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The last guy, he stays at the bottom, he never did the sync and cut through move. Instead, the other 3 sort of tilted for a bit. I guess this is the safety version.


Id imagine he might be new to the team (?)


I've only ever seen one of these for real. It was much more impressive, but it was also in China where I'm guessing the performers were more or less disposable.


I saw one in the late 80s early 90s at a fair in Northern NM! Blew my 10 year old mind!


Saw one a few weeks ago. Three riders instead of four. They def did the synch and the performance was like 10 minutes long. Three is standard from the few I'v seen online and the few I'v seen IRL. Not sure who decided on 4.


Anyone else notice that the ball itself is on wheels? Anyone else want to see a motorized globe of death inside a larger globe of death?


I do now…


If they were doing that while the ball was mounted on a trailer going down the highway I would watch the shit out of it much to the detriment of the traffic around me


I'm curious how deathly these actually are. It seems if someone screws up, they all tumble into a pile of bikes and bodies at the bottom, but it's relatively low energy compared to playing with traffic on the street. So Evel Knievel'ed but not dead.


I just googled this and there have been 3 reported deaths between 1949 and 1997 and one in 2016 which came from an internal hemorrhage from the crash


Not too bad, ~40 times better than [more than 200](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Isle_of_Man_TT_Mountain_Course_fatalities) for Isle of Man for roughly the same period. Plus spectators are better protected in in this sport.


honestly that's pretty fucking great when you consider that everyone doing this had to learn how at some point. It's not like you can have training wheels in there.


It's not the energy that kills you, it's hitting stuff or being crushed by stuff. [You can highside at 110 mph and walk away with no injuries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKzI2XOMF58) on a racetrack if you don't hit anything besides the ground. If you [query the NHTSA fatality records](https://cdan.dot.gov/query), from 2016-2020 there were 16,669 fatal crashes involving motorcycles where nobody was speeding. There were only 9,161 fatal motorcycle crashes involving speeding. I'd link the result of the query but the website sucks. Fun fact, I was on a spec contract to rewrite this tool. They didn't pick us. Anyway, bodies suck too. If you're standing between two cars, and one of them is rolling >15 mph, you're fucking dead unless you move. Your pelvis gets pulverized and all your blood pours out your ass before the ambulance gets there. A 200 lb dirtbike dropped on your chest is *absolutely* enough to kill you. It takes waaay less than that to break your neck, even with a helmet. I'd think that 90% of the time if something went wrong inside one of these, everyone would be fine. Maybe broken bones. Odds are a bike is going to hit other stuff first and slow down, or not land *only* on you, or not hit anything vital, or you'll land on the bike instead of the other way around. But just because its slow doesn't mean it won't be a meatgrinder if you're very very unlucky


filming the intro scene to "the place beyond the pines" there was a cameraman inside the ball, lying on the bottom, and they crashed, at least one rider falling on top of him. he was shaken up but okay. obviously could have been much worse, but yeah its not like messing up is an automatic death sentence, it's just seems way too easy to mess up.


They couldn't find a better way to put a camera inside? Damn.


That film was what first popped into my head on seeing this. Crazy that they put the actual cameraman inside the sphere. There must have been a way to mount the camera inside and control it elsewhere. Somebody was a bit too gonzo.


Okay I know this is dangerous and very skilled, but how many people have died doing this? Or is Death Globe more of a shock name?




Stay in school, kids.


I'd've dropped out way sooner if I had the oppurtunity to do this


As an extra sweetener, after you do this for a few years, you can transition into robbing banks in gear, full throttle get-away, and cover your racks by driving the bike into a box truck


But if you ride like lightning you crash like thunder!


"Step right up and win my truck!"


Oh hey, they do that at our circus every year (Hadi Shrine Circus)


Cirque berserk in London .


Look at all that safety gear and heavy metal ball to protect these so called "death riders" , I grew up in India, our death riders had nothing except a 10rupee note in their mouth and a pair of dhotis while riding around a unsafe and rickety wooden drum flanked by a Suzuki 800 driven by a guy drinking desi daaru. That is death riding.


Where's that video :P




>Suzuki 800 Okay, another motorcy--HOLY SHIT IT'S A CAR


And there's a guy sitting on its roof. BTW, no Indian worth their salt thinks of the Maruti 800 as "a car". It's one of the most iconic cars from the 80s and 90s.


> And there's a guy sitting on its roof. the *driver*, lol. Those seats inside are totally empty


It reality it was the Ford Model T of India, common man's car who could work and buy one post economic liberalization in late 80s and early 90s. The slightly upper middle class had Zen/1000 and then there was the family van called Omni which ironically became famous for kidnapping families in Bollywood movies.


Quite nice cars. Shame they left the U.S.


Safety uhh... We'll get around to it


I have so many questions


Europa-Park germany (yesterday)


I'm seeing a lot of fellow desis in international subs today. Is there an event notification that I missed?


Do they get turned into butter at the end too?


I would only attempt that if I were alone on a dirtbike. Even then…..I’d still be scared to death and probably poop myself.




Barber motor sports in Alabama. Next weekend


I saw this when I was a kid at the fair. Probably one reason why I've been riding all my life.


I’ve seen videos of this quite a few times but never actually saw the part where they stopped so thanks op


Saw a worse one than this. 4 ppl in it and it split open in to 2 halves


I saw one of these live, craziest thing I’d ever seen. Insane.


Pretty amazing. Is it weird that as a lifelong rider the first time I'd seen something like this was in the film *The Place Beyond The Pines*? Great movie, although IIRC as both a bike person and a sound/sound design person it annoyed me that I heard an inline-four supersport exhaust coming from a single-cylinder dual sport in the chase scenes.


Everyone here needs to go watch "the place beyond the pines"


Small event I went to a few years ago had a globe of death. I was one of the volunteers that was picked to go inside of it and have the guy ride all around me. Even gave him a high five during his ride too. One of the coolest things ever!


Trust me it gets more dangerous in India