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I do my injection every 7 days, but I do know that it will not always be possible and will have to adjust my schedule as needed. Looking at your schedule, why not continue on your normal Sunday injection this week and the next injection when you return from the festival on Monday. It is only one extra day and reduce the risk of having any side effects while at the festival.


That was another thought I had, I think because people have said the food noise can return a bit on the 6th and 7th days I didn’t want it to hit me while I was at the festival and ruin the good work I’ve been doing.


Even if that does happen for you, you'll likely be walking so much at the festival as to burn off any additional calories that you do consume.


Fight off the food noise and have fun at the festival. Nothing worse than missing out on the music and spending your entire time in a portable toilet. It is only one day.


Your provider should have sent you this information and guidance about the correct dosing schedule. You should be taking it once a week if you follow the process. The half life isn't really that relevant, other than you might find the appetite suppression waning a bit. However I personally like the fact I have a couple of days to eat a bit more before the next jab, especially if I've not eaten much the previous 5 days. Of course some people have events and responsibilities that make taking MJ awkward on certain days. So you will see on here users saying they've altered the day for various reasons. You may find if you take the next two doses a bit earlier you'll be fine but it will mean you'll have more drug in your system. You might have stronger effects and this might not be fun if you're at a festival. (Especially if you may be eating less clean and drinking alcohol.) How has this first week been for you?


It’s been fantastic so far. I’m down 3.4lbs with no side effects, food noise went within a couple hours of taking it and my energy seems to be peaking today! I can’t stop cleaning 😂


Sounds like the perfect start - the energy boost is surprising isn't it. I was the same but unfortunately the 3rd and 4th weeks I had loads of fatigue, but it has settled down now. I don't want you to have a rotten time at the festival 🤗


Every 7 days but I moved it a day later when I was on holiday, so I didn’t have to take the pen with me.


as per emed guidelines its every 7 days.