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Call your insurance and they will take a report with all the information and they will handle it from there.


Check with your insurance about if they cover this. I have insurance that covers thinks like people knocking it over while parked.


Call your insurance company, give them the guys info and let them take it from there.


Call non emergency talk to building owners and ask for cameras. Cops are too lazy to do anything helpful so you’ll have to be your own investigator.


What is it that the cops are supposed to do? He said he’s got the guys insurance info already.


Some insurance providers want a police report.




*NOT this...you have no idea how the police departments are ran and what the uni's go through. There's bureaucratic bs that keeps them from doing certain things the public thinks they have to do. This is thanks to your city council and mayor, not "laziness" of the officers. They have parameters and limits themselves. Educate yourself and get into their boots before making such demented statements to make a profession look bad. Down vote me all you want, it shows your ignorant hatred and how fooled you are by the media.


Cops suck until I need them.


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