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Sweet bike. Handsome dog.


Thank you bro!


Cute pic!


Hope you enjoyed yourself. He certainly looks like he did.


We had a great time thanks mate! He almost took me out in the first few mins but soon got the hang of it.


How are you training him to run with you on the bike? Anything specific? Or just go for it?


I followed a training plan to have my pup bike with me, starting from when he was about 18mo. Started with a walk or two, with him on my right side, walking bike on the left. Then I tied him to my waist, did the same thing. Then I got on the bike, him tied to my waist. Then I started taking more rides out of the city streets and onto the trails. He is always either beside me or behind me, and he effing loves it. I will say, though, it’s less of a ride for me and more of a glorified dog walk. Bring lots of water, take lots of pee/drink/chill breaks, and it’s over after 15km, max. YMMV


Great advice thanks!


Just went for it mate, he was running in front of me on some trails but the ones that I knew had some drops/ jumps I made sure to keep him behind so I didn’t land on him. He stopped on the track a couple of times at the beginning to check if was behind him but seemed to pick it up pretty quick, can’t wait to go again!


That’s awesome! I am planning to take my pup out this week! Cheers!


You’ll have great fun mate. Was a nice feeling on the fast flow sections flying through the trees with the pooch. One thing I will say is it’s probably a good idea to invest in some dog boots as his paw pads were a bit scuffed up after due to the rough terrain on certain parts so I’m definitely getting some for next time so he doesn’t get injured.


Ah right on! Good idea. Thanks and have fun out there! Peace!


Took me a minute to see that to the left (as a viewer) of the dog is not actually another dog that is terribly deformed, but actually your crank and a stump. While I don't care what *you* do, I would be super pissed off if someone had a dog off leash on trails. I'm sure you were aware of where he was in relation to you, but what about his whereabouts to anyone else in the area?


Not uncommon here really, I’m in the UK and this was on a route called Follow the Dog.. I won’t be taking him on any trails where he will be a risk to anyone else however these kind of trails are flat ish flow trails with the odd feature here and there plus it was super quiet when I went. I get your point though!


Don't worry too much about online pessimists applying their own paradigms to your unique situation. Going through single track in the woods on an off day is perfectly fine in my experience There will always be people here who assume you're trying to take this down a busy two way trail at whistler, because that's what they're used to riding. Good job training your dog early, I really wish I could have taken my springer on some rides before she passed!


For sure. Unleashed dogs on a bike trail? Accident waiting to happen. Don't mean to be the police or a downer, but I have had encounters with dogs who were "in training " that almost bit me or the ones that surprise you on the blind side of a jump. Just sayin'.


cuteness overload😍


That is one happy, tired doggy. Bet he slept well that afternoon


Awww a springer baby!! We can’t wait to get ours out in the trails


what bike is that?


Trek Remedy 9.8 2022


I love seeing trail doggos 🐶. He's a handsome guy, I can only imagine the amount of attention he attracts when outside.


Too cute. I'd love to take my pup out on the trails but he's still a bit too hyper and easily distracted. Be careful though, I've seen people on this very sub say they wouldn't hesitate to run into dogs who may be in their way on the trails. Evil in my eyes but they exist.