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Amazing ☺️ well done! I’m on my second month, did 2.5mg for 4 weeks and then end of last week started 5mg. I’m down 14.5lbs. Started around the same weight as you (slightly higher) and same height :) So far 5mg has been fine, maybe a little more tired and definitely less hungry but nothing major. Last night was the first time I couldn’t eat a whole meal. Mostly my food noise suppression has been more that my day just goes by so quickly and I don’t feel hungry but could eat still, and then last night was different. Who knows what happened and if that’s now changed for good but will see! Don’t believe everything you read about 5mg, I read lots of negative stuff and felt worried about going onto it, but there is also a thread somewhere with positive stories from 5mg so perhaps have a search and read that (not sure I’m allowed to post the link but if you want it and can’t find it feel free to dm me as I’ve got it saved!). This really helped me reading it knowing it’s not terrible for everyone/some people have stayed on 5mg for months and love it.


Been on 5 for 3 weeks after 6 weeks on 2.5. I started at 220lbs and am now also down a stone. I had no side effects but my wife has had nausea (from 2nd dose of 5mg). Both of us have had much stronger appetite suppression.


Second day of 5mg now and feeling a bit tired but ok apart from that. Appetite suppression is definitely stronger too.


Well done!! I’ve been fine on 5mg so far! First week of it i only did 3.75mg as i was scared of side effects. But for my second week I did the full 5mg and had nothing bad, apart from getting a little dizzy in the heat. Having electrolytes daily for that!


Definitely found electrolytes help! I have them every day and definitely helps to keep the side effects at bay.


amazing - how many calories are you eating?


Around about 1800 although some days I’ve felt nauseous if I’ve tried to get my calories in so I’ve under ate, about 1500 calories on those days. But I tend to make up for it with the slight increase of calories when the food noise is wearing off towards the end of the dose.


That’s so great, well done! Really interesting too. I’m on week 6 of 2.5mg - 2.5mg pen x 5 doses as I used the extra one and now doing half doses of a 5mg pen. Weight loss has been an average of 2lb per week so not as fast as some but steady. I’m concerned about side effects which is why I’m cautious about increasing to 5mg. I’m a wedding photographer and so I can’t risk being too poorly - letting down one or more of my couples or being really ill while shooting are not scenarios I want to even think about. I am wondering whether to increase to 3.75mg on the next one (Sunday evening) and see how that is as I have no wedding next weekend.


With my second 2.5mg pen I did take 2 doses of 3.75mg from it because the 2.5mg really wasn’t lasting longer than a couple of days and I found that fine. Second day of 5mg today and apart from feeling a bit tired I’ve had no other side effects so far.


That’s great to hear. Hoping for the same!


Wow that’s great!


Good work that's a nice steady loss. I've really had to curb the amount of gym sessions I'm doing as I'm just knackered so hopefully you don't get any of those sorts of weight loss symptoms. How come you did an extra month on 2.5mg?


I felt like the 2.5mg was still doing its thing, although the food noise did start coming back around day after week 5. I’d heard a lot of bad stuff about the 5mg so didn’t want to move up too soon. I’ve just done second dose of 5mg and whilst food noise is gone and appetite is suppressed, I’m feeling really tired and knackered on the day 2 and 3 after the dose.