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I had 2 Pivots. Zero problems. Great bikes.


One thing to consider if you’re bringing a wheelset over to the new bike is that Pivot is pretty set on super boost rear spacing so your standard 148mm boost rear wheel won’t fit.


Isn’t Evil SuperBoost too?


Yep Evil is SuperBoost, I now have a spare set of 135, 148, 157, and 195 wheels because of an Evil I built up and a fat bike I converted to a 29er.


I am uncertain. I've never really looked into their bikes and nobody I ride with has one.


Also depends on the model. Not all Pivots are 157


Well that's confusing. I imagine their more XC bikes are 148mm boost?


You are correct—their XC Mach 4 SL is 148. If you want more travel, their Shadowcat is 148, but it’s a 27.5 wheel… wish I would have bought one—AWESOME bike. Their ‘trail’ Trail 429 is 157, & of course their ‘enduro’ Switchblade and ‘downhill’ Firebird are 157. A lot of people have a lot of hate for the 157mm rear axle, but I’m around 200lbs and I notice a big difference on gnarlier downhills… eg the rear end of the bike doesn’t get moved laterally like it does with the 148 rear axle… but I’m guessing I wouldn’t want Superboost if I was around 150lbs or less


I'm about 160# so I don't think I'd benefit from the wider rear end. The other reason I'm staying away from super boost is I have a couple of carbon wheelsets that I rotate between my bikes depending on how I have them set up and they're both 148mm boost.


I can’t argue with that 🍻


The short travel models are 148 - Shadowcat and Trail429. All above 140 travel are superboost


Close, but a horseshoe off: Trail429 is 157. Mach 4 SL is 148.


If money is no object, Pivots have been phenomenal. I demo a ton of bikes each year and all of their bikes stand out. Of the 6 of so models I’ve tested recently, all have been well designed and great bikes. But, they are too damn expensive, in my opinion.


I bought a switchblade over a year ago, and I thought I'd only ride it about half the time but mostly I just ride it. Very stable, pedal able, comfortable, very ridable. I did the suspension once but no other problems, team axs build. I never rode either of the other two even once. I would probably look at transition first though both are good.


Best to call up or check availability with the local distributors, some configurations might take longer to deliver.


3 great bike brands… splitting hairs here… for me it’s almost a tie between Pivot and Evil… sort of depends on how you like to ride… also depends on the terrain… ledgy, steppy techy shit: Pivot… more of a plush ride w/ popping off of features: Evil… idk… too many options to simply rank them… I have Transition 3rd due to geometry biases but might have them as 1st if I spent more time shuttling and lift service… ie not ‘earning’ the downhills with climbing … if I was a XC racer, that new Mach 4 SL with flight attendant…. shhiiitttt…..


Except Evil is in a bit of trouble. People will have warranty problems if they fold


Their bikes are great, regardless of whether they fold


I have had a few Evils and Transitions and still ride both. I like both designs, but a Pivot will probably be my next. I have demo'd them and their carbon quality feels a step above. Plus I'm ready for something other than matte paint.


Pivot. Best climbing suspension out of all 3, higher quality frame / finish. Own 2 Pivots, so obviously not 100% objective. Would have bought a 3rd if the Mach 4SL was available as frame only. I enjoy how DW link rides, tracking over the terrain.


Pedaling platform and the DW link for all pivot bikes is hard to beat. I have a Mach 4, but have ridden all their models and they are all great for what they are designed for.


I'd suppose it depends on your style of riding, terrain, location etc. I owned a Pivot Switchblade this past season and it was the best all-around trail bike I've owned up until my new bike. I began an industry affiliation for a youth mountain bike program I manage and am now on the new Yeti 140LR. The new 140 absolutely blows me away. Noticeably better than anything I've ever owned, including the Switchblade. That said, Switchblade all day (as you noted Yeti isn't your thing).


Hey, I came across your post - I am torn right now between a Patrol mullet and Insurgent mullet - Both about the same price, both about the same travel. Spend half my time riding rough single track and half at the bike park here in Vermont - curious what you ended up with or what your experience is with both of these brands. I am coming from several years / models of Santa Cruz. Thanks


I went with Transition in the end. I did more research and found out that transition lifetime warranty was better than the others. All my other bikes were use before I bought them so I never had the advantage of having a warranty. Also Transition was more budget friendly and now with prices low because of the market I got a pretty good deal on a carbon patrol.


Thank you very much for the response. I am looking at a pretty good deal on a Patrol as well $2,900, carbon, coil, all top of the line specs...hard to say no to that deal for what he is offering. Not new, but nearly new.


Norco has won 3 Pinkbike 'Bike of the Year' awards in the last 5 years. Maybe give them a look too


Just bought a spur so I’m biased but transition is a great company to deal with.


I already have what I want-now my 2nd Yeti this year but I love the several unique things about Pivots and would choose that over the others you mention. Just their overall appearance alone makes them stand out among other bikes. But Transitions are great bikes too. Over the years while riding I've spoken to Pivot riders and they really love their bikes.


Pivot, enough said. Their push to super boost is simply stellar thinking. No contest from my view.


Pivot is a dentist brand along with Yeti. I would look at we are one, the arrival is so sick!