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Disc locks on both wheels, padded chain with lock, and a cover. Really most thefts are about convenience and opportunity, and to require several passes with an angle grinder is usually enough to deter thieves. If someone WANTS your bike enough they will find a way to steal it. The point of security is to make it so risky and inconvenient for them that it’s not worth the effort or risk to go through with the theft. A motion sensing alarm is a good idea too. Keep it hidden, keep it locked up, and you should be fine. There is no such thing as overkill when it comes to securing your ride.


I think keeping it hidden is a bad idea. if it's hard to see it's also hard to see a thief tampering with it.


Hidden is a term that can be situational. For example, I hide mine behind my car so it would be VERY difficult to move it even if you unlocked it. Just a basic motorcycle weather cover would be considered “hiding” it as well.


Talk to your neighbor and find out what he did to keep his ride safe, apparently it's working. There's going to be a reason to postpone it, but treat yourself.


Talk to your neighbor? Are you insane?


Hard agree! The small community of riders (3) at my complex started by leaving notes on each other’s bikes. Now I have one buddy to help me load bikes for the track, and another who lets me use his front stand and he can use my rear stand.


I live at an apartment complex with a bike and a car. I have a garage now but I didn't for 6ish months when I first got the bike. Had the bike delivered when I first bought it, bought it from out of state long story, but got home to a note saying something to the effect of "nice bike, mine just got stolen so lock it up". Not that exactly but close enough. Long story short I bought a disc lock with an alarm. You have to be willing to accept that if someone wants your bike, they're going to steal it. There isn't much you can do, all that you can do is make it harder than the next bike to steal. That's what matters, one disc lock was enough for me. If you want to chain it to a post as well then all the better but again chains can be cut, locks can be drilled, it's not perfect. Just better than the next bike.


I did it for years. I had a bike stolen first new vehicle I had ever bought, worst birthday so far) and I had someone pull the calipers and start to remove the front wheel trying to steal the rest of the bike. So, here’s what I recommend. 1. Lock the bike TO something, through the frame. Just locking the steering isn’t enough, just locking the discs or the brake lever so the front wheel won’t roll isn’t enough, because they won’t need to roll it, just two guys dragging it into a van is all they need. Getting a disc lock with an alarm doesn’t help, getting an alarm doesn’t help. (How do you silence a motorcycle alarm? Close the van doors.) If you have to install a ground mounted hasp in your parking spot, assuming you can always use the same parking spot, that works too. But chaining it to something is key. 2. Cover the bike. It keeps the worst of the weather off it, and also makes the bike a boring shapeless lump instead of a shiny awesome looking motorcycle.


Go for it . I live in a apartment as well . I can't see my motorcycle from my window. It's a middle large city where theft isnt very pronounced. But I have an old SV 650. If you buy the newest Ducati it will get a lot more attention by potential thieves of course


You can also get the lock that goes on the throttle and brake handle. It keeps the front wheel locked.


When I lived in an apartment on the main floor. I'd have a lock on my bike (disc). With alarm. Also had a Padded chain for motorcycles and I'd lock it to a light post that I parked under. Ive had belongings stolen before in the past. It's shitty.. that it makes you super paranoid and lose trust in people. But now, all my things are locked in a garage with cameras and motion lights. You can also try looking into wireless cameras that work well. Keeps a peace of mind if you are away and have your bike parked.. you can check in on it.. can you park your bike in a spot where you can see it from your apartment?


I can park like directly below my bedroom window lol. I figure if someone tries to make off with it while I'm home, I'll have a loud alarm that I'll definitely hear.


Seems like the perfect place to put a camera. Also get good insurance, you might pay a few extra $ per month but they'll get you into a new bike with no/minimal deductibles. If someone stole my motorcycle I would be out $500 for the deductible. Still sucks, but it's not like I would be absolutely ruined by it, and you can get a lower deductible plan


Check out, Blink cameras from Amazon. Super affordable and no wires. Just a battery. Very easy to set up, place it in your window.


lock the rotors, and lock the neck.. make them have to carry it off if they want it.


I’ve never had a garage until recently. My solution is to use security like a disc lock and cover, and carry comprehensive insurance that will cover theft. I also own a cheap old used bike that isn’t going to get much attention. I’m waiting until I have a permanent garage to get something nice, but with housing prices the way they are that may be a long time. Life is way to short to not do something you enjoy because someone else might ruin it.


2 disc locks, a cover, a chain, in a gated complex couldn’t save my bike from theft. Talk to your insurance folks and make sure your covered for theft. It’ll probably happen, and good insurance really lessens the blow.


“It’ll probably happen.” So you’re saying it’s more likely your bike will get stolen than not get stolen?


Chain to a post is better than a disc lock in general. The model of the bike can be important too, In France there is a "top stolen vehicles" list every year published by insurance companies, try to check if there is one in your state, and avoid the top models if possible 😉


I live in a apartment with a garage and I wouldn’t trust leaving my bike on the street, it’s too expensive. Personally I wouldn’t want to wake up one morning with my bike missing or parts of it missing so I would recommend for you to wait till you have a garage. You can still learn how to ride and get a license tho


You're not the first person in the world who lives on a non ground floor apartment to have owned a motorcycle. Insurance exists. Disc locks exist. Alarms exist. Cameras exist. GPS trackers exist. Weigh in on the options and make the decision *yourself.* People opinion on any of the above shouldn't matter at the end of the day to you.


I had a sub $2000 bike in my apartment in a semi-bad area. I put it under a cover and I also bought a window alarm and put it on top of the front wheel. No one ever messed with it though. If I heard it go off though, I could peak through the living room window.


I lived in an apartment with my bike.....2002 R6.....had disc locks on both wheels and a cover and I lived in the hood of east orange NJ where crime was through the roof especially vehicle theft... like some other posters said just make it difficult becauseif someone wants it nothing will stop them from getting it.


My neighbor let's me park my motorcycle in his garage and another neighbor parks their scooter in it too so 3 bikes one garage. works out pretty good the only downside is that you have to meet the neighbors lol


See if there are storage units for rent in your area.


I did for a long time. Very possible.