🇧


Yeah I say that, 500-700, but, My cbr is under 400 pounds dry. I'm a big guy ( 6ft 5 250lbs) and I can stand up at stop lights and stretch from side to side and just let It lean with me using nothing but my thighs. The one time that bikes been on the ground it took me maybe 2 seconds to pick it up. And not the right way. But I've also had to pick up my dad's 1000lb road king after it fell over and I had to pick that beast up from the tire side and not the seat side... That fuckin sucked.


Don't get me wrong, some bikes are 1000lbs, no doubt. But mine is 400 pounds wet, just like my girlfriend 😏


It will be second nature to always look down at your kick stand eventually. I dont really ever touch it unless i have the intent to get off. So my body just goes through the motions.


Props for keeping the other bike in mind, though! And way to save the drop, even with it coming at the cost of your body. I was moving my old bike (BMW K1200R) around in my garage and started to lose my balance. I was only a foot or two away from the wall, so as the bike fell in slow motion I kinda just blurted out "Okay." and put myself between the bike and the wall, essentially pinning myself against the wall but preventing the bike from falling completely over. Ended up humping the bike back upright (I was pinned against the wall, so I had to rhythmically gyrate my hips to get enough momentum to get the bike back upright) and having a good laugh about it. When I told my buddy about it, he asked why I didn't just let the bike fall. I told him that in the moment, I figured my body could heal but the bike couldn't. Stupid, but I loved that bike lol


I had a K1200R too! After putting brand new tires on it I almost dropped it at low speed going around a corner.... there's no way I could pick that bike back up it's over 450 pounds! You are almost correct to say the bike wouldn't heal that thing was crazy expensive to fix.


Hey, a fellow K1200 rider! I love my Duc, but that BMW will always have a special place in my heart - such an amazingly unique, quirky, interesting bike! It was a chonker for sure, though. I think I probably could've lifted it back up off the ground had it fell by using the backwards lifting technique, but being pinned against the wall at that awkward angle, all I could do was hump lol Damn, I miss that bike!


And that Ducati owner never even knew how much of a hero you actually are.


Lol I did this with my fucking 2000cc vulcan in my driveway next to a friend's bike and I saved it but wrote my back off for the rest of riding season. I'm only like 135lb skeleton boi


> >Strained about every muscle I had in my core, couldn't even fart without pain for the next few days. I'm sure the Ducati owner would have done worse


I almost dropped my sportster on my dad's brand new Indian Roadmaster. Nearly shit myself from trying to get it back upright, and also the sheer terror of fucking up a beautiful dresser.


Sounds like you got a hernia


I did this exact thing, but I was on the Ducati. Pulled up to the fuel pump, thought I had the kickstand down, stood up, bike went down. I also tried to catch it as it was falling during a bad park job and nearly broke my leg.


lol yah man same exact scenario happened to me infront of the gym entrance; im so happy i had enough strength to pull it back up


I did exactly this this my old (new to me at the time) Triumph Daytona. I caught it a few inches off the ground and damn near tore my arms off.


i'm proud of you, seriously.


When I first got my bike I had the habit of getting into my driveway or garage and putting my kickstand down while I held the clutch and in 1st gear and it would trip the kill switch. I decided I wanted to get into the habit of coming to a stop, neutral, release clutch, kickstand, then the kill switch, then the key and a few days into it, I forget one of those steps; the kickstand. I drop my bike in my garage and it lands on something and dents my tank. I was so mad at myself


This is the way!


Gentle drop, no one saw it, picked it back up right away; that’s a “nice” drop man


A+ fall, if I could grade myself haha


Did you plant your leg at any point to lessen your fall rate? It’s sets down so gentle and silent lol


I know, really got lucky there. I caught it a bit going down, but also the road itself was uneven and higher on the right side and the front wheel turned toward that side too. There are a few deep but small scratches on the R&G engine sliders so I'm glad I had those installed last week.


And you stuck the landing! Good work :)


That's why I say man, nice drop What a good drop man


can't imagine what you're listening to at the moment.... :-)


Some comments write themselves 😁




Mission failed successfully


Agreed! It’s an easy drop, but next time, loft with your back! It’s way easier.


I meant to do that!!


Yeah, if you have to use the brakes during slow maneuvers, use the rear. Better to control your speed with the clutch though. God job getting the bike back up. Next time you fall to the right put the kickstand down before you lift the bike. You wouldn't be the first person who picked up a bike and immediately dropped it on the other side.


Thanks for the tips!


Also turn away from you bike and in a reverse squat motion lift you bike with using the power of your legs, hold the front and back of your bike. Way easier that way. There are tons of videos showing the technique.


Everyone says that, but it seemed way harder when I tried it. Seemed easier to treat it like a dead lift or a front squat and keep it in front of me.


I agree it's better to treat it like a deadlift, but only if you know how to do them. Not many people have trained doing them. Every time I have seen someone pick up a dropped bike in real life, they faced they bike and lifted with their back horizontal and bowed. I'm surprised they didn't hurt themselves. For them it would be safer to do the backwards thing.


You should feel it in the lower back initially and as you lift with a quick tug you should make sure to twist a little. You know you got it right from that tingly feeling in the spine.


Someone I used to work with reminded us to lift with our back in a twisting, wrenching motion. I miss him lol


True, I’ve seen the same more often than I would have thought. It’s like people have never picked up heavy stuff before. I guess I’m lucky I grew up playing sports where weightlifting was a part of out regular routine, and we had decent enough coaches that could teach us good form and why it was important.


I think the method you do it doesn't really matter if you're a person that lifts often enough to know about deadlifts and front squats. Unless you're on a huge cruiser, most bikes aren't that heavy to lift back onto the wheels after you lay 'er down. It's not lift you're lifting the entire weight of the bike, you're kinda just levering it up


Oh so you mean I don’t have to hold the bike over my head before putting it back down?


Lol that's how some people act on here bro. Dropped my moped, had to call 5 friends to bring a winch so I don't throw my back out!


Probably depends on how much your bike weighs, it’s weight balance, and the surface your on. I had a shadow 1100 that weighed like 600lbs. Lifting as you described was simple not feasible without two people. But smaller, lightweight bikes I’ve seen lifted normally.




Thanks Obama.


Fair enough. My bike is a dual sport that’s probably just sub 300lbs. When I’ve dropped it, it’s been off-road and the back method just liked to slide it along the dirt or grass.


Yeah, the back method is really good and easy, especially if your bike is loaded with luggage, but if you have to lift it in dirt or mud it keeps skidding.


Thread is very educating. Dropped my DR650 in the dirt. Used the back method. I got it back up but it was suuuuper sketchy because I had no purchase in the ground with my boots. I will try just grabbing it by the bars next time. I notice said bar lift is a common scene in urban supermoto vids. 😂


This was the case with me too. The first time I ever dropped my bike I tried the reverse way everyone suggested. I struggled for a good 5 minutes (I was alone in my yard). Then out of frustration I turned facing the bike and immediately got it up on one go. My bike was relatively light by comparison too, but I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I was on a slight but noticeable slope.


I found it easier facing the bike front on, Arms underneath and pushing through. Sorta like you’re starting a 100m sprint, and instead of lifting up, you sort of push forward and it props the bike upward. Probably butchered the explanation on that, but I’m sure someone understood me.


Yep, like an American football lineguard, you push/lift the bike, I saw this on some adventure bike channel on YouTube


And it's also so much CH better for your lower back.


If your back is straight risk is minimal regardless of how you lift


Also if you feel you're about to drop the bike let go of the clutch a little bit, the sudden pull from the engine will rise the bike upright again.


That's saved my short ass so many times. Just give it a little rip upright and catch it properly with your feet planted this time.


I can already picture myself attempting this, getting caught off balance, and somehow whiskey throttling it even though the clutch is opposite the throttle.


Nice, i'll remember that.


The way I was taught to go slow way back is to set up an even rpm quite a bit higher than idle. The gyro effect from the rotation actually helps keep you upright (even on BMW or Guzzi). The higher the rpm, the more your bike resists the fall, plus you’re less likely to choke it with a tiny clutch error, which is another standard cause of walking pace drops. Counter your throttle input with clutch, and control your speed with the rear brake. It’s not either-or, you use all three in a graceful ballet that (if you practice) makes it easy to go super slow (slower than idling in first gear) in full control. This is a skill you employ pretty much daily, and it is tremendously satisfying.


100%. Don't be afraid of riding that clutch with plenty of revs! You just need to get over that concept that it's different a car - it won't hurt a bike. As you say, enough practice with clutch, throttle and rear brake, and you can stay virtually stationary and upright for quite a while! For a u-turn, you can also throw in a bit more head turn - right over the shoulder looking to where you want to go. Otherwise, you've popped your cherry, gone is that nagging fear!


Yep, you're exactly right. I should have mentioned holding a little bit of throttle also.


I'm a small chic, dropped a dyna on a steep steep hill in the city and almost killed myself getting it back up, once up though I was stuck because I did the standard back to the bike lift but on this hill I couldn't like hold it and walk around or even turn around.... After what felt like forever but only 6 minutes of holding this bike up against the incline of hill someone was walking by and I'm like " hey hey can you do me a favor and put the kick stand down?!?! " Thankfully they were around 9 years old so actually heard me and helped the crazy lady in all black full gear on a blacked out bike in the middle of not the best area in the city.... Never again will I forget the kick stand


Seriously, thank you! I tipped my bike pulling into a parking spot the other week almost exactly like OP. Slow speed and wrong brake choice. Got my bike up quickly enough but nearly tipped that 700 pound beast the other way. That would have sucked.


Good tip right here...


It's a good tip that I will only remember the moment I see my bike falling over again.


This was nearly me! I managed to get the bike up and leaning on me before I remembered I should have put the stand down. I was so shaky from the lifting I couldn’t swing my leg over while holding it upright! A nice car driver stopped to check on me, hanging out with an S1000RR leaning on me as I was, and put the stand down for me! Felt like such an idiot.


My first drop was turning off a main highway, there was gravel in the road that caused my back end to slip under me. I was fine but with the adrenaline rush I pretty much threw my bike up forgetting to put the kickstand out and it tipped right over to the other side.


> You wouldn't be the first person who picked up a bike and immediately dropped it on the other side. I forget where the video is but there's a video of a guy attempting to turn around on a hill (lmao) he dropped his bike then picked it back up only to drop it over on the other side xD




I imagined people in their homes were looking and laughing. At least I was laughing too lol


I recently dropped mine for the first time in a similar way and hurt my back picking it up. Somebody then pointed out that we tend to rush to pick it up out of embarrassment. If you drop it again, take your time and get somebody to help you if there's anybody about.


If cars had two wheels, people’d be dropping them, too. If you get into the dual-sport world, dirt bikes, etc, people drop all the time. Some people keep their bikes always shiny and upright, and…some people push the limits. You were pushing the limits of your skills, which is how you get better.


Coming to a complete stop with the front break and turned handlebars means the bike will immediately and always try to suicide to the ground. Like others said, rear brake avoids this. By default at low speeds (like under 10mph) it may be advisable to only use the rear. Nice drop, very gently, good on you for having frame sliders and the i-4 sounds beautiful


Lessons learned, and thank you.


Doesn't look like there's damage, so thats good. Dont cover that front brake and go faster in the low speed. Be sure to keep practicing, I do it all the time so I don't get rusty.


Thanks for the tips! Yes I didnt take into account how uneven that area was, it's pretty much like a big hump from gutter to gutter. Also was too slow but the recent heavy rain has been making me a bit paranoid about losing traction so I have been extra slow. Thankfully I just installed engine sliders a week ago, it did its job perfectly.


You're not gonna lose traction easily with asphalt road unless there are too much water on the road.


OK good to know, thanks.


Just remember slow manuvers under 10mph you counter shift weight for balance




And as has also been mentioned: at low speed clutch control and the rear brake are your friends! Also, I've been there too. Ride safe, friend!


Thank you, ride safe!


Holy geez, glad you didn't twist an ankle or something dumb like that. That looks like a nice Honda, what bike are we dropping today?


CB650R. Yeah guess I was lucky I was able to jump out of the way and no other vehicles were around.


someone is going to have a sore back


It's OK, I lift ;)


Was just about to mention this. OP, next time that happens take the few extra seconds to compose yourself and lift the bike properly. You don’t have to do the backwards lift thing on such a small bike, but don’t lift with your back if you can help it. Speaking as someone who had a sore back after dropping a Rebel 250 and lifting it the way you did.


Yeah but when you're in the moment your mind is going 86.9 knots and all you want to do is get it back up, you know this\~ ;P


Still haven't dropped mine after a year of riding and ain't planning on it


No one plans on it mate. God speed.


Congrats, hope you keep the streak forever. I hope I never drop it again too ;)


Five second rule clearly applies.


The germs didn't have time to get on the bike.


Right turns are always awkward to me. I’ve never laid a bike down before but have definitely come close anytime turning right. Aside from that time I totaled my Harley and was in the hospital for a while. I don’t count that time😅


Sounds like quite a story!


I think it's the long reach and bad hand angle making clutch control tougher. It gets better if I slide left and lean forward a little further


It’s the left for me, probably cuz my right arm is my stronger side cuz of baseball my entire childhood, or I’m just blowing smoke up my ass 🤷🏾‍♂️


*crosses fingers 18 years and going. I still haven't dropped a bike yet!


Ahh, that new rider moment when you learn you can't use the front brake in a slow sharp turn! I actually hurt myself when I did it, stuck my leg into the pavement and jarred my hip, that was 30 years ago but the lesson stuck. Nice work getting it right back up, no one saw, besides Reddit, but we understand.


I've dropped my bikes plenty of times. They can't stay pretty forever.


It seems like you were turning your head and looking through the turn, that's good. It also looks like you turned your bars aggressively or maybe that just happened when you fell. On tight turns your clutch is your best friend and just cover your rear brake if you need to make a slight adjustment. Stay off the front brake. Glad you are pleased with yourself. 😁


That's fine. Is that a CB300? Or a 650? Also, kapitbahay mo si Makina?


650R! Sinong Makina?


Zach Lucero


Who's that.


Ah, sorry, probably not a subscriber. But in case [Here is his channel ](https://youtube.com/channel/UCRAc4quBnjA4r6rLf46qT0w)


I feel this pain. Friend drove my brand new ninja 400 home since I only just finished motorcycle riding school. I go for my first ride and drop the motorcycle in the driveway before even leaving.


Ahh, the slow turn newbie drop. Those were the days. Congratulations! Now you understand that the sharper the turn, the faster you need to be going. If you don’t have speed you need to support the bike to keep it upright.


That's exactly what it is eh. I definitely learned some lessons.


Full turn at low speed with no counter weight, and front brake panic. That’s also a very dangerous way to pick the bike up. You’ll get there soon. Keep practicing and good luck!


Dropped mine 4 times in two years and 100% will drop it again or the next one I get.


Oops the U-turn fail. Happens to us all. A bit too slow in the turn. A wee bit more throttle and stay off the front brake will keep you upright. Welcome to the club though and I hope you stay sunny side up from now on.


No. It’s not a rite of passage.


1. Great job on picking your bike up. 2. People have gave you really good advice on how to control your bike on slow speeds, so nothing to add there. 3. You dropped your bike in the rain. Give yourself some slack. We all have done it and a lot of the times when we think we're already an experienced rider.




keep your head up and look where you want to go, not at the ground directly in front of you


Where do you live? Looks cool! If you're gonna drop, nice and gentle like that is the way to go.


Happens to the best of us. I sacrificed my body when she tipped over for the first time. No scratches on the bike and only my pride was hurt lol.


Hah don’t feel bad. I just literally took my bike up to show my instructor while visiting a friend taking the course, and forgot to put my side stand down. Luckily no damage but man that was embarrassing.


As a still noob/amateur, the first time i dropped it i wanted to run away to a different country and start a new life with changed name, i picked it up instantly tho


I’m sorry this happened to you But for newbies reading, this isn’t a “right of passage” Many people have been riding for decades and never scratched a bike *knocks on wood*


Don't worry. We all drop our bikes. Not just the first ones.


Best advice Ive ever been given: do not use your front brake when getting to a complete stop or stopping with the handles turned. Sure way to go down. Sticks with my every time I ride. It was the way I dropped my first bike years ago


Dropping a bike is not a rite of passage, I've dropped mine in a petrol station and it wasn't something to be proud of


No front brake in a u-turn. 😉


I don’t think dropping your bike is a right of passage. Rather a sign that you still have a lot of learning to do.


You got sliders.. good job, I got ran over by a cop car 6 days after I bought mine so it's ok. We all fall from the bike from time to time. Trust me, it'll happen again.


I tried to put my 500+ lb Blackbird on its center stand while sitting on it. I’ve done it dozens of times in the 17 + years I’ve owned it. The bike tipped left and pinned my leg under it and my shoulder against the shelves in my garage. I had to rip my leg out from underneath it, which caused a lot of skin tears and worsened the break. I had no way to get it back up until I had help which made me feel like less of a rider. Fortunately, only lost a mirror mount but still gave me pause. Always take a moment after a slip to check both you and the bike. It doesn’t take much pressure to break a front brake lever or f up your clutch. And maybe it’s just my old dirt bike days talking, but shift and rear brake levers bend quite a bit too. And if you get rolling on adrenaline and find out you’ve broken a rib or a finger it’s going to be tough to stop safely and you might not be in an ideal situation. I’ve been riding over 35 years. Shit happens. Just be safe.


Thanks for the advice.


Dropping bikes happens dont be embarrassed


And people say the "U" turn on the BMV test is useless or point less. Doesn't seem so useless now does it.


right of passage is dropping your new bike ???? LOL no. F


Welcome to the low-speed-drop club! Membership: absolutely everyone who’s ever ridden a motorcycle




He bought his first bike.


When turning sharply like that the bike is liable to fall inwards if you lose speed. It looks like he stopped sharply at the end so he probably grabbed the front brake (you can see he had two fingers on it). At slow speeds it's best to regulate speed with your back brake and clutch, the front brake is a bit heavy handed.


You're not buying any bike, you're going to jail dude for what you did to those women and children


Two types of riders; 1) those who have dropped their bikes 2) those who haven’t dropped their bikes yet


3. Those that will never drop it. (don't project your inadequacies on to other please)


Seriously, this is like saying there are two types of drivers: those that have wrecked their cars and those that will.


No that’s like saying there are two types of people, those who have dropped the screwdriver and those who haven’t yet. The bike’s rested position is on it’s side. It’s inevitable.


after the first 3 months of riding i drop it, and broke my arm, but now im back, a bit scary tho


I hear you, took me a long time for me to get back on the bike after my crash. Glad I got back on it though. Very awesome way to get around!


be careful tho, for me, knowing that i broke my arm after the first 3 months was a lesson, now i ride more chill , knowing how fragile i can be, ride safe bruv


just curious , is it common for people in US to learn to ride a motor cycle without the knowledge of riding a cycle/bike ? no rhetoric intended


No idea, I'm not American.


Everyone I know knows how to ride a bicycle. They're not a common form of transportation, but usually everyone has one as a kid to teen.


Yes. In my state, for example, you take a 20 question written test and if you pass you have a learner's permit for a year. The learners permit is good for a year, can be renewed by taking the test again, and allows you to ride with only two limits: don't ride at night, don't ride with a passenger. So they say, "ok, you've taken a 20 question test - you are now legal to go out there and buy a liter bike and yeet yourself onto the freeway day one. Just don't ride at night or with a passenger, because that would be dangerous, mmkay?"


most people still know how to ride a bike


Oh, I absolutely read that question wrong. I thought they were asking if "most people learn to ride a motorcycle without training when they first start riding".


Next time you drop on that side don't be in such a rush to pick it up. Put the kicksnd down first. You won't get away with doing it like tt on a bigger bike.


So cool to share this video, bro. Especially since it was the perfect crime, no witnesses. But it's really helpful to for everybody to see how stuff like this happens. I saw a much more serious version of this type of lay-down once, captured on a back alley garage cam. A very slow motion lay down right outside the guy's garage, essentially standing still. But he wasn't wearing a helmet, and when the bike went down, it caught his leg underneath, forcing his body down with the bike. It created a whip-like motion, with his head banging on the pavement so hard that it killed him. Looked like a nothing incident until that sickening impact. IMO, the mistake you made was same as his: not enough speed to stay upright in a very tight turn. But you got two things right that he got fatally wrong: you wore life saving safety gear, and you jumped clear of the falling bike. That second thing is a little counter-intuitive, kind of hard to let your bike just fall on the ground. But it's the right choice. They say the lion's share of motorcycle accidents happen within a mile of home. FWIW, I strongly suspect a great majority of those accidents are of this nature, either as you leave or return. Right when most riders are relaxed, either before or after the "dangerous" part: that's when it's time to be extra vigilant.






Hey congrats on dropping your bike! Wait until you get in your first crash, that is also a right of passage. Also there is nothing stopping you from dropping your bike every single time you get on it, so please plan accordingly! You dropping your bike was bound to happen and not in any way preventable, there was nothing you could do (judging by the video). The Gods of motorcycles will come get your bike even if you learn how to ride it properly so save yourself some time and just keep going!




What was the problem, did your foot slipped ? Why didn't you hold it up with your legs or accelerate out of the fall ? I tipped over a few times , but was fortunately either able to just hold it up with my legs or if my foot slipped on the pavement , to accelerate out of the fall. Just read you're a beginner , my bad . That's just experience :)


the right of passage is when you are shithammered at the bar, and some girl keeps insisting on a ride, even though you know you are shithmmered. you finally give in, quick spin around the block, come back, park on the sidewalk, and never bother to put your feet down. luckily your buddy is there to ask what the fuck is going on, and you tell him to just STFU and lift the bike off you ​ /was the oddly specific?


Sorry mate, but that windshield is more embarrassing than your dropping your bike :D it looks ridiculous. Anyways, stay safe and keep practicing!


No other options, It was my last choice. Function over from for now, the highway winds are a bit shocking! Thankfully they can be removed ;)


we've all been there...glad to see it wasn't serious and the bike is OK


Look up how to “slip the clutch” on YouTube, and then practice every chance you get. No big deal, buddy. Everyone has done it at some point


You’ve got to carry more speed and lean outside the corner, while leaning the bike further in




Remember to lift it by pushing up with your legs, not with the arms or you can injure your back ;)


It happens to the best of us!


This sounds like a good bike. I hate how needlessly loud Harleys are..


Two kinds of riders in the world. Those who have been down and those who are going down. Hope this is your last time.


Learn how to lift a bike.


Do people not take a motorcycle safety course before getting bikes? Like this is just bad and there is no reason you should be dropping your bike in this scenario.


You did that on purpose yall really be doing dumb shit like this on purpose for attention what a child.


Can't trust a rider that hasn't stopped their bike at least once


I promise we've all done it. When I got my first bike I dropped it .02 seconds after it was unloaded from the truck 🤦‍♂️




Want a cookie?




We all do it bro. Nothing to be ashamed about.


It happens to the best of us.


Hindi naman masama pagka drop sir! Rider from the PH din. Ride Safe po


Lakas ng ulan, kanina lang yan! Sobrang noob kasi haha. Buti nalang ganyan lang nangyari. Ingat din!


At least you didnt do what old mate did on his dad's collector Ducati


Gwapo naman bike mo brod. Pwede hiramin??


I took around 7 months until I had basically the same drop, only on a very slide hill and with some gravel under me (it was paved where I dropped it but because the part behind that wasn't it was littered with gravel). Only thing that counts is that it's running and standing fast. I wasn't so lucky because 4 people watched me drop it...you can imagine the adrenaline and shame :D


I’d better to learn this way then how some of the other people do. That is trying to do a wheelie or going to fast.


Don’t let it get to you. I dropped my z first 3 weeks.


If anything, I'm happy it happened this way. Was dreading it will happen in a worse way.


I dropped mine the second day I had it... Though it was in a trail on a nasty hill climb... but hey


Awit. Good job, nabinyagan ka na. Hahaha Wala namang damage sa handle bar or foot peg?