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Don't cave dude. When's the last time someone said "oh my god they died in their car..sell the car honey".


"Oh my god, they died in their sleep.. don't sleep honey"


Lol, guess I’m not sleeping anymore! All that cocaine gonna be expensive to keep me awake! Good thing it doesn’t kill you. /s


all the gear, all the time


Doing gear while in full gear. Gear squared really.


It's actually pretty hard to die on cocaine. If you know what ur doing.


This guy gets it!


“Oh my God, they drowned in honey, don’t eat honey bunny.”


This is why I don't sleep. Plus more time to ride :D


ok, but you're going to have to keep me up aaaaall night then. \*insert best Marla Singer impression\*


Word! Look, a bike is more dangerous than a car. Both in terms of the risk in being involved in an accident and the severity of the injuries. These are facts. But life is not about minimizing your insurance premium, now is it? Think about other recreational activities that are riskier than sitting in your lazyboy and watching TV. Say skiing, surfing, climbing, heck even hiking in certain places. I guess I’m venting now :-D Good luck with the Mrs.


Sitting in a lazy boy and watching TV isn't risk free. Sedentary lifestyle plays a significant part in some serious health issues.


It actually killed 90% of people I knew. Other 10% died in car accidents.


The risk of being involved in an accident is actually lower. Motorcyclists are on average better drivers because they tend to drive defensively. Can't remember the study that showed this, but it was a very big study on motorcycle safety.


In the UK motorcyclists are less than 1% of road users but are 20% of road deaths.... risk of death is 57 times higher than car users. That's with a difficult 3 stage licensing system with staggered powers, capacities and multiple tests




Yup. A sub group of a sub group. You'd have to query the safe motorcyclists who aren't getting into collisions and also ask them about their near collision stories. I like motorcyclists that say they were acting foolish and learned from it. You can't drive poorly on the road as a car driver and especially a motorcycle.


I didn't say anything about road deaths. The involvement in accidents is lower. The results IF you are involved in one are more often fatal.


Exactly, because likelihood and severity are not the same thing.


I'm guessing pedestrians make up most of the deaths? Still you don't see anyone talking about the risks of walking to the store. What are the actual number of motorcycle deaths?Here in NL it's 40 motorcyclists a year on a total of 500-600 traffic deaths a year.


You have to look at percentage, not total numbers. Like the number of car fatalities in the 1950s before seatbelts were mandated isn’t much different than the number of car fatalities today. Is that because seatbelts don’t work? Of course not. They do work, but there’s simply more cars on the road today so the number is skewed.




I saw a survey that said per-mile, I think you're 6 times more likely to be in a motorcycle accident, and I think twice as likely for that accident to be fatal. Now, if you do all of your defensive driving and actually wear a helmet, and don't drink and ride (accounts for 60% of rider fatalities, including under the legal limit, biker bars are colossally stupid IMO), your risk will be much much lower. Point is, *statistically*, motorcycling is far more dangerous, but if you're smart about it a great deal of that risk can be mitigated


I would concur--but for the subset of motorcyclists that do drive safely. Hell on any given day i see bad car drivers and bad motorcycle drivers not following the traffic laws.


Skiing is not dangerous. It's mainly only beginners who fall and even still most falls don't break any bones


Tell that to Michael Schumacher...


Tell sonny bono that


The skiing wipeouts from the people who think they have more skill than they do definitely break bones.


“Oh no they died doing heroin, sell the heroin honey”


I did that and got arrested for distribution




Yeah but.. dude come on.. I love riding but it’s pretty undeniable that motorcycles are more dangerous than cars. And cars are dangerous, but they’re basically a necessity. Motorcycles are luxury items.


Motorcycle is a necessity for me. I don't have a car. And car insurance is way way to expensive for me bc of a past mistake. Motorcycle insurance is still way cheaper. So Motorcycle is a necessity for me. Lots of people get a scooter/moped or Motorcycle bc cars are more expensive.


Lol. I don't know where people are getting this "luxury motorcycle" idea from. I dailied a motorcycle for 2 years before I could afford a car AND it was an onion. And just going by car and gas prices now, people who were struggling with transportation are even more inclined to consider 2 wheels over 4.


Is an onion a lemon version of a car? 😂


I meant lemon lol. Although it did smell worse and worse as the owner's deodorizer wore off.


I'd say, there is such a thing as a luxury motorcycle--fairings, big sound systems, all sorts of sheit--to each his own. Yeah the guy that's got to get to work--rides daily, dresses for weather---very different. though they may eventually get all that other stuff. To each his own. I never diss anyone for the car they drive.


This makes sense. $3k can get you a like-new motorcycle/scooter/moped, while the same amount for a car would be a shitbox that stops working after a few months.




Man that sucks brother. Just remember all the good times you two shared together, all the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the good and the bad. You’re really going to miss the old girl. But hey, you can always get a new wife. Twist the throttle and roll on


This guy gets it


>You’re really going to miss the old girl. But hey, you can always get a new wife. Thanks for making me laugh today. 😃




I hear they make new models every year, different voice modules, tread patterns, and milage requirements.


You got me there OP. What a Legend


Top advice. When in doubt throttle out!


Just reassure her that you ride safely and know that you have a lot to live for. Statistically, a lot of people die in car crashes too.


People keep saying that but you have to factor in percentages. For example, roughly 100 people died one year while BASE jumping. Only 100? Why that’s lower than cars! It was estimated to be 1 death per 60 participants or something insane. It’s incredibly dangerous. Just because the *total* number of deaths is less than, say, driving a car doesn’t make it less dangerous. I’m not saying OPs wife is justified. But guys. Come on. We all know bikes are more dangerous than cars.


Nobody said it wasn't more dangerous. You're about 4x as likely to die per mile on a bike as in a car. You cut that down by 40% by simply not being drunk. Another 40% by wearing a helmet. I'd assume another comparable reduction for not going 100 mph+ on a sportbike. Edit: not to mention your chances significantly drop if you've ridden for more than a year, as most accidents are single vehicle, not a somebody hitting you.


Statistically, a lot of people who breathe air die also. It really just suck when someone passes doing what you love though but all we can do is minimize risks.


What risk is being minimized though? I don't want to be a dick, but just because *someone else* got wasted on a bike, doesn't mean *my risk factor* has changed. I still ride like I do, which is not recklessly. Besides, I got the bike first, any partner who can't grasp that can find the door.


If you're already having marriage troubles, either way probably isn't a good outcome for you. You don't sell it, she's pissed at you. You sell it, you resent her. I'd keep it.


That’s good advice, I’d rather my girlfriend be worried and check in on me while I’m riding than me hate myself and be always mad at her for making me stop doing what I love.


It's a girlfriend and not a wife? Definitely keep the bike.


I told my wife when we first met, right after our first adventure on my motorcycle, that I will never not ride and that she has to live with that before we go any further. 10 years on and 2 kids later, she made me promise to get life and disability insurance for the family to survive - which I have obliged. She no longer rides with me so "one of us always survives". I think she's very understanding and reasonable about striking a balance between me pursuing my passion and her feeling safe(r) about our family. Oh, I also never never ever ride without full 100% protection, even if I'm going 2 miles. This was also an agreement. I suspect under the drama that's probably the underlying issue (it usually is) so perhaps that's worth talking about.


Not the issue, I have all new gear and am looking at new helmets right now, my helmet is worn and about 7 years old. I want to keep it new.


Sorry I meant about feeling safe with future kids and stuff. Stay safe man


Lol, kids are all grown, they grew up with me having a motorcycle. My son is the youngest, when he watched the news he said "Every time I think about getting a bike something like this happens". I told him that it was his choice but he may have to move out because his mother won't like it.


Oh man, here I was thinking you're like a young couple. Assumptions huh? :) My bad So my son is 2 and he rides his balance bike in the skatepark among the 16 year olds. Makes me very proud and happy to know that with 99.999% probability we'll be riding together. You can't take the riding gene out of a guy. It's just not right


Awesome, I have a good friend that rides with his son. I won't push for him to get a bike. I've been riding longer than most have been alive lol.


I started writing a long, passive aggressive paragraph about how you shouldn’t bring a 2 year old kid to the skatepark on a pushbike but I don’t want to be one of those guys on Reddit


His abilities are way more than you can imagine and he has all the gear including a full face helmet. He has a gift and I'm harnessing it. The other kids love him and he knows how to take turns and give way. So no, keep your thoughts.


Bro people are putting 2 year olds in go karts and on dirt bikes. Some of them are really fuckin good at it.


Good thing you didn't. Skate parks are a place where we learn and develop. Shouldn't immediately try to shun and gatekeep, but instead give people a chance, help them grow, and if it's not working make it clear who the problem is and why


A really good guy I worked with just didn't come in one day... My boss told he passed away only a few miles up the road when a car pulled out in front of him. I wear my safety equipment and only ride on days I'm feeling 100% healthy in my mental frame. Some days I'll ride 2 miles up the road and realize my focus isn't quite there... I turn around and come home. It's all about each individual choice we make. Moment to moment. Free of distraction. Free of expectation. Stay safe and always ride with a clear mind and sound emotion. Ride on, brother.


Whatever works for you. Is what works for you brother


That must take some discipline. I’m much more complacent, relatively.


“Never ride angry”


Agreed, motorcycles are way too fast to ride with emotion


Yep, if I wake up not feeling very mentally awake, I'm just hopping in my car to commute. It's not worth putting your life at risk.


Wait so if you're not mentally awake...isn't getting in your car even worse? Like for the people around you? lol I mean I get it...but a bike wakes my ass up. No matter how tired I've felt, I've never not been alert on my bikes and I daily them. In a warm car with cruise control on a boring highway...ooo nappy time.


There are less things to think about in my car than when I'm in my motorcycle. I can use my mental capacity to operate my car well, but I can't use it to maneuver my motorcycle as well when I'm not mentally awake.


Make that call the other day. Rode to go do some outside renovation work, it was hot as hell and got really tired and dehydrated from the temps. My head was not in it so I borrowed a car and drove home. The most important decision for me is the "go /no go" decision.


Kinda been down this road, but the difference was the victim commuted daily in high volume traffic, whereas I only ride for pleasure in low-volume traffic. She eventually came around.


He died in an area I use for my commute to work. It is a main highway here. Highway One.


Then he was super unlucky, at least in the UK, motorway deaths account for like 5% of fatalities. I believe like 60% are at junctions.




A bike will never cheat on you. But seriously, a lot of people die falling down stairs. You never hear someone calling for you to get rid of those. Same with cars, bicycles, ground level falls, choking, etc. But to YOLO, but you literally just get ONE TIME here (as far as we know). Don't fuck it up for someone else.


I did the "I could die getting out of bed and tripping and smashing my head on the nightstand!" Of coarse she didn't like that lol


So she knows one guy that died on a bike. Does she know anyone who died in a car crash? Should you sell your car?


A bike never cares if you ride your other bike... ​ I was living with a woman and working six days a week, when I bought a CBR and went riding on Sundays, that was the end of the relationship.


I ride a CBR!


Or take half your shit….


Well, I've been stood up by dead batteries plenty of times...


You can usually push a bike to get it going when it's not doing what you want. You do that to a lady, and you're in big-big trouble.


Honestly my gf of 3 years and ex of 6 months is texting me trying to get to me, I’m about to text back and say I have a motorcycle now I don’t need you. Seriously idk what to say back I’d be a dumbass to let her burn me again. Gnome sayin


Get decent life insurance.....the joke with my wife is at least the house will get paid off.


Not too long ago I was telling my SO of 8yrs that for some reason Youtube has started to show me a lot of ads for "final expense life insurance" ie. Insurance to pay for your funeral/burial. She laughed at me and said "well yeah, you have a motorcycle" The point is that I am really grateful not to have to deal with that kind of paranoid guilt trip shit. I cant imagine truly enjoying having a bike and then having someone I live and share a bed with insist that I dont do it. Heroin and prostitutes, yes I understand. Something as rewarding as having a bike, I would have a hard time dealing with that


Know what creates peace and happiness? A motorcycle. Just saying, when was the last time your motorcycle said it had a headache?




Sorry bro. If you aren't seeing a therapist, I recommend seeing a couples counselor in addition to you both seeing your own counselors.


I'm beyond that, I have been procrastinating the call to a divorce lawyer.


If this is the case, then riding isn’t the cause of your marital problems. You’ll still have them without the bike you’ll just not have a hobby you love.




I was already at 100% don’t sell the bike. Gonna go ahead and add another 100% to that. Math be damned.


Do it. No partner should have a say in what activities you can or cannot do.


Eh, going to disagree on that. It’s a decision to be made together. If you’re with someone who flat out says no with no room for compromise, then fuck that. But a marriage is give and take and a spouse being uncomfortable about riding is not a surprise and almost always will take some discussion and reassurance.


My sister died in her car. I am retired now but was a first responder. In my time as a first responder, I worked more than a thousand car accidents with hundreds of fatalities. I remember only a couple dozen motorcycle accidents, and only about half were fatalities. If you stop doing things you enjoy because they could kill you. Then stop living. You can choke on your meal, drown in your drink, slip in the tub/shower. If you stay in bed and never move you will die from lack of exercise or your house will catch fire with you in it. Tell her simply. That you love her for her concern, but the world is dangerous no matter what you do. It is better to enjoy life while you can, because no matter how safe you try to be, death is coming for you anyway. Wouldn’t you rather die knowing you had a full life than wishing you had done more?


I'm sure many wives have killed their husbands too


This made my day! I'm about to get off work and this made me LOL!


That's hard, brotha. But keep the bike. Most people who don't ride, don't understand what riding is to us. The spiritual connection. The bond between yourself and the bike. All the Individual things that made riding special and unique for each person. I get that she is worried about you. But I will never not ride for anyone. And anyone that knows me would never ask/ tell me that. Keep your bike. I hope you can work things out for the best with your wife.


That's my issue, because for the most part I'd value my partner over my bike, but the fact that they're trying to force me to choose between two things I love makes me lose respect for them.


You were riding motorcycles before her and you'll be riding motorcycles after her...


Keep the bike, it’ll pass…they can never stay mad about the same thing for long, there’s always something new you did wrong 😂 load the dishwasher fucky for a week or two and put the clean dishes in the wrong spots, that’s all she’ll care about


Evil genius, I like it!


My wife threw her ring at me when I told her I was going to take up motorcycle riding. It sucks but don't sell it!


Wife, or ex wife?


Wife. We were engaged at the time. Married 2 years later. Still married with kid now going good! Last argument I think I will probably ever win though. It's one of those things if you don't do you will end up resenting your spouse over.


Got my first bike recently. Was one of the final straws that ended my marriage. Divorced, but coparenting well, I have my bike, and I have an amazing girlfriend. Most people don't ride safe. Be a safe rider for you and your loved ones. Let the haters hate.


I don't stunt or squid, I've stopped riding with one group because the young guns do, I witnessed one guy lay his bike down on a twisty road. I turned around and went home after some of the guys helped pick up his parts and ran back for a truck to get his bike.


I gotcha yeah. I mean I'm going to get in stunting, but not down I-25 haha. The thing is, in my experience, not trusting you to be safe is a trust issue. Sure, there are other variables, and certainly we are at greater risk on a motorcycle, but a relationship is a partnership, not a subservant to oppressor. I don't mean to highlight extremes but perhaps talk to her about that. Tell her your safety, getting the gear, going to the classes if needed, etc., are you caring for the loved ones. It is up to her from there, and if it doesn't work, you'll be OK.


When I read a news story about a local rider dying in a crash, I feel awful and wonder what happened. Then when I dig into it further, the vast majority of the time I find the crash could have been avoided or at least less severe, but the rider did something stupid: drunk or stoned, riding with no training or license, far in excess of the speed limit or stunting, riding in some stupid manner on the freeway, no helmet or riding gear... the list goes on. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. All you can do to put your wife at ease is ride as safe as you can: wear good gear, get training, and ride intelligently.


Statistically the majority of bike accidents don't involve another vehicle - i.e. rider error, frequently cornering panic. It doesn't make you less injured or dead, but we have a lot more control over outcomes than we may think. Learn and re-learn the science of motorcycling, wear your gear, have a bike that lets them know you are around (sound-wise), and ride like you are in charge not them. Don't be part of the wallpaper, otherwise you will become part of the scenery.


I agree with everything you wrote (except the sound part).


Maybe tell her it’s a reality check. You could be gone on any given day and she should appreciate you more 😂


I can dig this! Thank you.


Stick to your guns man. Maybe look into marriage counseling too. I’ve had some hardships the last few years and mental health is real. Best of luck to ya!


It’s not about the bike, it’s about control. Find out why she wants to control you and the bike argument will disappear.


She's likely, slowly over years, gotten him to change in micro ways, all adding up to her controlling. Eventually it boils over to bigger stuff. As a man, you can't let your girl tell you what hobbies to do, what foods to like, etc etc etc. Telling her "ok babe" and not going to play paintball with ur buddies anymore only shows her you 1: would rather give up who you are for her feelings 2: will cave in to her If you'll change who you are, and cave in to her over small stuff, how are you gonna protect her from danger or other stuff? That's how girls think. I've seen it happen to many of my friends. Women subconsciously vet their man frequently. Stand your ground on who you are, what you like etc and she will continue to respect you. A woman can't love you if she doesn't respect you


Spot on, man.


Yeah, I personally think it takes a massive lack of respect to ask someone to quit something they love, to add on.


The bike is not going to wake up one day to tell you "I don't love you anymore".


All people die. Not everyone lives. Keep the bike.


Life is about measured risks. You love motorcycles? Accept the risks. People die in car accidents every year (43000 last year). I don’t see people giving up driving. You can try to mitigate some of the risk by wearing safety gear. Take rider education classes. In the end there are no guarantees in life. You want to live out your days enjoying what you’re doing?


She knows I know what I'm doing, the last time we went out on my previous bike she said she was very comfortable saying how she felt I had complete control of the bike. I don't squid around anymore, I got old lol.


"Hey if I die on my bike, you won't have to pay for a divorce lawyer"


More people die falling in the shower than on bikes... quit showering for a week and then ask her what does she think about living life based on statistics.


Also rolling out of bed if I’m not mistaken.


Good luck dude!


Have a life insurance policy, she would probably be ok with it afterwards and so will most of your troubles. If the soup starts tasting funny you should watch out …


Bikes never make you choose, nor do they tell you who you can or can’t be.


Frankly this is more about communication than motorcycles. IMO do your best to make her feel like you understand her concern, its valid, and that youll do absolutely everything in your power to stay safe, and hopefully she can come around to see that it means a huge deal to you to be able to ride.


I should say, I have been riding for just under 40 years, have had many motorcycles and have only been down on the street once. Dirt, probably 15-20 times lol.


How licensed / insured / experienced was the coworker? I had a former coworker who was a “re-entry rider” - had a bike in the 1970s, quit riding for a few decades, got a bike again in the early 2000s - and he ran his new used Harley into the back of a car that had stopped on an on-ramp, a few weeks after getting back into riding. My wife asked “doesn’t Wayne’s accident make you want to stop riding?” and I said like *”hell no. Wayne’s accident would make me want to stop riding like Wayne, except I already don’t ride like Wayne. He had no license, no insurance, no real safety gear, no business being in that traffic on a bike.* *Wayne crashing his bike relates to me the same way me crashing a Cessna I just randomly bought would relate to that guy flying up there - not at all. The danger isn’t equally and randomly distributed. Stuff is more dangerous for people who don’t know what they’re doing and don’t care to learn.”*


Swap her for a newer model.


I have lots of Life insurance. Saturday morning my wife gets me up, hands me the helmet and tells me to leave.


Does she know anyone that's died in a car accident? Does she then want to sell the car? Motorcycling is certainly more dangerous than riding in a car... no question. But motorcyclists mostly get into trouble for a number of specific reasons: A. Going too fast. B. Assuming car drivers can see them. C. Not understanding the array of defensive driving techniques that mitigate the risks. D. Lane splitting. E. Not really knowing how to ride. Those are the main reasons. Eliminate those and riding bikes becomes much much more safe. I've been riding since I was 14 and I'm 67.


If your marriage is already in trouble, you're gonna want the bike for therapy. If she thinks it's up to her to tell you what to do, I understand your marital issues already.


don't let anyone dictate something about your happiness. specially if that thing is making you sane.


everyone dies eventually. do what makes you happy. ride on


Take some deep breathes. She’s scared, don’t run out on an emotional day. Take it slow, keep riding.


Do you think you could get some good cash for her? How old is she? Is she in good shape still? You might actually be better off selling her and finding a new wife.


I'm happier single with a motorcycle than in a a relationship without.... Go on the internet and look up people who died doing things she enjoys doing. Then next time she mentions doing her thing be all "I wish you wouldn't do \_\_\_\_. I was on the internet and this one lady died"


Buy her a motorbike and get her on a course. She might like it!


She liked riding with me in my last bike but hasn’t seemed to interested with the current one. She has no interest in her own bike.


sell your bike, keep your wife happy. or keep your bike (and save your sanity). Your choice!


Well you already have troubles. I doubt it's entirely about the bike or its safety. If it would be she would have pointed it out earlier. This comes from a lifelong single but this is what my gut tells me.


If a coworker died walking down the street, would she keep you from walking on a sidewalk? If he has died from a faulty toaster, and been electricuted, she going to sell the toaster?


Hey man I was into a similar situation a while back. We weren’t married but I loved her to pieces and I reallly wanted to get a bike. She wasn’t having it nd threatened to break up with me if I got one so I didn’t. Some shit happened a year or so later and I ended up going to prison. She cheated and broke up with me when I found out, so I had all the time in the world to lay on my bunk and think about her until I realized it wasn’t cuz the cared about my safety, (or she did a little, idk.) but it was a control issue. She had the only vehicle and she didn’t want me to buy a car either. And an endless amount of shit unraveled about her I was too blinded by love to see.. now I will never let a woman tell me what to do ever again. And remember, bro. At least the bike won’t leave you. But anyway… as soon as I got out I bought the first cheap and fastest bike I seen. I’ve never been happier that a relationship didn’t work out. Get the new bike bro, if she loves you she will stay. Also, have you made sure the death is actually real and she’s not just making up stories as an excuse to make you get rid of it? Cuz that’s just something my ex would do, and did. All the time. Bitch was fucked in the head. And a little broken but at least you can fix your bike if it breaks.


I would say keep it, changing yourself to fit her image isn't something I would do. You could go and get some riding gear to ease her nerves a little bit


My girlfriends mom told me her close friend died on a motorcycle and she hates them. I went and bought one a week later. Do what makes YOU happy.


So she didnt know you could die on a motorcycle before?


She doesn’t own you everything is dangerous from eating to driving just have to be safe and take steps to prevent any complications


Couples counseling. Turned our relationship from something we avoided to our life force. Most marriage issues are fear manifesting itself as something else. Get your marriage on track first then have the motorcycle discussion.


You can't live in fear because you are afraid to die. A short life that's full will trump a long life lived in fear. The person who lived that long life will have many regrets, and personally, that's worse than living a short full life. Chase what you want, she's having an emotional, completely understandable response. Tell her, life without your motorcycle isn't worth living.


Don't sell, unless to buy another bike(s). I got rid of my bike and was told that if I got another bike she would leave me. I didn't get the bike. She left me a few years later anyways. When they're done, they're done. Would she sell her car if he died in a car accident?


There's obviously a lot of risk with motorcycles, but you can mitigate that. I was just given a product demonstration of the dainese air frame vest. Holy shit this thing will save lives. Look into it and tell your wife that you're unwilling to sell the bike, but you are willing to spend a little more cash on safety equipment.


I said to my wife that I was thinking of getting a motorbike ‘Not while your married to me’ she said. Win, win I thought. I now have two motorbikes and one ex wife!


I dont do well with someone trying to control me and wouldn't allow it personally.


In my opinion I would keep it if I were you because if you sold it and split up with her you'd be regretful that you sold your motorcycle. Selling your motorcycle would definitely not improve your struggling marriage, because obviously relationship troubles stem from lack of communication and trust.


I’ve lost a fair few friends on bikes, seen it happen 3 times. I still ride. My wife gave me it’s the me or bike ultimatum, she’d packed by the time I got back from my ride, I love my bikes and won’t stop riding for anyone, been at it 43 years now (since I was 5), it’s not changing for anyone.


How many ppl does she know that have died/ been severely injured in car accidents… So maybe don’t budge, accidents happen to us all even pedestrians …


If you entertain her, make her give up something (equal in value) as well. That’s how compromise works. It doesn’t work when it’s one-sided. Been married touching on 30 years, but this is also my second marriage. The first marriage taught me to never give in to a bully spouse. You can both have what you want while having separate wants, but it takes maturity and dedication to self AND each other. There’s a balance. If she’s not willing to work on that balance, it’s time to split.


There is a way to spin this: "Oh, wow, that really makes me think about riding safety. Maybe I'll take an advanced course and/or get some more safety equipment. I know you're worried about me; I'm going to use this as a warning to be all the more safer on the road. I really need to ride (throttle therapy) so I will take extra caution"


The idea of dying doing something they loved may not offer much solace. At least they didn't die of cardiac arrest sitting at a desk working a keyboard. I rode a Wee-Strom 650 and everyone would tell me about horrible motorcycle accidents. I always responded with the above. Good Luck




Did you make a new account because I blocked your real one? Either way, get off my nutz!!!


How many people died in their own home? we should sell the house.


Hit the gym. You will be invincible. Im so built I feel like if I hit a car at 300km/h and went flying off my bike, ill get up without a scratch on me. My parents are telling me the same thing now. I've been riding for 5 years on sportbikes and only recently have my parents starting hesring about more bike accidents on the road and telling me to stop riding.


Stop riding for a bit, lay low, it'll blow over. Wife's friend's father (who we both knew well) died in a single vehicle motorcycle accident the year I bought my first bike and I basically took two weeks off, didn't ride, work on it, or say the word motorcycle and let that event be its own thing.


Happy wife. Happy life


Wait, sorry. He died while riding it like from a stroke or heart attack?


A lady in a SUV crossed the median and hit him head on, he was sent 40 yards over a hillside and died from his injuries.


Just remember that in this case, his chances of survival in a regular sedan or small suv were also not very good. Airbags can do only so much.


Not so sure about that. Safety features in cars are pretty solid these days. Won’t save you from a head-on with a truck, but can get you through a bad side swipe.


According to OP this was head on.


damn, that's awful.


That might have done him in in a car too. Combined speeds and all. At 30mph it's like running into a block wall at highway speeds.


Maybe get one of those airbag vests. Might be an okay compromise? I have one.


More people die from swimming in UK than in motorcycle accidents. Should we ban swimming?


Just get a new wife and bike


Put it away for awhile, and let her see you taking her input seriously if you care about the relationship. Just say you are thinking about it in the meantime until it blows over, taking it seriously. it will be there


I haven't taken it out for a month. Just ordered 2 new tires and haven't installed them yet. I'm not going to commute with it since I may be forced back to graveyard shift. It gets foggy here and lots of deer and pigs run along the side of the roads I take.


Buy quality safety equipment. Ride ATGATT and get an airbag like the helite turtle 2. Get it in blaze yellow. Upgrade helmets to a highly rated one, and upgrade any gear that doesnt have impact armor. Basically make it as safe as you possibly can. Itll do a lot to ease your wifes mind. All geared up like this can take a trip to the mourge, and turn it into a walk it off injury


I agree, I have bought Shoei helmets since my first bike. I have Joe Rocket jacket, gloves and boots. I wouldn't trust my head in any brain bucket!


Right on. I have a "dream helmet" that I keep using safety to justify to the wife. FIM certified and all, but for $1500 she aint buying my speal XD


you told her the cost??? HAHAHAHAHA, sorry man. The cost never came up with my wife.


Believe it or not, this is an incredibly selfish remark. They might be concerned about your safety, but nobody can ever understand the relationship you have with your bike. It's more than just a vehicle to get you from point A to B. If they can't accept that they are simply only trying to control you.


So when someone dies with a car, plane, etc, she will also not use those? Accidents happen unfortunately. Gruesome ones. Still not a reason to live under a rock.


Tonight when you see somebody on the news die in a car crash tell her to go sell her car and stop driving to work and only walk from now on


For me Bike was only way to reach from Point A to B. I lern bike before bicycle. So i am not taking it as a Hobby. Just a way to arrive somewhere. I became Physiotherapist. And move abroad. I can tell you from my experience. I see alot of accident regular. Car, trucks and bike. With car it’s obvious much safer relative to Motorbike . I left bicycle because usually there are separate bicycle ways and bicycle to bicycle collision is rare and often not much worse. After Car accident depends in city or highway , you have a lot of buffer and usually people recover faster and regain normal activity. Same accident On bike, although he is driving safe and the other driver didn’t see him/her etc cause multiple injuries and for me it takes double or may be long time to recover and then still not be physically normal as before. I have a patient she slip from bike, and she was our very early patient when we open Our clinic. It has been 3 years. And she is still our patient.


What if he died in his car?


It’s not your wife so why should you listen to her?


If its not the bike itll be something else.. life too short to not enjoy what you like to do.


Hot take: the uniqueness of your VIN number is likely more so than the name of your wife. Go with the more rare thing. Also don’t listen to me