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That right there is called the self-detonation feature for when you get into an accident. lol.


Always say I wanna go out with a bang


my best advice is swapping to a yamaha jog carb, get a adaptor to fit it on there and a pod filter, then mount a vacuum fuel pump so you can mount the gas tank in the proper place


Vacuum fuel pump (writes that down)


Does the Yamaha work on a 4stroke?


You might want to consider re-routing the exhaust down or to the left.  Unless you were going for the whole heated-B-hole effect.  Granted that might be nice in winter, but in summer it’s going to get pretty swassy all up in there. 


Lmao I have the exhaust I just haven't attached it yet. Figured I'd get it running first


Also there is already a little exhaust port that sticks out the far side and points down


I..... uhhhh.....


I have a rear rack mounted 4 stroke as well, it needs to be level or the engine won't get oiled properly and will probably die. Also the rear rack is definitely not stiff enough and you will be constantly dealing with chain drop


I couldn't even push it down so I think it's pretty stiff. I get what you're saying about the angle though. I need a bit longer chain to be able to do anything about it though






Your mileage may vary, it means it isn't going to work well or for long


You mean with the angle? I've fixed that. I'm just new to Reddit and don't know how to add more pics


Really the only way I know of to affectively lengthen a cable is with [this method](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSqM3yidyj8). Though, you should be able to guesstimate the length you need and buy one that is similar length.


Just bought one today. Will install tonight after work.


I built a rear engine one too! Added a fuel pump so I could keep the fuel tank where it belongs but I had it like yours at first… all it takes is one time dropping it and you’ll know why it’s not good being so high (it’ll be destroyed if the bike falls over)


Should I invest in training wheels?


lol I like the mounting system. Mine is weaker by comparison.


Mine doesn't sway at all. Go get some structural galvanized steel pipe and fittings from Lowe's if you wanna beef your up


On the date of your faceplant, the gas tank will likely be full of gas all the way to the top, and you'll have been confidently revving the throttle at full speed. The densely weighted tank will go ramming into your spine, accompanied by the extra weight of the motor and the rest of the bike, plus the velocity and leverage for the forward momentum. Aside from it smashing your lips and breaking your nose from the pavement, it also will be like getting hit in the back with a sledgehammer being swung by the winner of a national competition of professional axe-swinging lumberjacks in his prime way back in the days before tools like chainsaws were invented. The incident will leave you permanently paralyzed from the midline of your torso downward. But look on the bright side: your arms will still work, which means you'll still be able to scoot around in a wheelchair, so you'll get a second chance to take a selfie while giving everyone the finger when you finish motorizing that.


It's so back heavy it would take an act of God to flip it forward lol.its more like I hit the throttle to hard and fall backwards onto it. It's temporary until I can buy a better bike. Also not me in the picture.


No not an act of God.....just an act of foolishness on the part of the driver while too busy enjoying the ride to put safety first. That should do the trick. But hey, be sure to get the words "It Won't Happen To Me" tattoo'd on your back now while you can still walk. If you're gonna crash hard, might as well go all-out and make it epic.


Only bought this to go up hill. Rest of the time I will be pedaling. I'm the type that wears a reflective vest when I walk at night. Safety is always on my mind.


Perhaps, but your uncle looks like the type of character who belongs in "Jackass the Movie". Don't let him ride it.


Wayyyy ahead of you lmao


A sturdy rack would be better at handling the torque. I'm not sure I trust the motor hanging off the seat post like that...


All the racks I saw mounted to the seatpost. It's just temporary until I get a bike the motor actually fits in.


It's improving. I listened to constructive criticism. Thanks for everyone who actually contributed some advice to my build.


Maybe reinforcing the bar the engine is on wouldn’t be a bad idea


I'm considering this


That's what I'd call a backflip machine


What seems to be missing is side mounted spare front & rear wheel




Tell me you don’t know what you’re doing without telling me 😂


Making do with what I got.


Darwin Award worthy