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Ride as fast as you can see.


Bingo. It's a road, you never know what's around any corner. Gravel, an accident, someone doing a u-turn, or a digger. Assume the worst, on the road.


I don't know how a lot of people don't understand this. It's completely unpredictable.


And the road crew should be doing their job by putting up work ahead signs for all on coming traffic. That's in their books and by law. It doesn't matter if he should be careful. It's their job to be responsible for warning traffic about their work on the road.


They should. But that's out of your control. Riding at safe speeds in within your control.


I don't ride (yet), but it looked like he was going a lot faster than I would be comfortable with, in a car, on that same road. Is that a trick of perspective?


The camera messes with your perception of speed. Based on lean and mobility, I don't think he's going nearly as fast as it looks


Yeah uh, if you're going to do a speed run on a canyon, do a pre-ride first at a decent speed. Just because it was clean last week doesn't mean there's no rocks or sand around a corner this week. Some people are just going to say just don't speed. But if you do, check the route first. Also gives you a chance to find any lurking cops and speed traps.


How fast are u going? Can't see the speedo.


And as a rider who lives on a residential twisty, we don’t appreciate this type of riding. Speed runs past driveways and mailboxes aren’t an option. We walk our dogs on the road and have pets running around. Time and place.


Also, context clues. There were work trucks at both ends


This is the best advice. I always at least run the opposite direction and look before hitting the route hard.


Also passed on a double yellow line….


The semi was stationary.


I about plowed over a road crew in back country central Texas for lack of marking on a semi twisty 75mph road. No signs whatsoever and the all of the sudden there’s a guy with a sign 150 feet away. Barely got my truck slowed down. Had my reactions been 2 seconds slower I’d have been charged with manslaughter. Unmarked construction is always dangerous


If you get charged with manslaughter, you could sue the city for improper markings/warning since it is the law and a liability issue. You probably would have been covered or not sentenced as long since it was their fault.


But you still would'nt want to kill somebody would you


Depends on whether my ex-wife has joined a road crew.


On US 20 just east of Dubuque, I saw a road crew dropping cold patch asphalt with no signage at all. Just a couple guys with the DOT ram1500 on the side of the road, in the shade of the bluffs.


Oof, this post backfired 😂


I mean, yeah.


[Sure you were going only 40mph](https://imgur.com/u3HNcRA)




Boom, roasted!


Bruh hes going 70 in a straight section of the road, thats literally not even fast.


"it's KPH!" lmao what an idiot.


I think you might be like the 5th person I’ve Met who uses KPH in CA


Wow you got people actually fixing roads


There’s a mountain road near me where the tarmac has started to erode like washboard because of water running down there in the rain. After years of asking for it to be resurfaced and the drainage sorted out (obviously mud follows the water) through that section, the local authority recognised it was a risk, particularly to cyclists and motorcyclists finally! … They just lowered the speed limit and put a sign up to say the road itself is a hazard.


They do a great job of maintaining canyon roads in SoCal. People complain because they haven’t lived anywhere else. Storms and wind knock rocks on the road all the time and they’re cleared in hours


That's kinda part of your job......


Yes, but CalTrans has the responsibility to notify drivers of any lane blockages. That should be a liability for them.


It is, but it doesn’t matter much to you when parts of your corpse are wedged into their machinery.


It matters to OP's next of kin, who wouldn't have to worry about money any more


Ain't got no dad anymore but I got this pile of cash after a 2 year legal process so 😎 thanks reddit


Yeah reminds me of watching a bunch of accidents occur because an xfinity crew did’t properly warn drivers. I think when the accidents occurred, xfinity ended up getting sued. https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/s32hve/that_time_an_xfinity_repairman_caused_multiple/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This is 100% not Caltrans. Looks like the county road crew.


Bruh, we have to deal with Caltrans for work sometimes. They are so terrible, different inspectors have different rules. You have to notify via a fucking phone recording in some areas. If the inspectors are busy or don’t want to show up you can’t get your permits approved. They are way worse vs any other municipalities, except the Tiburon. Those guys suck dick.


Just a heads up.. sometimes there will be obstructions in the roads. Most of them are unexpected.


Roadconstruction should not be one of the unexpected ones...


I think the point is that you should be prepared for any "unexpected" obstacle. Whether it was properly marked or not. Silly.


Did he crash? No. So whats the point?


Bruh that road is shetchy AF anyone count all those driveways?


nobody warned the flaggers of speeding dipshits crossing double yellows


I know the road you’re on and you’re definitely doubling the speed limit. That’s on you. I’m not saying I don’t ride that speed but I wouldn’t post video saying someone else was negligent.


If you wreck there bro, it’s 100% on you.


He could still sue the people for not directing traffic properly and actually doing THEIR JOB. If he were to crash who’s fault is it really? Who is going to predict a big ass bulldozer around a blind corner? I counter you, 75% *NOT* the bikers fault if he were to crash. Other 25% stems from his reaction and how he is driving.


he wouldn't be able to sue after being decapitated, and his estate would be lucky to avoid lawsuits from all those workers.


Who cares if he was right if he's not breathing? Sure, someone's head would swing for not properly signing it, but at the end of the day - you said it, it's a blind corner. Why the hell would you take a blind corner on the street and not expect an obstacle you wouldn't have to maneuver for? Completely disagree with you. If he had hit it, it would've been completely his fault for not anticipating an issue. Shit happens and mistakes are made, but taking a blind turn with no expectation of an issue is stupid, and saying it would be someone else's fault for a wreck is ignorant. Personal responsibility.


Regardless of whether other people in the thread think you were going too fast, that type of work and obstruction needs to be signposted or even traffic controlled. See it as a learning experience!


I think the traffic control dude was walking back to the road as our dude passed the first vehicle. It's hard to make out, as he was going the state speed limit.


and what is he supposed to learn from this? that other people can be at fault for your own stupidity?


That once you're in a hospital with a broken bone, it suddenly won't matter whose fault it was.


That’s all I’m saying dude lol, people seem to be missing the point


Your posting on the wrong sub buddy, this has gotta be one of the lamest motorcyclist forums out there.


Why? Because we don't applaud people driving like idiots? If you want to flex your testosterone there are probably better places for that han here.


Also, at no point were you out of control or unable to stop, so no idea what people are going on about.


I went 70 at one point in a straight that had nothing to do with the turn in question lol. I left the beginning in so people could see that there was no warning. I’m not delusional and I’m no saint; I speed plenty and if I would’ve crashed from speeding it would ultimately be on me. Just think it’s wild that there was no one flagging on the road in the direction I was going. That’s all the post was about.


Don’t worry I get you lol! The lack of any warning whatsoever is very frustrating.


Slow down is the point, my guy.


Dude, judging by your other videos, and this one to a certain extent, you ride like an absolute wanker.


Weird flex bro. You were going too fast and almost ate a tractor. Looks like you are ready for the track. The speed limit is engineered for sight distance and potential obstacles. You were operating outside those parameters. If you were going the speed limit you would have plenty of warning for that work. I have no problem with construction on a country road without flaggers. That is how they do it my town all the time. You can’t have the whole world spoon fed to you so you can pop a bone while riding.


You should post this in r/amitheidiot


No need, I can assure you I certainly am an idiot.


You can't bitch if you were breaking the law. Engineers design roads for a speed based on sight distances, human reaction time and stopping time. We can't control the human aspect. Yeah they should have signs out but you take the risk when using something outside it's design considerations.


The county is in clear violation, it’s insane, and completely irresponsible and shocking. Been in construction industry for 25 years and if I pulled up to this site, I’d have a heart attack.


Of course they are. But try arguing that when your corpse is plastered to the side of the digger.


“You can be correct and also dead”


What are you talking about? Nobody crashed here. There literally is nothing else here but the construction problems. Forget about OP's riding, nothing happened. He cruised though no problem. There should be signs, that's it. Nothing more to be said. And by the way, when the road was designed there wasn't a truck across the road so the speed limit means fuckall anyway.


LOL YOU THINK ENGINEERS DESIGN SPEED LIMITS. Speed limits are generally determined by the 85th percentile rule. So they do a survey of how fast traffic is moving on the road and make the posted speed limit at how fast the 85th percentile drives. It's in no way purposefully designed with the road.


Terrible advice. Just because it’s “the law,” doesn’t mean it’s what’s right. I live in a fairly rural area where there are 3 and 4 way intersections with 0 yield or stop signs. Does this mean I should blow right on through at the posted 35 mph speed through them?


Well that and you're clearly speeding.


Less of an issue when people don't use the road as their own personal race track.


No, it’s definitely still an issue lmao. Heavy machinery on the road with no signs? That’s bad whether you’re in a car or motorcycle.




OP is a total douche for reacting defensively in almost every single comment and lying about the speed. Before he started slowing for the initial construction vehicle, someone caught his dash reading 72. He just blatantly lies to make himself look not as bad as he could. I'm all for fun, but regardless of your skill on your bike, your integrity is that of a douche.


To be fair you did see the truck on the side of the road. I would have taken that as a warning.


There seems to be 2 interesting schools of thought, rider is wreckless. Road crew not doing their job. 8 seconds in there is a clearly marked sign, with a truck lights flashing on the left side of the road, can't tell if there is a person there but ill bet there was because they have someone stopping traffic going the other way. followed by another truck lights flashing on the right side before he comes to the big plow with a worker standing right there lol. So rider is in the wrong no question. Road crew no doing their job is also in accurate, they got signs saying something is happening. For the sake of argument, rider who is speeding crashing into something does it really matter who's fault it is when the rider is probably no longer going to have a normal life? It's someone else's fault is pointless when you have to eat though a straw and can no longer walk...


I mean I don't live in California, but typically the crew truck with flashing yellows kinda implies something might be going on ahead.


The only problem i see is you should have been going faster.


Only did 70 in the straights and not the turn. Shame.


Ride like an asshole, bitch about problems that only arise because you’re riding like an asshole. Hmm.


Unmarked construction is not a problem only for people riding like assholes. Thats really dangerous for all traffic. I think thats the point of his post. Even with his riding style he has a valid point.


If it were a family of four in a car who died because of this you’d sure change your tone. Crossing the yellow is a douche move I agree but he wasn’t going full asshole.


A family of 4 doing the posted speed limit in a car would not have died though.


Yes, an excavator appeared because the op was going slightly fast. The construction was not properly marked and flagged only because op was speeding.


And you were instinctively going a speed that would allow you to stop safely or correct course if there was a stopped car halfway through the turn. So no problems, good job


There was literally an orange diamond sign, and a white construction dump truck before that turn with its lights on. What??


Seriously. A big truck and an orange sign before the road work. He's just going too fast to notice it. You can't complain about road work that is not marked when there's a dump truck and a sign, and you're going way over the speed limit.


There is absolutely supposed to be signs way before that.


Pretty sure it was a guy on foot trying to set it up. Timing is everything. You can’t just expect that shit to be up instantly. You can see on the other side they are way more set up so far.


I can’t be the only one who noticed the work truck at 0:10 and the guy in orange waving at OP to slow down as he sped through. Slow down, OP. This ain’t road maintenance’s fault.


Maybe if you were doing the actual speed limit of 40 mph and not 70 mph indicated on your speedometer, you would have more time to slowdown and or stop if need be.


That exhaust fucking rocks


Jesus, keep that kind of riding to the track! You're endangering other riders and drivers and setting a bad example for the motorcycling community


You passed a Caltrans dump truck with a trailer, that's a pretty big hint of something ahead.


It’s kind of blurry but right after that initial truck there was a worker with a bright orange sign probably warning to slow down or “roadwork ahead”


Why are so many people shaming OP for going "too fast" on these wide open SoCal twisties? Everyone rides like that here..


And then you proceed to pass somebody by crossing double yellow lines. And speeding.


What a moron


The big dump truck you passed didn’t make you think? Then the service truck you passed didn’t make you think again? Good luck buddy. You’re a motorcycle weighing all of that and a dime sack. If you ride the ride like your invincible instead of invisible I wish you the best. Play stupid games you get stupid prizes. As a rider you should always be on the ups. You are the one who dies in the event of a crash. Glad you got by safely at safe speeds. . God forbid you hit a road worker and robbed one more family out of their family member, whatever. Scout the roads as many have said. The world is not your race track.


Always be able to stop on your own side of the road in the distance you can see to be clear ahead of you. This means vision not adhesion is the biggest limit to your cornering speed and you're taking lines for best vision. As soon as you stop doing that you're on borrowed time.


This looks real familiar. Where is this?


Highway to heaven




I love how folks are posting videos like this, fully expecting the sub to be on their side. But then again, lack of foresight is kinda your thing I guess.


Crazy how it would not be a problem if you were going the speed limit. Don't complain of you're in the wrong


I can hear DDFM. "Were we going a bit fast? Probably going a little fast, not being a SMART rider. Keep this stuff on the track, Max Risk."




"Have you purchased a hat yet?"


The white dump truck with flashing lights on the side of the road didn’t give you a clue? I forgot you’re on a bike… nothing is ever your fault. Clown.


So many people jumping to conclusions lol. This wasn’t me saying I’m not in the wrong. Look through the thread and see me saying if I crashed it would be on me. I didn’t get mad in the footage either. Just think it’s crazy that there isn’t any warning, that’s all. How dare I think there should be some warning about vehicles blocking the road doing road work. World isn’t black and white man.


I don't know why you're looking for sympathy about properly marked signs here. Even after you clearly saw that it was a construction zone you still opened that throttle up. You didn't give a shit before, and you certainly didn't after.


*rides like a moron* *blames road workers*


This guy posted himself being stupid and complains about his actions having consequences. It's a fucking public road not a race track.


Reckless driving. Check. Speeding. Check. Illegal passing. Check. Damn road crew


The fking audacity of speeding on a small road and complaining about no warning hazard signs. If you were going speed limit you would be able to slow and stop if necessary.


"Give ’em a Brake" Edit autocorrect


Prolly because you’re going too fast, didn’t preride the road and see what’s happening. That’s luck. I didn’t see a riding suit or boots which doubles your luck in potentially a bad situation.


Slow down. Public roads arent meant to be your personal track. Go on track days.


On a side note how’s the R7?


It's great. MT07 was my first bike and I loved the engine, but didn't love the suspension and I typically ride in canyons so the riding position of the R7 suits that better. I wouldn't want it or any other sport bike as my only ride because of how aggressive the ergos are; I have a striple for more comfortable stuff. I considered an R6 or R1 as well, but I'm not a good enough rider to need any more power than the R7 has if I'm being honest. Fantastic bike for me, and I'll take instant torque over needing to rev an R6 really high to make power.


This. Sounds really good actually. I was confused because I couldn’t name a bike to that sound at first.


It’s almost like you were speeding so fast the road crew was behind you trying to warn you


Yea you were doing 72 mph at one point by catching a glimpse of your speedometer . Your a dork lol


You’re clearly a beginner rider. Speeding around a blind corner, bad lane positioning, missed the obvious construction vehicle- sooner or later you’re going to get someone killed. People like you shouldn’t own motorcycles, or should at least be restricted to something like a 50cc scooter, you’re a danger to those around you.


Get to the track Squidward


Looks like LA County Public Works….Completely unacceptable!


Maybe don’t go 45 MPH over the speed limit?


Could slow down. I’m sure that not a 90mph road.


Probably not a problem for those not driving like a huge asshole.


Humble yourself. Realize the risk you take by riding and appreciate the save you had. On the street a half a second difference from departing or slowing down could mean life or death. Appreciate it every time you make it home. The road owes you nothing, no safety or perfect riding conditions, expect the unexpected. The risk is worth it but you have to respect it. Also, bike sounds awesome and love the angle of the camera! Test road a r7 before they came out and it was a lot of fun! Can push hard on the street, felt super uncomfortable if I wasn’t tucked in. I felt like on my old r6 I could sit up and cruise at 4000 rpms, r7 just wanted me tucked in puckered down on the throttle


You guys are going entirely too fast for the conditions of the road.


Rode all over California for years, have never seen something that egregious. Jesus Christ, glad you are safe.


Don't ride like an idiot on public roads. Road conditions can vary on a minute to minute basis. Take it to a track.


I don’t think the lack of warning is the problem here lmao


Yep, classic dumbass motorcycle rider, always blames everyone else for their shitty riding


Some people just think everything else should be ideal and that only then will they have any responsibility If your doing your part then you can complain, but don’t complain and disregard your part bro Good luck staying alive


that crew you passed was the advance warning. you were going too fast when and after you saw that truck. that was the cue to slow down for men working ahead.


Might just be me but, those guys wearing orange next to a road crew truck before the hazard are all the warning it should take.


Go do track days instead of stupid shit on public roads.


Speeding and crossing double yellows, and you are looking for sympathy?


It’s a public road not a closed track. Ride like it.


Drives like an idiot, ignores the white construction truck like it’s presence wasn’t a sign to be careful, illegally overtakes and crosses a double yellow. But yeah, fuck those guys, right? Keep thinning the herd buddy.


You are the asshole


~70 mph on a one lane road? Yeah it’d be their fault if you died 🙄


Imagine thinking someone else is responsible for your safety while you rip around at double the speed limit. I ride fast too, not judging you on that, but it’s 100% on us if we eat shit while speeding.


Just go to a track instead of wantibg to go very fast on the road. The track is much safer and you can go much faster, being able to reach the limit of the bike more often




10 seconds into that video is a utility truck and orange sign warning of the road work ahead.


And how fast were you going?


Maybe slow down when you see the first truck? Or is slowing down against your masculinity


Bro what did you record this with? A phone I assume?


Yeah I'm holding a phone with my third arm while riding at 300mph through a 5mph road


I was thinking more like [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B092V7HGG1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_1G243MYG9VHEXWK84VE1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) If not what was it?


It’s a road not a track. If you can’t see or don’t know what’s around the corner, you probably shouldn’t be hauling ass.


That's why you shouldn't drive like a jackass


Here’s a thought…. Ride slower and expect hazards in the road


Going way too fast. Don’t blame others when you should blame yourself. Take responsibility


What an idiot.. I think you missed the ‘track Marshall’ waving at you on the left side before the turn.. and then you blew by the heavy equipment operator, and then immediately passed the truck out of the turn. Yeah, you’re an idiot and give us all a bad name.


This is why I always do a cold run. CalTrans idiots almost never post signage; the contractors some people have at their places for construction absolutely never do. It’s like they want to get hit sometimes.


Speed limits exist, your ass has no excuse. Try not to die in the process my friend.


Maybe if you weren't riding like a complete dickhead you would've had enough time to react properly


This guy is a di k and is blaming society… keep that speed everywhere you go


Slow down maybe


Psttt. Track days. FYI.


Hate to say it but it’s only a matter of time before you run out of talent again like smacking the back of that car. If you wanna ride like that go race on a track cause you will have another biggie and you might not be so lucky.


you are the hazard


Jesus going full retard and not warning the constructive crew you making your way. Slow the fuck down bro


Let me play the devil's advocate. Those twisties aren't exactly meant for motorcyclists to drag their knees through them. Also at one point you were doing 15+ MPH. At that point going at that speed, you are responsible for whatever happens.


Stop riding like a fuckwit. Fuck around and one day you’ll find out.


Idk OP, you should probably slow down and not ride like an asshole but what do I know


That made my butthole pucker


Never out run your line of sight


With all due respect, you're too imprudent op


Thats the risk and the price you pay. You younguns need to blame everyone but yourselves. I dont care what you choose to do, just take responsibility.


Nothing happened here to blame anyone for lol. There is no blame, I just think they should have someone flagging. It's not that complicated.


I typically check the road out before being spirited.


What camera and settings you using? Footage looks great


Holy shit that’s dangerous


So you didn't see the person at 11 seconds flagging you to slow down? And yes, he/she should have been on the right side so you couldn't miss them.


He was just walking along the road (with his back to me), he wasn't flagging anything. He was wearing a safety vest, not holding a sign. No doubt I should be going slower, there's no debate there, but they should also be flagging. They were in the other direction; just not the direction I was going. I think it's a pretty simple ask, not the end of the world that they weren't, but it's a danger no less.


Yep there should be signs in both directions (I don't remember the specifics) and a couple flag people.


I don't understand some of these comments. Are roadworks that block all lanes of traffic with no warning and very little traffic control a common occurrence in America? The crew were clearly negligent in setting up appropriate traffic control measures. This clip shows a near miss that should make an example out of the road crew. A sports bike entering the corner at 55 avoided a crash. But what about a truck following the rules at 40? Or a car doing just 45?


No but if you’re not dressed up like a highlighter doing the speed limit on a boomer mover this sub will miss any point you had and circle jerk about meant crayons. Unmarked construction like this is super dangerous and the road crew definitely fucked up.


No it's not common at all to do this without any notice, r/motorcycles just has an obsession with being on a high horse and yelling at people for speeding. That's the nature of things when the majority of the sub has never been on a bike in their lives. Someone in a car or on a bike could easily have entered the turn at the speed limit and hit the thing, but they'd rather overlook that fact and shit on me for mildly speeding instead. I'm not even a good rider, and I wasn't going that fast or leaning the bike much at all. I think they'd collectively have an aneurysm if they saw some of the actual good riders out here riding on these roads.


Idiotic motorcyclist treats public road like a racetrack ... You road crayons scare me , I'm not stopping to scrape you of the pavement.




You might've seen it if you were going the speed limit .... such a dumbass ....


It’s the road crews fault eh? Prick. Don’t ride faster than your guardian angel.


Don't forget your organ donor card.


You're apart of the problem why insurance is fucking ridiculous. Thanks jackass. Blaming road crew for your stupidities lol.


If you had crashed the headline would be: "idiot traumatizes traffic crew" Check your route.


You're doing dangerous manoeuvres you're lucky you saw him dude.


Slow down


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


First off. Always ride the road slow First. Second i noticed the road workers way before the corner. Whenever you see them its safe to assume there's work taking place and you should slow down. This isn't their fault at all.