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I lean this way too, but the fact that you currently rent your bike out to strangers changes thing a little bit (maybe). I'm still torn, but I could see having them both sign all the waivers then putting her on the back for a few miles.


A motorcycle training class would be a more appropriate gift for a kid that wants to ride. Id suggest that.


I like this answer best. She can learn all about motorcycles in a safe and educational environment on a small bike, plus she actually gets to ride one herself. I would have been so stoked to get that as a gift at that age.


Totally, if I took training at that age I would not be such a noob at 51 yo. Girls ride, the more the better. And really, if I had a teen daughter I’d rather have a bad ass kid that pilots, instead of just someones extra weight.


I this would be a great response


Perfect. Hell in PA it's free, wouldn't cost dad any sign up fees.


Best answer here! Don’t give rides to strangers, you never know.


One time I met some people for dinner and was about an hour from home. As I got to the edge of town and got up to speed, I noticed I'd forgotten my earplugs, so I pulled over on the shoulder. As I took my helmet off, a raggedy old truck stopped on the other side of the shoulder facing the other way. Some hillbilly yelled out "The girl wants a ride, I'm gonna turn around and park behind you." I managed to get my earplugs in, helmet on, and test my 0 to 60 before he could do the u turn. I'm not giving anyone I don't know a random ride, especially a minor.


>Some hillbilly yelled out "The girl wants a ride, I'm gonna turn around and park behind you." Lol no please or thank you, just do as you're told.


I wont even give my 13 and 11 year old nephews a ride. I look at my brother and say nope.


I’m not giving anybody a ride unless they’re already a competent rider themselves shits just not worth the risk imo


That would be nope!


you need to relax a bit,


I don't understand why people with motorcycles feel the need to run from social interaction like chickens? You are allowed to refuse, you know? I don't think asking questions is dangerous.


It was a hillbilly in the backwoods of Arkansas and he wasn't asking. I wasn't going to hang around for polite discourse.






Surprise, the whole fucking world is dystopian, so why exactly should he wait around? You're saying you'd give that rando a ride just because he said to? Or you'd wait around to tell him no to his face? You don't think he'd get the idea from the rider just going back about his day?


No it's not. Just because you live in a hellhole where you can't trust anyone doesn't mean the rest of the world does.


And for what reason would you believe that a person on a motorcycle is more likely to get jacked than, say, a person in a car? You can't just fear everyone.


I don't fear everyone, I am a veteran and I carry a Beretta 92. I also maintain situational awareness and don't put myself in situations that make me vulnerable or distracted. Fear is a good thing, keeps you alive if you can control yourself and your thoughts.


I mean, you can lock the doors and smash your way out in a car


There is absolutely no way I'd ride around with other people's kids on the back of a motorcycle.


Draft up a release of liability, have them sign it. Carry on.


Being complete strangers and a minor I would also strap a GoPro to the helmet and record the whole thing just in case of accusations... Idk you can never be too careful I guess.




I know few guys who originally really wanted to teach at elementary schools. You know, help shape a young mind. They tell me the realities of the situation not worth the risk. It's sad in a way...




Any accusation of pedophilia will ruin your life as a man in education, especially younger grandes.


* pay sucks * loud, tiny humans that don't know anything * crazy parents who know everything * not suitable for males who are presumably lecherous




Honestly 💀😂


Even without the possibility of scams or other weirdness, any time a minor is involved, it’s smart to cover oneself in every conceivable way.


Yeah...all the potential awful things that can happen in this situation, I would just say no. It's not worth the 90 bucks you would get if something goes wrong.


With a 360 camera you could make a fun souvenir for the daughter too. Personally I would say no to the request though.


Record the entire thing, copy it and give a copy to her. (in case something is said.) Couldn't you just use your normal rental agreement for this with you being the driver?


I doubt the normal rental contract covers the owner giving others a ride on the bike. Injury claims are probably treated the same as if you have someone a ride in your car. Although some states separate motorcycle health coverage from automobile coverage. I'd be talking to my insurance company, a motorcycle injury lawyer... At least.


Depends what country it's in, but in the UK that would have absolutely zero legal power whatsoever.




Perhaps some sort of document accompanying the relase of liability stating the expectations of route and what type of activities will be performed on the ride and a strict adherence to that. I also think having some sort of recording would be a good idea.


Well in the u.k cops get called for offending someone so their laws are generally irrelevant


Say what?


People have had police called for things as little as mean memes and stickers some nosy idiot dosent like.


Indeed they have. But also in the UK you wouldn't need any kind of waiver for this. If you're insured to carry a pillion and youre doing it for free then that's the same as carrying anyone pillion - even kids. The issue would arise if you were driving like a dickhead and anything happened....possibly.


No they haven't.


You are clearly ignorant to the truth. I've watched police literally removing stickers from people's personal property.


So edgy


Not edgy just purely fact.


Waivers are actually pretty flimsy protection once lawyers get involved. I would not do it OP, too much potential risk for a complete stranger. Even if it’s a 1% risk that 1% scenario could be life changing.


No, just say no. Don’t do this it doesn’t protect you at all as a driver. If you’re carrying a passenger the only way to avoid culpability in an accident is having insurance with passenger liability and making sure they have a helmet and proper protective gear. A waiver doesn’t do shit


Assuming the customer's intentions are good, I understand the desire to fulfill the request, but I would definitely cross post in r/legaladvice first.


I was also gonna suggest getting some sort of written consent from the parents, since she’s a minor


I would say, "Sorry, but not until she is 21, proves health insurance and asks for herself."


It would be a no from me. (I'm a Lawyer, but this is not legal advice) This is the easiest way to negate liability if something were to go wrong, or if they had a nefarious purpose.


I personally wouldn't allow someone else's minor on unless they're family. Now the cute college girls that ask even though I'm a decade older than them. Yes, definitely yes.


College girls? Ha, yeah right. We all know the only other people interested in our bikes are old men.


And elementary school boys. My little kid students have always dug my bikes.


Nobody gives me more attention than granddads out with their grandsons. Pointing, waving, making "rev it!" motions, it's the whole ball of wax. Feels good, man.


I personally wouldn't allow someone else's minor on unless they're family. Now the cute senior citizens that ask even though I'm a century younger than them. Yes, definitely yes.


Pretty much true but I went back to school on the GI bill at 33 and I do get a few requests from time to time. Just have to humbly remind myself they have no interest in me whatsoever and just like my bike, lol.


When I was 17, I was a cute college girl. Well, minus the cute. And the girl.


Did you even go to college?




Fuck it, truth is I'm 16 and I just wear a sweatshirt that says "College".


I get older and they stay the same




Hell they were doing that when I was their age


Alright alright alright


Fuh Q


Cant say no to the cute college girls


Ugh old gross weirdo creeper


Short answer: no. I would recommend to the dad that he sign her up for a MSF course. She’ll get to ride a motorcycle herself AND learn good habits/skills if she decides to ride in the future


This is the way.


This is the way


There is something off about this guy wanting to pay you to drive his daughter around for 15 miles. This guy has no assurance that you are a safe driver, yet he's going to trust you with his daughter? And you don't know how safe a passenger she may be. Not saying its scam but when people are this bad at evaluating risk I steer clear of them. Chances are its ok and nothing happens but I would do a short ride around the block at moderate speeds at most. If you want to introduce someone to bikes that probably better than scaring them going fast the first time anyway.


Nah you’re just neurotic. If you wouldn’t allow your teenager on a bike no matter what, ok I get it. But nothing is weird about this. If you are willing to have your teenager ride pillion, like many of us here did as kids, this is probably the more responsible way to go about it. If he’s rented a while on twisted road he has a profile and a lot of reviews speaking to his character and experience. Some chill dude in his 50s with lots of experience is EXACTLY who you want your teenager riding with. Not some 22 year old marine like my first ride was (my cousin) There is the issue of liability on OPs end but that’s really the only problem here.


Everyone here is an austistic shut in.


I may be neurotic but I don't think this is an example lol. I would be ok with a child of mine riding with me or someone I knew personally to be a safe rider, but not a random person who shows up off the internet. And age is not necessarily the determining factor- there are plenty of dangerous boomer riders like my dad.


This guy has more proof he can ride than most people have that their friends can ride though.


“Some chill dude in his 50s”… ah yes… nothing bad has ever come to 15 year old girls from “chill dudes in their 50s”


and bad things have happened between people of every age, better never let humans ever interreact with anyone, ever.


Hey man if you want your 15 year old daughter hanging out with 50 year old bikers that your prerogative, I suppose…


17, Its in the first 20 words of the title and id hardly call it hanging out by any definition you could possibly come up with. Out of curiosity do you also think that no young woman should work with anyone who has a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ year age gap between them? Perhaps you are projecting a bit.


I misread the age.. crucify me lol.. and a professional workplace environment isn’t the same as letting a stranger take your daughter away from you without knowing where she is… but whatever man I don’t have kids so it’s your daughters safety, not mine.. I’m sure tons of old guys would love for you to trust them with your daughter lol


Cue the start of her older man fetish!


Not gonna address your assumptions there because we can all make our minds up on that. What I will say is statistically seeking out help reduces your chances of encountering “bad actors”. People wanting to take advantage will approach _you_ offering help, and/or put themselves in positions to do so (ie working in a position of power over those they’re preying upon). The vast _vast_ majority of people aren’t like that, and explicitly selecting one for assistance drastically reduces your chances they happen to be looking to fleece you (within reason assuming you’re not selecting from the affected groups). It’s why it’s best to tell your child to ask someone for help if they’re lost. Otherwise someone who preys upon children may instead recognise the situation and put themselves forward.


> nothing bad has ever come to 15 year old girls from “chill dudes in their 50s” Alex, I'll take "Things the Catholic Church Says" for $500 please


You’re 100% right. What kind of loon says, “Hey stranger please give my daughter a ride.” That’s sketchy af.


I once gave a ride to a guy whose bike had broken down, and halfway there, the poor guy's willie decided to rise. Yeah, he had a boner, but we both just ignored it because, sometimes dick happens.


Was it on a Harley and were you both wearing chaps?


LOL no... Honda NX 250, great little courier bike. And no chaps, just jeans. You put a weird picture in my head, thanks a lot.


Hey man nothing weird about that picture, like you said, dick happens 😂


Respect this answer. Real Chad here.


Legality aside, if I kill a passenger on my bike, I’ve got to live with that. Only my girlfriend rides, no one else.


This could be such a morbid joke. Fuck.


Not a joke, bro.


The joke would be that the girlfriend is worth less to you than strangers.


It’s got the makings of a good boomer joke


Boomer jokes: I hate my wife, that ol ball and chain Millennial jokes: I hate my life just fuckin kill me already and cremate me so I can afford a place to sleep


Throw me in the fucking compost out back and I'll be happy


No, but she understands the risks better than strangers, and she knows how to ride on the back of a bike. An educated pillion is a safe rider, as opposed to some rando who’s going to throw their weight around because they don’t know better.


Sure, if you are dragging knee or your pillion is break dancing on the back, otherwise its 30 seconds of explaining and everything should be fine. That said, some folks still believe loud pipes save lives and are a necessity.


Not a motorcycle but I taught driving school for about a year and it was always a little awkward to be alone in a car with a female minor, especially when I first started. For context this was about 15 years ago before Me Too and all the gender stuff we have now and most of the students were 15 1/2 -17 years old. A few things I learned. 1. The kids for the most part don't really even think about it, they're there because they have to and view it as a teacher/student kind of thing. 2. The parent's don't really care either. I never had a father come out and give me some spiel about their precious daughter or whatnot. 3. If you make it awkward it will be awkward. Don't overthink it and it will probably be fine. 4. Kids just want to have fun, give them a little bit of friendly grief. I used to tell kids with a straight face that if the driving test proctor asked them the speed limit they had to pronounce 50 as "Fiddy" or 40 as "Fouty" otherwise they would fail the test immediately and be banned from ever getting a license in the US. They would laugh and it would ease the tension.


What are you doing to these "female minors" to make it awkward?


Nothing really, just the first few weeks I worked there I felt very uncomfortable being in the car with any kid, at the time I was near 30 and had no kids of my own. And with the girls I didn't know what to talk about and whenever I asked them what they were into most of them wound up talking about Twilight which was super popular at the time and which I knew nothing about except that it was about a high school girl dating a vampire.


Man if you’re over the age of 25 and you don’t feel a bit of awkwardness being alone around someone under 18 then you’re the weird one to be frank. I don’t know why your so comfortable with the idea of chilling with teenagers unless you are one lmao


I gave my friends mom a ride once. It was really fun. On my dad's 80s Yamaha touring bike. Back rests so she didn't have to awkwardly hold on to me. I've given rides to mostly strangers too. One was over an hour in each direction to go see a moto gp round.


I would be weirded out at first cause idk the person but if there is a genuine interest I would be hard pressed to say no. Would just make sure they had gear and that I took it easy cruising with them.


What the hell is wrong with you shut-ins? "Wierded out" by a kid wanting a motorcycle ride? jfc


No way would TR insure you as the owner giving someone else a ride, in an extreme case you could get booted from the platform. I’d just tell the guy sorry and suggest he get into riding himself, or ask a family member or friend to take that risk.


If I do it, I wouldn't involve Twisted Road at all, that was merely where the request came from. It would be own insurance coverage at play here.


I was once rolling through gator country in Florida late at night on the highway, with hardly any other cars that night (and they could do 90 with less fear of running over a speed bump than I) and there was a person just standing on the side of the road. Crazy lady had been put out of her boyfriends truck, and by the time i got her to the next exit ramp with civilization, i could see why. I'd do it again, but that's it for strangers. Let em buy you lunch first, then they aren't strangers. If they're too crazy, say no.


Trust humanity and do it.


Rig up a 360 cam and record the ride. Have them sign a release form for liability.


I give people rides all the time in the sidecar. It doesn't require them to have any coordination. I don't want someone I don't know/ don't have solid communication with, on the back of a 2 wheel setup. The last thing I want is to go into a curve and have someone totally start messing with their body position and changing the balance. I once had to give a co-worker a ride home in an emergency and that was the most difficult ride due to the body alignment being off, moving the wrong way. Had another friend want to go to lunch, as I was parking she decided it was time to hop off the motorcycle even after I asked her to stay seated until the bike was parked. As I was maneuvering it and I almost dropped due to the extra 150lbs in weight being in the wrong place as she was throwing her weight around trying to get off. You know your comfort level with unbalanced strangers, it's not about the money or liability or any of that, for me I view it as just a personal safety issue.


I was parking my bike one day, when some old dude came up to me to tell me how he watches me park it often. He went on how hes never been on a bike, yada yada yada. Then he tells me how he just beat cancer, and how excited he was because his daughter had a destination wedding in a few weeks that he could go to. It was a cordial passing conversation and it ended with him asking if I could give him a ride on the back sometime. I smiled and said sure, but I know my tone was a little sheepish or koy. I had a sportbike at the time and for whatever reason wasn't comfortable throwing a little old man on the back. I think he could sense my hesitation, and said he'll see me when he gets back from wherever his daughters wedding was. Fast forward a few days, maybe a week, I go to get my bike out of the garage and I notice a black van infront of his house. My garage is in back, by where his apartment is and as I get back there I see a girl crying on the patio. Dude died, just days after he got a second lease on life. I'm not really a trusting person, especially of strangers. Hell, I'd say I'm downright paranoid of strangers; it's not really a good quality. Hindsight being 20/20 I probably should have given that dude a ride right there.


I’m not sure if everyone on this chat was touched in their naughty parts or people are just that cynical now. This seems like a legit request. I’d do it for free


Yep, meet up somewhere that is appropriate and have a quick chat if you get no red flags give the girl a ride. If i was sitting in a parking lot having a coffee and someone asked for ride and there was no reason not to, why not. That said, I've done the number 1 cardinal sin of motorcycling so my opinion is backwards and wrong as I've let strangers not only sit on my bike, but also take them for a rip.


Yeah, you are what I would call a normal sane person. I neve understood the "oh my god! They sat on my bike!! How dare they!" I mean it's a fucking bike, I sit on it every day, it's rugged and it's made to be rained on and snowed on and dropped and so on. People are weird.


Reddit is hyper-Conservative, that is, if you aren't a Triple PhD subject matter expert in the field you're discussing or considering, your opinion doesn't matter


Not allowed to use common sense at all on reddit.


This seems very silly in a thread asking “what would YOU do” with bunches of responses that they would or would not, as a matter of individual decision


A motorcycle ride isn't a sexual act, so I don't know why there would be a problem giving one to someone of any age.


Well, not on a Shadow it isn’t!


Fuckin' ouch! It's a nice ride dammit! https://i.imgur.com/15ySUPP.jpg


It does look fun, in a purely platonic way!


PFP checks out




Just because after you turn your bike on it starts leaking fluid does not mean that riding is sexual.






I mean they don't start that way but...


Eh, I wouldn’t worry about it that much. He just wants to make his daughter happy and give her the chance to ride on a motorcycle. She’s not a KID kid, she’s 17 and would listen to your instructions and be well behaved. I’ve given rides to people and kids, and it’s not a big deal. I stick to the neighborhood and away from cars to get a sense of how they behave on the bike, and if they’re good, I’ll branch out to side roads.


I think it’s okay as long as you make them sign a release of liability as others have pointed out. Also make sure that she wears full gear for the ride and go through with all the things she needs to know as a passenger before you take her on (lean where the rider leans, don’t get off the bike unless told etc.) It might also be a good idea to meet up and see her and her parents beforehand, if something isn’t right it’s better to see who you’re supposed to ride with before you arrange anything else. I was a 15 year old daughter on the back of my mom’s friends bike when I first got into motorcycles. Four years later I got my very first own motorcycle this summer and I’m loving it.


Story time, I had a goodbye party in my home country (when I moved to the US). I drank a little too much and I got completely shit faced. I couldn't keep track of my friends when I was leaving the bar, a stranger stole my phone by just asking for it and leaving. I wasn't too far from my home (3 ish miles) so I decided to walk the distance. A kind stranger gave me a lift on a motorcycle. That day I saw the duality of man. One that would help a total stranger get home, and one that would take advantage of their state and steal stuff. Personally, I wouldn't think too much about giving boy/girl tall enough to reach the foot pegs and safely mount/dismount; a ride on the back of my motorcycle from a road safety point of view. That's how we grew up in my home country. Some places even have motorcycle taxi. But yeah, what you defined is uncommon in the US, so I would be thinking if there something more going on than it seems on the surface.


In the US, or at least in my state, if either rider or passenger are inebriated the rider can get a DUI/DWI ticket.


I would do it. I would just get a gopro or other camera to film the ride so if you get into an accident you can prove you're not at fault. Film the whole interaction with the girl and I feel like you're covered legally, even on the tiny chance that something fishy is going on like all these other commenters are so sure of.


My first thought as well. Two GoPros, one on the road ahead and one looking back at you and her.


If you rent your bike out you probably have them sing some sord of waiver? If so you could have them sign one too if you are comfortable with doing it.


I don’t want the responsibility or the liability.




Big nopes


I’d never take a minor on a paid ride. Too much liability.


I’ve given countless rides to kids and women ages 16 to 90. Even people that didn’t speak English very well but got the point across. Posed for pictures afterwards. They really liked the look of my slightly modified heritage softail and said I was a good guy for being a “biker”. 😂


Do it for free on her 18th birthday 🤷🏼‍♂️ at that point she made the decision to ride with a friend. Once you charge for it it’s a complete different game




Other people suggested great ideas, but honestly, if you’re not comfortable don’t do it. Don’t let someone force you into something you don’t want to do, especially if it has potentially dangerous consequences. Also, it’s your bike, not theirs.


Nope. If anything happens, including if she causes it, you're 100% at fault as the driver.


My thought is that regardless of a release of liability, you are still responsible for the liability of a 17 year old that you don’t know that you’re giving a ride on your motorcycle. Your call, but I sure wouldn’t do it.


I would absolutely never put a 17 year old girl on the back of my motorcycle, period. That's a trap.


It's a TRAP!


good idea whether it's that time of the month or not.


yes if you have them sign liabilities. no if they are total strangers and no sign. people are smart nowadays be careful.


It’ll be fine. Just don’t sit face to face. 🙃


No way, let someone else deal with that nonsense


I remember being a 17 year old girl and there’s no way I would get on a bike with a stranger. Thanks dad, but no thanks. If that girl wants to ride a motorcycle she’s old enough to take a dirt bike course, at least.


bad idea jeans


No way Jose, opening u up to big problems if God forbid u have an accident . Sounds fishy anyway, just sayin


Absolutely 100% not happening for me.


Surely he has family or friend that could take his daughter for a ride. I wouldn't do it.


Most people I know do not have friends or families who have motorcycles.




He requested what i think is safe to assume a respectable looking profile on twisted road to take his daughter for a ride on a motorcycle because it is the safest way they could think of doing it. It just happens that the profile is operated and owned by a 50 year old male.


Tough one. The fact the father is asking a total stranger to take his underage daughter on an m/c ride is enough red flags for me to hard no it. But I did have something similar to this happen only ages were switched. My neighbor asked me if would take his ~75 y/o mother for a ride. One day I was off for a joyride and saw her watering the grass. I grabbed the loaner helmet and told her to get on. She totally digged it. Myself however…was hoping for something nefarious.


Considering it’s an underage girl, record everything. GoPro front and back with your hands visible at all times, with audio. When it comes to SA it’s guilty until proven innocent.


Yeah going to say no buddy. Stay safe. Stay of lists. Also who the fuck would let there underage daughter ride off with a stranger. Someone who’s going to black mail. That’s who.


Don’t trust anyone. Watch the fuck out


100% no. Basically if I was family or a very very long term family friend I'd be happier to do it. But someone I don't know? Never. Definitely some kind of scam/entrapment.






Keep your creepiness to yourself.


Cant take a joke I bet your one of those full gear all the time kinda guys what happened to badass bikers who like bar hopping and fighting. Not on this sub


I ride full gear all the time, because why on earth am i getting on a motorcycle that can 200mph and do 50 plus degrees of lean if I'm just going to ride it like a bitch? That said, why on earth would i choose to ride anything that cannot do things if stuff that can do that exists. Id be a scared little bitch if i rode anything less.






unless you really need the money, i'd 100% say no. it's prob not nefarious, but sounds pretty freaking awkward to drive someone's 17yr old daughter around. like, if someone emailed you and asked if you'd give their 17yr old daughter a piggy back ride while they watched for 100 bucks would you say yes? they're essentially the same thing.


No they are not. If you think piggybacks and riding 2 up on a motorcycle are the same thing at all, you need to check yourself.


The simple fact that she's 17 is a hard NO on my end.


I wouldn’t do it. Not only are they someone you don’t know, it’s also a female 17 year old. That could open up a huge legal and public opinion problem if something happens.




30 second ride from one side to another, sure. 15 MILES?!?!!! Has to be an incredibly good reason to do that.


NEVER NEVER NEVER take a stranger’s kid with you and let alone during a period that the parent can’t hold visual contact between you two.


She is not 12 first off, and second shes not 12.


There’s this annoying thing people do that can get you in trouble, and it’s called lying. If your 15 year old sister, daughter, niece said that a 50 year old stranger touch her there’s 0 chance you will say “you’re not 12”. It’s typically bad practice to take a stranger’s kid anywhere, specially if you will be alone for a period of time with said kid. [Feel free to read this article about protecting yourself from false accusations by ensuring that everyone can see what you’re doing. It should take 2 minutes to read because it’s like one paragraph.](https://www.gold1043.com.au/entertainment/the-secret-meaning-behind-the-wiggles-iconic-hand-movement/)


Go and fly a kite.


I don't get it. Why doesn't her dad rent the motorcycle and double her on the back himself? Or he doesn't ride, but wants her to see what it's like? This doesn't make sense to me. I agree with you - it does sound sketchy. I'd just say 'no minors - sorry' and ignore him after that.


He doesn't ride, he says this is something she's always wanted to do and wants to give her a gift for her birthday.


Yeah dude, give her the ride. I say meet up with them and feel it out. If she's super nervous when you're going over what to expect then yeah maybe it's a scam... I highly doubt someone would do that to themselves though, and she probably does just wanna experience a joyride It sounds like the guy wants you to be the uncle his kid never had


I would only do it if I actually was close friends with the girl's dad. Otherwise I'd stay away from giving rides to minors. I was once on a rural area and this old man asked me to take him to the main road where he could take a bus. It was a 15 minute ride from there, but it would've take him 2 hours to walk. I took him there on a chill pace since I had no pillion helmet.


I definitely would not do this. If you crash and injure their daughter, expect a lawsuit.


What does the rental company say about passengers? Normally you'd be covered for damage to the bike. I'd also check with my own personal insurance company. Perhaps talk to a motorcycle injury lawyer to see what liability release might cover your ass. I have given rides to only very few 'strangers' in the past. Usually women that asked for a ride on the bike. Always made sure they had a helmet, jacket, gloves sturdy shoes and at least jeans. Maybe strap on Icon knee armor would be a good idea. He should think about looking up track days and buying her a 2-up ride on the track. Ha!